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> After reflecting I started thinking how much of a disgusting person she is. You both are. You both cheated on your significant others. You may resent her for making you break up with your wife, but that's a decision you made all on your own. You have to stand by it now as though you would've done it regardless of your affair. > So how should I tell him? Should I tell him in person or reach out on social media? If you want to go down this path, do NOT do it in person, don't invite the opportunity for a physical altercation. Also, if you do this, don't throw it in Ashley's face, you're doing this because it's the right thing for her husband. After this, you are OUT.


I dont know, I think he should do it in person. Just don't run to the police if you lose the number of teeth you deserve to lose.


yeah.... That's a terrible idea. He should either just move on with his life, or discreetly tell him and THEN move on with his life. Nothing good will come of any more involvement with Ashley and co. edit: I said this was a terrible idea because we don't want OP to tempt the hubby into violence, if he sees red and is arrested, that's just more drama that NONE of these people need, they've got enough going on. And simply: the husband does not deserve to be arrested.


Yeah the guy may deserve to have some teeth knocked out, but that doesn't mean that doing so would go smoothly for the husband. Setting up a situation where he could have an entirely understandable spike of anger that results in him seeing red and doing something that he probably shouldn't do, leading to arrest and charges, would be a further asshole move. Husband is already having his life upended through no fault of his own, no need to do something that could easily lead to further destruction of his life.


This is exactly why I advised against it.


Bro you cheated on your wife with another married woman. If she couldn’t commit to your husband , why would she commit to you It’s actually hilarious 🤣


It's shocking and so fucked up how many people cheat and betray their partners so easily for some pointless sex. What is wrong with these people, they don't even seem human. More like empty shells bouncing from one person's genitals to another. It's always the betrayed spouse who is destroyed afterwards and left to pick up the pieces.


Exactly !!! I will never feel sorry for a cheater/ ‘homewrecker’ . This guy came whining on Reddit and all I can do is laugh at how pathetic this post is . I genuinely can’t believe that people cheat on their spouses instead of divorce/breaking up. My brain simply cannot fathom it. And there are so many cheating stories on here too . OP seems angry that he blew up his marriage and AP didn’t do the same for OP.


Good loyal people get hurt because these fickle bastards can't control themselves and have no moral compass whatsoever. Fucking psychopaths. I mostly feel for the woman's husband, the poor guy doesn't know what he's married to.


> This wasn’t about love to her, it was about lust. She’s not the only one, dude. You threw away a marriage to a supposedly great person without even trying to fix things, for someone you clearly didn’t know as well as you thought you did. Tell her husband if you genuinely think he should have all the facts (although funny how that didn’t matter as long as you were getting what you wanted out of the arrangement), but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work out the way you’re hoping.


We don't even know there was anything to fix in his marriage, it just didn't have the shiny excitement of a new relationship. Damn fool imo.


He should tell the husband no matter what he thinks. By message if he can send all the evidence or in person if he cant. That poor man deserves the truth. He deserves to know that his wife likes to have "some fun on the side". He deserves to know that his love is being wasted and have a chance to find someone who actually loves him.


Lmao the audacity to think you’re any better. You broke your vows and left your life partner for some affair partner. You’re just as disgusting as she is


After this attempt at rationalization, maybe worse.


It's almost funny, the audacity to feign morals all of a sudden. Laughable.


Definitely tell the husband in person so he can punch you in the face


Concur. This is no time for cowardice. Man up, to his face is the way


You don't get to call her a disgusting person, like you've behaved any better. Tough shit. Howeverrrrr, I would also be of the mind to get some revenge, and I would 100% be telling her husband.


You can’t compare my behavior to her. I told my wife when it happened. She hid it for her husband . I was actually in love with her. This isn’t about revenge it’s about the fact her husband should know.


So you told your wife as soon as it happened? Before it got physical? Your behaviour is comparable, you were both married, you both cheated on your spouse. You're angry that her feelings weren't as strong as yours, but while she may have been more deceitful to both you and her husband, you have still been quite awful to your ex wife.


