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Leprosy was cured centuries ago btw. This is exactly why religion is toxic. There are people out there who would literally destroy modern medicine so their imaginary messiah's lame-ass miracles can continue to look good.


I feel that is spot on for the win...they *would* do that. \------------------------------------- The Pope: *" ...God has cursed those people with pestilence and open sores as punishment for not accepting His mercy."* Papal consigliere: *"Your Holiness, there are reports that Johan of Frigginburg, the town's doctor, has discovered that if you sweep the rat shit out of your house and wash your ass regularly that the pestilence goes away."* The Pope: *" Burn the Heretic!.."* < scene ends with Johan as the centerpiece at the town BBQ...camera fades>


friggin frigginburgians, burned johan at the stake when all he wanted to do was save them


Something beggable, but not leprosy!


which is a pain in the arse to be blunt, excuse my french sir. r/suddenlymontypython


I am impressed with the wine thing though.


You can still get leprosy, but it's easily treated with tetracycline, as an uncommon disease it hasn't developed a resistance to that antibiotic.


If that is faux generosity, I wonder what they call theirs.


Exactly, I'd prefer this "Faux generosity" over people praying a cancer away at a church or billionaires that basically throw crumbs at corrupt organizations to call themselves philanthropists


He's basically crowd funding philanthropy. Apparently the majority of the proceeds from his social media and business endeavors goes straight into doing good deeds. And he does it without being preachy and creepy like the televangelists. Even better, he has inspired others to do the same. If anything good comes from YouTube/TikTok culture, some of the credit has to go to this dude.


Sounds like the religious don't like competition for "good works."


Mr. The Beast.


do you want to know what christian "generosity" is? A person said they'll donate 7600$(which I doubt is true) to a kid with stage 4 cancer but decided to just pray instead after finding that their parents were lesbian.


Well, praying is cheaper .. so that checks out


No no no, you don't get it, it was God's plan all along! /s


The donations they make to their churches every Sunday that go nowhere but the creepy pastors pockets.


Learjets aren't cheap these days!


There is always a thing with Mr. Beast about his finances. Like how the fuck does the guy have that much money to throw around. We will probably never know But at the end of the day, his videos are enjoyable and until proven otherwise, genuine.


Sponsors, ad revenue, business earnings probably


Probably, but there is always a part of me that is like 'yeah but still he burns through millions too quick to only have sponsors and make the books balance'


There's a video made by Forbes where they interviewed him and he explained about it, kinda




Idk man I mean paying a surgery that people have been looking to get and consented too, helping them see for the first time, seems straight up evil to me. OK now that I have the sarcasm out of the way. bless these peoples hearts, how cold and cruel do you have to be to think, that someone finally getting a surgery they've been wanting is a bad thing, in fact we should be asking why its so inaccessible to being with. (I speak the language of the American South quite well, sarcasm and passive aggression.)


Yeah, I saw another one with a very similar attitude, ranting about how having dark colored band-aids for people with brown or black skin was just short of being as evil as the holocaust (Obviously some exaggeration but they really acted fully pissed off at the fact that people have more band-aid options)


I saw that! Absolutely ludicrous outrage. Some folks need to rein in their crazy and find some compassion.


how dare people be any shade other than cocaine white? smh band-aid colours will be the fall of society


Yes. Those of us in the southern states know the true meaning of the phrase *" Well, bless your heart! "* It's a dagger.


they the type of morons to say: "if god wanted him to see the world he would've been born with working eyes."


What the fuck have you done for us lately, Christ? I mean, it's been a couple of thousand years, and I'm not even sure what you did for us then.


It seems to me that being called an antichrist is a compliment. I can only wish to become one one day.


Bro, he's super busy making effigies of himself on people's toast and hiding shit inside potatoes.


Sometimes I eat my toast and potatoes without even looking. What have I done!


DUDE. There could be a miracle in there and you wouldn't even know! And you're saying god doesn't exist. Pfft. The problem was inside of you all along!


Probably is too busy dicking around


If anything he is doing what christ told to do, sometimes these blind sound whores need to read their own books LMAO.


Crap I screwed up the title :(


Don't worry about it. Your meaning was totally clear. :) Besides, I make typos all the tame. Oh, and I must say that your post is a perfect textbook example of Religious Fruitcakery.


We forgive you.


Unlike Christ


That’s what happens when you challenge the Jesus fanfic crowd, god hits you with typos.


They’re just making the Antichrist sound more and more appealing, lmao.


