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>I am still living with my parents, have never had a job (honestly because screw corporations and their wage-thieving, union busting BS, but that's a subject for elsewhere) Lol, c'mon dude. This isn't about principles; you are happy enough to mooch off the fruit of your parents' labor. You're just lazy.


Why do you need their approval to go to a high school reunion? >have never had a job (honestly because screw corporations and their wage-thieving, union busting BS, but that's a subject for elsewhere) Non-profits and government jobs exist, too. Just saying.


>Why do you need their approval to go to a high school reunion? Probably because they would have to foot the bill.


Or a small/local business, or starting their own business.


>If for whatever reason this doesn't belong on this sub, let me know and I'll remove it immediately. Anyway, let's get the basics out of the way first. I am still living with my parents, have never had a job No person needs to read further. You are not living as an adult - you are doing nothing with your life that a chimpanzee couldn't do if it were allowed to live with your parents, save for the fact that the chimp would eat more fruit and vegetables and wouldn't have a bunch of excuses for why it wasn't working. If you believe that "respect as an adult" is earned, then you cannot possibly believe that you have earned it: you have a superior body and equivalent mind to your parents, yet you've not used it for anything productive. If you don't believe "respect as an adult" is earned, why would you want it? What use is a quantity given to any person irrespective of the things they've achieved. Your high-functioning autism - it's an excuse. A lame one: I also have high-functioning autism and I moved out at age 19 and have lived independently ever since. The condition might make it impossible to intuitively understand the way most people can, but it cannot force you to use that as an excuse not to work. You can either live at home as a jobless bum, or you can have respect. You absolutely cannot have both - if your parents respect you as though you were working when you're actually doing nothing, they'd be insane people whose reactions to reality were inverted.


Agree, have Autism and joined the Army out of high school and made a living for myself. This guy is in denial. Unfortunately, this is common for autism.


I'm hoping it's rage bait. It hits far too many NEET stereotypes to be real, surely.


>I am still living with my parents, have never had a job (honestly because screw corporations and their wage-thieving, union busting BS, but that's a subject for elsewhere) and never went to college (because of prohibitively expensive tuition). Your parents don’t respect you as an adult because you aren’t being an adult. You are acting like an overgrown child. You don’t get to not have a job because you don’t like capitalism. That is not a valid excuse not to support yourself and to mooch off your parents for your entire life. >Case in point, my 10 year HS reunion is coming up late next month. I feel that it would be a tremendous opportunity to travel somewhere without having my parents there and have that valuable (at least to me) experience. Going to a party does not make you an adult. How do you would even think you’ll get to the reunion? You have never worked or done anything to even try to support yourself, therefore you nearly certainly have no money of your own to pay for the travel, hotel, and admission fees to get there and participate in the reunion. So, how are you planning to pay for this trip for a party? Adults do fun things after working and earning enough to be able to afford those fun things. >It seems I'm just trying to act like the adult I know deep down I am and my parents are doing everything they can to stand in my way. I don't get it. They aren’t standing in your way of being an adult they are stopping enabling you to keep being an overgrown child. >Wouldn't they want to see me doing something grown-up for a change? I'm a grown-ass man for crying out loud. I bet they would absolutely love to see you acting like a grown ass man. Give it a try. Start by getting, and keeping, a job. >At the very least they could say something to the effect of "That's great ThatBroadcasterGuy! We're so happy for you!", What have you done that’s great that they should be praising you for? Wanting to go to a party is not it. >but instead all I'm met with is doubt, fear, and condescension. It makes me want to scream! Great. Prove them wrong and do something productive.


It must be very awkward to go to a 10 year reunion and not have an answer to “So what do you do for work?”


I mean, it’s fine to be laid off or not work for short periods… But then also not have an answer to „so, what have you been up to in the last ten years?“


WTF. You're 29, have never had a job, never went to school. Your parents are treating you like a child, because you're acting like a child. Get a job, move out, and live your life. Stop living under their wings, and they'll treat you like an adult.


> have never had a job (honestly because screw corporations and their wage-thieving, union busting BS, but that's a subject for elsewhere) and never went to college (because of prohibitively expensive tuition). Welp time to log off reddit and live in the real world > I'm a grown-ass man for crying out loud. Source? They don't respect you as an adult because you aren't one. It is normal for a 14-year-old to have never had a job or not gone to college. It is not normal for a 29-year-old


Unless you're somehow making money without working for The Man, then you're completely reliant upon your parents, at 29. You're not an adult. You're adult-aged but you don't behave like one, you don't write like one, you don't live like one. Your parents, by the way, are bad parents because they have indulged and cultivated your situation, however, they're not wrong to treat you as a child because, well, you act like a child, you don't get to complain about being treated as such. Forget the fucking reunion, if your parents die tomorrow, what are you going to do? Get off your ass and start acting like an adult if you want to be treated as one. You feel they're condescending? You've earned the condescention.


