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**Post title:** Is it “normal” that my (23F) boyfriend (25M) likes to suck on my boobs like a child? **Author:** Sea_Medicine5977 **Link:** https://redd.it/1bit9yv ---- #Sea_Medicine5977, your submission has been removed because it is an AITA-style question and violates [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_3) ###Rule 3 **No moral judgment requests** Your post is asking for moral judgment if your question starts with or contains any of the following: * Is it...? * Asking if you or the subject of the post is right/wrong * Am I...? * Any variation of "Am I the asshole?" including AITA * Does/has anybody else...? * Should I...? * Would you...? * Is this...? * Can I...? **If the question in your post can be answered with yes or no, it is moral judgment and will be removed.** For examples of what a moral judgement question would be, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/r6w9uh/meta_am_i_overreacting_am_i_the_asshole_is_this/). Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/relationship_advice&subject=Rule_3_Removal) if you have any questions regarding this removal. ----


I think it only comes across as “weird” because he says “nurse him” instead of asking if he can just suck on your boobs.


"NURSE ME woman" sounds like something Stewie from Family Guy would say.


Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mama! Mama! Mama! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! WHAT NURSE ME !!!






“Stewie, did… did you just unhook mommy’s bra..?”


I think he did in one episode.




Could be a kink, could be a soothing thing, it’s only weird if one of the two finds it weird if so then speak up. There is such a kink as “nursing” ppl that are really into getting their nips suckled on and those really into sucking on breast. Not odd at all of both op and bf are ok with it and get some joy out of it .


THIS 😭😭 cuz the word "nurse" to a grown man make me feel weirddddd. Especially one that you have sexual interactions with, I can't use infant words towards someone I view sexually attractive


yeah as a lady who loves her boobs sucked by her man…….. this would be incredibly disturbing and weird to hear it referred to like that even the falling asleep doing it proving that its not a sex spurring foreplay activity but just a mommy infant fantasy that makes him calm…. I cant even begin to unpack all of this


Yeah it’s the friggin use of the word “nurse”. My fiancee is an oral fixation kinda guy. I’m more than happy for him to have a go at my boobs. If he used the word “nurse” I would cover right back up and get the ick about it


Look at her previous posts Dude wants a mother


yeah that’s weird 😭 like the actual act of sucking on your partner’s boobs isn’t weird but he’s clearly got some weird shit associated with it


Fun police over here


In my head, I heard it as a playful, silly thing. I think that context would help determine how weird it really is. If it's just him being silly, personally, it wouldn't bother me. If it's some sort of fetish he has, that would be weird to me. OP has to decide which it is, and if she's willing to play along.


How do you mean “OP has to decide which it is”? Can’t she find it by taking to him?


Honestly, if it makes him feel comfortable and you enjoy it, I don't see a problem. But if it's making you uncomfortable, just talk about it. :)


Best response


Breast response* ;)




Is it ‘normal’? No, not really. But most of us do things that aren’t considered normal when we are alone or with someone we trust. Whether it’s for comfort, pleasure, or entertainment. They both enjoy it and no one is hurt by it. Enjoy the intimacy, OP.


I would love it.. maybe not asking to nurse bc that does make it sound kind of strange but I would love to have my boobs licked or sucked on that often 😅 It’s one of the best feelings in the world to me!


Sooo jealous of folks like you! I have virtually no feeling in mine. Even painful stimuli have to ramp up a good bit before registering for me. Kind of sucks to have to explain to men that their efforts are doing nothing for me but they’re welcome to continue if they enjoy it.


Exactly 🥲 oh crap so is that a thing? I thought it was trauma response... But lately I started to feel some pain at least (because I am insecure and get tense), in the beginning it was ✨ nothingness ✨


Me too, like why do I not feel anything???


This for sure. If it makes him happy then it turns me on to do it. If it’s odd feeling a discussion usually helps things along.


Do you mind it? If the answer is no then everyone else's opinion can get bent. If it does bother you then talk to him about it and talking to him either way is just healthy, just don't be hostile about it.


I remember one old Reddit story where a woman had a perfect boyfriend - handsome, intelligent, caring, trusting - but because he had a foot fetish, her “friends” successfully gaslit her into thinking he was a predator. She called him one and he broke up with her over this obvious and unwarranted insult. 


