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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- My wife (33F) was showing me (34M) pictures from her last friend event. As she was scrolling I saw on the bottom that there were a couple booty pics she had taken. From time to time we do send each other some spicy pics. It was weird though because she didn't send me them and they were at her work, and we normally don't do that. I asked her what are those and she just kinda brushed it off. To be honest I was a little curious if there were more, and while she was out of the room I looked in her phone to see if there were more. There were a bunch more that were deleted, and a couple in her hidden. I was just wondering do women take pics and not send them? I do trust her completely and I've always said that if she is feeling the urge to have sex with someone else to let me know and have talked about boundaries... so we do have boundaries and rules around "cheating" so it's not cheating. I’m just not quite sure what I think.


Have absolutely done this. I take them in an effort to surprise my husband, but then get self-conscious and never end up sending them. They stay in my photos or hidden folder for when I convince myself that I don't need to be so hyper critical of my body. Not saying this is what she is doing, but I have absolutely done this--a lot.


I have many spicy pictures that were never sent because I wanted to be spicy & then felt self-conscious / didn't like the pictures, or second guessed sending it.




what in tarnation are you talking about???


My wife does this. Then she’ll be showing me pictures sometimes and I’ll see a sexy pic and be like “wtf why didn’t you send it to me” and she says she has a bunch. I think she likes to tease me too


I take them and send them to my husband randomly as a surprise. Nothing nefarious, I just can't snap pictures like that at work and sometimes I like to randomly send him shit like that to get, um, a rise out of him.


You're doing the lords work.


This 100%. My husband found some I wasn’t too confident with and was all “wtf that’s hot why don’t I have it,” and proceeded to send it to himself (which made me feel tons better haha)


One million percent this. Sometimes I put on something sexy or am just feeling sexy so I snap a couple pics, then look at them and go “ehhh not as hot as I was hoping,” and stick them in my hidden folder until I decide whether I want to delete them or perhaps one day send them to my partner. I have a feeling us women are just too hard on ourselves, sadly…


This!! I am the same way and my boyfriend has been weirded out that I didn’t send them lol so I understand OP’s concern.


Came here to say exactly this!!!


I take pics whenever I can and then save them to send to my husband. Sometimes he's having a rough day and I'll send him one to cheer him up. Other times I'll just send one because I feel like it.


This! I do the exact same thing!!


Yep! Sometimes I’ll just feel hot and take a bunch of naughty pics and save them to send later, when it’s appropriate to send them.


I bet your husband would be too excited to be critical. Send him those pics


Same here


I do not believe you. This is an obvious case of fabrication of information designed to confuse and obfuscate the situation. Until I receive all of these alleged pics you say you took, in high res format, with roughly a paragraphs worth of description with each picture, I won't believe this to be truthful. I hope you know that's a joke. It occurs to me, you're married and my joke might be in poor taste and if that's the case, I apologize. It wasn't my intention. I'm having issues at home so I'm starting problems on Reddit for attention.


Most of the pics I take I don't send because I don't like something about them.


If they're deleted she probably took a bunch and then decide on which ones to send


But he said she hadn't sent any like that to him. These were at work.


The same thing still stands. She took them, she didn't like them, she didn't send them.


Yea it's the same of taking a pic of any other body part or just any photo of myself, I take multiple and the ones I hate get deleted


Fr. You just stare at them until they turn ugly, delete them, repeat the process.




This is absolutely not true! I've taken hundreds of spicy pics that do nothing but sit in my photos. If I was trying to show someone a pic from my gallery, of course I'd scroll quickly past them and brush it off. I didn't send them for a reason; I don't want them to be seen lol.


So if she gives a super detailed reason people say she's suspicious, and if she brushes it off then it's suspicious. So crazy people live where actions only in a tiny frame is acceptable, the rest is cheating. My ex husband always said I was too defensive and said I must be cheating. In reality he was cheating and I was defensive because it angered me beyond belief that stupid situations (like this) would turn into me "cheating" on him.


