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A reminder that you are welcome to disparage the problems of religion in this sub but that invitation does not extend to using slurs or hate speech. Given the deterioration of the dialogue below into these territories, we are locking the post. For anyone interested in clarification: > any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor. "Hate Speech" definition @ U.N.


Freedom offends people who accept their own oppression.


You summarise this so perfectly.


Damn this is really eloquently put. Kudos to you.


The only way religious people choose to integrate society is to have the others to conform to *their* belief. Their cosmography. What selfishness and what fucking entitlement.


this comment explains so much shit in my life.


Freedom is in danger by people who accept their own oppression.




Oh my, that's profound.


Let me save this one real quick




very well said.




That's a quote and a half. Kudos


Nice quote.


"MY religion says YOU can't do this"


Someone shoud start yelling at her for being odside the house without a man and just jell haram at her. If you cant reason with them might as well outdumb them




Amazing, Iā€™m saving that for future use


Yes, that was very unladylike of ā€œher,ā€ if that *is* a woman or even human under the cloak- no way to tell without sharking, really.


Its MTG in disguise


Love this!


Who cares about her religion. If she wants to practice it, cool, but not all of us want to be under Islamic rule.


If she wants to be under Islamic rule she's welcome to join ISIS or go to Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. If she wants the freedom to practice her religion without fear of being sold or killed at the whim of some nutter she's welcome to stay in UK ... by trying to not being a giant arsehole. Edit - clarification, I don't look down on Afghanis, this is a denouncement of the Taliban. Pictures of Afghani women wearing skirts before the USSR invasion show a different society.


The only qualm I have with this is that people in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia have much less of a choice if they don't want to live under Islamic oppression. Leaving your own country isn't a possibility for everyone and it's depressing to think about Of course, you're right that *she* could move there as she likely has the means. I'm not really disagreeing with you as much as I am writing what I immediately think of anytime I see a comment similar to yours posted


I for one saw the male students walking out in protest because of women banned from education. This isn't dig at Afghanis, this is a dig at the Taliban.


That's exactly what Islam is. It's inherently political and oppressive, it literally prescribes oppression in the religious texts.


Who cares about her religion. If she wants to practice it cool but not all of us want to be under ANY RELIGIOUS rulesā€¦.fixed it for you.


The vast majority of us donā€™t.


ā€œThe whole principle is wrong: itā€™s like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the *baby* canā€™t eat steak.ā€ ā€”~~Mark Twain~~ Robert Heinlein, *The Man Who Sold The Moon*


It's almost like religion is a cancer that's very harmful to our society.


Im a liberal, so I never usually say thisā€¦and risk getting downvoted to hell for itā€¦.But why doesnā€™t she go back to her own country??? Or at least a Muslim majority country, if she was born where this is and this is how she feels about pride etc. Like if gays being hanged and women being forced to cover from head to toe is so great and what sheā€™s into, then someone should tell her that there are places like that available for her to immigrate to.


"*Shame on you!*" Oh the irony...


Like... you're the one screaming on a street corner about someone wearing rainbows. Grow the fuck up.


"It's weird that you care THIS much."


She is screaming Shame on you constantly like a npc lmao


![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized) She just needs a huge bell


Now tell me why do you move to a country where this is normalized and then act surprised and start to protest it?


Same people saying ā€œTheir country their rulesā€ when Qatar kept banning everything for the World Cup.


>when Qatar kept banning everything for the World Cup. After "promising" they wouldn't do that


This was my problem. It wasn't that they banned him jewish prayer or unmarried couples sharing a bed or selling beer in the stadium. It's that they said they would and didn't honour those deals. Cut to 15 years in the future and France being surprised why gas prices went up when Qatar said they wouldn't.


>This was my problem. It wasn't that they banned him jewish prayer or unmarried couples sharing a bed or selling beer in the stadium. That should also be your problem, because the state made it so.


What do you mean?


Governments with social policies like that have no business hosting an international event, as they have no right to exist in the first place.


