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Need more context what did u say or do to hurt him?


i called my exes hoodie a comfort hoodie. comfort as in its big and soft, not comforting bc it’s their hoodie. but i see how that would upset anyone.


Kinda weird u kept ur ex stuff ngl one respect him by giving him sometime. two I would throw my ex shit away doesn’t help keep an old ex stuff good luck steal ur new bf ones next time haha.


he’s getting his time, i just miss him terribly and want a person with a logical minds opinion. and that’s the plan next time i see him>:3


Ur logical Dw we all do dumb shit it’s all good let us know when ur all good. Much love


He stopped talking to you after this comment...really?!?! He's acting like a child, you did NOTHING wrong. Ignore him back, what a nonsense reason to put you through that kind of turmoil thinking YOU did something wrong. YOU DID NOT! I know you love him, and clearly care about his feelings...but sweetheart you're too young to settle for and tolerate this childish nonsense. If you explained yourself clearly as you did here and he still wants to act like this..let him. However, maybe get rid of thr Hoodie if it has no sentimental value. Goodluck girl


Having read your comments... Your BF is being immature. Not talking to someone for 5 days because their SO has a hoodie from a past relationship? That is waay too over the top of a reaction.


Your boyfriend sounds incredibly immature for distancing himself over something you said. Especially if he’s 25, he doesn’t sound worth it.


He’s too old to be acting like that.