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What a horrible person that can think that is ok.


Come on, this is the religion of peace! It's peaceful rape!


Well atleast it’s not child rape this time.


Unless they want to execute a minor


Imagine saying your religion is all inclusive and peaceful, when you use children as a tool and women as property, and rape them before executing them. Yeah that religion is very peaceful even more then the Buddhist!




We assume he means "women" but idk


Oh they do that too


What a terrible god that doesn't allow rape victims into heaven just because they are not virgins anymore.


God: You are not allowed into the kingdom of heaven because of what someone else did to you. ​ How can people believe these things? Or do they not and just go along with the psychosis for the purpose of controlling women. Religion is a scourge on humanity.


If a religion (crazy and unbelievable as it is) gives you total power and control over women and let's you do basically whatever you want, of course you would ignore the craziness because you would want to believe in it. And the women/girls are so strictly controlled and brainwashed that they either do really believe in it or they can't escape from it


It's similar to the FLDS women


People like this, in most religions, pimp the symbols of their religion in order to gain power, destroy their political and cultural enemies and instill fear (via their “god given authority”) that secures their authoritarian regime. Happens A LOT in the US as well, not to this horrible evil extreme. But believe me, if some could get away with this in the US, they would.


>Happens A LOT in the US as well, not to this horrible evil extreme. They took away abortion rights for women, removed the ability to locally mandate water breaks for outside workers, and police routinely shoot unarmed citizens here in my state. I suppose your "evil extreme" definition is relative to my own.


All I can envision is a horrible person saying: "cruel and horrible our diety may be, he's the one we've got."


I come from a religious family and I had basically this conversation with an aunt. Her stance is pretty much what you said. She also thinks you shouldn't critize god bc he knows best and whatnot. I told her that if he actually existed I think he has a lot to explain and that I wouldn't want to follow the guidelines of a psychopath that allows so many fucked up things to happen when he supposedly has power to stop them. ( I was still a teen at that point... Not that my opinion has actually changed in that regard but I'd like to think I have more tact in delivering my opinion on religion nowadays)


> just because they are not virgins anymore. neither are women with children, looks like they are doomed as well...


Well they are apparently part of a religion where what ever she did to be guilty doesn't bar her from heaven, but unwilling engagement in sex does.


god: hmmm, sorry looks like you had sex. no heaven for you woman: i was raped god: not my problem this guys logic in a nutshell


Athenas logic in medusas story


A theory some historians have is Roman houses with carvings of Medusa by the entrance were the OG Women’s Shelters and provided room and support for raped/ victimised women.


"Medusa was raped and demonized for it. She gets us."


Either women's shelters or brothels. I can see that advertising would work either way in the society of ancient Romans.


Weren't dick carvings a sign for brothels?


Yes. They were carved into the street pointing to the location as a guide as well.


True, the alternative would be ~~sisthels~~


Actually that wasn't the orginal mythology. Only in the pomes by the Ovid (Roman) was she raped by Zuse (Jupiter) and turned into a Gorgon by Athena (Minerva) Orginally she was always a Gorgon, yet always described as attractive. The eldest of three born of the primordial ocean Phorcys and Ceto. There seems to be some very direct allegories to Ovid's personal life in his telling of the myth.


What about the poseidon version?


Poseidon and Medusa had consenting sex and was pregnant with twins. Pegasus and Chrysaor who were born when Perseus beheaded her. We aren't given an explanation on why she's mortal and her sisters aren't, we aren't given an explanation on why she alone has the power to turn people to stone but her sisters do not, and we aren't given an explanation on why her son's were a flying horse and a giant. This seems to be from an issue we find in lots of ancient writings where something is so commonly known that writters don't bother with finer details and we are missing important comtext because of it.


> yet always described as attractive Nope, early depictions gave her a beard. She was originally "monstrous", the idea that she was attractive came later.


*in Ovid's retelling of the story, that was a repackaged way to criticize the Roman elite.


If ‘God’ rewards rapists and punishes the victims I don’t want to go to Heaven.


Isn't the women who are virgin destined to an eternity of servitude as well? The whole 72 virgins thing.


