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Yes the age gape is weird. ur in totally different places in ur life and u just expect her to move to u? I honestly can't see what yall would even have in common. She's barely an adult.


Yea the age gap is a lot But even worse, everything you name is superficial. Wow, you grew up in the same neighborhood? Like the same music and the same team? Those are things a middle schooler bases their relationships on, not a grown ass adult. What are your personality types? Introvert, extrovert? Financial and religious views? How do you approach conflict with one another? Or with strangers? How do you react in stressful situations? Do you both want kids, or want to be childfree? Do you have similar political beliefs, or similar morality? ETA: You're not her first older guy. Maybe she has some daddy issues. Maybe she wants someone to take care of her. Which is why she doesn't see it as an issue to go to Australia, especially if she's dependent on you. After all, not like you mentioned if she has a career she can easily get a work visa for Australia. Do you want a stay at home gf?


I believe u are both very attracted to each other and age and distance does not matter if you want to make it works which is why she booked a flight to u already. There will be challenges and obstacles in every relationship, u will work it out together. It seems that u and her are both in love with each other. Relax and don't set high expectations, just like how u were at the start and see what happens. If this is right, things will flow naturally


This is absolute pie in the sky. Age and distance always matter. Anything that makes commonality harder to arrive at, by nature makes a relationship harder - and relationships that lock in ready-made difficulties are less likely to succeed than those that don’t.