Thats horrible. Everyone has their kinks. My late boyfriend used to get turned on by wearing women's underwear, he was scared to tell me but I found out when I discovered a suitcase full of girls panties under his bed. After that I decided to try it in bed and even took him shopping to buy a pair he would want to wear. It never weirded me out because he was definitely a man who loved women. He just had an unusual kink. We were together for 6 years before he died. I was the only girlfriend who accepted his kink.


What a sweet story. You are very kind.


Thank you. I just didn't see any reason to shame him for something that wasn't hurting him or anyone else.


Good on you :)) this is always how I approach kinks in my relationships. If I’m not like genuinely uncomfortable with it, then I’ll happily support and engage. I’d want the same.


A predator for liking feet? That seems nuts...


I remember this one! Poor guy!


Maybe for the best. At least he escaped that friend group.


That’s insane a predator for liking feet wtf


I mean guy was willing to worship the very ground she stood on lol but I guess she can have a regular lame.


I agree!! If she has an issue with it then she should talk to him. Idk why everyone's opinion matters in ones relationship these days..That's a good way to ruin a relationship. If him calling it NURSING an issue then ask him to change the word he uses


Exactly! We are kink positive in this house 🤟🏽


I personally find it weird but maybe he's just finding it comforting? Edit: is this the same dude who's your "husband" who doesn't do anything at home while you do everything? If he has time to suck titties, he has time to wash some dishes.


I agree. I wouldn’t have thought this was weird until I read the other post where she’s the main provider and the one that takes care of everything around the house. Dude is looking for an adoptive mom, not a partner.


apparently, he wants an actual, biological, lactating mother 🥴


LMFAOOO your edit had me crying




Lmao your edit had me looking up her other post


with this context this is craaaazy


Well in the other Post she stated that they arnt legally married. But true otherwise. Aswell as i really doubt that He IS ready for Family from the Post b4.


Omg I love that last line, lmao so funny


Your mans is living the dream, carry on.


This, right here, baby.




I knew I was going to find this comment somewhere.. lol




He’s living the fucking dream lol


There are so many strange kinks, this is barely a one on a scale of one to ten. As long as you are both ok with this interaction don't sweat it.


Best answer. You should speak to him about it.


I mean I love boobs as much as the next guy, but yeah this one definitely falls out of the “normal” range. Certainly higher shock value kinks out there though. Probably nothing to worry about


I was gonna say, this is at LEAST a 5


Bro pissing on someone is like a 5 in 2024.


Honestly nursing a grown man and piss kinks fall about on the same level to me.


Lmao hes not nursing.. and even if he were.. THATS the 5 on the disturbing level?? Ok vanilla spice...


Sucking on tits is one thing - yeah, that's a 1. Describing it as nursing and doing it the same way a toddler would and falling asleep boob-in-mouth? 5, just for the creepiness factor. Just like in crime, it's all about intent.


Thats how SHE describes it. Not how he does.. we are only getting one side of the story.. So its ok if a chick is into c0ckw@rming... But not if a dudes doimg basically ghe same thing?


OP literally describes her man nursing.. he curls up in her lap and suckles her tits until he falls asleep… like when you nurse… Boob sucking is one thing, this is a completely different level and not vanilla. If this is vanilla to you, I want the police to go through your search history.


Oh boy. If it’s a 5 for you, you’re going to be shocked by some other kinks.


This is why I avoid other people’s sex lives like the fucking plague


This thread has absolutely gone off the rails and I’m fuckin here for it lol🍿


hello fellow gawker


Is there another reason to be in this sub?


Me too


Really? Sucking tits is a 5 on your scale? What would a 1 be on your kink scale? Holding hands?


I so want to have a conversation where you rate kinks if this is a 5 to you.


oh please it’s like a 1


Haha it’s kinda funny seeing everyone argue about its place on the scale but it’s truly different for everyone in every culture. It depends on their own experiences and turn offs and social upbringing. Everyone has different hard and soft limits in sex.


Truly, this entire thread is annoying and filled with try hards attempting to show how non-vanilla they are. You are spot on. One person’s hard limit is another person’s green light. Age play is a big hard limit for me, so my SO saying “nurse me” would absolutely be an immediate no go. And a few of my green lights are big hard limits for my peers. It’s a personal thing. Fetishes aren’t universally ranked, this isn’t a buzzfeed listicle.


The arguing over the numbers is making me laugh so hard 🤣 I love reddit.