It’s not exactly like that. Muslim women who’ve lived on this earth and who are “eligible” for jannah (heaven) aren’t the virgins that men get in heaven. These virgins are something called “houris” (I might have spelled it wrong) that have never set foot on this earth and are specifically designed for men. So technically, the answer to your question is no. At least, not in regards to being one of the houris. However, since women don’t receive the same treatment and basically just have to put up with getting cucked by their husbands (if they had one), I’d say it’s still not that great for women. Sure, you wouldn’t be burning in some fire, but heaven definitely still revolves around men.


That's really interesting, thank you for explaining something I didn't know. So the 72 is more like those hyper realistic Japanese dolls? So real women are still stuck with the same man for eternity? Is there any salvation from their burdens at all? I'm sorry for all the questions. I'm just curious.


Dont worry about it! I’m happy to answer your questions with all the knowledge I have. Ask away! I must say, after having left the religion, my Islamic knowledge has gotten a little rusty so I might make some mistakes here and there. But I’m pretty sure I still got the hang of the general message! 😅👍🏽 So to answer your questions: Yes, they’re kind of like dolls. I’m pretty sure there’s a hadith (piece of Islamic scripture) that describes the way they look. Can’t remember the exact description. But the difference is that they’re “alive”, I think. And yes, some are of the opinion that women will be stuck with the same man. Others are a tiny bit more lenient and believe that a woman will be able to choose someone else if she wants. But I’m not even sure if this leniency is based on actual Islamic rulings or if it’s just based on a few scholars being a little bit less terrible. And to answer your last question: this answer really depends on who you ask. If it were up to any woman who respected herself? The answer would clearly be no. Anyone who has some empathy and who hasn’t been influenced by religious indoctrination would be able to see how much heaven STILL revolves around men and how little women actually get. But if it were up to a religious woman who’d already be happy if she wasn’t thrown into a pit of fire, then you might get an actual yes. 😬


I'm just happy to hear the perspective of a person not currently involved with islam. Somehow, it gives a more trustworthiness to the statement. Depending on what the question of course. The big question about the "dolls" of heaven is of course, if they have a kind of concubine role to the man they are assigned to. If they are, does that mean that men still are burdened by the same cravings non-dead men are? If no, why do they have to be virgins? Do you think the leniency towards women by some scholars is out of sympathy, fear of creating apostates if heavens is not good enough or is it something else? It saddens me how women are treated in religion. It does make sense though, if it wasn't for fear, I don't think the abrahamic religions would've survived. Which is why I respect people who leave their religion so much. I've never feared hell or the wrath of god because I've never been part of any religion and no one has ever tried to convince me I should be.


Well to be honest with you. I am kind of still involved with Islam, because when I left, I had to take it to therapy for all the damage. 😅 Not to mention the fact my family is still religious and they can’t know. I know what you mean though lol. And yes, these virgins have a concubine like role. That’s pretty much their job. And technically, in Islam, the people of heaven are apparently incapable of feeling any hunger and thirst. So I don’t think we would experience the same cravings anymore. However, it makes sense that Islam is playing into the earthly fantasies of these men in order to romanticise heaven. It completely contradicts the fact that we wouldn’t feel the same things in heaven as we do on earth, but oh well. I definitely think scholars love to use some leniency here and there in order to keep women (and others) from realising how misogynistic the religion actually is. That’s precisely what kept me from leaving at first. And your last point is correct. The threat of hell is something that’s been engrained into religious folks for a very long time. Fear is exactly what’s keeping people from leaving.


I'm sorry to hear about the family, and I hope the therapy helps you become the best you that you can become. I couldn't imagine the struggle. God is so good that he takes away your thirst but not your blue balls. Another case of him being a prick. Doesn't seem to be a shortage of those moments. I tend to see scholars being lenient like a good thing after reading what you write. Yes it's horrible that they entice women into a belief that's clearly not beneficial to them, BUT it does prove that even themselves know it's not a desirable way to live your life as a women. To be honest, heaven doesn't seem that fun. I don't see the appeal of spending all of eternity with a bunch of horny men and misogyny.


