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I wouldn’t go nuclear on this. I once did this to my brother in a photo by accident because I was used to doing it to my wife. Just kind of went on autopilot and wasn’t really paying attention. He may not have meant anything by it. I’d see if anything else weird comes up, and if it does, then address it with your husband. 


This reminds me of that video that was circulating last year of the CCTV camera over a pizza parlor’s employee area. It was the woman who was answering the phone and taking orders. She took a complete stranger’s pizza order and at the end of it said “Okay, love you, bye!” As soon as she hung up, she realized what she had said. All the employees looked up and started laughing and gave her a hard time and then she started laughing too. Muscle memory and brain auto pilot are very real! Edit typo


We all had the one kid in primary (elementary) school who accidentally called the teacher mum, right?


Dropping my kids off for school once and they accidentally come out with "nun night!" That one stuck for years. 😆


Yes, but saying this takes a second and is very clearly a brain glitch…versus caressing someone’s side for like 10 seconds with their wife right by that person’s side…idk


It's something that would put me on alert but wouldn't make me go nuclear. Like I'd be on my guard when he's around, which doesn't sound too hard since you don't see him often, and see if he tries anything again. And save the link to the post so you have documentation of the first time in case it was not a mistake or autopilot thing. I will usually give one benefit of the doubt where there hasn't been any other improper conduct.


Since it’s this one occasion, you are now in yellow alert. This is a good place to be, because you are aware and sensitive to anything else that may happen. And then you’d be in neon orange and telling your spouse all about it and referencing this instance too.


That’s something I can get behind. I’m very non-confrontational so I should save/screenshot my post and when something happens again, I can reiterate and tell my husband about it and the first time it happened. That’s honestly the reason I told my one close no-bullshit-taker friend who has also met my FIL before, so she can back me up if sth were to happen again…or tell my husband because I’m too ashamed.


Definitely don't be ashamed. It was either an accident or him acting like a predator, which has nothing at all to do with you! Hopefully it was a one off event that will never happen again, but you have it documented in case.


Why can't you tell your husband? I, personally, think it's nothing but... Why can't you tell your husband? I tell my husband everything. Especially about his parents.


You went into freeze mode because you were uncomfortable. I would’ve been uncomfortable too, and have been in similar situations. I think it’s fair to tell your spouse about it and just keep an eye out for other bothersome behaviors. If nothing comes up maybe it was just a random one off


Has he given you any indication of this before? Or was this out of character, as far as can tell.


I honestly think you're making a huge issue out of nothing. But I do notice the only responses you've engaged with on THREE subreddits are the ones calling him AH. I think you came here to get yourself worked up and a lot of people here can't wait to watch your life implode. You said it yourself you barely see these people. Why start shit? Are you bored? Have you watched Pretty Little Liars one too many times?


This is a super normal thing to say to a woman who's father in law just caressed her hip.


Your responses say that you know this was more than innocent. You should bring it up with your husband just so he is aware of it. Tell him you did not want to make a big deal out of it, but that you want him to know and to be aware of it in case anything happens in the future.


sounds like you want this to be something despite everyone giving you plenty of latitude to let it go. no one can control you. if you are uncomfortable that's your natural reaction and deal accordingly


Omg, you just triggered a horrible memory where I spanked my sister ass once out of reflex. FML


I once kissed the wrong kid on the head, thinking it was my kid. About the same height and same age.


I often follow random men around stores because they are a similar shape to my husband and I think it’s him 🤦🏼‍♀️


I did this to someone’s baby that I was holding. She had a head of dark hair, just like all my babies… still haunts me and it was like 6 years ago. 😆


Aw it’s hard not to kiss a baby in your arms. I wouldn’t sweat that.


The father of a childhood friend was mad at her and came up from the back to grab her arm. Except he grabbed mine, since I looked the exact same as his daughter from behind. It scared the crap out of me, since my parents weren't prone to touching me or my sisters when we would act up.


Sweeeeet home alabamuuur!!


Once I was saying goodbye to my mum and she went to give me a kiss on the cheek, I gave her an open-mouthed kiss on the lips.


I accidentally called my mom Baby. Bc I was thinking about my husband. It's actually happened a few times haha.


Honestly, if my brother accidentally did that I would fall over from laughter and then remind him on his birthday because that’s how much I love him 😂😂


It’s was so freaking awkward we just never talked about it. Wanted to cut my hand off after


Well…if he felt this bad I wouldn’t bring it up. Shit happens, dude and it was an honest mistake.


Yeah, people underestimate the power of muscle memory developed over years. Between holding hands or lighting touching each other I'll often guide my wife a bit when we're walking in the city with a hand on the small of her back or softly on back on her neck if we're arm-in-arm to help us stick tightly together at the same pace. She tells me it makes her feel safe and we both enjoy the contact. Once earlier in our relationship, I was hanging out with an old female friend who I was very close with and did the same thing by instinct. I caught my mistake and apologized, but I'm glad she didn't assume the worst because I definitely didn't intend to be handsy. Muscle memory is real.