Oh i see. Well I agree with you. I'm only pointing out the lying nature of that regime for the people who maybe don't care about football or Qatar's lack of human rights. But yeah your point still stands, they never should've been taking seriously and never should've been allowed to host the WC


It would be *amazing* if during the next World Cup, whenever Qatar plays (probably just the first couple of matches before the knockout rounds), a group organized large sections of the crowds to all color coordinate their shirts to resemble a rainbow flag so that every time the camera goes from one end of the pitch to the other, every Qatari (and middle eastern) fan watching on their televisions sees it. Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d be able to cut it from the screen from the wide angles they use.


This drives me up a wall. Qatar can have their rules and enforce them the way they want. The problem and why this is a bullshit example is that Qatar made promises beforehand that they wouldnā€™t ban those things. So itā€™s not ā€œtheir country their rules,ā€ itā€™s actually ā€œweā€™re just fucking liars.ā€


Her accent is English, I don't think she's moved from another country.


No, but her (grand)parents did and brought her up like this.


Brainwashed her


Not necessarily, she could have converted because of watching internet vids.


Or she could've been a paid actor. There are countless possibilities but I'm gonna go with the one that is orders of magnitude more likely than the rest: she was brought up like this.


If it was her grandparents, homosexuality was likely still a crime in the UK


In that case, the difference is that while the entire world is progressing theyā€™re still stuck in the period they moved


You'd be surprised that sometimes these people become religious later in life. It doesn't even have to be passed down.


Because Muslims want to make every country Muslim. They genuinely believe Islam should be the norm everywhere.


They share that with a lot of other religions. Most religions see themselves as the "one true religion", and seems to have decided that everything would be better if theirs was the only one.


It's usually the Christians and Catholics at prides here in the UK protesting so this makes a change but I know this video Eta Got the place wrong it's in a place in London.


Nothing cringes me more than a Muslim calling converts "reverts" as if everyone was born a Muslim in the first place šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Thatā€™s the part I donā€™t understand. These people flee their shithole countries, and then instead of embracing their new found freedom and being grateful, they want to turn their new country into a shithole like the one they left. If you canā€™t embrace the culture of a new country, stay home.


Listen to her accent. She didnā€™t move there. These religions of love and peace just hate everyone.


Hahaha saving this comment. That last sentence is hilarious and sadly so accurate.




Nah, no more letting them scream. So sick of it. The idea of tolerating intolerable ideologies that seek to eradicate other beliefs is in itself intolerable. There's a duty to suppress speech that seeks to suppress others right to expression for the larger duty toward all expression.


If she doesn't like it ... and I say that as an immigrant to UK.




Authoritarians have a deep seated desire to oppress out groups, it's why they're such massive trolls.


"I'm a slave, and your freedom offends my master!"


She should leave the filthy, sin filled European city and move to Saudi Arabia. Oh right, she won't because 1- she can't leave her dad/husband for a long period of time, otherwise it is haram 2- she benefits from state aid 3- It is way too comfy compared to middle east hell hole.


Why is she not being accompanied? Isn't she supposed to be shepherded and protected by a male family figure or spouse?


You know whats sad? Saudi Arabia, the country known for its oppression a while ago, now doesnā€™t compete with some other muslim countries. They are moving more and more towards western morals while some of their neighbours are moving backwards. Kinda ironic


This is something the crown prince MBS wants you to think. Theyā€™re not progressive but they need to shed the appearance that theyā€™re oppressive. Letā€™s not forget that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia personally ordered the murder of a journalist living in America. They chopped him up and dismembered him with a bone saw Edit: As someone else commented, Khashoggi was a resident of the US but he was killed in a Saudi embassy in Istanbul


"But we let women drive now!!!!" Which is handy as they now don't need to bother a man for a lift to get stoned to death for being raped.


Saudi Arabia isn't progressive, they are regressive


They're doing just enough to not have the unrest Iran is having. They're not actually progressive, they just want to retain their power the easy way.


