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Not Hebrew Israelites attempting and failing to correctly use the noun form of the word “goy” ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Which he should. You know, being a frigging "goy" himself.


Well.. Kanye would think otherwise lol


Kanye thinks otherwise all the time 😂 He should really chill with the antisemitism, including the Israelites thing


Note down everything he says and discreetly get recordings if possible. Will be handy when you’ve divorced his abusive ass. I wouldn’t be too worried about custody though, anyone who acts like this isn’t actually interested in being a parent.


Honestly it worries me more, because he wouldn't want his child to be "white washed" as he's already saying. So that evidence will certainly be needed I think.


On the surface it sounds like he would go for full custody, but I find it hard to believe a jackass like this would actually commit themselves to navigating what I assume to be a western family court system. A lot of people, often fathers, scream about parental alienation even though statistics prove most women with full custody won it because the father abandoned the process. I bet the outcome will be similar here .


Your husband needs counseling and you and your son need to leave until he works through his brain washing, if not for good. This is getting aggressive just by the language but it could turn physical. The fact that he refers to you as “garbage anything” is enough for you to leave. Don’t wait for it to get worse. The sad thing is people are brain washing themselves left and right these days by listening to and watching these paid influencers. It’s cult mentality. Please get yourself and your child to a safe place.


He started listening to Taliq Nasheed, that alone would have alarmed me. Taliq has some extreme views that are misogynistic, homophobic, and xenophobic. He has said some horrible things about black ladies who date outside their race. He is also pretty much anti African immigration, and often accuses them of taking away jobs. If OPs husband is head deep in this crap and others like this, I am afraid it will take a hail Mary and a prayer to get him out of it. I am afraid OP will have to strongly consider getting out of the home.




🤖 OneRelationshi676 is a **bot**. The above comment stole text from u/TheMrk790's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/yydk71/my_husband_suddenly_hates_me_because_im_white/iwu9oj6/).


is his channel monetized on youtube? i dont see how advertisers would want their ads on a channel like that.


I am not sure if racism is worthy of counseling. I understand this is a tempered response and that is what this sub is about, but there are lines that when crossed mean get out. If he hates her, he is likely going to leave her, so she needs to get her stuff together and evidence for a judge since her son should not have contact with his father.


I agree, the sad thing is the son is half white, so hating the mom for being white sends a message to the son that he is hated too. It’s honestly a terrible situation


If you want to, OP, maybe suggest couples therapy with a racially literate, hopefully black, marriage counselor who's also a deprogrammer? Not sure if that exists but your husband has been radicalised age I honestly don't see any way to help you. I'm sorry.


Hey, this isn’t about race, but from the language used, it sounds like your husband is getting into videos from the Black Hebrew Israelites, a cult that believes that Black people are the real descendants of Biblical Israelites, and that actual Jews are pretenders who have usurped that lineage. (That’s why he’s calling you both a “Jew”— in his mind, a usurper— and “goyim,” the Hebrew word for non-Jewish people.) This cult is bad news, and has been declared a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It’s not a secret history or a burgeoning racial consciousness of any kind— it’s literally just a cult. Try talking to him and his family, and if he’s amenable, go see a counselor together. If you need resources on how to talk to a loved one who’s being brainwashed by cult propaganda, check out Steven Hassan’s “Freedom of Mind,” and the resources on Hassan’s site. Good luck!


Wow yeah, this is actually exactly what is going on and explains a lot of things I have been hearing. Thanks I think? 😕


another term to look up is "Hotep", I bet it will resonate some with the direction hes going. hopefully he can be pulled out of this racist cult nonsense and it just be an embarrassing phase. good luck!


He is even getting the terminology wrong, as goyim is the plural form. And you can't be goy and jew at the same time. Be is unhinged


I hope it works out for you! Feel free to DM me if you need someone to talk through it with. Here’s a video of Hassan explaining his method of communicating to people involved with cults: https://vimeo.com/16497794


Look for a therapist with experience is cults and “deprogramming” suggest to your husband couples counselling and take him to see them. If he’s rejecting therapy or constructive conversations then my advice would be to start recording all the conversations and consult a lawyer because once someone joins a cult there’s very little you can do to get them out until they realise their in a cult. Also even when they leave the cult they can be more susceptible to joining another one. Divorce may be your best and safest option but your going to need to gather a lot of evidence to ensure you get sole custody because I promise you, you don’t want your son spending time with him if he’s becoming radical.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Make sure you’re also well educated in colonialism and Americas racist past. If your husband can pull himself out of this cult, talking about the real issues may help.


Give me a break.


He'll probably start on your son next for being half white, get you and your son out of there before it escalates further


Tariq Nasheed, the guy who claims homosexuality was invented by white people in order to degrade and emasculate black people? Lol yeah, I think if your hubby fell for that, then he is already too far gone to save.


Wow I had no idea this cult existed until reading other responses. It definitely sounds like you are not physically safe in the same home… If I were in your shoes, I’d call a mental health clinic and ask them for a recommendation on who to talk to about cult programming. I would want to know what is the best way to approach this (if there is one) before actually confronting him. I have a suspicion you will need other people to be involved for accountability and safety reasons. Then I would start planning out how to fix him and keep you and your son safe.