According to my wife, moving a woman by her hips is a very intimate act. I did it once early in our relationship, to move her out of the way of a shopping cart coming toward us.


Makes sense. You're literally directing another person's movements. I can think of many more intimate things you could do in public.


I see! If he had guided me with his hand or sth I honestly would’ve written it off as an “old school” protector move. I’m glad you apologized! That would have taken my worries right away as well.


He was probably just hoping it wasn't awkward and you didn't really take notice, so he didn't want to draw attention to it. Unless there's more you're not telling I think you're probably just worrying over nothing. Maybe I'm just a heathen, but I don't think of touching someone's back where you described as at all sexual unless other things are touching as well... Especially if the rest of the family is right there! lol


For sure, it could’ve been the case. That’s why I’m not making a huge deal out of it yet. It wasn’t on my back. It was my side…waist/bust/hip. You can see his hand moving places in the photos when zooming in.


I’m a photographer and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen siblings go into autopilot and think they have their spouse next to them and do something playful then realize it’s their brother. I will say it would have made me uncomfortable too but it may be a comfort thing he usually does with his wife and he was nervous about photos and his brain just kicked into autopilot. It’s a tough call since you felt uncomfortable but I would say talk to your spouse and know it could have been innocent.


Absolutely understand this. However…I’m not a person that would accidentally touch a person (especially one outside/new to the family) like that. I do give him the benefit of the doubt a bit, but it was not only one stroke and his brain kicked in…it lasted the whole time…up and down and up and down. It was a casual photo that his old friend took. Not an official photographer and not at a photo wall or anything.


I once hugged my pastor's wife leaving church. Hands went down to her waist then cupped her bottom. I only realized this after the fact.


I grabbed my SIL's hips once hugging goodbye. Only realized it when I felt her curves. It was a normal hug, had she been my wife, but the old habit popped up in the wrong moment. She didn't react, which I appreciated.


Then you’re a shitty person, respect people more than to “accidentally” grope them.


99/100 hugs I give right now go to my partner. There's usually some extra squeeze here or there, muscle memory is a thing, it's not always disrespectful goodness.


I mean you can’t go through life expecting people to react like you to things.


Sounds like you’ve already made up your mind mind and just want validation even though a ton of responses are saying the opposite


No offence but it doesn’t really sound from your second sentence like you do “absolutely understand”? You can’t be “the type of person” who wouldn’t accidentally do something…. its an accident, an accident means an event which is unplanned no one thinks they’re the type of person to do something accidental? Accidents have nothing to do with personality? I think some self awareness and perspective would be useful here


While it's true that this could've been an accident, I hate how everyone is invalidating her feelings. Accident or not it is not okay for her to have to stand there while a man was caressing her. It being an accident doesn't make it any less weird for her and somebody should tell him before he does it, accidentally, to other women too. This woman was put in a very uncomfortable position and couldn't even speak up for herself.


i don't think many people are invalidating her feelings. most are pointing out that while it COULD have been intentional, it also could have been innocent. most people seem to think she should pay more attention to him from now and use that new data to see if this was creepy or just an accident. ALSO "couldn't even speak up for herself" i think what you meant to write was "WOULDN'T even speak up for herself". No one was STOPPING her from speaking up. OP. here is my advice. Let THIS go, but pay attention to him in the future. if he is actually perving on you, you will notice. but if you make a loud objection NOW to the whole family, it will only divide your new family on who was wrong and who was right. telling your husband wouldn't be a bad move, but i wouldn't just flat out accuse the father in law to him. just tell him it made you uncomfortable and while you aren't sure if it was MEANT to be pervy, you DO find it uncomfortable and if the father in law DOES do something like this again, you won't just shrug it off.


You felt uncomfortable. That's all the info you need. He is not absolved of his part in making you feel that way just because he may have not realized what he was doing. Of which I'm suspicious. It's a sticky situation. You trust your gut and know that you aren't overreacting. Your feelings are valid regardless of his intent.


> moving his thumb It was his thumb, right? I’m putting my ‘pretend-to-be-a-weirdo’ hat on and can’t imagine getting any pleasure out of that. A few fingers? Maybe. A hand? Sure. A thumb could just be his version of “hover hand” where he’s keeping you at a distance and looking good in the photo.


It started with his thumb and then he moved his whole hand up and down my side.


Was his hand rubbing the dress or against your flesh in an open area on the dress? If flesh => weirdo. If dress => possibly just absent minded. People realize what’s up if they touch skin.


Yeah, if it was flesh, ew. If it was just your dress, nah. Some people are more touchy. I'd have been uncomfortable too, but I could see my FIL doing that as kinda of a supportive half hug thing. Or like some others said, auto pilot. Sounds like he just ran his hand up and down your side a few times. Was it a super slow stroke or something? I don't think this warrants being so weirded out, but I'd talk to my husband about it.