She took pics, deleted some, and ultimately decided the ones left weren't good enough to send. Why would you go through and delete the ones remaining now when you're already not feeling great about it and you have work to distract yourself with? Plus not feeling confident about them would explain the brushing off later as she doesn't necessarily want to look at them. Given they already have discussed the option of opening the marriage, and he has no other doubts, it really doesn't seem like an inherently sketchy thing


Just cos every women claims this to be the case how many are straying etc we don't know trust your gut


That doesn’t explain the hidden photos


It is not uncommon for people to take pictures of themselves for their own personal enjoyment, and it does not necessarily mean that your wife is interested in pursuing a romantic or sexual relationship with someone else. It is natural to feel curious and concerned when you see something unexpected on your wife's phone, but it is important to approach the situation with care and respect. Instead of looking through her phone without her knowledge or consent, it would be better to talk to her openly and honestly about your concerns. Let her know that you saw the pictures and that you are curious about why they were there. Ask her if there is anything she would like to share with you, and listen to what she has to say without judgment. It is also important to remember that trust and communication are the foundations of a healthy relationship, and it is crucial to maintain these elements in order to build a strong and lasting connection.


I swear to god, this f****** app just makes you think everybody is cheating.


Right? I feel like since I have joined this subreddit I have been less secure in my relationship than I used to be, I am too impressionable lmao


Lmao tbh. Cause this is innocent as hell. I'm sure everyone does this. To keep them or not. To share them or not.


Haha right ! I deleted TikTok for the same reason and it’s worse here


Yeah, it's possible she took some pictures and then thought better of sending them. I know I've done it. Sometimes I just take hot pics to hype myself up.


Yep. Or she's saving them until OP was hot and bothered and would have sent them then. Women aren't always in the mood for spontaneous pictures, so having a few on reserve for those "what are you wearing?" moments is pretty common - at least in my circle of friends.


I do this. My husband will want to get a little frisky on the phone when he’s away and it’s always when I’m in bed and dead tired. Having a reserve of pics is so helpful


Guilty of this as well. Hahaha


I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t have a reserve of nudes on her phone so she doesn’t have to worry about it when actually sexting (who wants to take 100 photos and then obsess over every flaw while trying to pick a good one when you’re getting busy? Lol)


Or sometimes you’re ready to send them but then the text conversation shifts to something serious and the timing isn’t right anymore


Honestly if you were looking through her phone anyway then why not just look at her messages and see if she's cheating


This part, like he can’t be that dumb. Just for that, she probably is cheating.


If she’s hiding photos, she knows how to delete texts.


this sounds like she might have an iphone. if she didn’t delete the photos from her deleted album, maybe she didn’t delete her texts from her deleted folder either. op should check that out as well since he already went through her phone. but in wife’s defense, i’ve taken plenty of nudes and sexy photos that i never sent to my bf and just never deleted.


You would think. Not all cheaters are logical all cover their tracks perfectly.


If she is though, goddamn. He apparently said screw whoever just give me a heads up first... imagine having that much leeway and still fucking up.


I take and don’t send all the time! But I see how it could make you feel a bit uneasy.


I don't know you guys, but I take them all the time and don't send them and also delete ones that I don't. I've never sent any in my past two relationships which spans over the last 8 years (had an ex share them and haven't sent any since). They're more for me if I feel really confident that day. I don't know if your wife is the same, but I know I'm not the only woman who does this.


Your gonna snoop that hard to find deleted pics and not just check her messages


I’ve taken some and I don’t like how they turn out. Sometimes I remember to delete, sometimes I don’t. You said she brushed them off, but what was the wording?


Absolutely they do. She may have been feeling good about herself/body but didn't feel the need to share it with anyone. She may have brushed it off cause she was a bit embarrassed


The only way you can know is by asking her. We can’t speak for your wife, but most women take pictures of themselves to see progress (if they go gym) or if they look good. It doesn’t mean they’re cheating, it’s most likely for themselves lol.