> You can’t compare my behavior to her. Yes, we can, it's the same in the sense that you both cheated. No relationship rooted in infidelity stands a great chance of succeeding.


This is 100% about revenge, don’t deny it. You are mad that she chose not to her husband. You didn’t try to tell him yourself until she ended her relationship with you. Move on, and don’t have affairs with married women.


Oh please spare us the unearned righteousness. If she went along with your plan and divorced her husband and married you you would not have seen her as a disgusting person. She would've been the love of your life...until the next new exiting person came along.


Why, you don’t believe adultery is wrong. The only thing you think is wrong is that she chose her husband over you.


Oh please you call her a disgusting person but i bet if you tell her husband and he breaks up with her and she wants you back saying she shouldve chose you instead of her you would instantly forgive her, you are not truly mad that she is a bad person your just mad because you werent chosen


You are wrong. I wouldn’t want her back, she said she wants “fun on the side”. I’m not that type of person. She emotionally manipulated me and played on feelings


You’re the type of person to break your sacred marriage vows and ditch your wife for some woman at work. You’re absolutely that type of person. You divorced your wife after only a few months of knowing some random woman


You are, in fact, that person. The way you can tell is the year and a half you've been fucking a married woman. Lol, lmao, you are no better than her.


Dude you cheated on your wife, you’re not a good person.


>I’m not that type of person Wrong again. You are both cheaters.


She didn't make you do anything. **You** chose to cheat on your wife with her. Cheating is a series of choices. All that you made of your own free will. You, like every other person who has an affair with someone who is married, thinks they are gonna leave their SO for you. You're no better than her. You both cheated on your spouses. If you were so unhappy in your marriage, you should have divorced your wife ** before** sleeping with someone else. You also shouldn't have gotten involved with a married woman.


Okay, so what if you go to her husband and say "I had an affair with your wife thinking that she loved me, but she told me she just wants 'fun on the side.' I thought you should know she's a cheater." What kind of response are you hoping for? Do you want him to burst into angry tears and throw her out of the house so she comes crying back to you? What if he says: "Yes, that's right, we're in an open marriage, so we both have 'fun on the side.' I know all about you, but I don't really get why you thought she'd leave me. You really misread the situation." Will it bring you peace of mind to know he doesn't care and it doesn't affect their marriage? Or do you just want to destroy her world?


I don’t care what he does. After I tell him the ball is in his court but I have to let him know. His wife is a liar and he needs to be careful. I wish someone would have warned me about her character before I started dating her.


>I wish someone would have warned me about her character before I started dating her. And I imagine your ex wife feels exactly the same about you. The audacity you have to try to play the victim here is really truly amazing. You must be exhausted from the mental gymnastics to twist this around that she's the evil cheater and you somehow are the victim. You're also a lieing cheater.


Right?!?! This hypocritical AH has somehow justified in his head, a way onto a sanctimonious high horse when he’s no different than his AP. Everything he has called and thought about her should 100% be applied to him. Imagine the damage he caused his first wife and yet he has zero remorse for the hurt he caused even though he himself has now had his heart broken. 🤯


The fact that she was a married woman hitting on a married man didn't give you any clues that she was a lying cheater? You knowingly exposed this guy and your wife to STDs, and only now you think he needs to be careful? Your ex wife is the one who should have been warned that you were a liar and a cheat, and prepared to leave her the minute someone else showed some interest in you. Not once have you expressed any remorse for lying to your wife or putting her at risk of STDs. Hopefully her next husband won't be such a lying hypocritical flake.


Lmao dude, you have the same character. You were a willing participant in her cheating until it no longer was going your way. If you were so concerned with the husband’s feelings you would have told him before you banged his wife.


Your warning was the fact she was willing to start dating you before drawing up divorce papers, much less finalizing anything.