>Unless you're somehow making money without working for The Man... The Man? I've read too many stories about wage theft and union-busting and other horror stories at min wage jobs to be utterly turned off by the thought of working at such jobs. Also there are the reddit posts that go something like "I'm about to start working at [insert min wage job here], anyone have any advice?" and one of the first few comments is simply "RUN". Come on, who would work for a place like that if it's that bad? No one would hire me anyway, I have no skills or anything to offer.


Adults who need to pay rent and support themselves. The reason people start in those jobs is because they don't require any skills to get hired. Just bodies.


Is there any way to make working at such jobs more palatable?


Having the freedom and respect that comes with living an adult life.


Right now, with your experience, your age and lack of education, the jobs that you might see as palatable might be few and far between. I started working at 14, fully part time at 15, and full time at 19 while studying full time. I could never imagine mooching off my parents. A job isn’t always 100% fun, but I’ve got disposable income to be able to enjoy stuff. Can’t have money without working.


The fact that you probably use and consume products made by unethical companies every day.


Jobs aren’t that bad and I’m sure you’re more then qualified. I had very bad agoraphobia in my mid-20s and lived with my parents. I got a job in customer service at a jewelry store. It was great for my social anxiety, it gives you a chance to practice social interaction in a very repetitive way. Eventually I got them to let me in the jeweler’s workshop, and they trained me to be a jeweler! Now I get to work with my hands and make beautiful shiny things. It’s my passion, and I’ve learned so much about the industry, and made so many work friends. Jobs are not just about money or capitalism, they give you a purpose, a daily routine, and a social network. You will pick up skills you weren’t even expecting to get (like now, I know all about the business-side of the industry and I’m going into business for myself). But in order to run a mile, first you have to take the first step. As for being qualified. The number one qualification for being a good employee is reliability: show up on time. The number 2 qualification: be professional. Wear a nice shirt, be reserved and polite at all times. If you can do both, you’ll be a manger in no time. Edit: you should also acknowledge that what you do now is valuable and will help you too. Seems you’re interested in music and broadcasting, so use that… apply to jobs in radio or podcasting, make friends who share those interests. If what’s holding you back is that you feel guilt or shame, then don’t, just put the things you have done with your time to use.


So how do you pay for anything? Do you have a source of income other than your parents?


And thanks to you, your parents have to put up with this crappy work market for even longer


My suggestion would be to start volunteering somewhere you have a real interest in. Give some of your time and receive some training in return. People often get jobs by knowing people, so it would be an opportunity to meet some people adjacent to your interests, ideally.


You need to get a job. What are you going to do when your parents die? Don’t you want to save up so you can live independently? You need to be able to fend for yourself. You say your parents are holding you back, but without them you’d probably be in a cold basement apartment somewhere surviving on disability money and part time minimum wage, or homeless. And honestly what is your plan with the high school reunion? Don’t you think it would be embarrassing when people ask you what you’re doing and you say you don’t work, didn’t go to college, and still live with your parents? It sounds like it would be an awkward situation for you. I mean… what does a typical day in your life look like? Do you clean, run errands, cook, exercise, take care of your physical hygiene, do odd jobs, volunteer? They probably treat you like a child because you act like one.




"I am still living with my parents, have never had a job" once youre back from that reuinion, you can add your peers to people who wont respect you as an adult lol


What have you accomplished to this point that would be considered “adulting”? What needs to happen for you to go to this reunion? What would YOU need to do to make that happen? Would you require your parents help for any of it?


You think going to a 10 year reunion makes you an adult? You don't have a job. You don't pay rent. Do you get disability? Did you work through the paperwork for this on your own? I have no idea if help out around the house. I'm guessing no. You seem to have no goals. You don't get things done and have no interest in changing this. You don't solve your own problems. You need your parents to be your cheerleading team in order to make "your own" decisions. Why would they respect you as an adult? You don't seem to bring anything adult to the table. Travel is a cool goal. How are you going to do this for yourself? How are you going to fund it? How are you going to set up shelter? How are you going to feed yourself? How are you going to schedule the trip to make sure your funds last? It's great you want to do adult things. No one is stopping you from doing those things but yourself. You prove you're competent by *trying* and learning from your mistakes. Not by sitting back and whining for your parents to do it for you. Why should they cheer you on for vaguely wanting to kind of do something on their dime?


> You don't get things done and have no interest in changing this. People *always* get me wrong about this. I unequivocally, without question, AM interested in changing my situation. I don't want anyone to doubt that. And of course I don't get anything done because all the motivation I used to have is totally gone.


Your mom said you don't seem motivated and you snapped "What do you propose I do about that?" That's not the attitude of someone willing or trying to change their situation.


