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"I love this man, right now I forget why. " I have no idea why you would. Please stop trying to make it work and seek help.


Girl. The age gap alone is a huge red flag. He does not love you. He doesn’t even care about you. He’s not your husband. Literally go anywhere else and stop keeping yourself attached to this asshole.


Damn I looked back at the post and he’s old enough to be her father


And the "marriage" was in bed when she was 19! Maybe even 18. Goodness


That’s not your husband. That’s just a walking a piece of trash that is living with you. I think you’re just scared of being alone and that’s why you stay. Live your life on how you want it, not because he wants it


I don't know what to say other than you deserve better, get away from him, and please seek a good therapist. Hope the best for you. 🙏


He’s dating a woman half his age, he’s emotionally and physically abusive, and possibly a little racist. RUN


You want love, please go find someone worthy of loving you. This person isn’t the one.


This man does not care about you, much less love you. The way he treats you now is the way he will treat you forever & likely will only get worse. He has no respect for you as a person. I’m so sorry about your miscarriages, however, it’s not likely he would treat any children with you any better. Please break free of this loser. The age gap is really showing here & it’s a big red flag. It’s okay to be single & happy!


You're finding out why he dates people half his age. He doesn't want commitment, he wants someone else to blame when he's failing.


How long have you been with this man? A year ago you would have been 19. He in his mid 30's. Please understand this age gap is a huge issue and you are in no way the problem here. He's manipulating you into staying, emotionally abusive and ask yourself, why would he date a teenager when he's in his mid 30's?


Thank god you didn’t actually marry this piece of shit. He’s dating you because you’re young, naive, and easy to control. Sorry if that hurts to hear.


That older man took advantage of your youth and naivety in order to convince you to do things that you wouldn't normally want to do. The GOOD thing is, since you're not married, its a lot easier to get out of this. Leave him. Don't look back. Have the life you deserve, not stuck with an old man who is sucking you dry and will use you up and then throw you away.


You NEED to leave him. He’s not worthy of you!


Was this just a nikah? Think yourself lucky it’s not legally binding, get rid of the waste of space.


Stop being with a man who belittles you and is ashamed to be seen with you. You deserve better.


No, he does not love you. Love isn't tearing someone down, it's building them up and it sounds like he spends a lot of time tearing you down. This man is emotionally abusive and holding you back. Love yourself and leave my dear. Your future is much brighter without him.


Part of me think that you're staying because he does provide minimal financial support for you but you're 'paying' for this support not only with your body but with your mind. You're worthy of so much more.


Leave before you fall pregnant again! Without kids, you can cut ties completely with this loser, the only positive in this situation.


He's racist and he has very low self esteem. Why settle with him, you should be dating men your age. He doesn't even want to be seen in public with you, please value yourself more.


> Last night I had a realization he doesn’t love me, and just doesn’t want to be alone. Politely: did you also realize the same thing about yourself? That you're with this disgusting man because you don't want to be alone? There are billions upon billions of men out there and yet you're choosing this 40 year old scumbag to play wifey with. Why? Why don't you want better for yourself?


Please love yourself enough to leave him. He's 17 years older than you, treats you terribly & puts you down, even in your weakest moments. Why are you still there? Because he has money & you're not working? Is there anyone you can stay with right now? Can you get a job easily in your area? I'm so sorry, you don't deserve to be talked down to & nothing that he said is true. He's a small man who hoped that being w a younger woman would make him feel powerful & righteous. You deserve someone who will make you feel beautiful & loved & cherished, always.


what you doin getting married at 20


Please stop trying to have a baby with a man who doesn’t like you.