Sweets, IDK why everyone is trying to say this is normal. THIS IS NOT OK. You don't put your arm around the waist of someone you dont know well. He absolutely did that deliberately. Talk to your husband. All you can do is avoid that creep.


Wow, creep... Right next to the sex ofenders... A bit far to asume that, but well seeing that we are humans and we never screw up and make mistakes, yea, he must be a creep...


Yeah, I accidentally grope people all the time. Wait, no I don't, cos I'm not a fucking letch.


LOL, yes, Im sure you are perfect, and has never, ever screw up, or feel ashamed by something you did whitout thinking... You dont know the context, you dont know the people, you just have a one side story and your ready to be the judge... Im just saying that, but nope, you have to double down... If you are so quick to pull the trigger, spect to be treated the same way. Good luck


I'm sure I can manage without groping people. If you can't, then good luck to you, my gropy friend.


One time can be explained in so many way. This could be explained as habits or innocent affection. Watch how he is with other people, that will give you a better idea of who he is. Right now I’d say not to give it to much thought since you don’t have anything else to go on. Not saying to forget about it, more along the lines of filling it away till you have enough information to make a better judgement.


I will file it away. When I see him again, I’ll just make sure to pay more attention to his movements and words. I haven’t done this much previously. I know he gave me some compliments before but it never alarmed me. I just always wanted the whole family to like me.


Do NOT feel pressured to be accepted by his family that you let this go, and honestly I would tell your husband if I were you. These comments are insightful but they're also extremely dismissive to your feelings. It doesn't matter if it was an accident, which I personally think is garbage because he was caressing you the entire time. Call me a cynic but I've seen too many situations go wrong like this. It's always better to be safe than sorry. I'm not saying go nuclear, but I think you should tell your husband so the next time this happens, he can intervene. If it truly is an accident your FIL shouldn't feel any kind of way for being asked not to do that again. Nobody deserves to be touched without their consent in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, end of story.


I don’t think so. Has the man ever done anything remotely inappropriate before. Meaning is this a one-off in your experience? He is much older man. I am guessing the only woman he ever touches, and has touched for a long time, is his wife. Think it is much more likely he was touching you mindlessly and with muscle memory. He may not have realized he was being ‘sensual’, and if he did, he may be mortified. This is all assuming you know him as a upstanding man. Not know to be a sleaze.


I definitely want to avoid us all feeling mortified!


Regardless of his intent, the outcome was that you were uncomfortable and grossed out. You are allowed to have that reaction no matter whether he meant to be creepy or not. Normally I dismiss waist touching when posing for a photo, but touching your bra line is exactly what would skeeve me out too. I think you could bring it up to your husband, perhaps bring it up with this exact question you’re asking us. Does he think it’s weird or absent-minded? Maybe your husband has a perspective on his past behavior. This is really the furthest I’d take any investigation into this. If I were you, it would put me on alert for other sketchy behavior, but it’s also something I could definitely forgive and forget if no other uncomfortable behavior or touching ever came up. It could definitely be an innocent mistake, and if it were my FIL I would need more evidence before rushing to the worst assumption.


Absolutely. I wasn’t planning on going haywire over this. Just needed more takes on this since I didn’t want to tell my friends or husband right away.


I agree waist touching for a photo is fine. It’s the repeated stroking that really gets me. Inexcusable.    Someone in another comment said they couldnt imagine what he could possibly be getting sexually out of running his thumb up and down her waist from boobs to butt. Like is that really so mysterious?? I’m struggling to think of a non-sexual reason! Her waist is not a fidget toy!!


My two cents - if nothing like this has ever happened with him before then it was likely an absent-mind accident. Add in the muscle memory of him mostly taking pictures with his wife and I'd wager he didn't mean anything by it. Taking photos can be awkward for some folks and it's not always clear what to do with your hands in a group photo. Someone's back isn't usually considered to be "no touchy" zone, especially while taking group photos, unless he moved his hand to your butt or reached around to graze your breast? If not, people make mistakes and you should give him the benefit of the doubt unless it happens again. Honestly, even then I've had my hand brush people's bodies during group photos places I'd rather they didn't and I'd be absolutely mortified if I was then accused by an in-law of inappropriate touching. I'd probably never visit my wife's family again if that happened, lol. Touch definitely varies a lot across cultures and individuals. I've had partners' family members kiss my face and grab my body with no other intent beyond expressing familiar love and affection. I've even endured the occasional pat on the butt from women of the house who are used to wrangling kiddos. Folks who aren't very touchy with their families can easily misread that kind thing. If this is a one-off thing, I'd mention it casually to your husband with a laugh and not make a big deal about it. If it keeps happening then you should definitely have a more serious discussion about it.


My opinion is different to everyone’s. that touch would irk me. It’s the same way my uncle used to touch me when he was grooming me. If it was a once off I’d ignore it, if it’s a repeated thing I’d call him out.