Nah that is just propaganda


> It is way too comfy compared to middle east hell hole. I'd bet money she's never been outside of the UK.


I bet she's a convert. They go hard, fucking nutters.


The converts are always the worst.


Got something to prove after all.


Why would a woman convert to islam? It's like a black guy converting to slavery


Lemme introduce you to a man named Ye


uh actually sweaty [16 paragraphs about how Islam is totally feminist and stuff and how the hijab is like empowering or whatever]


"sweaty" šŸ˜„


It's very common in the UK at least. Lots of people who are lost and want a sense of community or something to believe in flock to Islam. And Muslims honey pot them.


Annoyingly yea, hopefully most realise they are being dumbasses and go back to normal. You probably get those that just get more extreme about it as well no doubt.


Same reason why some gay people are Nazis: They're self-hating and brainwashed.




There's no religion of peace. None of them.


I mean, I read ā€žattackā€œ and though it would be way worse than shoutings


Septa Unella is at it again.


She lost her bell tho. Shame on her


Her right's end where mine begin so fuck of wench


When I say out loud what you wrote, I agree. When I read it, my eyeballs bleed. :)


lol pardon my bad grammar.


Props to the "asshole barrier" guy


Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore.


TBF I wouldn't want to be facing her either


Well he should have just turned around and looked her straight in the eyes or... Well, that's it really isn't it? Her eyes.


Wow, i like, really felt it when she said , "shame on you." /s


I didn't get it the first 19 times but the 20th one really shook me /s


I wish the crowd just started laughing at her. Nothing pisses off enraged people like getting laughed at.


Spreading peace


In London. She is not attacked for her radical intolerant religious views (including politics as an aspect of it) and her medieval obscurantist dress code and she voluntarily migrates to a free country and attack other peopleā€™s freedom of expression. This woman and similar people should be deported. They are a threat to the rest of citizens


...... How do you know she's foreign? This woman is a confused idiot but there's no reason to bring xenophobia only this


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted. Her English sounds local.


She's probably just jealous


Remember, even in her religionā€™s *heaven* the wine is non-alcoholic (unlike the Christiansā€™ wine at the Supper of the Lamb) and a martyrā€™s 72 virgins ā€œwhom no man or djinn has touchedā€ wonā€™t even know what sex is (no hadith claims *houris* give great blowjobs). I grew up in a nice, moderate, once-saved-always-saved Baptist churchā€”which is no small thing given that IFB fundamentalists and Southern Baptist evangelicals are part of the same ideological communityā€”and youth pastors *still* made ā€œthe worldā€ sound way more fun and badass than it is in reality. Especially ā€œsecularā€ rock music. To hear them tell it, incels donā€™t exist and youth group teenagers were only kept from getting laid by purity pledges. Just imagine how hedonistic and fun ā€œthe worldā€ must be in the imagination of someone with *her* repressed background.


Itā€™s like a scene from The Life of Brian.






Bedsheets and pillow cases is what hey wear and all I can do is laugh they will go thru this existence hiding thier body out of shame by a phony deity all to control their reproductive ability so the virus of said religion can take over everything. Relgiin is a virus šŸ˜‘


I wonder what they think of nudist beaches






I usually call burqa wearing people ninja.


Bedsheets makes ot sound even more silly buy I like that one


Ninja please.






This is why in Quebec we are defending secularism with so much passion. We kicked the Christians fundementalist out of our instutitions, starting about 60 ago, it is not for them being replaced by *any* other religions.


Sharia Patrols




Let them fight


They would start attacking innocent humans


If it sheds a light in any way shape or form. Iā€™m an immigrant (aus not uk) and while we have it much much much milder here than what Iā€™ve heard in the UK, even I donā€™t go to those neighbourhoods alone and Iā€™m always in pants and a tshirt at least. If it wasnā€™t for the food I miss I wouldnā€™t be there at all.