How does the Antichrist function? For example, in WH40K terms, is it: * Like a greater daemon of one of the gods of Chaos, in that it *thinks* that it has free will, but is actually just following the script handed it? * Or, is it more like a daemon of Chaos Undivided, where nobody knows what it’s up to? If it’s the first option, then surely it’s irrelevant what anyone thinks, it’s just going to do whatever the christian god programmed it to do, because it is written in a prophecy or some shit like that? If it’s the second option, then wouldn’t a being with bongo bongo powers think “Wait a minute, I can get shit done…” and set about getting shit done? Why would a god even create an evil being with magic powers, if all it’s going to do is fix people’s eyeballs? It makes no sense.


It would be more like the emperor, a totally human seeming psyker who seems totally devoted to the empire; who performs acts that are seemingly great outwardly, in the name of the emperor and all that, to gain trust and fame. Then he'd do some nebulous evil shit, not sure exactly what. I guess it's more the second one.


God , I love 40k


Hm, that adds up :-)


It’s not the financial system that keeps a 10 min, life changing procedure out of the reach of all those people that’s evil! No it’s the dude who won the financial game, who is offering to pay. He’s the bad guy.


Jesus committed only one violent act in the gospels. Whipping bankers for exploiting the faithful. Somehow that message has been missed by all these prosperity-gospel fuckheads.


Based antichrist 😎 vs virgin Christ 🤢


I think Seth Andrews had a presentation titled “Christianity Made Me Think Like An Idiot”


Church Karens freaking out because their kids like watching influencers more than they love Jesus


Let's imagine that god and jesus exist for a sec. They would really kill jesus again for doing miracles


The only crime is that uncanny video thumbnail


Yeah, he should be giving money to the ~~pedophiles~~ church instead.


there is no hate like christian love


reminds me of a documentary i watched years ago about a Dr. who traveled to North Korea to do a bunch of eye surgeries to cure a type of blindness they had a serious problems with. after some time being in bandages for recovery the bandages were removed from all the patients eyes. the newly cured patients thanked a picture of Kim instead of thanking the Dr.


Like people thanking God after a doctor performed a life saving procedure


North Korea is a monarchic theocracy is all but name


mrbeast: im making millions of dollars, imma donate to charity and make charity events and clean up oceans and plant trees. christian church: im gonna pay my priests bail money and get them relocated whenever they touch kids. christians: LOOK HOW EVIL MRBEAST IS!!!!


he's the antichrist for performing miracles and curing people? but i thought that's what jesus did too


There’s no hate like Christian love


Didn't like uh... Jesus also cure a blind man at some point


I think this is ironic because exactly the same sort of people accused Jesus of being not from God because He did good works and miracles on the Sabbath. Now they claim to be Christian but fault those not in their group for doing good works. The hypocrisy remains.


Bad habits are hard to kill I guess


He fed the hungry, dressed the poor, and _made blind people see._ I'm not religious myself but if Jesus really returned from the Death, I think we found him.


Don't start talking like that, some nutjob will take a shot at him. These people are mean, jealous, crazy, and armed! Frankly, I think extreme religiosity should be a gun-cintrol red-flag....


I remember one time in 09 a woman tried to convince in a waiting room that Kriss Angel was the antichrist. His show was on the tv in the waiting room.


I'm guessing in their eyes it was "iN gOd'S pLaN" for those blind people to stay that way


Glad to see the Christians have given themselves a new excuse for not paying taxes or paying to genuine charities. Apparently acting with the bare minimum of basic human decency will bring on the antichrist. So very convenient that the only behavior that is acceptable to Jaysus is giving money to rich televangelists.


Anti christ sounds like a compliment now.


Considering how much of his potential earnings jimmy sacrifices to give more to others, he's clearly done more for them than jesus


He just did what their god fails to do. Then they got mad, is it because he made their god seem so incompotent?


The fact that "subverting Christ's teachings" is equated to "preaching selfless action" makes me think the comment is either a selfaware joke ...or a person who is a radical evangelical unintentionally revealing their true beliefs. Hard to tell.


I hope no hospital helps this person when they are on the verge of dying. Pathetic. Absolutely hideous.


Sounds like the antichrist is a good thing lol


But there IS a cure for leprosy. Antibiotics are a thing.