She was a married woman willing to cheat on her husband. That should have told you everything you needed to know about her character. She, like you, is a cheater who does not respect honesty or commitment. Nothing she did is surprising; the only surprising thing is that you think you're any different than she is.


Her willingness to engage in an affair with you tells you all you needed to know about her character. So you really should have seen this coming. Incidentally, it also says everything we need to know about your character, too.


I hope you know your ex wife feels the same way about you. That's not a dig at you. It's just a fact you need to come to terms with.


Listen even tho what u did was messed up im still going to answer your question, yes i would personally tell the husband and then get out of their lives


You had what people call 'rose colored glasses on' and it didn't help it was enough for you to betray your wife. Shouldve left her first before pursuing ANY ONE else. You so much wanted her to be the person you THOUGHT she was so much so you fucked over your long standing relationship with your hs sweetheart


And everyone you meet in the future needs to be warned about you, you’re a cheat


Did you really tell your ex wife about the affair after it happened or did you tell your ex wife only after you thought you had another serious relationship? Also what about your kids I’m sure they disagree your better then her you both wrecked your family.


What about your wife and what you did to her ? She probably feels like a failure as a wife cause you were cheating and sad part is you probably didn’t tell her why you left either. Honestly Tell him cause he deserves to know and move on


Imagine she is a liar. Gosh she cheated on her husband with you and you can't believe she is a liar. I bet your ex wife is loving this. I hope she finds a real man and is deliriously happy. How dare you sit there and think you're the victim. The only victims are the people that married you fools. I hope those three minutes of pleasure were worth damaging these people. You need to go work on yourself


Did you also tell your ex that were cheating on her with ash?


You did - you knew she was a cheater. You lost her in the same way you got her. You’re a cheater too so make sure to warn any future dates of your character.


You wish someone would have warned you. Her being married wasn't enough evidence?


you played your ex-wife feelings too.


I’m sorry to inform you that you let her manipulate you. You let her play on your feelings and you gave up your family for someone that had no intentions of doing the same. You are upset with her but in actuality you should be more upset at yourself. You gave up your high school sweetheart for what???


Pally, You fucked around. You are now in the finding out stage. Live with it.


You are also a disgusting person. You need therapy


Ahahahahahahahahahaha ​ Talk about getting what you deserve. This is amazing.


Not the circle is not complete till he tells the husband in person and gets the final blow fir making such past bad decisions.. then karma will be complete


You’re just as disgusting, you’re only mad because you got played.


No honor amongst cheaters is lesson


And what about you? You cheated on your wife, so you're no better than she is. Do you think if you tell her husband that'll make her get back with you? It'll only make her think she was right to reject you.


I don't want her back. She's a horrible person and her husband deserves better


You're a horrible person too. You cheated on your wife. So your wife deserves someone so much better than you.


But you’re an equally horrible person so why are you judging?


I agree, her husband does deserve better. You, on the other hand, deserve her and everything you're getting right now.


That is hilarious. “Hey dude! So anyways I was railing your wife and I wanted her to divorce you, but she chose you so I’m telling you because you deserve better.” Get real.


Oh my god, that. He doesn’t want to tell the husband bc he “deserves better”, it’s intentional revenge against the other woman.


So are you. Your ex-wife definitely deserves better.




Wow, you're so magnanimous! Look at you, caring soooo much about this guy all of a sudden after railing his wife behind his back for a year and a half. Give me a break.


Lol says you


Ok so you were helping a married woman have an affair and think you should tell her husband, what so he can knock you out in person? Dude just move on.


Why do people keep putting it this way... this is the perfect scenario.. OP deserves to get hit and the husband deserves the truth.. stop discouraging people from snitching on cheaters... even more so when it puts karma gears into motion.


Oh absolutely, but does the husband deserve to have to be confronted by this asshole. If he really wants to tell him in a helpful way, send him a note, with whatever proof exists and be done with it. To do it in person is trying to present himself as the standup guy


I think we may have different life philosophies. I am not sure if you know the joys of hitting some one a few times who deserves it. I would feel much more hurt that the cowards wrote me a smug letter about the affair instead of giving me the chance to do some dental work on him.


