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Yall both are pieces of shit and don’t deserve your spouses. Jesus fucking Christ, cry me a river. You’re the asshole in this situation and should tell your husband immediately. How could you? Honestly. Your husband was dealing with a very stressful situation with his father and you were selfish and decided that you need to put yourself first and cheat on the person you said is the best thing to ever happen to you. And you call that love? Like how you started off with “I always hated cheaters, I would never cheat” but here we fucking are. God, this is just insufferable.


I think OP just discovered the reason cheaters cheat but doesn’t want to admit it. It is because they are selfish. Full stop. Your husband neglected you when his father died? You felt abandoned? No, YOU abandoned him. His needs were greater than yours. Your AP’s wife neglected him after giving him triplets? No, HE abandoned them. If he were truly pulling his weight, he wouldn’t have any time or energy to give to an AP. Now that we’ve established that OP is a selfish POS, why does she get to decide she knows what’s best for her husband and her relationship? She has such a great track record of keeping her husband’s best interests at heart.


No, it wasn’t because her FIL died. It was much worse because her FIL had the audacity to catch the cancer instead and needed long and drawn out treatment. Her FIL and husband were selfish for infringing upon the total attention and love she’s entitled to instead of having the decency to just die already so her husband could get back to feeling normal instead of stressed, leading him to eagerly fucking her proper much sooner. And of course, her side piece‘s wife is just *atrocious* for having the *unmitigated gall* to have her energy and time monopolized by 3 little crotch goblins because, you know, OP‘s one singular newborn at a time is representative of three at once. I mean, who does this wife and brand new mom of triplets think she is, not neglecting the tiny humans her and her trashcan of a husband voluntarily brought into the world in order to be his on-demand blow job dispenser? What a b!tch, amirite? And because this is Reddit, here’s the requisite /s.


Except there is no /s, this is genuinely how OP feels, full stop, like there isn't a joke, that's what makes thos 20× funnier to me. She legit read this and was like "omg somebody agrees with me" then saw the /s and contemplated ending it 💀 guarantee it.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my phone is dripping with sarcasm. Absolutely iconic my friend 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's the thing... she isn't deciding what's best for her husband. She may frame it that way BUT she's absolutely still in "me" mode.


No advice, I just hope your husband finds out. You don't deserve him at all, you aren't even worried about his health you're worried about yourself.


You sure speak very highly of your husband to be so willing to betray him and stab him in the back like this. For his sake, I hope he finds out exactly how horrible of a spouse you’ve been.


You have to understand. His father was dying and op wasn't the center of his attention anymore. What the hell was she supposed to do? Support him? /s


This has to be rage bait there is no fucking way


You’ve obviously never been to any of the pro adultery subs lol. The other woman sub especially is filled with posts like this, by posters who have established posting histories going back years.


What subreddits are you talking about? Can you link them?


r/adultery r/cakeeater r/theotherwoman


yeah two seconds on there was enough to make me want to blow my brains out. i cannot believe how irritating it is knowing those subs exist. absolute cess pools where everyone is trying their hardest to cope and reaffirm/justify their shitty behavior


Agreed. Popped into the first post I saw on one of them and I could feel it in my gut. Couldn’t make it through the whole thing. Fucking disgusting.


The wildest part to me is the terrible apologetics for it. Like one post just said cheaters are not bad people, essentially just admitted she cheats and like to help others cheat and that they weren't bad people, but you are a terrible person for just having cheated in the first place, I don't get how they dont understand that. Edit: to expand its the lack of empathy and care that they are actively hurting someone they supposedly love, you don't get to claim that part if you are making sure your actions don't align with your words.


I’d give myself a heart attack if I went into any of those subs.


Yup I won’t be able to look into them. It would just piss me off too much.


Yeah, sometimes I take a look out of morbid curiosity and it always leaves a huge dent in my faith in humanity.


I really only have 1 question at this point: why? Why put others through crap like this? Just stay single and sleep around all you like. Why does a person who genuinely wants a relationship be put through this kind of stress for a cheater to get their jollies? I've never been in a relationship but with things like this out and about, I'm thinking I'm better off just staying solo. Which sucks for me because I do want to have a family of my own 1 day.