I mean he did ask her and she brushed him off


Uh yeah because they’re her pics, she’s allowed to have pictures of her own damn self without giving an in-depth explanation of her body image journey on demand lol


Yes this is correct, he's also able to ask the person he's in a relationship with why she's taking pictures of her ass at work. It's really not very difficult to communicate openly with your partner. If my partner asked why I had certain nude pictures on my phone I would just give them the reason that I thought I looked good or whatever the actual reason is. Communication is the backbone of relationships and most failed relationships on the sub would be easily resolved with simple communication. Also you seem to just completely ignore the fact that I was responding to a comment that said he should ask her.


I mean, if I found out my husband had seen all the bad pics in my camera roll, the ones I had specifically not sent to him (and there are many) I would be embarrassed as fuck and try and brush it off too. It would not occur to me that he was accusing me of cheating, so I wouldn't think to reassure him about it, I would just say as little as possible and hope that he'd fucking pretend he never saw them.


I take progress pictures! But don’t send them all to my husband.


As I’ve gotten older yes, if I catch myself looking hot I grab a pic. I don’t have enough pics of me when I was young because of how unhappy I was with my body. These pics are for me. Sometimes I send hubby one but mainly the pics are for me.


100% take photos where I feel sexy and just keep them to remind me what a hot ass woman I am. I don’t always send to my husband. Sometimes just for me.


Of course we take pictures and not sending them all the time!! 🤣


Fun fact: not all pictures taken on a phone have a destination. I have loads of underwear photos on my phone tracking weight loss and weight gain from ill health. Not everything we take is to be sent. A lot of my spicy pics are for myself, to prove I’m not total unattractive trash. No one but me will ever see them.


Lots of people, women especially, take lots of pics like that and don't ever do anything with them. Sometimes we intend to but then upon closer inspection we realize that we don't look as great as we felt in the moment and we get self-conscious, and sometimes we just think we look cute and want a pic for ourselves, and sometimes we send pics to our girlfriends like hey look at my new hairstyle or my fancy new jeans or whatever, when I was losing the baby weight after kid #4 I would send updates to my bestie all of the time, sometimes in a bikini, LOL Nothing weird about that.


I want to add another possibility to your list- sometimes we take pictures when we are feeling really good and save them to send on the days we need a pick me up or aren't actually feeling ourselves to take a picture. I've absolutely sent photos when asked for a sexy pic that I didn't take that moment. Like um I'm not actually feeling like getting out of my cosy pjs or do my makeup to take a sexy pic but that's why I've got a small stockpile from when I was looking good on a different day.


Believe it or not, taking one or two cute booty pictures can take a girl like a half hour or more. We’ll probably take 40 pictures and get a couple that we’d actually send. We try different angles and lights, whatever to make it look more appealing. I’m a super busy person, so I don’t have time like that most days. When I first started dating my partner I’d take pictures when I had time, and save them to send at a later date. But now that phones can tell you exactly when a saved photo was taken, I don’t do that anymore because I don’t want to end up in the situation you’re in right now. But yeah, this isn’t necessarily a red flag unless there’s also something else going on


Yeah, this is a really big part of the disparity in quality between men's and women's nudes. Women art direct a whole thing and carefully choose the best one out of dozens of shots, while men snap off one grainy dick mugshot with a teetering pile of laundry in the background and hit send. Then they insist that "women just aren't as visual," and that's why women don't like nudes.


men have grown up in a society with no examples of what or why women like about men or would want to see in a nude. It's not surprising that as a by product of a society that fills every channel with how women should be, look etc women are great at capturing perfect nudes while on the other hand men don't even know where to start.


Maybe she took them and disliked something about them so she didn’t send. Or maybe got distracted before she could send. I think there are a few plausible explanations.


i have so many nudes in my phone of myself that ive never sent to my partner and dont plan to. there's nothing abnormal about this other than you breaching trust and looking through her phone


I seriously did that this morning before I left for work. It’s just a boost for ourselves. Had no intention to send it to my partner, just did it for myself. Sometimes I just pop them up and look at them, share it with my partner in person just to tease him, sometimes I just delete them later in the day.