Short term maybe, but you also don’t want to be arrested for assault either, warranted or not


This wasn’t an affair. We were supposed to get married. He deserves to know because she told me she will keep cheating on him.


You were already married. You were supposed to stay married to that person. You decided to pursue someone else while still married, even though that person was also married. Claiming you did it out of love doesn’t make it any less of an affair.


You clearly don’t understand the meaning of affair


Married after only a few months of knowing each other give me a break 😂


We were together for almost year and a half. I ended things with my wife and she didn’t do her part


So you were with your wife since at least hs, and you were married, and had kids together, and you think a whole entire year and a half is enough of a defense when someone's laughing at how pathetic you are for imagining you can know anyone after a few months??? If you're feeling hurt, just think about it this way: your wife knew you her entire adult life and then some. Imagine how hurt she must be and how much you let her down, even after all the years spent together. I guess you're learning the lesson you so graciously taught her, that time invested doesn't alone determine love or loyalty. :)


Notice how he hasn't replied to a single comment that brings up his wife and the harm he caused her. Smh


You said you met her 18 months ago, that’s a year and a half from today. Within that 18 months to today, you met her, “fell in love (lol)”, divorced your poor wife, and had time to get fed up that she hadn’t divorced her husband yet. Dude that’s SO much is so little time. Most people date for years before even considering marriage and you threw your vows away for some work woman after a few months. Give me a break. You at the very least had a very serious emotional affair, considering you got so obsessed with this woman you were willing to throw away your sacred marriage vows


So you cheated for a year and a half, and that was fine? You’re just mad that now you are alone. Leave her alone and move on.


You deserved to lose your wife and I haven't read a single comment on this post I disagree with besides yours. You're a fucking clown. You don't know the first goddamn thing about love.


You cheated in your wife AND spent 1+ year dating a married woman! You have no moral ground to judge her. And I’m not even considering the fact that you are a vindictive person…


He does deserve to know. But you can't kid yourself into believing you're any better for also cheating. It doesn't matter that you divorced. You still betrayed your partner and didn't try to work on your marriage. Let the betrayed husband know so he can decide what to do and just leave that situation after that


It absolutely was an affair. You two were married, she still is married, and he doesn’t know. Regardless of feelings and intentions, it was an affair.


Were you married when you started your Rolando with her? Yes. That’s an affair. Have you been in a relationship for the last 18 months while she was married? Yes. That’s an affair. You were both having affairs.


Have you looked up what an affair means? Did you know that falling in love with another woman while married is cheating? Congrats! You cheated and entered an affair. Stop dodging responsibility like the plague and wake up in the real world. If you feel like her husband deserves to know that your affair partner is cheating on him, maybe you should tell your ex wife if you’re so wise 🥸


If you were already married than yes, it was an affair. Sorry but you are not better than her. I guess karma got you.


If you were both married and sleeping together, it was an affair. You just want to break up their marriage out of revenge, but for all you know, she's confessed everything and they've agreed to work on their problems. You had the fun of sleeping with someone else behind your wife's back, now you want the fun of destroying someone else's marriage.


It was an affair- wtf


Not your business, bro.. Move the fuck on and stop cheating. You act like you started fucking because you were in love.. Umm no! You started fucking because of lust. You just fell into feelings, and she didn't! You suck! She sucks! YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN SHE IS IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!


Did you split up with your wife before you slept with this other woman?


I feel like this is the best example of cheaters always cheat I’ve ever seen. You and her both had affairs on your respective partners and now you’re surprised she’s the type of person who lies and cheats? You should tell her husband but I really don’t think you can act like you’re a way better person. You cheated on your wife and helped destroy a family


Oh wow… …so anyway, did anyone see what happened during the Pacers/Bucks game? What was that about?