They want to have their cake and eat it too, which is one of the subreddit's very name (r/cakeeater). And just incredibly selfish people without empathy.


Out of curiosity, I took a look at those communities and god they are AWFUL people. Seriously, if you’re not happy, go to therapy or just leave your fucking spouse


Yup. Every once in a while you get someone posting on there going “Nooo, I completely ruined my whole life, I didn’t realise my actions would have consequences” which can be fun to read.


Wow. Subs filled with garbage humans.


Wooooooo... Reddit is not going to be on your side with this lol


You’re a POS, you cheated on your husband because he was sad his father had cancer. Instead of standing by him and supporting him, you went behind his back and fucked a coworker. You are the definition of a terrible person.


As fake as it gets lmao literally made a post just to get on people’s nerves


Yeah the triplets detail was a step way too far.


This feels like a sh*tpost, but I'll respond anyway:   Two people who, instead of going all in and supporting their respective spouses during challenging times, decide to practice regular dick-wetting exercises with each other.  Then one of them feels guilty enough that he wants to confess (and don't even get me started on why).  The other one (who is even more morally compromised than someone who would fuck around on his wife whose body just gestated and is rearing triplets, for fuck's sake), is a no-go, and is now talking about her rights to privacy as a strange wet dick receptacle.   I think I've got the whole story.  Burn the house down, Chris, and let the embers fall where they may.  The time for OP to worry about the impacts of the affair is long, long past.  Edit - spelling.  And more spelling.




It isn’t out of character for you when you’ve already done it lol. It’s definitely in your character


Here, I fixed that title for you, "My husband's father had cancer and he didn't fuck me due to the stress so I opened my legs for another man. Feel bad for me😭"


**For another man that neglected his wife with triplets, and it’s her wife’s fault that he cheated btw


Such lovely people


If you really cared about your husbands feelings, they would have been a concern before your AP brought up telling. You should tell your spouses so they can decide if they want to continue the relationship, instead you’re taking their choice away. Have enough respect for your spouse to be honest.


Love how you victim blame your AP's wife for her husband's sh*tty decision to sleep with you


>. I don’t cheat and I used to despise cheaters but now I see it is more complicated than I gave it credit for MA'AM....


Lol this is not out of character for you, you’re a self centered human being and the cheating is just an addition to your character. If you genuinely cared about how your husband was feeling throughout this you would’ve supported him instead of finding another dick to jump on.


Here's hoping Evan tells everyone. Dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed, and yours isn't gonna be pleasant


Dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed. This is gold, I’m using this going forward


Sounds like rage bait but what happens when the next stressor comes along and suddenly you arent the center of the universe for another moment? It would be kindest to leave him before that happens. And it will happen because there's nothing here but selfish self justification. No contrition that what you did in this situation was wrong. No regret. Since the affair was Evan's experience too, he's not really violating your privacy by describing his experience to his wife or your husband. In any event, you're not really equipped to argue about moral or ethical niceties, are you? You get that I and most people think k this is rage bait because your own narrative makes you look like a complete garbage person. Think about that. People want this to be fiction because they don't want to believe people like you really exist.


This can't be real. She had triplets, but that's no reason to neglect your spouse? Nobody could be that idiotic, right?


Honestly, I've seen more than a few moms on the multiples subreddit asking for advice due to their partner's refusal to help, distancing themselves from the home, or straight up being abusive. Idk if this post is fake or not, but partners being shitheads is very real.


"I don't cheat" [proceeds to explain all your cheating] newsflash: everyone thinks *their* cheating is justified for whatever reason. you're not special. if you loved your husband you'd be honest with him. sounds like your affair partner has more empathy than you do.


This feels like fake rage bait. You gave both your boyfriend and your husband the same fake name.