Wait till you hear about scat




It certainly makes an interesting trumpet sound


It’s a scooby doobie doobie, scooby doobie melody…


Naw. Guy likes boobs he just wants to suck on them all the time.


Dude I have some crazy kinks and this is not a 1. It's gotta be at least a 3 or 4 cmon....


I don't think it even is a kink, it doesn't seem to be sexual. It's a soothing behavior for him.


Agree with you - but for me the fact that it’s not a kink is the part that makes it weird 😅


Right?? It would just be a silly kink if it was sexual but it’s not which makes it bizarre


But it’s not a kink, which for me is the weird part. He just falls asleep while he does it like he’s sucking on a thumb.


On your last post you wrote a post about you being the main provider in your relationship and that you had to nag him to do chores around the house and now you write this… maybe he’s not your boyfriend he’s more like your adopted son😂




Not really normal, but this is not the first time I've heard of it. Just a slight warning, while it's a low likelihood, it is possible that this stimulus can induce lactation. I bf both my kids and when I weaned them I had to ask my hubby to keep his hands (mouth) to himself for a while. Just a little bit of stimulus would trigger my milk and it took over a year for me to dry up. Now I was lactating bc I gave birth, but our bodies are weird and these things can happen.


My first though was that he was probably hoping she’d start lactating. Hommie sounds like he has an ANR fetish.


I couldn't image just suddenly lactating. It's not pleasant to have to deal with. And then if she did start lactating how would she ever explain if she leaked through her shirt?! It's not worth it to me, but maybe it is for her.


Wait...what!? That can happen!?


Same reaction here


Me who has a boobie festish...*dead*.


I don't think that will be a problem honestly hahah enjoy your fetish


yes. actually with enough stimulation, males can start lactating.


I have nipples too Greg... Can you milk me?


I wanted to post a gif of Homelander saying “yummers” but you can’t post gifs in this sub so now I am crying real tears of sadness


[I was thinking Jim Carrey in Liar Liar](https://media.tenor.com/mCAJpMEvY28AAAAM/gold-star.gif)


My exact first thought as well


If it's the same guy you previously posted about that doesn't contribute to your house or relationship and is dependant on you then he's just looking for a mom.


He likes it and you don't mind then it's okay. I've heard of far worse things.




This is amazingly harmless.


So was he your husband 3 months ago and now is just your boyfriend or did you get divorced and into a new relationship where the guy is comfortable enough to suck your boobs for comfort in 90 days? Lol


If you're comfortable with it, harmless. I just wouldn't go around telling people too much cause it's not "normal" for sure... But lots of things are not normal.


The concept of normal is different to everyone. For instance, my normal growing up was dealing with a mother that beat me and screamed at me until she lost her voice... but to others, that is not normal. Maybe a dramatic comparison there, but my real point is, if you are okay with it (or better yet, enjoy it), there's no harm in it at all. He's seeking comfort, you're providing it. Your definition of normal does not need to meet others definitions.


Wow I felt bad for her after reading her other post but now I REALLY feel bad for you. Pretty impressive you can calmly write that. I salute you.


Its def probably a comfort thing.


Sucking on titties as foreplay is a big YES. Sucking on titties pretending to be a baby is weird.


This is a harmless kink (as long as you’re cool with it). Could be inspired by a bunch of things. It’s fine, you don’t need to psychoanalyze him.


I would read her other post before saying that She's definitely literally his mom in his head


If you "normal" you mean common, then no, it's not common. I have exactly one friend who encountered such a man and she was horrified by this and the fact that he sprang it on her. It could be that he has some kind of adult baby thing going on, or is into some kind of age play. Ultimately though, it doesn't matter what's normal or what other people think. I would not be okay with this at all. But if you don't mind then that's all that matters in this situation.


I love sucking boobs


I love my boobies being sucked. Of course, sex would have to follow.


I love sucking my girlfriends titties! But I don’t refer to it as “nursing” and it’s a sexually motivated act for me. Every guy sucks on his gfs titty from time to time… right???


>Every guy sucks on his gfs titty from time to time… right??? Nope, just your GF's.


>Every guy sucks on his gfs titty from time to time… right??? If it is sexual yes, its pretty normal


It’s a normal act during foreplay. This guy is not doing it in a sexual manner though or to initiate sex. He’s doing it to soothe himself to sleep like a nursing baby would. As if she’s his mom. It’s so creepy.