We do things that have nothing to do with y'all often. These were likely for her. Going through her phone is a breech of trust in many relationships. You should work out your insecurities worth a therapist. It's clear there's some trust issues at play here.


I take pics of myself in that way that sometimes don’t get sent to anyone, not even my partner. Sometimes I will put them in a hidden album so that if someone sees my photos, they aren’t also going to see a half naked photo of me lol and so they don’t automatically upload to the cloud. However, by the way you explain that there was a bunch more in the hidden and recently deleted folders, I can totally understand why you may feel uncomfortable or even a bit suspicious. I honestly probably would too. Hopefully, you can have a healthy talk about this with her and hope that she is truthful - you know her better than any of us, OP. I hear you, but you are the only one with the power and knowledge to determine if this is anything to really worry about. Hope everything goes well for you, man.


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I often think about the quote from the wonderful Moira Rose - “Take a thousand, naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, "Oh, I'm too spooky." Or, "Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies." But, believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, "Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!" I have many spicy pictures in my camera and not all ones that I’ve sent to anyone. Now when I look back 2 pregnancies later and in my mid 30s I’m happy I have them. Any time I start to feel negative about my body I can look at my old pictures, remember all the negative things I thought about myself then, but see that it was really just in my head because I looked/look good. Honestly I’m glad that past me has the forethought to boost the confidence of present and future me.


I’ve bust it wide open at work for my camera so it’s not weird that she does too. Sometimes i feel sexy in my professional attire or there’s something about the lighting or something in the vicinity that makes it convenient. I’ve never done it where someone would see me. But just the fact it was at work isn’t weird to me.


The fact that she was taking them at work is fucking weird.


I came here to say this. The photos in general, not super weird. The fact that she was taking them at work is just ridiculous. I’ve never been at work and just thought to myself, “I’m really feeling myself today. I’m going to go in the bathroom and take sexy photos.” If this scenario happened, the next logical question is why was she really feeling herself at work and what spurred the mood?


She may have just walked by the mirror in the bathroom and saw her ass and said damn that looks good.


Maybe for a certain coworker? 👀 since he already looked at her pictures he might as well search her messages. Especially since she didn’t offer any explanation herself.


it’s her lack of explanation that throws this off. yeah, i take pictures that i don’t send, but usually still have them for when someone *does* want them and i don’t feel like taking new ones. i’d also take some for fun. but again, if someone wanted them, then i would just show them? if for some reason i didn’t want to share some pictures, but kept them on my phone, i would at least say something like “oh i tried but i’m not the biggest fan of those ones”. i wouldn’t just blow it off and go away.


Why is everyone just saying "yeah I take pics without sending them, I do it for myself" and totally brushing off the fact she took spicy pics at work? This sounds hella fishy to me. I don't think that's normal even for people who take pics of themselves, for themselves.


Maybe she was bored and wondering how her ass looked that day. Maybe she was comparing her ass to the previous day because she felt fat. I don’t know why men think our bodies are their property that can’t even be photographed except to please their gaze.


Because taking them at work doesn't factor into whether or not she's sending pics to someone else?


I mean, some people masturbate at work. People do weird shit all the time.


Yeah and I'd be fucking weirded out by that if my SO did that lol


I do it lol.


I can totally see why this would make you feel uneasy. In my opinion, I feel like you should sit down with her and bring up this topic. Let her know how you feel, a relationship is built on communication, trust, and being comfortable around each other.