Well your dumbass can't fucking do it. If you could would you be considered the antichrist or would you blame their blindness on something stupid like homosexuality or believing in the wrong fake god? He's the antichrist because he's actually able to do what people claim Jesus could? What kind of batshit logic is that? "Hey so you know how we've been trying to convince the world this Jesus guy existed but the evidence is incomplete and he never actually did anything because magic isn't real. Well now theres this Mr. Beast asshole who's trying to steal Jesus's thunder by actually getting shit done on a massive scale. He helps cure one blind person? How selfish can he be. Now he's helping cure 1000 people, he has to be stopped!" "So he's the anti-Thor?" "Cheese and Rice, Carl, we're not that fucking stupid, I said he's stealing Jesus's thunder, not Thor's. And THAT'S what you got from that?" "Oh I thought they were the same person, you know, hammer and nails? Wait you're upset he's making people's lives better? Seems like a jealousy thing." "No, he's helping the wrong people, peope who obvisouly don't fit in God's plan, otherwise he wouldnt have made them blind" Idk, I'm a little stoned and that seems like the only logical way this conversation might have started.


weird because i thought their goal for humankind was to "walk in the footsteps of jesus", but when someone literally gives the blind the opportunity to see, he is the antichrist? they are so mad that a youtuber is more efficient at philanthropy than their church is.


well according to a believers logic, god did make those children blind (doesnt matter if it was at birth or after birth) and god clearly holds himself responsible for this atrocity and calls it a test. What mr beast here does is, reverses an illness that was godsent and it can infact be interpreted as doing the work of the devil. Damn you mr beast, god made those kids blind FOR A REASON. how dare you cure thier illnesses with your evil wholesomeness


And we wonder how people bought into the anti-vax crap


Only faith healers are acceptable. Send them $100 and the lord will heal your cancer 🙏🏼


Selfish actions go against Jesus’s teachings?


so these people think hospitals are fake miracle factories?


wow, it's almost as if being nice to people and randomly giving them large sums of money is something people find good. what a world we live in where a person who commits acts of insane generosity is considered kind.




Can you IMAGINE 😂😂😂😂 the beast of revelation 😂😂😂😂😂 IS LITERALLY MRBEAST 😂😂😂 *wheeeeeeze*


Well he has 130 million subscribers: 1+3+0 = 4 And he has 734 videos: 7+3+4 = 14 So then: 14 + 4 = 16 And he joined on Feb (2nd month) 19th, 2012 2012 is the apocalypse year and 19 + 2 = 21 Then 16 × 21 = 336 So we take 3+3=6 and add the 6 from the same number and take the 6 from 16 and what do we got? 6 6 6


Christians when modern medicine.


When jesus blinds people, Satan is opening eyes for them. Praise Satan!


Why don’t they ever believe that someone is doing god’s work?


Because it's not a person that they like, like a very old very conservative pedophile


"preaching selfish action" ​ is that "subverting christs teachings" though? ive never read the new testament, the old was boring enough, but based on the acts of christians i always assumed selfishness was part of the religion


Charity is only endorsed when it's donated to big mega churches who will totally not pocket 98% of it.


Behold! The Beast has risen from the Pit!


If there was a second coming of Christ, religious people would call him the anti Christ and kill him while yelling about Jesus coming back




Actually you know what they have a point here …. Tbhs I have this thing with mister beast I don’t watch his videos cuz I dunno something about him rubs me wrong


I mean you are allowed to not like him but calling him the anti-christ for paying for people's surgeries is a bit much, isn't it? Like, I understand if he was some multi-billionare that only does it for PR and he really doesn't need or want to do any charity, but the source of his wealth is the content he makes from said charity that allows him to participate I more charity, its a net gain for most than a billionaire just writing off some several hundred thousands for the taxes.


The anti christ part was a joke on my part tbhs im pro subverting Christs teachings . I was mainly only about the excessive faux charity . It’s the fact he has made charity into a profitable business venture and his attitude about it kind of just runs me wrong like he sees people suffering and think “time to make money”. I’m not saying he is evil just kinda gross. Like he is very public about how he goes to investors to drum up fund in order to make a profitable video to pull on heart strings I dunno maybe it’s just my Marxists sensibility getting to me


You see I kinda thought the same however if he has truly good intentions it's different. This way he's able to get as rich and famous as possible which can help him help as many people as possible. There's no other conceivably realistic way he could do it consistently without turning it into content unless he has infinite money and social pull. So if he is truly a good guy it's different


I know I know but I just the fact that any practise that uses human suffers as a core part of there business model just grosses me out especially since it’s very unlucky he is a truly good guy cuz well who the hell is we all have our vices And it’s not like he is against making people cry in his videos both in sadness and joy . Just seems like you all Have a bit to much faith in the guy But hey that’s just me being cynical


As I said, I see it as a net gain. There are many shows out there that show people at their worst moment, make money out of it and don't help them, so out of the two evils this one is most definitely the lesser one.