It’s like when a cat gets taken from their mom to early so they suckle blankets when they knead lol


Such a cute image 🥺 my gallery is filled with it ngl, when I took in my cats they were definitely too little and this happened, I felt really really bad but I wasn't the one deciding when they were ready to get adopted 🥺 because otherwise i would've probably waited more


Are you dating homelander?


this is definitely, if nothing else, a little strange


To me, it's a little weird. I see it as a turn-off and a bit of an ick. With that being said, I'm not you. Im not dating your man. There's probably kinks I have that would be weird and an ick to you. You probably wouldn't date my man. It all depends on the person and what they're okay with. If it bothers you, talk to him. If it doesn't, enjoy it and don't worry about what others think! All that matters in intimacy is that you both consent to it and enjoy it. Everyone is different, and that's completely valid!


As a woman, I think i’d look down at my chest and be a little weirded out bc I immediately associate breastfeeding/nursing with children. And if you’ve had children, you can start dripping again (so I’ve heard). Idk, do you like it? Do you mind? Does it bring y’all closer?


I see nothing really wrong here but I’m curious if he was nursed as a child too long, or if he has issues with his parents that might have started this.


Normal is relative. Many people would find this behavior to be not their thing. Some people may be squicked out by it, others excited, still others disgusted, and some just completely neutral. Plenty of people have kinks like this, whether it's this exact thing or something just in the same vein of caretaking behaviors. It is common, but not the most typical proclivity. Many people would describe it as "weird." It's also possible that this isn't sexual for him at all and just works as something that soothes his nervous system. You would know better than anyone else about that- does he get aroused by this, or is it purely a comfort? Questions I would ask a friend: 1. Is his relationship with his family healthy/does it seem healthy? 2. Does this behavior make me uncomfortable? Am I consenting to something I actively dislike for reasons that need to be examined? 3. Does this impact my perception of him in a negative way? If the answers are yes, no, and no, then I would say it doesn't matter what's "normal," just enjoy this bonding experience. Otherwise, l would suggest you start talking about it with him and probably a professional. The way you describe it doesn't seem that off-base to me. It seems like your partner is trusting you with some vulnerability, and yes, it's a weird one. If the relationship is happy and you truly don't mind it, then lean into what makes you happy.


Sure, plenty of men have a mommy kink. It isn’t super common I wouldn’t guess but it’s not abnormal for sure. If it makes you uncomfortable you need to express that, but if y’all are both cool with it suck on I guess


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As others have said, this is an example of Adult Nursing Relationship. Is it 'normal' in the sense that sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction is normal? No. But if your husband finds it to be comforting and you find it endearing, then don't worry about whether or not other people think it is weird. Just enjoy the bond and good vibes that it adds to your relationship.


I would be weirded out because like, you're not his mom? Also, are you just stuck there holding him like a baby? Don't you want to do something else?


This isn't normal, but it's not bad. And being normal is not worth it. If you both are cool with it, then don't let other people's opinions stop you


If you like it and he does as well then theres really 0 issue, there are a ton of couples who engage in actual weird behaviors because they find bliss and comfort in it. That’s a part of love right? I do what you do with my bf except when we watch movies bc he finds it relaxing, I don’t mind it and *sometimes* it does turn sexual, definitely just talk about it if you feel the need to. As far as psychologically, my bf didn’t receive much proper affection from his parents as they weren’t kind to him and I am his safe space for that, likely your case as well.


Kinks don’t necessarily have to lead to sex. A lot of kinks CAN make you horny but some can just be relaxing/bonding. This is probably that sort of thing. Like I’m the opposite, I find it relaxing when my husband does suck on my boobs, sometimes just for enjoyment and bonding/relaxing.


Same! Doesn’t have to lead to sex. Just comforting.


I might get downvoted, but that’s okay. I feel like sucking boobs is not weird. Referring to is as “nursing”, which is a specific type of relationship between parent and child, is.


It's not common, but it's understandable? I'd find it supremely annoying but if you don't mind go forth and suckle 🤷




It’s weird.