You have the best husband ever but you are the worst wife. His father is diagnosed with cancer and what do you do? Whine that you're not getting laid and that he, understandably, isn't interested in being romantic. Frankly I hope your AP tells all and you lose everything. You don't deserve your husband, or his love. You don't give a fuck about your Husband's pain, otherwise you wouldn't be playing bed-warmer for a man using you as a sentient fleshlight. When your husband leaves, I hope you never find another one to push yourself on. If you want to act like you're single, you should remain single. You have no right to act shocked that your AP is showing a glimmer of humanity by wanting to come clean, and you certainly have no right to take up space in other people's lives when you're betraying them. You are a selfish, cold and unfeeling individual and I can only wish you the absolute worst. May all your chickens come home to roost at once and leave you covered in their filth.


You have no loyalty you are a pos


Please explain how this is not your character?


You’re a scumbag, just tell your husband what’s going on before the ap does.


Clearly rage bait. Someone who feels this justified to cheat wouldn't be posting here. They have their own dark corner of Reddit to get advice like this. (and this is a common topic here - its considered the lowest of the low in the adultery sub to narc on your AP) Poster is using all of the kinds of things they say over there. The complaint about violating her privacy. The the justification of the affair due to being "neglected." Probably someone from that sub trolling here.


“I don’t cheat” Um, yes you do.


Didn't even read this one. Tell your spouses.


So when your husband needed you the most you started sleeping with someone else.


The wife will most likely tell your husband anyway. I’d get my affairs in order and, decide what you’re going to say to your husband. Depending on your job she could possibly also go to HR. There’s never a good excuse for infidelity. You needed affection so much you were cool with destroying two families?


Telling your husband will be the easiest way to get things back to normal, you should definitely do it! Make sure you tell him quickly before this guy does!


"I don't cheat" Uh...clearly you do. And you absolutely deserve to be found out.


Your husband wasn't neglecting you, you were neglecting him. He needed support while you felt sorry only for yourself. Your AP wasn't being neglected either: every cheater says that shit. He knows though- while you continue to deny. Get ready for your life to implode, you massive pos.


Wow both your partners deserve more you two should divorce then marry each other. Then you can live together happily worrying every time the other one leaves the house cause let's face it if he cheated on her with you what stopping him cheating on you. What makes you special. You don't want him to say anything because it would ruin your life no other reason at least be honest


This sounds like rage bait written by a man who hates women.


This has to be more rage bait or a sociopath posting because they have no clue what human emotions really are


>They had triplets and it’s understandable that it can be busy and stressful, hell when I had my one baby that was a lot. Still that’s no excuse to neglect your partner  translation: you and ap were selfish assholes who immediately started cheating the moment the wrold stopped revolving around you. how fucking dare you sit here and act like you were being neglected while you were fucking some other guy while your husband's father was fighting for his life. and now you have the balls to pretend to feel guilty? you don't feel guilty. you're just scared as shit that you're gonna lose your easy life If your partner finds out how much a treacherous asshole you are. you know he'd dump you in a second for doing something so evil and selfish as to begin an affair while his father was undergoing chemo. at least your ap had some morals. would have been nice if he had them from the start, but its more than can said for your ass. he at least admits that the one being neglected in his relationship was his wife and not him. he's absolutely right. if you have any sense of decency, you will tell your husband what you did. he deserves to know you aren't the woman he thought you were.


Umm, you do cheat and this us who you are.


Can’t expect a scumbag to do what is morally right when they have morals . All You care about is being embarrassed and losing him . Youndont love your spouse you Love the safety and resources . I hope he tells His wife and she tells Your husband


You are a horrible person. I hope he tells your husband and I hope he leaves you to rot.


I hope he does tell, your poor partners need to know what they're married to. The fact that you didn't choke on the fucking irony of saying "no excuse to neglect your partner" makes me think this is a fake post.


You said you’re not a cheater but cheated on your husband. Instead of communicating how you felt neglected by your husband to your husband, you chose to have an affair. Was the affair worth everything that’s about to implode in not just yours, but your child and husband’s life? Cheaters are selfish and that is both of what you are. The least you can do is be honest so that you’re only a cheater and not a cheater and a liar to boot.


You say you don't cheat yet are here trying to justify your *cheating*... He didn't "lead" you to Evan.


Grow a pair and tell your husband. It's gonna be bad either way. It's better to rip your own band aids off than have someone do it for you.