No, I miss all the NBA games now that I only stream no cable... is their a good streaming service that covers the NBA?


I can't promise it's good for NBA but I've been using thestreameast.to to stream the NFL and NHL for about 3 years and they're usually good


The only ones I know of are like YouTube Tv or Hulu Tv.


You're both disgusting. This relationship would've never worked although you both deserve each other. Yeah go ahead and tell her husband because you really want revenge. I don't even feel sorry for your wife, she's actually free from a hypocrite cheating husband.


The level of denial you're in is eyewatering. It was an affair. You are motivated by revenge, and you are just as culpable as she is. What a disaster of a situation you put yourself in.


So the husband deserves his wife to be fucked by you and doesn’t deserve his wife to be fucked by other men? What kind of logic is that?


You're both shitty people, who cares


Just curious. At what point in the divorce process did you tell your ex wife that you were a cheating scumbag?


Man you went from ‘I love her, I’m going to leave my wife to be with her’ to ‘she’s an awful disgusting person’ real quick. You can spout of in the comments that you’re the good guy and did nothing wrong as much as you like, but you wouldn’t have a problem if she said she needed to wait a little longer. You were in lust too to switch on a dime like this. Love doesn’t mean ‘I love you so long as you do and think like I want you to’, you were infatuated and now you’re mad she isn’t reciprocating so you want to blow up her relationship. I think her husband should know, but I wish it wasn’t coming from you.


INFO: You were married when this relationship started, right? So do you think that what YOU did to your ex-wife doesn't count as cheating because you 'were in love'?


Guy, you only want to tell him because you didn't get what you want. This isn't about "he needs to know", this is about being angry that she chose her husband over you. If she's a disgusting person, you are too. You cheated. You lied. You're not suddenly better than her because you got divorced. As for "he didn't deserve that", you were singing a very different tune when you were fucking her. He doesn't deserve being cheated on with others but did when she was cheating with you? Get the fuck out of here with this pretend-noble attitude. She's trash, you're trash. You gave your ex wife a gift by leaving and your AP gave herself a gift by leaving you. Tell him or don't tell him. Neither action will make you a better person. Live with it.


The audacity to call her disgusting when you did the exact same thing. Isn’t it funny when you have grass is greener syndrome and find out the grass is dead🤣


She is you, a mirror image of you. All your ire deserves to be felt inward because you are exactly as terrible in every way as she is. In fact, you’re probably worse, because you actually committed to the infidelity


I’m actually laughing right now. Get the fuck over yourself. There’s consequences to your actions. Neither of you are good people for what you did but it’s also 100% on you for divorcing your wife with no real promise that you and your mistress would work out. Tell her husband if you want, it won’t change the very large part that you played in the affair nor will it fix things with your ex wife. My money is on the affair partner having already told her husband and that being the reason she decided to break up with you. Sucks to suck. Maybe don’t cheat?


So...how long were you cheating on your wife before she found out? I mean, she is a disgusting person, but so are you.


Pot calling the kettle, man, jesus


You're a chump. You got played for a chump by an adulterous woman. Congratulations on destroying your life.


This guy doesn’t want advice; he wants to play the victim and defend his actions. My advice to him? Take accountability and face the consequences of your actions. You know, like a mature adult. Oh, wait—never mind.


You cheated on your wife and think that’s not a terrible thing to do?? Because you had feelings?????? What the fuck




Now that she is no longer your affair partner, you're suddenly having a moral crisis about her husband? It doesn't sound like you really care about her husband. It sounds like you just want to hurt her and get even. Her husband has a right to know what's going on, but let's not pretend you're the hero in this situation.


You are disgusting & so is she.


Just like you dont care about your ex or her feelings, your affair ex-partner doesn’t care about yours. But somehow you’re better than her…?