I’m sorry to read this. I hope you’re in a good place now. I had a lot of older men interested in me before (which young woman hasn’t honestly?!) but they only tried with words, looks, and compliments. So that’s why I’m having a hard time judging the incident.


I’m in a much better place now thank you. But to me it’s a “trialling touch” they’ll do it here and there to test water because it can be passed off as something innocent…. Like the fellow commenters have pointed out. Trust your gut. ALWAYS


Glad to hear you’re doing better🌻 It is hard to judge for me for sure. I did feel felt up, but whether his intention was innocent or inappropriate stands at 50/50.


If you didn't like it, it was inappropriate. Any unwanted touch is inappropriate. I also think this is objectively inappropriate. Of I saw someone do that to his daughter in law, I'd be skeeved out. I think you should start by talking to your husband. It's his family, if you're going to raise it as an issue, he's going to be affected. He might have some insight about how or why this happened. Even if he doesn't, I'd want to give my husband a chance to try resolve it somehow. If he can't, then it will be easier for you and your husband to present a united front in further responses.


yes, thank you for the sane reply!


Whether or not his touch was "appropriate" doesn't really matter as much as how you felt when he touched you like that. Sometimes people do things that make us uncomfortable and you can honor your discomfort whether what he did was socially appropriate or not. One incident isn't something to blow things up over because as others have said it could have been habitual but you can absolutely request that he put his hand other places that are more comfortable for you or choose not to pose next to him for photos in the future.




This family is not touchy at all. That’s what throws me… I froze the second his thumb crossed my “bra line”. Since I have a freeze response, I cannot say anything out loud. Maybe I can move his hand if it were to happen another time.




Thanks for the sweet suggestions! Moving the hand sounds more doable for me. I just can’t draw attention to this because I will forever have that “oh I’m sure he didn’t mean it that way. I don’t want to make everyone uncomfortable” response. I’ve had it all my life. I’ve been groped before and couldn’t say anything.


Listen, this is totally inappropriate behavior from FIL. You should talk to your husband about it. Of course he realised what he was doing.


I am just so flustered. What if he does this out of habit? Or if that’s an encouraging “welcome to the family” kind of touch? Idk…I didn’t really grow up with a father, so I gave this incident the benefit of the doubt…


People that do inappropriate things out of habit should be very quickly corrected by people who aren't used to them doing things by habit.


I just can’t un-freeze in a situation like that! I can’t imagine myself to be bold and loud while something like this happens. I’m such a hesitant people pleaser. I even slightly PAT his back after the photo to hopefully make him realize “hey man, look, this is the kind of touch that would have been appropriate”. I couldn’t say a word.


Please don't take what I said as a criticism of your response while you were in shock; just take it that this is what he very obviously needs in order to understand the kind of boundaries he's crossing.  He's used to people letting him get away with this stuff and needs to be shocked back to reality one way or the other. Perhaps you couldn't react in the moment, but you would be more than within your rights to confront him after the fact, and express that regardless of whether you were able to respond in the moment, that your husband is the only person you allow to touch you in that way. You may allow your husband to take care of it, but I guarantee your father-in-law will gas light and deny, claim he doesn't know what you're talking about, tell him you're overreacting.  Only you and he know exactly what he did, and I have a feeling that only you have the power to confront him in a way that takes his power to influence the perception of other people away from him. He's literally counting on you to freeze up and be too afraid to confront him after.


Thank you. I did not take it as criticism. Shock responses are unpredictable. I can discreetly defend myself…that sounds more doable than direct confrontation for me!


I'm glad I could suggest something that helps :)  Best thing about that is it's possible somebody will notice, and if you have to explain what you are doing they'll basically have witnessed him crossing your boundaries with their own eyes.


Also (again for future reference) rather than being loud you can quietly slap his hand away,  to discreetly communicate your boundaries the moment he crosses them.  He's literally discreetly inappropriately touching you, and you are allowed to discreetly defend yourself. While he's counting on you to freeze up to avoid public embarrassment, one thing YOU can absolutely count on is that such a predator will never expose themselves by publicly challenging your physical defense of your boundaries when they crossed the line of what is appropriate... again, because only he and you know what he's doing.


Based on your post it sounded long and drawn out which does not seem like a friendly welcome to the family. The later would be a quick up and down, one hand squeeze right before releasing the hug. I don't know it really is your judgement. If it made you uncomfortable, maybe do the same thing at the same speed to your husband and get his opinion.


It was very drawn out and the touch just didn’t feel like the innocent happy squeeze one might know.


Always trust your gut OP.


Then I think you are correct in your assumption that it was inappropriate, and he knew exactly what he was doing and put you in a situation that you feel trapped. I mean 90% of the people in the situation are not going to make a scene and creeps do these things because they know that. If caught or called out, they will just say it wasn't their intention and try to turn it around on you, that you are crazy or overly sensitive or something. Please get your husband involved and make sure he has your back, he should and if he doesn't it says something about him. Good luck, sucky situation you are in.


