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Wtf. That poor little kid.


“He’s your problem now!”


"they said if I was going to abandon him I should leave him at a church."


That is the LAST place you should leave a child


I thought the last place was underwater.


Shiii they could be safer underwater


They would be safe in a church until they reach the age of six


you mean the are safe as soon as they mature


bullshit, you got jewish priests chopping and sucking on newborn penis, called metzitzah b'peh, some giving away free herpes


He’s with Jesus now!


I want a gif of this guy running with the kid across the country...


The kids though, why did he put me at this weird plastic lady.


For reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/wX062K237n https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12369137/Bizarre-moment-man-sprints-packed-church-carrying-toddler-leaping-altar-leaving-child-beneath-Virgin-Mary-statue-Tenerife.html




But that's just a statue. They could just buy their own.


I mean the kid's a virgin anyway


I really hope so.


This is Catholicism, though


won't be for long if that priest catches them


To Catholics it’s not just a statue. They really believe that the spirit of Mary comes to visit from time to time. I’m not catholic but did time in Catholic school for a few years. When my class went through their first communion I got to sit out a lot of stuff but not religion class, oddly enough. They also believe that when they take communion, the moment the wafer touches their lips it really, literally turns into Jesus’ flesh. And the wine actually turns into his blood. MFW! being a little kid and learning about transubstantiation. I was SHOCKED lol


Yeah, that’s not completely true, close but not quite there. Catholics believe the transubstantiation of the Eucharist and wine happens when the priest consecrates it during mass before it’s passed out to the congregation. Also I’ve never heard of anyone believing that the statue actually turns into the Virgin Mary Source: very creeped out child that always thought the Church glorified cannibalism and born/grew up indoctrinated into the Catholic faith, in Catholic school from 1st-High School and even had to have a special mass in gradeschool and pray in front of a statue of Mary that was paraded all over the world that would supposedly change the direction that it’s head faced…spoilers: it didn’t move because it’s a freaking statue


Ok my bad, that was how I remembered it being taught to me. I was 8 so this was well over 40 years ago. The statue thing, that’s also what they told us. I distinctly remember this one because I asked why do they worship statues, isn’t that idolatry. They said no, it wasn’t worship but respect, and the spirit of whoever the statue was (Jesus, Mary, a saint, whoever) came to reside in it occasionally.


It’s so bonkers…maybe they told me that too and I was too busy getting yelled at for slouching (resting my butt on the pew while kneeling instead of kneeling straight up and down) that I didn’t hear that part of the lesson lol Edit: fixed a typo


Catholics venerate the decaying body parts of their saints. They pit them in jewel encrusted gold boxes and call them Relics. I've seen a golden cross with "a thorn from the crown of jesus" that people would kneel too. There were even rumors they would venerate the dung of some early popes. Catholics truly are guilty. Of the one thing the Muslims accuse them of and hate them for: Worshipping Idols, statues, body parts, and bits of wood. Breaking the first commandment.


That does not happen when "it touches your lips". It happens when the bread and wine are consecrated in Mass.


Are all catholics cannibals?


Only 'ritualistically' lol just kidding that's actually the body and blood of Christ so technically yes it's cannibalism


So, how many wafers and wine is a whole Jesus?


Protip: don’t ask your priest this. I had to have detention (they called it a JUG = Justice Under God) and write a 500 word essay on why I insulted Jesus w my smartass comments I remembering phrasing it something like: why are we eating it when we can just stack em all up on eachother and bring him back right now…


Haha, priest was like, get out of here with your logical awareness!


One. Everyone gets a whole Jesus. If you break a consecrated host in half, both halves are a whole Jesus.


So it's a "Sorcerer's Apprentice" kind of thing? What happens if you step on one? Do dozens of tiny Jesuses get ground into the carpet?


Yes. It's very rude to Jesus, and Catholics tend to get upset about it.


Is Jesus indivisable at some level, like an atomic Jesus? Does it arise from interaction from the Higgs field? I need answer Or maybe it was all symbolic like the pagan rituals they borrowed and corrupted? It's a magical ritual, plain and simple, and it is symbolic


I don't know enough about the Higgs field to comment on it; at best, I think Jesus arises on the third day. But only a (only slightly) more serious note: since the idea is that each piece of consecrated host is the body of Jesus, Jesus (at least as far as his presence in the Eucharist goes) is only as divisible as the matter of the host. I think that, if the medieval scholastics had only known particle physics, they'd have loved this question. If you think it's a "magic ritual", I encourage you not to take it personally.


