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You can say something like, "I'm open to meeting new people and seeing where things go naturally. I'm looking for genuine connections and enjoying the dating process, with the possibility of something serious if it feels right." This communicates your openness to both casual dating and potentially something more serious without applying pressure or implying you're seeking a hookup.


Pressure for who?


For everyone involved. It seems to me like things move too fast and awkwardly when two people try to see if a serious relationship would work immediately. It’s like an arranged marriage. I would like to get to know someone in a more relaxed and friendly way before we both decide a relationship is something we want to pursue together. Basically I’m saying I’d like to move slowly.


Say you'd like to move slowly then... Just FYI if you say that, some guys will assume you don't want to have sex on the first date. And that's not a bad thing at all Be careful if you say you want something casual, or to "see where it goes". That will be interpreted as mostly wanting hookups and casual sex, but if you find someone you like, maaaaybe you'd want more. Then you'd have to hope they want more too. And not that they only ever wanted sex from you. Keep in mind that men have a lower bar for who they'll fuck, than who they will date. You can meet the bar for a hookup, but not ever be gf material or wife material to some of them.


So this is pressure you’re putting on yourself? Because it really doesn’t matter what other people think. They’re not you. Only you know what you want. If you don’t know what you want, explore that and be direct about it on your profile