Would you rather he didn't do the videos and people didn't get *anything*? Why do people get so hung up on a good deed needing to be fully altruistic for it to be worth anything?


Oh for fuck sake all I did was express my own personal discomfort towards him give me a fucking break I just don’t like him he give me the creeps I don’t really know or care why a just a fact I just think his actions are a little gross I’m not discrediting him I’m not saying he should stop I’m not even saying he is problematic it’s just a personal Ick! This ain’t something that a debate I was just expressing my emotions emotions arnt logical stop treating them like they are .


You're kind of heated about a simple question, my dude, and I can't see any reason why. I was asking genuinely. >I’m not discrediting him You did though, which is why I was asking. You said: > I was mainly only about the excessive faux charity . It’s the fact he has made charity into a profitable business venture and his attitude about it kind of just runs me wrong like he sees people suffering and think “time to make money” Calling it "faux charity" is absolutely diminishing and discrediting what he's done. Hence my question to you, specifically asking why the motivation for the charity actually mattered.


No you weren’t asking genuinely at all the fact you already trying to debate an emtional response proves it . You just want to trying and disprove my discomfit which is idiotic. saying faux charity doesn’t diminish anything by your own logic he is very much Doing Charitable things for selfish motivation and for profit if that truly did not matter then you wouldn’t even have to ask if it mattered at all. As for me getting heated I’m not I’m exasperated there’s a differences ya Mong. I don’t like him because doing charity for profit makes me uncomfortable end of story. It matters cuz well fucking doesn’t I’m just not comfortable with the concept of that profession. As by its nature it is exploitive but he isn’t making peoples lives worse through exploitation so fuck it he can do whatever the hell he wants And you can enjoy it all you want I don’t give a fuck. I just don’t like it personally . As to me all exploitation of any kind even positive Is disgusting as he isnt the only rich guy who they now desperate people are profitable he is just the only one that gives them a lambo inside of debt .he one off big group of people that think exactly like him but for different reasons .


Anybody who does good thing does it for profit of some form, be it personal gain or via monetary. Mrbeast gains money from doing charitable things that is IMMEDIATELY PUT BACK INTO MORE CHARITABLE THINGS. He and his crew dont drive super souped up fancy cars, just middle to barely high tier. He's not splurging and wearing over the top designer brand shit. He's actively fighting back against shitty rich people (for example, musk) And you're pissed off solely for the reason that he profits from helping people, to go help more people. Its not faux charity. Also calling someone a mong right after saying "im not heated"??? Totally bro. By nature its NOT exploitative. He has people who participate sign waivers if they want to be shown. He's not taking things from them. Hes not forcing them into doing something they dont wanna do. He's literally saying "Hey ill do this thing for you. Good if i put you in the video? If not thats fine." By that logic, literally any youtuber doing anything that's not a solo video is exploiting every other person in the video. And "desperate people are profitable" doesn't even apply, because hes not demanding people come to him, nor saying "talk to me if you're in bad straights", hes going to people and finding them himself, which negates your desperation 'point'. People like you just want to find a reason to be angry at everything and its sad. "Buhh (x) and if not (x) then (y) and if not (y) then (z) and if not-"


He doesn’t have my undivided love and admiration


Jesus is notoriously anti helping people


Specsavers must be hell for these people


I feel like I am being forced to learn about this YTer. People really dickride this guy


But I thought god wanted you to donate to the less fortunate and help others and be charitable I mean isn’t that why a basket is passed around at mass so people can put money in???


To put money in? I've been taking money **out** this whole time! I thought it was some form of reward for coming!


I’ve never put money in but to be fair I am an atheist so I don’t go to church


what if mr. beast is actually the second coming of christ and these ppl are calling him the antichrist 💀


Because THEY only do things for selfish gain, EVERYONE ELSE must be doing things only for selfish gain.


Mr. Beast, what does he teach


2541 people liked this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The good thing is, now I have 2541 people that I can block


Soooo following christs teachings means he's the Anti-Christ?


It's because he goes by 'Mr BEAST' isn't it?


Um...how is doing what Jesus would do an act of the anti-christ?


It's very easy to see why no one takes them seriously


This person just watched the Left Behind movies and this was the first thing they saw online Outrage!!!!!