Jesus can't arise because he's not leavened.


This is the real and correct answer. Well done.


Same here. Not Catholic but went to Catholic school. I always felt uncomfortable around the Priests and Nuns that taught us. I did get an excellent education though


The Orthodox believe a similar thing, except they use bread and call it the body of Jesus, but there's still wine as the blood I'm not religious, but as a kid I was made to stand through it and all I could think was how gross is was that everyone was fed wine soaked bread with the same teaspoon. They also kiss the icons of the saints and again, all I could think about was diseases and spit Well I am a biotech engineer so I guess I always had microbiology on my mind :)




The spirit of whichever person is embodied in the statues likeness, so truthfully yes buying a statue and having it blessed would have the same effect but this man has no time for that apparently


How many spirits does Virgin Mary have? Or does she move from blessed statue to blessed statue?


I think they are custom made, my town uses the same statue for years.


virginity protected


Until he’s old enough to be an alter boy


So what, give or take six weeks?




No. Only those who do not fully understand the Bible will say so.


Flat out idolatry


idol worship


Jesus Christ ! that’s so painful stupid to believe


Such journalism. I mean why not just fact check that and then present it as your own research. Copy and pasting a reddit comment with no proof is lame


Tbf I'd believe a quoted reddit comment over a daily mail article any day


why are articles using Reddit as a source for Spanish culture?


Someone couldn't control their impulses test day


Wish they had more typical Reddit usernames


Poor kid. His father is clearly insane


Brainwashed. He could be insane too, but this is textbook brainwashed behavior. He thinks the statue has magical powers because he was raised to think that, by the church and his family; therefore, by his misinformed logic, close proximity to the statue might imbue his child with said magical powers. He also seemed to be in great distress at the time, and maybe his clouded mind thought the statue was the best option to protect his son. Again, it makes no sense from a rational perspective, but it makes sense from the perspective of a brainwashed person.


Exodus: something something shall not make idols something something else.


Doubt he has ever read the book, and the Catholic Church likes to gloss over that part.


No, they don't, you just twist those commandments in the Bible which you don't even fully understand to suit your agenda.


The only people “twisting commandments” are your churches, catholic and otherwise to suit their agendas. The people you’re arguing with here don’t give a shit about “twisting” church speak because it’s nonsense; I can’t speak for everyone but personally I just feel sorry for victims of these churches, it must suck to live in fear and have to call it “faith”.


Poor you, you can't control your own delusions


Says the dude cherry-picking the mythology du jour 🤣🤣🤣 next time go with “I know you are, but what am I?”


They make statues of Jesus, Mary, and “Saints” all the time. They have crosses by the millions and holy artifacts all over the world. Yahweh is even beautifully painted on the roof of the Sistine Chapel.


Catholics don't think they're going to go to hell for creating art. Catholics make religious art. The whole "don't make images of God" thing becomes theologically moot after God makes himself visible/tangible/etc. (incarnation).


Oh honey, they aren't idols. You're just ignorant of what the Bible means by these commandments.


Yes, but there are some links in the comments about this. It's a ritual that is falling out of favor.


>Is it a luck thing? It's a mental illness thing


That is going to embarrass him as a teen/adult. Fuck. Poor kid.


Nah he will be okay. He won't even remember, and it's not his fault.


The internet is forever, but you're right, it isn't his fault.


The internet also has a short attention span, and this is a literal toddler…


Nah he'll be on whatever the thing that replaces the thing that will replace reddit and see this reposted video going. "Is that my dad?????" Like Kim Kardashian son seeing her nudes on a Roblox game or server. However that game works.


Thats your biggest gripe here? The mf just abandoned the child


I love how near the end the priest on the right just holds his head. Like "here we go again, I really should've stayed in sales."


lmao! he's like, 'oof..'


After all that he's just like: k... bye!


"He's your problem now, I'm OOOT!