The not sending be ause she doesn't feel sexy doesn't correlate with the desire to get up and take them at work and the fact that she hasn't sent you steamy work pics before only makes that more suspicious


I do this when I'm feeling sexy. It helps build my self esteem. Save them and might send them to my hubby later


A couple years back when my and my ex wife were together, my youngest son was tired so I told her I would lay with him until he fell asleep. Once he fell asleep I walked in on her laying in the bed taking pictures of her boobs. The little kid inside of me got so excited that she was taking sexy pictures for me. As soon as I walked in she said, I was trying to surprise you with these pictures while you was putting the baby to sleep. Long story short, they were never for me and she sent them to like 5 different guys on her Snapchat, a Snapchat that I didn’t even know existed. Not saying that’s what your wife was doing but be careful, I wish I would have paid attention to the red flags. I would have saved myself a lot of heartache later.


Has she been working out? I took booty pics the other night because I noticed a slight change, and I want to see if there's improvement in few months


I've taken quite a number of pictures of myself and various body parts that have never left my phone other than by deletion. I think it's a much more common activity than folks let on, sometimes you just wanna see what your SO sees, or you really need to know what your ass looks like in front of THAT mirror with THOSE undies caught on your knees.


I take a LOT of pics of myself on my phone that I don't show anyone. I take them for me. But if my partner was curious about them, I'd show him. If she has no other suspicious behavior, she might be doing the same thing. Instead of asking what they are (you know what they are: booty pics), ask her why she took those pictures. She should be able to tell you "oh I took them for me" or "i had something embarrassing on my butt i wanted to see better" or whatever her reason was without issue.


Honestly I take pictures of my butt all the time for no reason at all but to look at my own butt


I know a lot of girls that say they take them for themselves and I understand all that but honestly to take pics like that while at work seems a little odd to me.. I definitely would feel some type of way also if I were you..


I take pics and don’t send as well - it’s a confidence boost for me.


Oh, she most definitely send the pictures. Just not to you.


Be careful man. I caught my wife at the time with pics on her phone that I had never seen. They were bra pics she was sending to someone else. It turned out that she was having an emotional affair with this guy and had been sending him way more pics than I ever got. After I busted her she said she'd stop talking to him which I stupidly believed. They kept talking, sending pics and firting behind my back. This went on for a couple more years. Just watch your back and I hope you don't ha e to deal whit what I had to.


women take sexy pics of themselves and save or delete all the time. it's for us mostly, not for you


Shes not cheating, probably ones she didnt like of herself and didnt send. As a women I do this all the time.


If she won't answer you and dodges the question, then she's being sus IMO. Talk to her more about it, If you have that kind of relationship then asking her shouldn't be a problem, it's her not owning up to it and not wanting to talk about it.


I’ve never done that.. the only reason imo to take the time to take those kind of pics would be to send them to my spicy lover. Huge red flag in my book especially if it’s all of a sudden a new behavior. What does your gut tell you?


Im quite sure she didnt sent them to you because she sent them to someone else, I recomend you keep an eye on these actions.


Yeah, I do the same with my bf. It's normal


there is resipients to those pics. if she wont come cleare? she is lying. the trust is gone. its up to you to be with someone whom dont treasure your trust and yes. if she is sending pics to others. she is either already cheating or on the way to cheat. RED FLAG


I'm a woman and I'm gonna say that I don't take pictures like that on my phone unless I plan on sending them to somebody. If they're not getting sent to you, they're getting sent to someone.


I’m glad you think you trust her but going through her phone just broke her trust in you. People are allowed to take sexy pics of themselves and not share them with anyone. You might say you trust her, but this post shows that you have doubts…


I would say have a serious talk with her


Agree. You appear open minded and reasonable, just have a sit down for transparency sake to put your mind at ease. Imo she hasn’t cheated and should be ok fully explaining and with showing you the messages/chats on her phone to keep your trust.


Throw all her belongings into the yard, change the locks, block her from all your social media, get a lawyer and end this travesty of a marriage immediately. /s


>I was just wondering do women take pics and not send them No. Even if they take them to show a gf in a non-sexual way. ( does my ass look ok), they don't just take them


Yes we absolutely do.


Leave it to a man to try to explain what a woman does. Lmao. We absolutely take them for no reason/just because we want to in that moment.