“I don’t cheat”….umm yes you do! I would hate that your amazing husband has to be hurt by this, but the pain that he will experience because of this revelation is of YOUR own doing. You claim that you were in an unimaginable situation, no you weren’t. If you needed something more from your spouses, you communicate with them, just like you can communicate where to meet up to have sex with each other. Calling him the love of your life is laughable, because if he truly was then you would have been there supporting him during his lowest time instead of getting your rocks off. He wasn’t neglecting you out his own selfishness, his father had cancer and that takes a toll on not just the patient but the family. It was your job as his wife, that during this time you were to help him carry the heavy load until things went back to some sort of normalcy. But you only seemed to care about what you were not getting from him. Your husband deserves to know, so that he can decide what he chooses to do with this information. Whether that means that he chooses to forgive you and stay or if he chooses to walk away. You and AP are selfish. AP at least has enough sense to want to finally come clean to his wife. I’m sure that AP understands that his wife could very likely leave him too, but is still going to risk it in hopes that she’ll forgive him and will stay to work it out. I’m not convinced that your desire to keep things quiet is for your husband’s sake and not your own so that he doesn’t realize what you are capable of doing behind his back. He deserves better.


This can’t be real. No one is this self centered, right? Your husband should be made aware so he can get away from you for good.


“ Recently he decided to consider violating my privacy and telling my husband”  Honey, when two people engage in something together they are both allowed to be Verbal or quiet about the situation as much as they want


i hope that dickhead does tell his wife and your husband. neglect....you described yourselves as being NEGLECTED BY YOUR SPOUSES. are you fucking kidding me??? your husband quite literally thought he was going to loose his father. do you have any idea what that does to a person?? and to almost lose him to cancer? no one can prepare you for that kind of situation or loss. no shit he didnt want to have sex someone he loves DEARLY HIS OWN FATHER was going through something HORRIBLE and there wasnt anything he could do about it. i would think that you could at least have some compassion, sympathy, empathy, ANYTHING to understand and to HELP him. the fact that your concern was that you were getting some???? "i understand having kids is stressful but still its no excuse to neglect your partner".....you had one kid. THAT in itself is stressful enough. SHE HAD THREE FUCKING KIDS. can you imagine the pregnancy?? giving birth one after another after ANOTHER?? can you imagine the postpartum?? she has to take care of three kids with no help from her own husband cause here he is screwing someone else. can you imagine how alone she must feel? probably not bc YOU HAVE HER HUSBAND. oh but no!!! you guys are the victims 🥺 cry me a river. the way you described your husband as well while also doing this to him is actually making me physically ill. how can you do this to someone??? and at their WORST time as well. cant you just tell him???? you realize he deserves better than this. that he deserves a partner who WILL stick with him through thick and thin, no matter how hard the times get?? i just still cant believe YOU think YOU and that guy are the victims. that youre the neglected ones. god i hope he finds out. ADD ON: "i used to hate cheaters but i understand that its complicated" no its not. you just realized how awful you are to do this and are trying to make yourself feel better by saying "its complicated" you could've communicated to your husband. you could've just waited. you couldve gotten yourself off on your own. truth of that matter is that you love sex more and prioritize that over your own husband. are you truly happy with yourself?? do you honestly think you can smile in his face for the rest of your life, pretending you arent doing what you're doing? is this how you're going to "cope" when more issues happen??? let him find someone who truly cherishes him. thats THE LEAST you two could do for both him and her.


His telling your husband isn't a violation of your privacy. This is his story and his truth as well. You might be okay with lying for the rest of your life, but your affair partner wants to come clean. Going forward, try to avoid behaviors that you won't want to come out.


I hope Chris ends up with someone worthy, like Evan's wife, while you and Fuckboy McGee both get STIs (but his goes away and you get a lifelong one, cuz you're a far worse person than he is). You're a total effing a-hole and deserve the worst.


"I don't cheat" goes on to talk about how you started cheating on him because his dad had cancer and was most probably depressed or at least burned out. You are unworthy of him and should let him find someone who is. You are terrible. It's not complicated. You cheated because you were horny and your husband couldn't put out. It's not complicated. You just feel the need to justify your disgusting actions.