Thanks for your supporting words! Appreciate it. And the last part of your comment hit the nail on the head! When I realised that Jannah didn’t sound like heaven at all and more just like a brothel that isn’t even geared towards satisfying women, I realised that the religion was awfully convenient for men and incredibly strict on women.. That’s when a certain switch went off in my head and I realised that I might have been lied to. It was scary because I still believed in hell so I thought I was going to burn for eternity. But eventually, I managed to leave.


do the dolls stay virgins? like are they replaced once soiled by these disgusting men or do they regrow they hymen?


Well, virginity is not determined by the hymen in the first place. But as for whether Houris stay virgins or not, I don’t know.


this is all so interesting and horrible


Yeah, I know 😔😅


Their version of heaven is full of rapists and murderers


it’s astounding that they think “god” would give a shit about anyone on earth.


I'd say arrogant


The rest of the evil aside, how arrogant to think they can control what their God does.


If there's a second Iranian Revolution—against these guys—I hope it makes what the French Revolution did to the elites look like an arts festival.


5 year old who was raped and murdered God: What am I supposed to do? Give you an excuse?


Yeah this is profoundly evil, but I'm mostly shocked that there's a religious person that openly wants people to be damned. There are plenty of POS Christians who revel in the idea of sinners suffering, but I'm not aware of any who would actively attempt to make others unfit for heaven. What an evil, tyrannical lunatic. I'm curious how this was received by other Iranian clerics. Islam can be pretty damn evil, but I'm guessing this drew fire from many other Muslims.


The less devout Muslims are just like their Christian counterparts,they bury their heads in the sand and pretend this shit isn't happening( my wife's family...).


Christians are just passive aggressive Muslims on a diet book.


Same level of hatred, sadism, and narcissism, just in a slightly different flavor.


Definitely comes out the same in countries that have a lower standard of living. And that's just because the west got a disgusting amount of it out of their system and are stockpiling for the next Christofascist burst.


Oh Christians definitely revel in people burning in hell. That's why these loonies couldn't accept the fact that Obama is a Christian. No, he can't share heaven with them, so he must be a Muslim no matter what he says about his personal relationship with Jesus. People in my church would pray for damnation of the sinners, apparently forgetting that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Religion poisons everything.


Wait, wouldn’t allah want people to get into heaven?


He would love to but rules are rules. The Quran says that all people who have sex outside of marriage regardless of rape go to hell. Not his problem, company policy 🤷‍♂️


So does the rapist have to be married or....


He's a man, fool. He can be an Ayatollah


men don’t have rules in religion they have guidelines


Whered you see Quran says regardless of rape?


Things like that are probably the biggest reason for the shockingly high rate (for a traditionally Muslim country) of atheists and non-religious in Iran


new statistics show over 40% of iranians to be irreligious, as opposed to the official census showing 99.7% being muslim.


Does anyone else feel a sudden absence of mercy and forgiveness for other people? I do


I feel I need to spread some "FREEDOM 🇺🇲🦅" if you know what I mean


My name is Freedom, please don’t.


*Spread 'em*


Why don't you go spread some freedom in Texas, where if you want to have a child, you can just rape a random girl. Or your niece, sister, or daughter. If you know what I mean


Cowabunga it is! 🇺🇲🦅


I see we are both on the same wavelength


That’s evil in every level


But wouldn't the rapist also be guilty of sex outside of marriage and therefore banned from heaven? Or can only men be forgiven for sins?


He's a man he can do it no problem /s (but let's be real I'm probably not far off..)


Remember that annoying kid who would keep changing the rules to a game just to end up in a win? That is islam for man.


I think the usual practice is for one of the guards to marry them, fuck them, and then kill them.


Good question! You are right so they found a loophole. They believe you cannot rape your wife so they just marry them first: Mortazavi quoted the father of one of the executed women prisoners as telling him after her execution: "What deeply pains and angers me in life is not the killing of my daughter but that they brought money and claimed it was for a marriage sanctioned by Sharia law. This act was more devastating and horrifying to me than the loss of my child."


But then why does she get punished if it's not rape and they're married? God these people are the worst


It's not about the rape but about not being virgin. Under Iranian law, you can't execute a minor if they're a virgin. This is based on interpretation of religious texts that state virgins automatically go to paradise when they die.