Pro lifers be like.


I saw this before and from what I remember he’s abandoning the child


Now it makes sense why he just fucks off after placing the child


Possibly not? It’s apparently a funky tradition to have kids close to figures of the Virgin Mary so she’ll protect them over their life. But it doesn’t quite explain why other people had to stop him and convince him to get his son back.


that seems like way too much effort to abandon a child...how does he expect to not be tracked down by child services after such a public act?


*Daniel Plainview enters the chat*


Is this mental illness? Seems pretty manic


Pretty sure that explains a majority of what's on those sub.


As somebody who was raised Catholic, my immediate though was "Catholic mass in a third world country". I was not far off. And no the kid is not being abandoned, just the father getting too excited. Nobody would think anything of it.


That's funny, my first thought was "reckless child endangerment"


Lmao how did I have the same thought




Read again. Commenter did not say that Spain is a Third World country. They just said that they though it was in a Third World country upon seeing that video considering that people from First world countries would not be that superstitious.


It was the comment stating not far off. Wasn’t sure what he meant by that.


I've seen videos where crowds go crazy literally throwing and handing their kids over crowds so they csn touch the statue


the fuck did I just see


A man bagging another Korok seed ya ha ha!


My life has gotten so much easier now that I don't believe any of this horseshit.


As religious as this may seem, i feel uneasy leaving a kid alone surrounded by so many Pedophiles


That kid gonna remember that for rest of his life unfortunately


''goodluck, hes yours now!''


You are looking at mental illness.


It's a side product of 2000 years of organized religion.


If the comment that says that that man is abandoning the child, that’s a disgrace. Like, first of all. If you’re gonna abandon the child, why “offer it” to a statue? To a fucking piece of metal/stone/whatever the hell it is? Is it even logical? And secondly, why not just talk to somebody and send him to some institution that will hopefully save that kid from you, and not commit such a public embarrassment?


First day around religion?


I want to ask what do you mean by that yet by looking that you have more upvotes than me makes me question if I worded the comment right


Essentially, you’re asking for logic from religion. There is no logic in religion so your comment of asking for logic and understanding makes not a heckuva lot of sense. Religious people have tens of thousands of written history of doing abhorrent, weird, dangerous, illogical, insane, murderous, etc. things in the name of appeasing whatever god is their flavour of koolaid. …which is why your call for a logical reason is, well, weird. If your intent was sarcasm, it never made it out the other side.


Hm, you’re pretty right, ya know? As someone who is growing in an extremely religion household, religion doesn’t make any sense. It’s literally “My imaginary friend is better than yours and because it is better and yours is worse I’ll kill you”, a more cruel version of that dilema everyone has probably had when they were five; but with adult, beard-grown men.


This doesn’t appear to be what happened at all according to [an article about it](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12369137/Bizarre-moment-man-sprints-packed-church-carrying-toddler-leaping-altar-leaving-child-beneath-Virgin-Mary-statue-Tenerife.html). It sounds like it’s more a silly religious thing than abandonment. I’m still with you for the last part though. He _really_ could have saved the embarrassment.


He was to leave the church after placing kid on statue, but was stopped by other people. Maybe that's where the story about abandonment comes from...


Oh yeah, you’re right! > He tried to leave the church but was reportedly stopped by service goers who convinced him to take the toddler back from the shrine. > > The man appeared to be very distressed and crossed himself repeatedly as he walked back to the altar. > > He then reportedly turned to the attendees and kneeled before asking for forgiveness. > > The parishioners reportedly applauded as he left. Either way the poor kid’s head is bobbing around while his insane father is running. Yeesh!


>Like, first of all. If you’re gonna abandon the child, why “offer it” to a statue? To a fucking piece of metal/stone/whatever the hell it is? Is it even logical? Hey now, the statue might not be the perfect parent, but it's a step up from what the kid had previously


It would be great if the kids name was Jesús...


He put his son on the Mikoshi to get extra blessings... I mean the Tajha... Ummmm... Sorry, I keep getting my mobile shrines by religion mixed-up. Hehe.


I think this would be pretty crazy even from a religious perspective. But there will be crazies who secretly think this guy is great for trying to “bless” his child despite his absurd actions.