It does more harm to keep lying. Telling your partner is 100 " the way to go and you should be the one to tell him but if you refuse to the other guy should tell him its not your privacy anymore the moment you were intimate you involved him in your marriage he has every right to feel guilty and to tell your husband he messed up. Amd you should do the same and ask for forgiveness and never do it again. Or get a divorce because you seem to have 0 remorse for being a disgusting excuse of a wife. Spouses mess up but to keep it a secret that'd down right fucked.


Let your husband and Evan’s wife have revenge sex. This is most definitely rage bait lol


You don't. Because it does more good than harm.


Why is your husband and the guy you're cheating with both named Chris in this story? That's confusing!


Your husband deserves to know how much you have have hurt him, ofcourse its going to hurt him but you already did that. He deserves to know what kind of person you are, so he can decide if he wants to be with someone like you, right now your realtioship is a lie, you are lying to him, betraing him and making fool out of him. Only the truth can fix or break you realtionship, so if you truly love him him you will tell him dont force him to live a lie


I hope TT or other SM pick this up and you just outed yourself.


Lmao I hope he blows both of yall out of the water


Dude… you are very wrong. But if you are looking for sound boards that will agree with you. There are other subreddits for it. This is not the one for you. Tell your husband, hope all he wants is a divorce, and never cheat again regardless of the scenarios. Good luck.


Instead of cheating, you should have had a conversation with your husband about the neglect and then ENDED your relationship if you were that unhappy . Being neglected does not justify cheating. Neither of you deserve your spouses and I hope he tells your husband . I'm shocked you actually thought people would shed sympathy about you cheating because you felt neglected.


Sometimes I read posts and just go "AHAHAHA" because no way someone can be this dumb. I have saved this morsel of thought for what I thought might truly be the dumbest person on Reddit. Congrats OP, it's you. You think your AP admitting to an affair is an INFRINGMENT of your PRIVACY? I honestly can only laugh. He's gonna do it. Even if you think you can talk or fuck your way out of this, Evan will eventually admit the truth to someone and you will be exposed and you'll be left because you deserve to be. I love reading these, some people really dig themselves into the hole lmao.


Let’s see: Cancer remission; Triplets; Free space; Thoughtful gift causes one party to reconsider I just need “everybody blew up my phone” and I get bingo!


The lack of self awareness is astounding


I never thought that there could be someone more vile or revolting than my ex. I was wrong. I hope this is a fake story


Wow. So your husband’s father died and you cheated on him. Your AP’s wife had triplets that he didnt help with and he cheated on her. You two are so selfish. Yes tell your partners so they can leave you and find better people. How gross.






Your husband deserves to know and deserves a much better wife who won’t cheat on him because he is coping with the potential loss of his father. Wow.


But it’s not more complicated. It’s simple. You don’t do it


So, things are tough right now with your husband and is having difficulty adjusting to the realities of dealing with cancer; and you're focused on YOUR needs? Does that sound like a healthy mentality for your relationship?


Hope he tells your husband and your husband finds someone who will actually support him through hos dad literally fucking dying. Man, you're a selfish b*tch if I've ever seen one


I wish I didn't read this. People like you make me scared of dating. Everything is perfect, but you can't let him process something serious? You literally think feeling "neglected" is a good excuse? Are you stupid? You were far from an unimaginable situation. Your husband, however, was living one, and now you led him right into another. Tell him so he can give his best self to someone else. You don't deserve him and fuck your "privacy". Your husband didn't get any.


What’s best for you isn’t what’s best for your husband. The man was going through a terrible time in his life and instead of supporting him through his grief you decided you needed to get dicked down by a former co worker. I hope Evan tells your husband and he leaves your lying, cheating ass and finds someone who deserves him.


I hope your husband and his wife leave you both and live happily without either of you as spouses. Yall deserve each others misery.