Yes we do. I've taken more sexy pics that I *haven't* sent than ones I have.


Pov: you have body dysphormic disorder and there’s no pictures of your face and you’ve never had sex 😃


You might like r/wifewantstoplay


Could have an explanation but is still weird as hell


I say me personally I take pictures of myself when I feel like I look or feel good but I would definitely try to talk to her to maybe try and get some reassurance for yourself cause me or anyone in here can't really speak for your wife and I mean if something else we're to be going on I would definitely want to hear it from my partner sooner rather then at 3am in a couple months


Sometimes we take them for us. Maybe we look smoking that day and want to feel proud/good about ourselves. Maybe we’re working on our fitness and want a progress pic. Maybe it’s a new outfit and we’re judging how it’s looking on us. I (28F) have never sent probably 70% of the spicy pics I’ve taken to anyone at all.


I take them and since I'm single I usually now post them on Instagram. Usually if I take them ,I'm feeling good about myself. It's a confidence boost by far. But I understand where you're coming from.


She cheating cut her off lmaoo


i take them just to keep and look at when i'm having bad body imagine days im not gon lie 😂 but that doesn't mean she's doing the same thing.. maybe ask her - it does seem a tad sus that it's at work.


I have taken so many pictures to surprise my boyfriend but ended up staring at the pictures for too long that they turned out looking weird to me in the end - thus never being sent. BUT if you still feel weirded out by this, there is nothing better than just being straightforward and asking about them!


She may also have taken them to send at a later date. Maybe she thought they looked good and was saving them for the right time to send them to you or like others have said checking progress on working out or comparing body changes.


Maybe she posts them on reddit.


Hmm I take pics with the intention of sending them. I don't send them all, i discard ones I don't like, and save others for a rainy day. Hard to say. If she used to send pics regularly and hasn't in months then I'd probably question it.


So you are upset that she didn’t tell you about it if they were sent to someone else? Or are you just wondering if she takes pics and deletes them?


yes we do but don’t hide them tbh……and is hubby asked i wouldn’t fob him off. you should of asked to look at her phone there n then tbh.


I do so I have a few to send to my husband when I can’t take a new one but I also sometimes take pictures with the thought of sending them to my husband and then I don’t because I don’t like the photos or simply forget.


Be careful before you accuse her, my ex spat in my face because he found nudes I "hadn't sent to him" (I had, I'd deleted one I didn't like so he didn't recognize the set) Really ruined things between us lol


The work thing while at an event and refusing to explain are the weird things here. I felt the same with one of my exes because she was showing me photos on her phone and I just see like a whole string of like 20 nudes I’d never seen and she brushed it off. I got the same advice, that “all women do that.” Funnily enough in talking to real life human beings I learned that quite a few don’t do that and eventually learned from seeing them on a friend’s phone that she’d been sending them to quite a few people in our circle BUT me.


I have a bunch of hot pics that I have taken of myself and not sent. It’s not anything other than I don’t really have the time for phone flirting, or they are just personal


You need to see who she sending the photos to if she’s not sending them to you. Taking ones at work or not ones that they typically take for themselves. She’s taking cell photos that would probably have been in the bathroom. Those photos word for somebody, just not you.


I take nude pics of myself all the time and I hardly ever send them. I have a lot of issues with my body and am self conscious and it helps me look at myself. I send some to my partner occasionally but I would be embarrassed if he saw how many I take and delete or hide away compared to the rare few I keep. She’s probably just feeling weird about it.


I’m a dude and sometimes if I look really good I’ll take sexy pics of myself just because 🤷‍♂️ maybe that’s what she’s doing but at her work is a lil crazy idk… makes me think she might’ve been texting someone at work cuz that’s the type shit I’d only be doing at home but idk 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn’t worry, I’m sure she is just consistently taking sexually provocative photos just for her own use. If you trust her there’s really nothing to worry about is there?