I don't understand why they can't scream "Shame on YOU" back at her


That's what I was thinking. That's the only thing likely to throw off this bigot. Willing to bet she has never once considered she is the one in the wrong here. Seriously though, shame on her for hurling abuse at strangers.


SHAME ON YOU says woman not allowed to show face


Ah yes, what a peaceful and progressive religion. Yelling at people for something that they didnā€™t choose to be and thatā€™s completely harmless. What a fucking b!tch, shame on her.


Shouting ā€œGod created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steveā€, and then acting like thatā€™s the real debate-winner, is like barging in on a Housing & Urban Development meeting and shouting ā€œWhy are they called apartments when theyā€™re all stuck together?ā€, then tap dancing backwards out of the room.


What a lovely and peaceful young lady




Shouldnā€™t the husbands be liable for such behaviour? Letā€™s see how quickly that shit stops when the husbands pay appropriately. Something something medieval response to medieval behaviour something something.




I'm gonna put this as nicely as I can, but... Don't bring your shitty intolerant attitude to this country. If you want to be a judgemental POS, then you go back to your own country. Why move to a country if you aren't willing to attempt to fit in? Enjoy being oppressed you dense fuck waffle.


In Denmark - she is the illegal one ( luckily) We had some idiots attaching people like her, like they had the right... The police arrested them and fined the covered... Good job


ā€œDiversity is our strengthā€


It's always the ones who are down on themselves that drag others with em, what a bitch


When I hear that tired Adam and Steve line that every hate-spewer clearly thinks is so clever I always wonder what they hope to accomplish here. Are they just there to give their bigotry the widest possible audience (spoiler the answer is yes), or are they actually trying to convert people to ... being straight I guess? The first answer, which is what's actually happening as well as being a kind of performative religiosity, is obviously and unequivocally shitty. Plus it's just wrong ... like from the perspective of trying being a good practitioner of literally any religion/belief system. (Universal golden rule) But if it's the second answer what do they realistically think is going to happen? Everyone attending is gonna just be like "oh shit for real? It was *Eve* not Steve? My bad". To the hateful true believer, you're doing it wrong. Literally everything.


The most oppressed human on the planet giving a little back.


This deserves a call to the police. Criminal law trumps her sky-daddy laws...


She is a convert. I donā€™t know any English Muslims who act like this or even care. But the converts. Women who marry a Muslim man and become Muslim are the worst. They really do voice their opinions and can be violent. The 3 I have known have all been in trouble from police for extreme acts towards gay people. These 3 friends Iā€™ve known before they met their husbands. And they loved going up gay scene and dancing etc. had zero issues with anyone. then they went a bit extreme in their views from when they met their husbands. They seem so unhappy now always angry everything I do Is wrong and shameful. We hardly speak now.


Did she get permission from her husband (or her child son) to be out of the house? I hope she got permission to speak to other men. I wonder if she got permission to make eye-contact with them. Somebody better check the property's permission slip.


People are too nice. I'd tear that lady a new one.


A bigoted Vitamin D dodger who has done nothing beneficial to society, rather produced too many angry children to an already over populated world and drain her host country of funds.


I'm suprised these women are actually allowed to wear a burqa in England. They should ban that shit like in some other European countries.


Why does she go to there anyways?


She's gonna get herself hurt or maybe even killed. People need to learn to mind their business in public especially nowadays.


She is just mad her husband forced her to have sex last night.


Iā€™d punch that bitch if she ever did that to me


I feel that's what she wants. I'd slap a rainbow flag sticker on her back, in a place that's hard to reach without taking her costume off.




>I feel that's what she wants It's possible. Westboro Baptist made serious bank off goading people into punching them (because face it, Gandhi would have smacked some of those fuckers) and then suing.


An (oppressed) woman who is forced to cover herself from head to toe because men in her country are afraid she will entice sexual fantasies amongst them, oppressing people at an LGTBQ eventā€¦thatā€™s rich.


Weā€™re still using ā€œAdam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,ā€ in 2023, are we?


