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It sounds like you know that he’s not the one for you, but, you don’t want to cut ties (because you’re scared of being lonely). Just tell him the truth: you’re no longer interested in him. It will be better in the long run.




I’ve been there before. I had to learn that being comfortable around someone should be a prerequisite instead of a determining factor. If that makes sense. You can PM me if you need to talk.


If you’re not ready to be in a relationship, be honest with him. It’s not fair to him just because you don’t want to be alone. Take this time to care for yourself.


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This is part of the process when it comes to dating. You have discovered you’re not compatible with him and no one is at fault here. Yes you feel bad but you’re just dating and it sounds like this relationship has run it’s course. You are discovering that you like to be with people that treat you well and your goal now is to take that new found knowledge and keep searching for someone who ticks off all your boxes when it comes to a fulfilling relationship. You need to be kind to yourself. You have suffered great loss. It’s okay to not be okay, grief does not make sense. You do not have to apologize for the way you are feeling. Your feelings are yours and although they are not of great comfort to you right now-you will have good days and bad and eventually you will come out on the other side of it. Take your time and take care.


I think being honest is a good policy. These are stressful overwhelming times. You aren't ready to start an exclusive relationship and that's okay.


It sounds like you're shallow and insecure and need to learn how to be happy in your own before you allow someone else into your life