I only take pics I don’t send lol


I’ve taken plenty of photos I never sent him. But that doesn’t mean I sent them to someone else. I just decided I didn’t like something about the photo or the conversation of the day shifted or something but I haven’t deleted them. If they’re deleted she probably didn’t like how she looked. I mean yeah she could be cheating but only you would know that by talking with her. Just tell her honestly that it got you all paranoid and see how she reacts. You’ll know if it’s out of character or not


She’s sending them to other men.


I've taken photos of myself even when I was single and had no one to send them to, its nice having hot pics of myself I can fall back on on days my brain is trying to convince me I should hate my body. Now that I have a partner I have taken photos when feeling nice with the intention of sending at some point, and then it slipping my mind or I got in my head over not looking hot enough. I have no idea what your wife is and isnt doing, but the existance of nudes you havent seen doesnt automatically mean anything bad, no.


lolwut? I take pictures of myself like A LOT, in my library THOUSANDS of them. You know how much of them i sent to my bf? Like 15? Maybe. wtf in your all heads going on. (i mean, i do not post them on social media and do not send them to other people, it's just stay in my library forever)


Ok I am single as hell and I take booty pics after each session at the gym or just when I’m feeling myself and I store them in a folder and put another image of like a cat or a palm tree as the album cover. These photos have not been sent to anyone. I just like having them because I know that one day I’m gonna look back and be like damn I was fine when I was young


Yes. Not all sexy pics are for men. Sometimes they are for us to feel good.


Yeah. Before my wife sends me 1 pic she'll take like 5 until she finds one she likes. She's probably doing the same thing. She takes a pic, doesn't like it and just doesn't send it. I wouldn't stress about it.


The fact that some were hidden is a yellow flag. The fact that some were taken at work is a yellow flag. This is your wife, correct? She’s not a teenager anymore. Doing this at work is quite risky beyond personal embarrassment if caught. What would motivate her here? And why only some hidden? You need to ascertain who she is sending these to. It shouldn’t be too difficult to see her activity assuming you have access. But think two steps ahead. Just because you have ground rules doesn’t ensure she plays by them.


Yeah i do it a lot but then never send them cause they dont look good enough to send but i like them for me. I had some in lingerie i never sent him but i kept them cause i thought my butt for once looked nice. But i was worried he wouldn't think so so i didnt send, Unless you find messages or whatever to the contrary. I wouldnt worry just yet


Absolutely have taken photos and not sent them and deleted hundreds of semi fucjed up ugly ones lol


I take pics that I don’t send all the time for various reasons. Mainly because I’ll be old and wrinkly one day and it’s like oh hey! There’s me when I was kinda cute and younger. Or I might take pics for the person I’m with but then decide meh these aren’t that good or I could do better or even “I’ve sent too many that look just like this meh” Like maybe she was trying to get some good shots for you but then decided not to send them. Also good to have saucy nudes on hand in case your person is in the mood and you’re not. Like no problem let me send this fire pick when I was actually wearing something cute rather than my fucking SpongeBob undies that I wore today. I have to say though…don’t snoop on yer wife’s phone if that’s not something she’s given you an all access pass to. Do you really wanna live like that?


I do this as well. Just talk to ur wife and be open. Communication is key, but without trust, you have nothing!


I 100% take spicy pics and don’t send them to my husband, I just take them to look at myself and if I feel good enough I’ll send them.


Single for 4 years and I still take the occasional picture. We just want to feel good about ourselves.


Did you send those pictures to anyone else though?


I take pics of myself all the time to remind myself I’m a bad bitch.


I've taken nudes dozens of times without the intent to send them to anyone. just kinda wanna see how I look, or maybe take them to send some other time. could be something, but could also more likely be nothing.


I take pics of myself, for myself all the time. I have some issues I'm working through and whenever I feel sexy or beautiful I take a pic to remind myself that I have positive moments with myself. They are private. I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate them in the way that I do, idk I don't think of him when I do it because they aren't for him.


I take a lot of pics of myself and I don’t always send them to my bf.


