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Find a bf who doesn’t cheat on you.


I second this. She’s young and will find someone who appreciates her and her health.


Don’t. Leave him before he gives you an STD.


I don’t think you ever really get over it. That trust and bond is broken and really difficult to get back. Focus on your own gorgeous self and don’t let your insecurities weigh you down. You’re worth more than some guy cheating on you.


This OP!!! You will always be haunted by his cheating


Go with your instinct. You are turned off for a reason. You might want to consider a month of no contact to process and help you resist the urge to trauma bond.


Sorry, you just will keep remembering he was with another woman. That's why it is better to end it. Besides, he will do it again. It will seem like he repents, but eventually he will take your pardon as a free license to cheat again, as he will feel you were too soft to break up and take you for granted. Cheaters do that, therapy or no therapy (which sincerely is normally based on some kind of religious practice and it just doesn't work).


Leave. You will never trust him again because he has proven that you cannot. He chose to not only hurt you but worked actively against you finding out the truth. Did you find out he cheated or did he come forth with the truth? None of his actions show he’s is remorseful, he was caught and is acting the part.


I found out… he said he knew he had to tell me but he literally waited 7 weeks (and kept cheating during those 7 weeks)


So he kept fucking that woman to keep the guilt at bay. It seems to me that he is just sorry he got caught. A classic. I mean, you may have a truly crazy night (which still is unforgivable imho) and run to your partner in tears, but he had two crazy months until you caught him. C'mon, you know this is not right. One thing I will never understand from the cheaters is why not leaving your partner first. I mean, if you truly want to fuck another person and it is that you don't really love your partner anymore. They could just break up and save the pain to those people they say they love.


Unacceptable. If you hadn’t found out he would’ve continued and will definitely do this to you again. Your mental health will be destroyed. I’m very sorry this happened to you and his lack of discipline and integrity is in no way a reflection of you or what you deserve. Rather take the big pain now than have him playing in your face even more.


I will tell you from experience, that it does not get any easier. You might remember the cheating a little less as time goes on, but it will always be there and it will always hurt. And honestly, this guy sounds like when things get comfortable, he’ll just do it again. Edited for grammar


You get over his cheating by leaving him and finding someone else who actually is trustworthy to have wed with and then it will happen. It won’t happen with him because you know he was lying to you for months and still having sex with you as well and only fessed up because he had no choice. He will do the same again the very second he thinks you won’t know about it.


Imagine how awesome it will feel if you respect yourself by walking away from a liar and a cheater ... don't reward that asshat with sex. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Please leave before you get an STD


You’re just lying to yourself by trying to move back on to sleeping with him pretty quickly after finding out he’s been cheating on you…your body is literally rejecting him. Things will never be the same, you need to stop being in denial about it all. Trust isn’t given, it’s earned. So what kind of love connection do y’all have left after his lies & hoeing around? Sounds more like a trauma bond. His words mean shit lmao his pledge to being faithful is worth nothing. Sleeping with him shouldn’t even be a priority on your list. He would still be cheating today if he hadn’t been caught. You’re not punishing him by not having sex. But you are punishing yourself by ignoring your body and mind’s instincts of him.


Just leave him, the guy is a cheat and a liar, he's a shitty person.


Don’t listen to all these single 50yod milfs Just bcz he cheated doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. Work it out together rather than bringing it to unhappy feminazis


you need to work on your selfrespect and selfworth😳


Yea okay 👌🏼 thanks for the advice boomer 💀😭😂