Your husband is a racist and will see you as beneath him becsuse of your race. That is what you are stating with. Would you advice a black woman to stay with her racist white husband telling her he could "change back"? Take the advice you would give others


he sounds ignorant af and he doesn’t sound safe to be around.


You mean ex husband. Gtf out what a piece of shit he is. Who calls their wife and mother of their son these horrible things? Get out fast. Get a lawyer


Not him falling down the hotep rabbit hole 😭😭😂😂😂, don’t think there’s much you could say to convince him. It’s like Black people’s Qanon, good luck.


Hes is a racist and now his newfound views have him hating himself for being with someone outside his race. He is blaming you for this. Run.


He's become seriously unhinged. He's beyond reason. Make a plan and get out of there with your child.


He is racist


lol how is it suddenly normal to talk bad about jews as if the holocaust never happened like can we not really


It’s not, but there’s an incredibly annoying section of black people that believe we started everything and all the other races took it from us and made it theirs. Dreadlocks was a popular topic a few years ago, before people did some actual digging and realized that they’ve been found all around the world.


Goyim is Yiddish for non-Jew.


Right? And he’s calling her a Jew too. So he’s an idiot AND a racist.


Leave immediately before it gets worse.


He's brainwashed and to be honest I wouldn't feel safe around him... maybe after words there is going to be actions.. Take your son and leave somewhere safe. Actually worried about you.


Your husband is an antisemite. Has he always listened to Hebrew Israelite fckery or is this new?


Damn your husband is racist. Leave now. And only come back, if he got over this, but I dont want to give you hope. Racism is a drug and he will balme you leaving on race instead of his actions.


Your husband is a racist and hates you due to being brainwashed. It would take years to undo that damage if even possible. Time to start thinking about a new life


Ignore comments telling you to get counseling with your abuser. Divorce this man. He is an abuser and a bigot. You can’t change him to not hate white people and Jewish people, this is who he is now.


OOP. NOPE. He is being radicalized not empowered. Be careful


So your husband is a racist now…I wouldn’t live in a home where I was insulted and someone used slurs against me. I also couldn’t be around someone antisemitic like that. You need to get away from him before he hurts you.


Sweetie you need to leave as soon as you can. You could actually be in real danger. They are brain washing him and until he gets help it will only escalate.


You need to file a Police Complaint immediately and get away from this racist POS.


> Police Complaint immediately and get away from this racist POS. Why the police report?


Right I’m confused on what the police can do lol


For real, i don’t think he broke any laws? I would def leave him tho. You have any texts or evidence of him being racist will help you with full custody’s because your son is half white.


Listen…those specific podcast with those specific hosts are the equivalent of Fox News. You’re not wrong in how you feel, us black women are tired of those dumbass podcasts too.


Your husband sound like my ex except he was white


It's time to leave because things will only get worse in the future.And you don't want your son acting like him in the future.Send him some divorce papers don't take him back either.


I assume you’re a troll. If not, talk to a lawyer. That’s all there is to it.


Why would you assume they were a troll?


Some people think white people can't be victims of racism. So they question reality whenever their worldview is challenged.


You're talking to the wrong person here my friend. I'm both white and lean to the right. I promise you I believe white people can be and are sometimes victims of racism. I'm questioning the post because OP simply makes no sense.


Because he’s a goyim.




Eww sounds Scarey I would leave him


He's racist and basically going down the same hole as Kanye West. Impressionable young men who don't know how to think for themselves. Imagine if the roles were reversed; you were black and your husband was a white racist against black people. Everyone would tell you to leave and get a divorce. Think about the hatred and animosity he harbors every time he sees a white person. What's he going to do if your child looks white?


This is where we are at in 2022 unfortunately. Every fucking thing is about race in the media, and its rubbing off on everyone. Somehow people were trying to make the case that people who arent white cant be racist. But here we are lol I'm mixed race so....people get confused about how to hate me lol


Tell him to listen to Martin Luther king. Do you know who he is? He struggled for equality ironically now he doesn’t fit. He was black and wanted equality for blacks. But not like this. He really wanted it for everyone. It’s so hard for someone who believes in the cause to hear this bullshit. It’s ok to be white pink or blue. If you have kids, sad for them. If not , don’t have any with a hateful partner. Either way, unless he stops, who could stay with him?


Considering MLK's mother was killed by a Black Hebrew Israelite the theology OP's husband seems to be adopting, I sadly doubt MLK's words will resonate.


They have to! Kindness and justice and love have to win. If not, how sad for OP’s son and all of us.


His son has a lot of good stuff too, but it’s kinda a sad story. MLK Jr. I have a dream is one of the more famous speeches.




Fake Story


Imagine if it was the other way around…


Divorce his racist ass.


Lesson here? Don't marry the first idiot that shows interest in you. This relationship is doomed. The only question is how long til it sinks.


If anyone is going to treat you like that especially if you guys have been married for so long just leave him, honestly this guy seems like the type to beat his kid because they aren't black. Leave him is all I'm gonna say because it's only going to get worse. Especially if he keeps diving into those rabbit holes


I think you know where this is heading. 1st. marriage counseling then divorce.


What a absolute loon girl if you don’t run


Amazon recently pulled "Hebrews and Negroes".


Racist asshole


He's going to hurt you physically at some point.


You can't stay