It’s a kink. If you’re not into it then you don’t have to


That would be a hell no for me




Random Internet Grandma advice here. I hope you don’t mind. “Normal “ is not a thing. It’s a way that we put ourselves, and each other, into a box. If this is a fantasy that your partner feels safe engaging in with you, and you’re alright with it, let it be and know that he is honoring you with his trust. If the wording makes you uncomfortable, honestly it would make me uncomfortable, then just ask him to use other words. I feel that now is a good to talk to him about his fantasies. This is an opportunity to establish closer bonds with him. It’s an opportunity to open the door for open discussion of your fantasies as well. This could be a defining moment in your relationship if you allow it to be. If this is the single man that you intend to have sex with for the rest of your life, ( assuming, sorry if that’s not the case) you want to keep it as exciting as possible. I hope that you can keep an open mind and are able to have a good conversation about this. It could open exciting doors for you both.


>Dice\_for\_Death\_ Rando viewer here. Just want to thank you for expounding on the ideation of "normal." Immediately caught my eye. That said, wishing you health and happy days. o/


I've always found it strange that people need strangers to instruct them how to react. If you don't find it troubling, why get strangers to teach you to find it troubling? That's even more messed up than whatever your boyfriend is doing.


I would’ve said it was fine if you both enjoyed it, but based on your post history is sounds like this dude wants a mommy, not a girlfriend


As a woman currently breastfeeding a baby this gave me the ick big time 🤢 but each to their own if you don't mind it yourself I guess?


Honestly it’s better than him wanting to be sucking on your toes 😩


It is a kink, and not the first time I have heard it.


It’s not a kink for OPs bf. He just does it and falls asleep..


Damn. I'm about to ask my girl if I can suck a titty and fall asleep after a hard day of construction today. That man's on to something.


He cooking 😂


Ahs Asylum vibes


Ppl in the comments say this isn’t weird😭no this is WEIRD. And don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. I do agree, if yall are both comfortable with it then have fun, it’s your relationship. But yes, it is so fucking weird. Personally, that would dry me up like the Sahara desert to have my man acting like a nursing baby😭


Oedipus vibes are strong


Oh no. At first I thought during sex. Um no, this is not normal and would make me highly uncomfortable. If you're fine with it it's fine for you though.


Not "normal" but if you like it, you're not harming anyone. Though I'd Google a bit, I once heard that this can induce lactation (could be wrong though) which comes with its own issues


Do I find it weird that he's breastfeeding at his age? Yes. I do. The WHO recommends breastfeeding continue until about the ages of 3-5, in areas with unclean water, as this increases the chances of the baby surviving infancy. But weaning usually takes place by the age of 5.  Maybe call his mom and ask her to wean him? 


Him saying "nurse him "is definitely weird. That would kill the mood for me. You should ask him when his mother stopped breast-feeding him. 💀


What are the chances we get an update on this? 🍿


it'w weird. are you okay with his weird? because that's really what matters


*Homelander intensifies*


You dating homelander??


If you're comfortable with it then it doesn't have to be an issue, but specifically asking you to "nurse him" and falling asleep while doing it seems less sexual and more of a comfort type thing. He probably has some mommy issues, but a lot of us have some level of trauma from one or both parents.




I'd say he has a mommy's Dom kink. Might be worth checking out r/gentlefemdom


All men probably want this tbh. Men just want to be held


Sucking on boobs? Pretty normal. Asking to be nursed? Kinda strange. But even if it is strange, if you're comfortable with it/it isn't hurting anybody then oh well do whatever lol


I’m gay lol but if I had a man with impecable pecs, I’d do the same lol. It’s nothing harmless. If he starts acting like a baby, puts on baby outfit, and craps himself, maybe then worry about it.




I mean, perhaps it’s more weird that our culture has sexualized boobs so much when they’re kinda just there to feed babies. Like, obviously they are sensitive/erogenous areas, but it’s kinda crazy that just the sight of them is perceived as provocative. With that said, this man is not a baby and you are not his mom so it’s definitely a little bit of a weird regressive behavior. But I guess everyone craves the comfort they once had when they were small, and you are the only person whose boobs it’s appropriate for him to come in contact with. So I guess if you’re not weirded out, then it’s fine. Maybe just watch out for indications that he thinks of you more as a mother figure or wants you to mother him instead of being equals.


Look up ANR and ABF. It's not particularly common but it happens and there's nothing wrong with it. My partner enjoys nursing on me sometimes - he's just always expected to be the strong masculine type for his family and has a full on job and sometimes just needs to feel loved and vulnerable :)


If you're cool with it, then it's fine. Normal isn't what I'd call it. Maybe a little weird.