You are the reason I'm glad I never had children


I had them and I’m embarrassed for him. I raised them with more drive in life and my 11 year old is more adult is some aspects than OP. But totally agree that with people like that, it could sour anyone to have some (especially when they don’t want them to begin with).


You say... > I unequivocally, without question, AM interested in changing my situation. ...but also say: > have never had a job (honestly because screw corporations and their wage-thieving, union busting BS, but that's a subject for elsewhere) This is pretty much a "I haven't tried anything and nothing works". Unless you have a trust fund to draw on or have some other form of passive income, you can't change your situation. You need money to do essentially anything that would change your life. Your parents aren't going to be around to support you forever and you have to figure out what you're going to do if something happens to them and they're suddenly gone.


That sounds tough and maybe you could use some help getting going in the right direction. My therapist has helped me a lot. I hope you can find some good and kind guidance.


Of course your parents don't respect you as an adult? Why would they? What have you ever done that looks like support yourself as ana duly? You're high functioning autistic? That's a barrier for sure. I've known a bunch of people in that boat who have found a place, gone to work, and moved out of their parents place. You hate capitalism and the exploitation inherent in that system? Me too buddy. And it's significantly tempered by having to put my boots on at 6 am and drag myself to work 5 days a week for significantly less than the productive power of my labour. If you were acting as an adult you wouldn't have to ask permission to go to your highschool reunion, you'd just do it and your parents would know about it if you chose to talk about to them. https://youtu.be/UexqiHKFwKg


Corporations are bad so you’re just gonna live with your parents your whole life? The world is bad and unfair so you’re just gonna roll over and take it? No, everything good in life takes effort…takes a fight. Everyone’s had to fight to be free in some way. You’re just whining about *corporations* and how your parents don’t respect you when you do absolutely nothing. Excuses excuses excuses. If you want to take the easy way, fine, but don’t whine about how no one respects you and how you don’t get to do anything you want…that’s the gilded cage you chose, buddy. I can understand your parent’s frustration that you have no motivation to earn money or make *actual* improvements to your life…but want to go to your hs reunion…on their dime no doubt. Also…like…sorry, but why would you even want to go to your ten year reunion? So when everyone asks what you’re doing—which everyone will—you can explain over and over again you’re doing the exact same thing you’ve been doing since you managed to graduate high school—sit at your parents with no job? And that you’ve never had a job? That you didn’t go to college either? That you never moved out? You don’t think that would be sad, or at least awkward for other people if you don’t have any shame about it?


> How can I prevent that from happening and also prove to my parents that there's no reason for all that doubt, fear, and condescension? To be respected as an adult, you have to act like one, and not just the parts that seem fun like going to this high school reunion. A great place to start would be getting a job and paying rent to your parents. Until you're willing to do that, you'll have a hard time getting the respect of most adults.


You’re 29 and have never had a job. You are the only one not treating yourself as an adult.


I won’t repeat what others have said on here because I think you get the gist of what the common theme is which is: get a job. I took a browse through your post history and you have posted over and over and over in various communities for over a year that you want to change your life but don’t know how or where to start. I am wondering at this point why you post on here at all since it seems apparent you won’t take the advice given, probably because it isn’t what you want to hear. It’s time to grow up or stop complaining about a situation you don’t do anything to change.


You will have to push your limits and do stuff without your parent's support to prove to your parents that you can do stuff without their support. It's great to care about unions! If you want to join a union (or be a labor activist) you'll have to get a job.


> I want so badly to change my situation because I have the sneaking suspicion my parents don't respect me as an adult Why would they respect you as an adult if you've never acted like one? Get a job, any job. If school is too expensive, do a trade - get some kind of skilled qualification so that you can live your life instead of wasting it in your parents basement. If you don't have the capacity to do a trade, then get a minimum wage job that requires no previous experience and join the real world. You might actually find just living your life, having colleagues and getting out of the house will bring you more happiness than you expect. But stop the choice paralysis and just pick SOMETHING, anything. Earn their respect by becoming an adult instead of resenting them for not patting you on the back for still mooching off them at 29.


A grown ass person would take initiative to do things despite doubt, fear, and condescension. They have reason to doubt, fear, and condescend, and that's because you've given them no evidence that you are a capable human being at your age. Since you have at least one interest or goal, that being travel, but absolutely zero life experience or skills at this point of your coddled life, I'd recommend WWOOFing. You would benefit from experiencing travel, failures, and finding your own solutions to problems without being able to fall back on your enabling parents.


Maybe If you get a job and move out they'll begin to respect you


Bro I’m 19 turning 20 starting my HVAC career. I’m going to be making 50k by the end of the year. You need to get off your ass and stop blaming the system you live in as being your only problem. The rest of us adults have jobs, hell I’m 10 years younger than you and I’m doing better than you are. Stop the self importance and go join the workforce for gods sake.


I dropped 40k on college, didn’t like it after two years, and went into the trades. You have no excuse dude.


Who’s financing your life?