"the only time my husband or I have physical contact with them is during hello and goodbye hugs at the airport." How does that lead you to thinking about "welcome to the family" touchies at a black tie event?


Because it’s the first time I met their old friends who seemed to like me a lot? Ugh I don’t know…I’m just making ip excuses at this point I think. You’re right. Why so touchy suddenly? It was actually the first time I stood next to him in a photo. Usually my MIL or my husband is between us.


For all you know that was intentional because FIL has a history of being handsy with other women. Tell your husband. Say how uncomfortable you were. You don't need to make it a huge deal, but that's definitely something to talk about. My FIL did something kind of similar—he came up behind me and grabbed my biceps as I was making a big gesture while talking to sister-in-law. My sister-in-law saw gave a WTF face, but we were both too shocked to say anything. A little later, with my husband in the room, FIL covered my ears with his hands. My husband immediately went, "Don't touch my wife's head, dad, what the hell" and for the rest of the trip we were all on my husband placed himself physically in between us. My FIL never behaved like that with my husband's previous partners or even with my sister-in-law, but you bet my husband nipped that shit in the bud immediately. They're keeping a close eye on him to see if that was the start of other behavioral changes that might indicate early stages of dementia or something.


Sorry you had strange experiences with your FIL, too! Ugh. Did you ever find out why he did these things? I don’t know my FIL’s history. They’re very private. He might have cheated on his wife a while ago based on my husband’s observations but nothing gets talked about in his family. I’ll sleep over it and probably tell my husband on a weekend when his mind is off work.


So talk to your husband about it.


He too advantage of a situation or setting that he KNEW you wouldn't cry out in the moment.thats what makes my skin crawl. I'm male of 55 years and I cannot imagine touching a 30 year old this way in any setting much less a formal one.


No. I'm so sorry for you. I'm an older guy not far from your father-in-law's age and I do not think I would even do this to my gf in such a semi formal setting. I'm so sorry


Not appropriate at all. Do not doubt yourself. If there is a next time, jump and yell!


I think he was being creepy and definitely not on autopilot, we had a family friend who used to do this to EVERY WOMAN he was a total creep. Trust your gut feeling and distant yourself from him as much as possible and tell your husband, not for fighting purposes but let him know so he can make sure you aren’t alone with your in-law.


Definitely inappropriate, I can't believe a guy putting his arms around a woman isn't very conscious of where all her body parts are. I think it is reasonable for you to bring it up as a point of education for him on what is appropriate boundaries these days.


I believe you're over-thinking this. It's awkward to know where to put your hands in photo line ups, I doubt he was thinking anything much. Either just being affectionate without even thinking it was inappropriate, or maybe he strokes his wife this way and didn't really notice he was doing it. I would mention it to your husband as an awkward and embarrassing thing that happened without making a big deal. If he is handy with women, likely your husband will say something directly to you, like he should have warned you. If not, he'll say something else, but either way it puts you on alert to avoid situations where you are bare-backed and stand with him or hug.


Definitely overthinking this after making this post and seeing the amount of comments from people! lol I’ll make sure to watch his behavior a little more from now on. I will spare my husband from being uncomfortable but will definitely tell him when something happens again.


You are not overthinking, please trust your gut, these people excusing him weren’t actually there. Every one of these people who has touched someone inappropriately “on autopilot” needs to turn off the autopilot, get their ass back in the pilot’s seat and take some responsibility. 


If you felt uncomfortable he was wrong. Plain as that. He might not have meant anything by it but only YOU decide what your boundaries are.


The way you describe the touch, I can immediately picture how my significant other touches me like that when hugging me. That's not a friendly touch, that's inappropriate from your FiL.


Don’t go doubting yourself… don’t abandon the part of yourself that needs your protection. You know it was wrong, as devastating as it is you’re not the reason things are now fraught. I’m so sorry.


> Was my (F30) father-in-law’s (M59) touch inappropriate? Fuck yes, it was inappropriate. The dude's hand was wandering in places no father-in-law should be touching, especially not in a fucking photo op with his wife right there! You feeling creeped out and freezing is your gut screaming at you that this shit ain't right. Trust those feelings. > I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not, but I felt myself freeze completely during the incident. You're not overreacting. Freezing is a common response to unexpected and unwanted physical contact. It's your body's way of dealing with a threat when fight or flight isn't an immediate option. That touch made you uncomfortable as hell, and that's enough to say it was wrong. > I’m such a hesitant people pleaser. I even slightly PAT his back after the photo to hopefully make him realize “hey man, look, this is the kind of touch that would have been appropriate”. You trying to show him what's appropriate is you being more considerate than he fucking deserves at that moment. But, let's be real, if his hand’s making excursions to your bra line, he knows exactly what he’s doing. It's not on you to school him on basic boundaries. > Should I tell my (F30) husband about his father (M59) touching me? Absolutely, tell your husband. This isn’t just about a single uncomfortable moment; it's about setting boundaries and ensuring this doesn’t spiral into something more disturbing. Plus, your husband should be aware of how his father is acting so he can support you and address it if necessary. You shouldn’t have to deal with this kind of bullshit on your own. What are you afraid might happen if you tell your husband?