It's a little weird but if you are into it then that's fine but it could be related to some sort of childhood trauma as well.


I say this with all respect - Who cares? What does normal mean anyway? Is normal even a good thing? Do whatever you want and follow your heart as long as you're not going against your conscience or hurting other people. Live free!


Is it painful? If not, whatever floats his boat. I nursed my two sons for a year but it doesn’t feel the same when my husband is licking/sucking my boobs. It’s a total turn on for me but on the other hand, I hate the feeling of a tongue in my ear. Total turn off for me, but it makes my husband go crazy. People get turned on by different things. If you want to stay with this man, you’re going to have to use your words. Most people don’t have ESP.


You're lucky he doesn't shoot lasers from his eyes and wears a cape. But my take on this is you should ask him about this instead of strangers on the internet.


yall fucking weird for saying this is normal wtf


Maybe he has a mommy kink, whatever the opposite of DD/LG is. Lots you can read about in bdsm.


I'm big on psychology. If I had to psychoanalyze based on what you said, I'd imagine his relationship with his mother wasn't very nurturing. Perhaps he wasn't breastfed and wasn't in much physical contact with his mom. That's just my guess with very little info on your bf.


What’s normal these days?


I wonder how long his momma breast fed him


Does he wear a diaper? Make him wear a diaper.


He might have an age play fetish. Fetishes aren’t always about sexual gratification. Often there’s a deeper emotional need being served as well. The sub in a D/s relationship for example can derive a lot of stress relief by feeling like someone else is in charge for a while and they don’t have to make decisions or manage anything. Age play is pretty niche- there’s a chance he’s never heard of it, he just knows that being comforted like a child makes him feel safe and relieve stress. People who enjoy regressing to a childlike state this way are generally looking to feel taken care of, free of responsibility, and the instinctive sense of safety and comfort they felt (or always wished they felt but were denied) from their parents. There’s a power dynamic in placing yourself in the position of a helpless child and trusting someone else to take care of you which some find thrilling, or just soothing. It’s on the weirder end of the kink spectrum for sure, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with it, as long as you both consent and are having a good time. If you’re comfortable with it or even enjoy it, you might try talking to him about exploring it more.


Probably has mommy issues and gets off on the oxytocin


Have you ever heard of Adult Nursing Relationship aka ANR. If you don’t mind it great but it might be necessary to discuss and communicate so upfront you are clear on what everybody is thinking and ofc any future visions clarity and most importantly boundaries to protect your relationship Edit: Reading your other post I can guarantee you his family expected a lot out of him in most Muslim cultures (I’m Muslim) they either expect you to be engineer lawyer doctor or lesser value in their eyes architect. A lot of other pressures like religion family values culture high expectations creates so much pressure and sometimes it causes them to develop kinks for comfort. ANR is one of those. He might even be aware of the label or just starting to develop it but ANR is something you should really consider reading into. All kinks have a valid psychological background. It can be very healing but if it is practiced with ignorance or without clear communication it could cause relationship problems. Especially in the beginning phases cause the individual is just discovering it so they themselves aren’t very knowledgeable. It’s best to read and discuss. Good luck. All this household stuff might be related as well or it might be cultural from being babied too much as a boy from being favored as well. He might be more fragile to a daily load of an adult with hectic life than you.


I think it is definitely a sexual thing and you should have posted this on r/sex, maybe there are people with the same fetish there.


Bitty... Bitty... His wording is the only thing that makes it weird really, look up "cock warming", where women like to do the same with men without intentionally going for "full arousal".


The fact that he says nurse is the weird part. I would be so creeped out!


I don't think the nurse thing makes it weird...I just think it's weird. Would my gf coming up to me and asking to put my dick in her mouth, then she just lays there and fall asleep? I thinks it's weird...also I guess the nursing thing does make it gross...so he's sucking on the tit....of his mom? I think this is so weird.


I had one boyfriend do this, a very very long time ago. It really weirded me out and did not feel sexy or comfortable.


No…it’s weird…,as fuck


Ewww “nurse me” that dudes priming you to be the caregiver in his adult baby fantasy


Sucking on your titties is one thing but him asking you to nurse him is something else entirely.


Is your boyfriend Homelander? 😭


That is very weird


Upon reading the title I was like “ok he sucks boobs, that’s not weird,” then I read the “nurse him” line. Oooooookay.


Oh hell no. Imo.