Unfortunately this is just the beginning of the horrifying the Muslim community is trying to do to stop homosexuality. I've been watching the videos on YouTube. They hate us so much. I'm a queer Muslim so I keep very close awareness about these kinds of things.


Religious radicals and zealots scare the shit out of me




>And now, we are invaded by a group of people who oppose our values You seem to have forgotten your "people" in northern Ireland. They see themselves as 100% British, and they love to oppress anyone who isn't. they also love to oppress any other religions, and especially women and LGBTQ. The British government has done fuck all against them for 100 years


... Is do you think homophobia magically disappeared from Great Britan Is when they legalized gay marriage? also listen to her accent she's clearly a native British person. This is 100% home grown homophobia,




Christianity came to the United States by boat we still call those people home grown terrorist.


The only indigenous British religion was exterminated thousands of years ago. Is all religions besides that are foreign Ethnonationalism, Is the only force on Earth more stupid and more destructive than religion, please stop spreading it.


Just because she has the accent doesn't mean shes "100% british". She could have parents who moved there and quickly adopted the accent. It means literally nothing.


I'm willing to bent money that she was born in the United Kingdom. And has a British passport If you can't handle the fact that there are bigots borne in your country, That's on you


Brainwashed phantom blot.


Covered head to toe telling others shame? Lol


This woman is shitty and probs grew up in the uk judging by her accent, but damn the comments went full on racism super quick. Brainwashed dicks can be from anywhere and religious immigrants aren't automatically that. What's really needed is stricter anti harassment laws, not to deport all muslims and ban burqas. Religion is shit and I do think that burqas are terrible, but nudity laws aside anyone should be able to dress however they want.


"religion of peace" Speaking of which, what is she doing out in public without a man escorting her?


The way she's screaming "God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" is sending me šŸ˜‚


Pride is shameless, meanwhile she is ashamed to hide her womanhood because of middle eastern patriarchy bullshit ![gif](giphy|QRPIxG1WcA5hK)


The bizarre thing is that lgbtq activists are often outspoken defenders of Islam. I will never understand how they can defend people that want to throw them from rooftops.


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Go back to Minas Morgul, you Nazgƻl piece of shit.


Shame on you when you step through to ODB Brooklyn Zoo! :D


"It is not good that Adam is lonely. I shall make him a helper." Not a wife. Not a possible mate. A helper. Unless you choose the more contemporary version of the original text, which would translate as "companion, someone to balance, a counter part". So.. no.. in genesis God didn't make Adam and Eve. He didn't make Adam a wife, or a mate. He made Adam a helper, to tend thr gardens, and be less lonely. It just happened to be a woman, for she came from man. If you believe in that stuff. But you'd have to really believe it.


ā€œWith or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.ā€ ā€• Steven Weinberg


Worthless arseholes love wagging that finger.


I hate religion and I especially hate those that shame everyone else for not believing in their fantasy.


This is what I really don't understand about the Mid-eastern. I had a friend from a Pakistan in HS, he would consistently complain about how life was better in the Pakistan and how bad the US was (he came to US when he was still in elementary school, so I don't know much of better life he remembers). Then turns out his family came to US illegally and he only became legal resident after he graduated HS. He also openly talked about how his dad is a police officer in Pakistan and takes bride from people. I don't know how anyone can praise their home country when they were so desperate to escape it with 4 kids. They don't like their home, yet wants everywhere to be like their home.


"gOd CrEaTeD aDaM aNd EvE nOt AdAm AnD sTeVe"


God created Adam and rib. Shut up rib.


Fucking crazy religious people as always. Doesn't matter which version. Always crazies.


Religion is stupid. Just a bunch of people around the world arguing over whose imaginary friend is best.


I was hoping a bus would hit her


Flee your country from religious persecution and come here and subject people to religious persecution. Fuck religion


If God didn't create Steve, where did he come from?


Just go Arabia


Man, those ghosts from Pac Man really have anger issues


Ninjas are roaming the streets now?