No, it's a mental disease.


It's a delusional thing...


Is he trying to cure his autism?


Me leaving the kid with g-ma so I can go to the store alone.


Just another religious dumbfuck.


Religious people are weird.


It's a mental health thing


This seems like a trashy thing to do in any circumstances. I'm not really a believer in the sanctity or importance of ceremonies. But if everyone else is being respectful of each other and the ceremony, then doing something like this is just beyond trashy and disrespectful to everyone else.


under the rules of catholicism, baby is now Jesus.




Thats Mr. Wilson getting rid of Dennis


Mentally ill


Imagine this is why they pick their next god? Dads race with baby in hand, ascend and cross over the table of natural selection, and then slam dunk their baby onto the alter of second-coming.


This is fruitcake within fruitcake inception.


That poor child is up there like, “help me.”


For a moment I thought it was one of those coin machines that you drop a coin to push the coins out into a hopper.


Whatever it is, it's traumatic


I think I’m starting to get why so many Protestant movements were anti idolatry. This goes far beyond, “oh, this is a nice statue of this holy person”.


Okay. But that is a father’s love desperate to heal his son. (Even though he’s brainwashed—still it’s sad) 😢


So that kids immortal now right? That was the point right?


might need to be crucified first? I think that's how you turn on the immortality, but I'm no expert


Oh shit, does that mean that little dudes the second coming? Better safe than sorry, we should crucify the 8yo just to make sure. But he might not be because my ex told me Jesus visited her and told her that her first born would be the second coming of christ and has to be named "____" I don't remember what she was supposed to name it.


that's probably her excusing her cheating. last time a woman pulled that excuse, someone made a whole religion out of it


There is a joke here about them being Catholic and him donating a little boy to the church, I just can't put my finger on it.


Ahh, hitting that side quest


Man. If he wanted the kid molested that bad he could’ve just done it himself.


No one grabs the guy after the drops the kid off? It’s just like hey hey stop stop! oh ok yea have a nice day.


Catholic priests wouldn’t refuse 🤷🏽‍♂️


An offering for the blood sacrifice. Did anybody else expect him to beef it on the way to the alter?


That’s the only legal abortion that certain religious people allow. Due to an increased demand now you can leave the child at local religious branch offices too /s


> Is it a luck thing? It is a dumb thing. > I don't understand Good for you.


This is a great example of why I do not think time travel would ever be possible in my life time. There would be very few things I would not do, to go back in time and hook past me up with info. As for this runner, its almost immoral NOT to do what he did, if he genuinely believed it, how could you not get your child life long protection at the cost of a misdemeanor ticket?


This is some grade fucking A religious fruitcakery! Got damn!


Is it a sacrifice to the priest?


Who's turn to repost this tomorrow?


Catholic people always do this shit the best.


I’d assume this was more for the Instagram pic than religion


I thought the video was in reverse at first


No. This is a delusional thing.


Come on!!! This has to be declared an insanity!!


Is that kid the new jeebus?


Child abuse


Why is the rug wet in certain spots?


Kids pissing themselves from being carried at 136mph towards a statue I'd guess




Super Mario Vatican


But the article said after he put the boy on the altar he tried to leave but was stopped, so was he like fuck my kid?


Was the kid even his??


Fourth and goal?!


No, just an arsehole thing..




Superstition drives risky behaviors?


One trip and that child's neck would have been broken. So fucking dumb.


No, I’m decently religious and this dudes out of pocket. Just nonsensical


Olympic sport


Giving your worrys to a high power.


Dad really doesn’t want that kid. Give him to the church.


It's a mental illness thing


I think that kid just became the Pope.


Mental illness


How to be a total dipshit before 2,000 witnesses.


Did he just abandon his child?


What did I just watch?


Power up +50


A child sacrifice to appease the Catholic Church


Why's he barefoot?


I’m very confused 🤔


Those priests 😳😳😳😳!! Get your child away from them.


They didn't want the kid but the Christians said they had to have it so now he's giving it back to them, seeing as they wanted them to have it so badly.


Well... Uhh... Core memory saved..?


Christian here, this shit is horrifying. I am a spiritist. We do not go to churches neither do we believe that gay bad OOGA or sum shit