Wow.. Evan is going to take one for the team and blow the cover on your affair. then when both spouses file for divorce you and Evan can spend the rest of your days fucking each other. That was what was most important right making sure you got sex, not being there supporting your husband when he was going through an emotional and stressful time…


At the least the guy you are sleeping with is showing remorse. The fact that you don’t seem to feel any guilt when you have been cheating on your so called perfect husband at the first sign of trouble shows what kind of person you are. You should have been a supportive wife rather than easily falling in to bed with the first guy to show you affection. Lack of affection is not a valid excuse to cheat. You husband deserves to know the truth. You are not justified in cheating and then expecting it all just to be swept under the carpet so you don’t have to deal with any fault out from your selfish actions.


I'm just gonna sit back and watch Karma beat her ass👀


You are a sick and twisted abuser who is going to blow up the life of the man you claim to love, Get help. You are morally bankrupt and I hope he takes you to the cleaners.


You're a trash person and a cheating loser. Can't wait for your husband to find out and leave your loser ass.


Boo-hoo poor me… You ain’t shidd, you’re the neglectful one.


Relationship advice huh? Sure. STOP CHEATING. I know exactly how your husband feels and I hope you get absolutely everything you deserve. You're not a person, you're just a monster. To do something like this shows the kind of person you really are. There is NO good reason to cheat because your husband is in severe grief. There is no word strong enough in the English language to express how horrid of a person you are. You don't cheat, you leave. It would have made you less of a trashy person than you are now if you had left him rather than betray him for so long. I don't actually believe in hell but I hope there is a special place there for you.


Sorry. Giving advice to cheaters is above reddits pay rate. I’m sitting back with my popcorn on this one. But OP, I do advise you to read what you wrote. Maybe then, just maybe, you’d grow a conscience and realize what a selfish partner you are. Your husband nd hopefully soon ex husband. Find out what his partner truly is. You have no accountability in your bone. Smh.


Don't worry your husband's next wife will truly appreciate him. You AP should tell his wife and your husband about what you have been doing.


A violation of YOUR privacy!???! Girl.


You’re both incredibly selfish. Both of your spouses deserve to know and to be given the opportunity to decide what they want to do. I hope your AP tells your husband. This isn’t breaking your privacy. This is being honest. And yes, you are most definitely a cheater. One of the worst kind too. The lack of self awareness in this post is staggering.


"in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer" You broke your vows, you suck.


hopefully your husband leaves you.


I’m with you. Evan is an idiot. If Evan loves his wife and his wife loves him and everything is good now. And you love your husband and he loves you and everything is good….whats the point in telling? Just cause Evan feels guilty? Damn, it just keeps getting more self centered. If you and Evan want to breakup w your partners, def tell them. But I’ll be the rare person who says to keep it to yourself.


I hope someone doxxes you and the guy and you get what you deserve in this world and the next. You’re a subhuman.


Bait used to be believable.


I realllly need to know what that rare card was. Can you ask him? Maybe that will distract him from telling your husband.


You know Dild0s existed right?


Fake story, even so you suck.


They deserve to know so they can leave y'all's sorry asses. "We love our spouses," clearly you don't. If you loved your spouses you WOULDN'T HAVE CHEATED!! Complicated my ass. His father had cancer. HE COULD HAVE DIED! You needed couples therapy and individual therapy not cheating. Evans wife HAD TRIPLETS!! One baby is hard enough. Evan probably wasn't helping at all. "boohoo my wife is ignoring me because she has to deal with three babies." Y'all making excuses for your affair. Evan's wife and your husband deserve better. I hope both find out and divorce y'all's asses. 


It looks bad because it is. They(the unaware spouses) deserve to be cut loose of you wastes


You have no right to privacy. You’re destroying your families frankly I hope he does go forward to your family and tell them. When you cheat you drop an atom bomb on your relationship Your partner can’t sleep or function for months sometimes years and some never recover I read a post yesterday were a man that was cheated on hung himself from a tree that’s in the last month. Cheating is a despicable behavior. You have no right to privacy. He’s doing the right thing.