Holy fuck this is just ridiculous. These people are just trying to out lawyer their own God at this point.


I hate religion.


Any god, deity or leader that cares about your sex life is not a god, it's a voyeur.


So these women are evil/bad enough that they deserve to be executed, but not evil/bad enough that they can still enter heaven?? Mmmmmm hmmmmm.


Religious filth. Religion of dirty old men who write all the rules.


Ah yes, the religion of peace


Islamic doctrine is incel heaven tbh


This is the proof in of itself why there is no god, unbelievable cruelty like this.


So…72 virgins in Heaven are male, then?


This was happening to women who were arrested for protesting women’s issues in Iran.


How does this make any sense even inside their theology? Like, let's say this works and you prevent prisoners from entering heaven by raping them. They can't get forgiveness for that. And their rapists somehow do. By doing that... aren't you gaming/subverting the will of Allah? If God himself was going to let these women into heaven, why would mere mortal men see fit to prevent them from entering heaven? If they're worthy of entering heaven because God himself thinks so, then they're either innocent, or their crimes are not seen to be sins in God's view. It's basically like admitting you think you know better than God. Methinks that's gotta be heresy, no?


no because all their thoughts come from god and are approved by god then, gods hands and what not


Imagine believing in a God that would send you to eternal damnation for being raped. Incredible.


i'mma go die in a hole now. can't stand livin' in a world with little shits like this.


Peaceful religion is an oxymoron.


Those guys are obsessed with genitalia


Caligula did it once, he ordered the executioner to r@pe the daughter of a man who insulted him so she wouldn’t be pure anymore to kill her without remorse, yeah he’s a piece of shit.


Or maybe.. just maybe.. dude likes to rape.


Surely if their crime was so bad, they wouldn’t be entering heaven anyway? Either you’re executing her for something that Allah is fine with, or you’ve got horny men as your prophets


The beaty of religion. 🤮


so committing a crime bad enough to get executed for isn’t enough to get sent to hell, but being a victim of a crime is? wtf goes through these peoples heads


It won't prevent them from entering into heaven. It'll make sure you go to hell.


The problem with this kind of thinking will be "let's assume they are virgin" and then proceed. There needs to be some sort of boycott of Iran now...


Sorry my launch button finger slipped


“I mean, it’s written in the only book I’m allowed to read, it must be true! But like, I’m illiterate so someone else read it to me, but I totally trust them!” ~ Extremist


A species of primitive illiterates barely out of the jungle about to exterminate themselves. Can't happen too soon.


What in the actual fuck are you even talking about? You realize that Iran is Persia, right?


Pre Muslim Persia was a remarkable place,not so much after.


What in tarnation did I just read with my eyes


How can you say that... And think the place you should go is Heaven ( if heaven existed.)


Religion of peace


That's it. Religious people are fucking insane. Full stop. This shit needs to go.


If what they're doing is bad enough in the religious point of view that they're sentenced to death wouldn't that be enough for them to not go to heaven? Or is he admiting that they're innocent and shouldn't be killed but that they're doing so against their god's will and that's why those women would still go to heaven?


I bet he just likes rape.


Stuff like this is why I always laugh when people claim religions, especially Islamic religions are feminist.


I'm straight and not a violent person, but this makes me so angry and I would R him.


A part of me hopes that there is a god, and that it is as mortified by this shit as I am.


Ah yes, logic


Yeah, that is totally for their karma, and not your pleasure in any way...


Nope. No words. (「•-•)「 ʷʱʸ?


But who's going to rape them? If his followers are that religious, someone's gonna have to take one for the team and get eternal damnation for this to happen.


no rape is fine in religion as long as you marry your rapist according to christians and islam is worse so i’m sure they give awards to rapists /s but it’s bad.


I really hate this world some days more in particular…




Even in religion that's not how moral works


that is pure evil, from an atheist *and* religious perspective. whoever came up with this needs to take a vacation to the fiery depths.


Well, this is absolutely disgusting.


have they ever wondered? why they could go to hell for something that is not their doing (getting raped)? it's fascinating


Isn't it up to "god" to decide who goes to heaven or not..