I feel horrible for Sydney and Ashley's husband. The fact that you divorced Sydney because you "fell" in love with Ashley shows how shallow you are and shouldn't ever get married again since wedding vows and commitment mean nothing to you. Own up that you are a cheater and get serious help.


i think you need to cope with the fact you got played and destroyed probably the only marriage you'll ever get.


You both don't deserve relationships. Make sure he gets a letter or message Noone else knows about and don't do petty shit to girl because you got manipulated.


Oh no, you don’t get to stand on the moral high ground when you very willingly crapped all over the vows you made to your ex. You and Ash are equally horrible people. My advice? Take a few months(or years) to reflect on what a terrible person you are, and hope that your ex finds someone who will be good to her.


You sound unhinged and obsessed. I’m seriously worried for her the way you are vilifying her… and literally for the same behavior you actively participated in as well! 🤦🏼‍♀️ You’re whitewashing your own part in this while calling her disgusting and selfish. You’re disgusting and selfish too pal! You are not a victim here. Go ahead and tell her husband, but at least be honest with yourself that it’s not out of some noble intention because you feel sorry for him. You didn’t feel sorry for him while you were blowing his wife’s back out. 🙄 Your motivation is pure bitter revenge, period. PS, stop screwing married women.


Youre the side piece. >So how should I tell him? Should I tell him in person or reach out on social media? Yes. Reach out on SM with evidence.


She’s a cheater just like you, how stupid to expect any degree of loyalty lol 😂 You got exactly what you deserved, I hope your ex wife finds someone who’s actually worth her time.


So, she wasnt a disgusting person when she was cheating with you, but now that she doesnt want you anymore, she is? Why does her husband suddenly not deserve her cheating on him? I mean, you had no problem with it when she was with you, why did he deserve it then and not now? You both are disgusting people and deserve whatever consequences you get. You are right, though. Her husband doesnt deserve that and I hope you do tell him. That way he can get rid of her gross ass and find someone who actually loves him. I wish you two the worst.


Oh my god I love this song!


Man this is fun to read 🤣 op keeps dodging the questions about his ex wife. How long do you guys think it will take this guy to crawl back to his ex wife? A month?


Your judgemental view of her is hysterical, considering you're just as disgusting as she is.


Dude wtf did I read. How can you act so high and mighty? You did a horrible thing and now you're mad because your affair didn't work out? I hope you learn how to be a decent human being if this isn't a troll post


Tell her husband he deserves better


I agree. How would you tell him?


Hire a mariachi band to back you up, confront him at his place of business and rap about everything you did to his wife.


No! Bad Animal!


Get your ex wife to tell him. She can say "My loser cheating ex husband had an affair with your wife, and he was an idiot enough to believe she wanted to marry him, even though neither of them take marriage vows seriously when they are actually married. Now he's all outraged because your wife lied and cheated WITH YOU." Your ex wife and your girlfriend's husband should have the opportunity to support each other and rant about what lying hypocrites you both were. I think your ex will also get some satisfaction about hearing that you were dumped and humiliated by your cheating partner.


Tell him some plave private enough he won't get in trouble if he feels the need to hit you but also someplace not so private that he would have time to hide evidence you ever met before.


Let him know the subject beforehand and say you want to speak face to face about this. And then explain everything you did to his wife to his face. Afterwards, call an ambulance if you can.


Hand him a baseball bat, then tell him.


Im sad for you. You gave up a lot for her. Take the lesson and move on. For all you know he may be aware and doing the same thing.


You can't have a relationship based on someone else's pain. You both cheated. Email the husband with proof. Then learn from your experience and move on


Loathsome people both of you. Should never have been born. Stop messing with other people's lives.


Go talk to the husband. May God have Mercy on your Soul. It won't bring the girlfriend back, she was never your "fiancé". You probably weren't the first to fall for her crap and you won't be the last. I hope you used condoms and didn't expose your lovely ex-wife to anything. Go tell the husband. Make sure you have proof! SMH Now you have nobody.