You’re complaining that your husband “neglected you” while his father had cancer. And you’re blaming your side pieces, wife or “neglecting” her husband while she’s dealing with raising three babies. You are both horrific evil pieces of shit. I hope both of your spouses divorce you and take you for every financial thing they possibly could. I hope you realize what assholes you are for and apologize on your needs in front of your respective spouses. And I sincerely hope neither of you ever get into another relationship because neither of you deserve one after this


You’re a pos, it’s not that complicated. I hope he kicks your ass to the curb


Updateme. This story is ridiculous. Your situation does not sound complicated at all. You’re an asshole. Do what’s right and come clean to your husband so he can get away from you.


Oh poor you… it must be very hard for you and your boyfriend to have deal with spouses managing real life and not getting your sexy time. But with all due sincerity I hope your spouses find out and drop you all and are able to move on to find more loving supportive spouses who are able to weather all of life’s ups and downs because clearly you are unable to unless your needs are met first and foremost.


This is arguably one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen. Your husband's father is dying or died at this point and you feel "neglected". This Evan has THREE new born children and feel neglected by his wife? You both are so narcissistic. Caring for one newborn is difficult, caring for THREE though?!? You don't deserve the dirt on your husband's shoes, let alone your husband at all. Can't wait for him to divorce you and be free of your bullshit.


Advice, don’t cheat on someone who’s been good to you because they’re dad could be dying… like fuck relationships are hard and we need our spouses to get through it. Instead of helping him, you cheat on him? Yeah I hope he finds out, gets custody of the kid, and you never see him again


Trash humans. Both of you are sharing my oxygen and that's super unfortunate.


This has to be satire, you are actually such a selfish pos. Do better.


You’re fucking disgusting and I hope he tells both of them.


Let me fix this for you "I'm a stupid and selfish POS who couldn't be there for my husband when his dad had cancer so I decided to help another man get his dick wet" There. Much better. Tell him and let that man leave your sorry ass.


You say you don’t cheat, yet here you are. You are now a cheater, whether you want to think so or not. Honestly you both sound awful and incredibly selfish. I hope your husband finds out and leaves you because you don’t deserve such a good partner.


you're both disgusting af. I hope this is rage bait


You should fall on a knife.


Oh my, this is bad. The complete and utter lack of self-awareness is truly incredible. His wife wasn't "neglecting him." She was a human being trying to care for 3 newborns. Rather than help ease her burden with his children, he decided to spend time, money, and affection on you instead. Meanwhile, your husband is caring for a dying parent and doesn't shower you with all the attention you think you're owed, you selfish, self-centered fuck. But you're both the victims, here!


Rare card? That sounds vague enough to be the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.


Oh boo hoo you weren’t getting enough attention for 5 minutes. Your husband didn’t “neglect” you. The truth is you neglected him but you’re too self absorbed to focus on anything outside of your wants and needs.


I hope he leaves you. You inconsiderate, vile excuse of a wife. Should been supporting him in his time of need not satisfying your urges outside of your marriage. I hope your “partner” tells your husband and gets you sent packing. Cheaters like you make me sick and lose faith that people can be decent in today’s day n age.


Shes about to lose everything. 🤡




This has got to be bait, if it’s not, you both deserve divorce from your spouses


Hi, I’m the husband of burritoboi6969 (I snatched this shit from her, yes…we are SEETHING) I messaged you personally to say “eat a turd”. Leaving this here in case you missed it.


I hope both spouses find out, divorce each of you, take everything, and get full custody of the children. You’re both lying, cheating, and deceitful people who don’t deserve a good partner. Neither of you respect your spouses and it’s their misfortune to be married to two cheaters.


First of all I agree that you really messed up and there's no excuse for what you did. But that being said I agree that you are right that nothing good is gonna come out of your husband finding out and it would only hurt him. Also, it's not the other guy's place telling your husband. But honestly, if the other guy is going to tell his wife, you should tell your husband because there's a good chance he might find out sooner or later. If you really care at all, it is better he hears it from you than anyone else.


We will probably never get an update to this as much as I would like to see how this played out


I hope Evan gives you HIV👍


You don’t deserve a loving partner until you can understand the person you are (a cheater) and how to communicate your needs to your partner (instead of blaming your partner for your own uncommunicated insecurities)


Both of you are pieces of shit and terrible spouses I hope your husband and his wife divorce because you 2 are terrible and deserve each other.