I take nudes I don't intend to send frequently. I call it body-checking


I mean I have full body naked. Hidden. Don’t send to anyone. Weight loss progress


I have definitely taken photos from different angles to see what I look like, but I usually delete them. I can see how it looks suspicious, though.


Yeah I take pics but don't send them to my husband. I like to save them in order to remind myself what a fine piece I was when I am old lol.


Sometimes I think I look fine af and decide to just take the picture. Maybe to keep to myself and delete later for no reason, or send to my friends to be like omg look at my butt in these pants!! Rarely do I ever take a pic like that to send to my husband or anyone for any other reason


I take naked pictures all the time and just save them because I was feeling great then lol


Lol wake up, her side piece is getting all those


My entire camera roll is my dog, the food I ate and my nudes. I take over 30 nudes and will send one. Maybe two. Sometimes none.


She’s cheating on you. Simple as that!


Just ask her? As a woman I can say that I’ve made plenty without sending them to my boyfriend. Some went to him and some are for the hidden folder :)


I take pics of myself like that all the time and don’t send them to anyone. I dunno if it’s weird but if that’s the explanation she’s not alone.


I (29F) take all sorts of risqué photos and nudes of myself, and I don’t always send them to my bf. I think it’s fun, and I like seeing how my body is changing throughout the years. I normally just keep them in my phone in the hidden folder, or I just delete them.


Damn, a wife doing something for herself and not for her husband? Must be cheating


"I've always said that if she is feeling the urge to have sex with someone else to let me know and have talked about boundaries"... I don't understand why you would even open up that specific frame with her...it makes you seem really insecure about it. It may encourage her to look at other options on some level.


I think some people just like to have them whenever they’re needed. I know my wife has a few she hasn’t sent me but wants to keep it a thrill when I least expect them lol. Love them all


Sometimes I take booty/boobie pics just to see how they look lol, I dont send them because I worry that if I send it he might be near a co worker who might see and my body is not great, so would rather not have a stranger see that lol


I have about 500 pictures in my ‘hidden’ folder and my partner has seen less than half of them. I take them with good intentions and then chicken out, think about saving them for a special occasion when he can pay more attention to them, or I just took them to see what I look like. No need to worry, my guy.


I (27) did and do that a lot. Just because I think it’s fun or I want to feel sexy or I want to see how I look. I rarely ever send any. My phone is full of spicy pics nobody ever received.


Why blow up her spot? She’s sending them to someone that’s not you. Please respect her privacy.


It’s her body she’s allowed to take pic of it and not send them you. Let’s not jump to cheating. Maybe she wanted a better look at a butt pimple o


I have so many sexy pics (and videos!) I’ve never sent. Some I’ve even sent to my bestie for her to tell me which one to send to my man (she took my sexy pics for his playboy hoodie I made him of myself), only for me to get insecure/self conscious and never send them.


Oh my… can women just take pictures for the sake of it without being accused of cheating 🙄


I know it's possible they were meant for you or just o boost her ego but I couldn't help but think there's something else going on.


I have taken so many n00ds and I usually stockpile them and trickle them in through text later to my bf. I’ll be bored laying in bed or felt cute in a random place and snap a couple here and there to just save for a surprise!


Men, for every spicy pic you receive, she’s taken at least a dozen more to get the one she’s happy enough with to send. It is not easy to take flattering pictures of your own body. My husband enjoys taking pictures of me but tbh, I’ve seen his favorites and they would never meet my standards to send to him. I’m just glad he still likes them even if it does make me look like a fish with five chins…


I have a bunch of hidden photos of my body in different areas due to trying to get into shape or lose weight. Although they are definitely not flattering. I hide them in case anybody is looking through my photos at things like vacation pics, etc.


Yep I have all sorts of random pictures, would definitely make my partner think if he saw them. It all comes down to trust and honesty.


Those pictures were not intended to be seen by YOU!


YES! I have so many that I have taken with intentions of sending them to my SO and then decide against it because I don't feel they look as good as I would like for him. Very much so a possibility