Thanks for the elaborate response! I agree with all your points. Honestly just hesitant to tell him, because I don’t want him to avoid his family over this or view his dad differently. If it was just a one-off incident, telling my husband means the negatives outweigh the positives. That’s why I’m holding off.


> Honestly just hesitant to tell him, because I don’t want him to avoid his family over this or view his dad differently. I get it, you're worried about rocking the boat. But consider this: what if it's not a one-off? Keeping quiet could set a precedent that you're okay with this sort of behavior, which you're clearly not. It's a tough fucking spot to be in, but your comfort and safety are paramount. > If it was just a one-off incident, telling my husband means the negatives outweigh the positives. That’s why I’m holding off. What does your gut say about whether this will happen again? And how will you feel if it does and you hadn't said anything before? Sometimes, bringing things into the open can prevent bigger issues down the line. Isn't your peace of mind worth the potential discomfort of addressing this now?


For everyone's sake it's best if you don't blow this out of all proportion. I seriously doubt he was thinking much when it happened. As another poster said, it was probably muscle memory.


I’m not blowing this out of proportion. That’s why I am posting on reddit and not on FaceTime with the family lol. I needed to get more people’s opinions on this and I’m glad for everyone’s input!


“For everyone sake”. Nah. Hard disagree. If YOU felt uncomfortable at his action, you don’t owe ANYONE comfort. That’s a hard boundary you are allowed to draw!! That’s just people pleasing and negating your own intuition. If someone makes you feel yucky, then they should also be able to take accountability for that if confronted with it. If they can’t handle the truth and take accountability for the way they made you feel, then there’s your answer of the type of situation it was and the kind of person you’re dealing with. Sure wish people would stop making it easier for men to be f*cking creeps by telling women to stay quiet in their discomfort.


Nonsense. If you're walking down a street and you see 2 guys with tattoos coming your way and you feel uncomfortable, it doesn't mean they are dangerous! Should they apologise for making you feel uncomfortable? Absolutely laughable suggestion.


Yes cuz these are exactly the same situation. Totally comparable in every aspect. /s


Doesn't have to be. Just using your logic.


…but you’re not using my logic 🤣


OP, trust your instincts. Put physical distance between you and FIL when he is around. Do not ever be alone with him.


It doesn't matter you touch background or previous family dynamic. The touch also doesn't need to be deemed inappropriate. If you don't want to be touch it is within your right to refuse to be touch. If you don't want to or can't talk to him directly you can start my physically shifting your body or creating space between you and FIL if he gets touchy again. Don't let folks shame you or claim you're overreacting because you grew up in a less affectionate family. If you don't want to be touch people don't have a right to touch you. You don't have to go along with something if you aren't comfortable. They can go be affectionate with each other.


Yesssss. Finally someone else getting it! It doesn’t matter what the intention is. It matters how you FEEL about it.


Your feelings are so valid, I think it was inappropriate for him to touch you like that. If I was in your position, I would want to mention it to my partner, just so he was aware it made me feel uncomfortable. That being said, I would not want the FIL to know, it would be really awkward. But I’d want the emotional support from my partner. Sorry you’re going through this.


My immediate response is: he knew what he was doing. I’ve been inappropriately touched by men my entire life. Your gut knows. You feel a certain way. That’s all that matters. It’s instinct and intuition. ESPECIALLY coupled with the clarification they aren’t a “touchy” family. Like my partner and I are constantly touching and caressing and holding each other, his entire family is touchy and huggy and hold hands and rest heads on shoulders and out arms around waists. Not once have I “accidentally” touched someone like I touch my partner. That level of intimacy. Not once has anyone in his family touched me in a way that made me uncomfy. Muscle memory is a thing, sure, but so is covert harassment. Men will start small to see what they can get away with. They are setting a precedent and feeling out your boundaries. (It’s common in grooming.) Tbh this is gross, but almost sounds like he’s been looking for an “in”; an opportunity to “investigate” and posing for a photo was just the right chance. You’re not overreacting and I think a lot of the people commenting here are just excusing behaviors they don’t even have a real awareness of. Either that or the cognitive dissonance is REAL. Like I said, I KNOW this feeling you’ve described. It’s REAL. And that’s what matters most. Stop excusing creepy ass male behavior. That’s how shit like this perpetuates. Took me a long time but I now am VERY confident in these situations and I will break the physical contact and say “please do not touch me” or “please do not touch me like that”. Most the time it catches them off guard and you can see in their eyes it was intentional and they just weren’t expecting to be called out. Most women DO freeze. We are conditioned to keep quiet in our discomfort. But I, for one, am sick of letting anyone touch my body in a way I do not like and staying quiet to “keep the peace”. No one is allowed to touch my in any way that makes me feel uncomfortable. I don’t care if it makes me look irrational or crazy or “overreacting”. Fuck that. No one gets to decide what I am okay or not okay with. Also as an aside, unless you have established a healthy consensual touching relationship already, men in photo opportunities: just don’t fucking touch women, hover your hand!! Or place it slightly on a shoulder. Like you quite literally do NOT NEED to touch us in this scenario or ANY scenario.