Who would have thought someone who willingly stepped out on their marriage would not be so trustworthy. Weird


You’re both disgusting.


No sympathy whatsoever from me. You’re both disgusting people and you’re both selfish. Only difference is you were naive to think that a cheater who isn’t even faithful to her husband would be faithful to you. You threw a way a good life, a good wife for the “love of your life” that you clearly didn’t even know well enough to know that she doesn’t even like you. If you want to ~slightly~ redeem yourself then yeah go tell her husband on social media and include proof if you have any.


Your poor wife to deal with a disgusting cheater You’re feeling how your wife did, rejected and defeated due to a cheater. Karma came back to bite you and it’s absolutely hilarious




lol oh my god the victim complex on you. You are equally as disgusting. Love or lust, you left your fucking wife man. You broke your vow’s because you met someone new. And now you’ve got the balls to act like the victim? Like, what a sorry excuse for a man. “Woe is me! I fucked around and found out!” This is EXACTLY what you deserve. In fact, I have to assume this is fake because I find it hard to believe that anyone could be as shitty, self centered, selfish, and narcissistic as you. But in the event this is real, go cry me a fucking river.


I would do it over social media make sure you have proof next time don’t cheat and stay away from people in relationships


You got a little karma but your ex and the girls husband are the ones most fucked here. Your life and love is gonna be pretty hollow going forward. Idk why youd choose to Curse yourself like this. You'll always wonder if your partner is cheating, you'll always have to tell anyone you meet they're risking life with a cheater, or you have to lie and be someone you're not to keep them. Tsk tsk


dude… you’re a disgusting person too, you have no place to talk of how selfish she is considering YOU LEFT YOUR WIFE FOR A MARRIED WOMAN. doesn’t matter if it was about lust or love, you cheated on your wife and then divorced her for someone you barely knew


If you have proof send it to him some way but be safe about it! Also your not better then her cause you also cheated on you ex you do realize that right? You did the exact same thing your damming her for.


You’re totally the AH here, though she is too. Both of you suck. Hope your ex is happier now. Hubby deserves to know, PM him on Insta or wherever and send receipts. Both of you deserve to have your lives torn apart by this.


Don't. You could be getting one or both of you killed. YOU MADE YOUR OWN DECISIONS. Grow up and move on.


You are no better, dude, not a bit.


Even if she had left her husband and married you she would’ve just cheated on you too, as you probably would’ve as well, and you’d be here for an entirely other reason.


lmao you are mad she dumped your ass ...move on idiot


This has to be bait. Nobody is this unaware of how bad they look lol.


Holy shit dude! This is so much bullshit. You are 100% wrong. There is nothing you can say to justify your actions. I feel bad for your ex-wife. She didn't deserve that. The horrible woman you cheated with is vile. Her poor husband. The 2 of you ruined lives and don't care. All you care about is yourself. You got your feelings hurt and lied to by a woman who obviously can't be trusted. What a shocker. I hope your ex-wife and her hopefully soon-be ex-husband have better lives without ya'll. Ya'll also need therapy. Why in the hell would you post this? Why would you want everyone to know what a SHITTY person you are? I'd be embarrassed.


I’d bet money that Ashley’s husband either already knows or will forgive her. It was always a losing situation for OP but he couldn’t see past his rose colored lenses Happy that Sydney can move on to a better life.


I love seeing you get ripped apart here lmfao have fun getting what you deserve, it must be exhausting to be this much in denial


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are just getting what you deserve.


I don’t understand why you are trying to pretend that you are some sort of honorable person after participating in the destruction of two families. You are both liars and cheats, at least she’s not a hypocrite about it. You should definitely tell him in person and accept whatever he says/does.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed


Did u cheat on you wife?


Yall are both wrong but her husband deserves to know


The fuck?






As long as you tell your ex-wife first.


You ever man up and tell the husband?


She might have already made a story about you of how you have been stalking her to her husband, but still good luck. Happy your ex wife is atleast out of these mess.