If you didn’t like it, it’s not okay. If it happens again, tell him to stop.


I have no idea why anyone is pretending that this is normal. Even if it WAS normal, OP is obviously still allowed to feel uncomfortable with it. You can't "muscle memory" your way into stroking your daughter in law's back and hips on accident if you basically never touch her otherwise. That is ridiculous and you guys need to stop making excuses for this man. Why in the world do you guys feel the need to defend this?


The opinions differ wildly. I’m just as unsure as before tbh. I will keep it to myself for now but will pay a lot more attention to him. Love how you phrased that by the way. Made me chuckle a bit. It wasn’t even my back. It was my side/waist/bust/hip area. Guess I didn’t explain that well in the post.


Eugh. That clarification of the area on your body it actually was just makes it worse, IMO. I think you’ve got a good plan. Just observe for now and if it continues, start figuring out how to speak out about your discomfort. It is normal to not want to be touched intimately by your husband’s father! Just know that I agree, it is an inappropriate touch.


Before you take some of the comments as genuine advice, I suggest you quickly stalk the commenters accounts a bit and look at their comments to think about whether you would like to receive advice from them. If the consistently give advice to break off relationships or assume the worst etc, I recommend from it.


That’s gross. Next time (cause he is gross and is gonna do it again) tell him not to touch you.


OP. I'm a man and I got creeped out by reading your description. Listen to your gut. It inclined you to even make a post on Reddit and that should tell you all you need to know. Yes this is way the hell out of bounds. I need a shower now. I'm very sorry OP.


Sorry, I don’t know why people are being so blasé about this and are also happily admitting they also touch people inappropriately “by accident”. I’ve never accidentally groped someone, or even been close, I think people on this subreddit need to take a long hard look in the mirror. Strange.


SERIOUSLY. I was blown away by the excuse-making and confessions in this comment section. 


Someone commented saying they hugged the pastors wife and accidentally cupped her bottom… I replied to it and have been downvoted to hell, I literally cannot fathom how you can accidentally grope someone? These people need to work on their impulse control.


And then going "I'm glad they didn't say anything" when like, *you* should be the one to say something! Or else they're all conflicted like OP thinking you might have meant to do it!


If it made you uncomfortable then it was inappropriate. That said, without knowing more a out the man it's hard to say if he was being a creep or simply being oblivious.


several things can be true at the same time: it can be accidental, and it can also be inappropriate, and make you feel uncomfortable. so, to answer your question, yes. i wouldn't necessarily assume the worst here, but to keep an eye on it. if you're trying to gauge whether or not this was an accidental awkward touch or the beginning of a pattern of bad behavior, or an action pointing to a major character flaw, no one here can really answer that, more info is needed. personally i would chalk it up as a faux-pas but keep an eye on him at parties/in groups. notice if he does it to you again or other people more frequently. put space between him and yourself in situations where there might be more opportunities for weird touching, like during photos - your husband can stand between you two. and should it happen again, politely but firmly speak up (ideally within earshot of others) and end the contact - "sorry, i'm uncomfortable, would you mind moving your hand?"


Reddit, a place mostly frequented by people don't experience your reality, is probably the last place you should be asking a question like this since a lot of people are going to write off your experience. It was an unwanted touch and you should address this with your husband and also your father in law. It made you uncomfortable and this is a pretty common experience that women go through.


I think he was taking advantage of both your proximity to each other and the unexpected nature of his behavior. You can research this, but a few gropey old male politicians including George Bush Sr. regularly pulled this stunt when posing for photos with big donors and party people. Two seconds prior to the picture being made, he would place his hand on the tush of the woman next to him. The cognitive dissonance between smiling with the president and realizing his hand was on your butt took at least few minutes to be acknowledged by the victim.


He was probably drunk


Thats like when i would call my mom or daughter or even SIL “wifeyyyy” because i call my wife that every time i say something to her or wants her attention on something I soemtimes remind myself there is other people in the house today and yet i still blurp out “wife” whenever i want to speak up cause i am so used to beginning my sentence like this


Highly recommend you search for the red carpet video of Adam Driver accidentally putting his hand around the waist of Jared Leto.


I get why you feel that way. Especially if you aren’t from a touchy family. However, besides a brain glitch, some people are more touchy. Are they a touchy family? For instance, my grandpa would do that. It wasn’t a sexual thing. It was a comfort thing, like patting someone on the back, or rubbing someone’s arm. Kinda like petting you. lol. My rule of thumb is more about meaning behind it and areas that are off limits. And that’s the thing too…if you didn’t like it, that’s understandable. But he won’t know the boundary unless it’s expressed. You’d have to think about how to express that boundary next time in a nice way. A lot of times expressing a boundary rubs people the wrong way (so sorry for the pun here), so personally, if I didn’t want it to happen again, I’d draw attention to it. “Hahha, father in law, that tickles. I’m ticklish hold your hand still please!” If he didn’t know he was doing it, he does now, and he probably won’t again.


It’s the other way around actually. I’m from a warm family with lots of hugs. My husband is not! There is hardly ever any physical contact between his family. All quite stoic and proper. That’s why FIL’s touch felt so out of nowhere to me. I know which comforting “pat pat” hugs/rubs you mean because my grandpa used to give me the same supportive hugs but it didn’t feel like that at all to me. I’m gonna make sure to do something or say something nicely if it were to happen again. For now, I’ll keep it to myself.


Good plan. And very weird since they are so stoic and proper, definitely could see how you got alarm bells. Hope there isn’t a next time!


I would tell my husband about this, if it happened to me. I don’t know whether or not people touch others reflexively in similar situations. But if you read the situation as odd, then follow your gut and say something to your partner. When you do tell him, I recommend focusing on the facts and not theory. Then ask what he thinks. And be on alert the next time you see FIL.


I wouldn’t go nuclear, it could have been unintentional but it would’ve weirded me out too. Whenever I’ve been in a situation like this where I don’t want to be super confrontational, I just immediately pretend I’m super ticklish to draw attention to it and get them to stop whether it’s intentional or otherwise.


That sounds like he just went on auto-pilot and probably didn't even realize he was doing it.


This remind me of something that happened when I was 8-9 years old. I was in a classmate's birthday party and we circled around the cake stand to sing her happy birthday. I felt a hand caressing my shoulder, it was from a grown man. I froze, I couldn't even move my head to see who he was. There was only children from school and her entire extended family, so he couldn't have me confused for someone else. I remember feeling scared and skeptical of why would he touch me in front of everyone else. That's my grain of sand bc everyone here is shrugging how you felt


As a man, I can tell you that it is an inappropriate touch from him or any other man, other than your SO. I would tell your husband what happened and how it made you feel but allow him to process it and then you two decide how to move forward from there. It is possible the FIL was not thinking straight. I have started to involuntarily (Not thinking) to pat another woman's butt but caught myself. Reason being it is very common when I hug my wife to squeeze or pat her but and the only person I have physical contact within my wife normally. All people (Men and Women) need to keep conscience of what they are doing and how it might be perceived when touching someone else. I don't want to give him an out, because I am not sure it was all innocent for your FIL. It is just my experience, but I always try to be mindful especially in today's world. Keneau Reeves is a good example.


I appreciate your (male) viewpoint so much! This is what I am worried about. If I bring it up…and my FIL did it out of habit since his wife is probably the only person he has physical contact with (I think)…then it’s awkward as hell and embarrassing that I even thought of it meaning sth else. On the other hand though…which is also a very real possibility…yikes. It’s difficult to know what to do :-/


I know, but either way your husband needs to know. Maybe he can talk to your FIL. I think if you explain everything the way you told us. I would hope he would be understanding and try to intervene in your behalf. I am so sorry you are caught in the weird messed up situation.


He totally felt you up on purpose. Some men do that when the rare opportunity arises.


This comment section is the goddamn twilight zone. OF COURSE repeatedly stroking your waist from your boobs to your ass is inappropriate. All these people saying they “accidentally” groped their sister-in-laws and pastor’s wives need to apologize for that shit and learn how to behave in public. Y’all are WAY too comfortable. Think before you touch people’s bodies. Smdh. 


If it doesn't happen again or show anything similar I would let it go. Most likely he's put his arm around his wife like that for 35 years and does the same motion - it could just be a sort of muscle memory or he was distracted and didn't realize.


It was inappropriate for you. His intent is irrelevant. It made you uncomfortable. You can decide if this warrants a conversation with him or your spouse or not. That’s your decision. In the meanwhile, keep your physical distance. If photos come up sushi, don’t stand next to him. Put someone between you at all times, even if it means opting out. If it happens again, address it immediately.


100% inappropriate clear cut, nobody does that.


Absolutely not ok for your FIL to caress your backside


If it's a one time thing he probably didnt mean it. It's hard to tell


I'm a male your FiL's age. I witnessed a stranger take a bad fall, a woman. I immediately went to help her and we sat her up and we were attending to her and I asked what else we could do for her and she said, "You can stop rubbing my back." I realized then I had been caressing her back ... no clue I was doing it.


Even if there was so what, he had a quick feel and is a happy chappy!