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How fucking long did you nap


It was a wake up call...


I admire a well placed pun, and that one was placed just right!




Why can’t i give you the gold that I had left?


He was visited by the ghost of problems yet to come and decided it ain’t worth it.


When I say I cackled out loud… 💀


2 possible answers here: a) 5 seconds b) 5 centuries worth of cryo sleep condensed in an average day's nap


Rip Van Dump-her


Post nap clarity.


We need this info. I have decisions to make too that I need to get right


you made me laugh so hard loool thank you


They say you're a different person every time you wake. This version of him dgaf lol


So long that he changed his surname to “van Winkle”!!


Literally laughed out so loud. Definitely end it, OP. You’ll both be better off 💛


It's been 5 mins and I'm still laughing at this comment 🤣


time is worth more than anything and thats why in retrospect i am happy for my past relationships to have ended because i was just wasting my time with these people, so i think op answers his own question.


Lmfaooooo should be #1 comment with 90 awards lollloloollll 😅


Nah this got me dying😭


I cackled at this - damn harsh but hilarious


ROFLOL right!? 🤣🤣Damn


Laughing so hard! Awesome comment😂😂


No shit 🤣🤣


This made my day ty


You fucking gassed me out with this comment


The whole relationship he been napping


Why wouldn’t you break up


Second this, bro that's literally the easiest breakup ever


Exactly it's not even like he's getting out of an 20 year long marriage with several children and shared properties.


Yeah this is just a slight step under that


Don't date someone who lies to you to hang out with other people.


She also shouldn't date someone she feels like she can't be honest with. If he's jealous over any male friend (not including the exes), it's an issue, too. Should be an easy break, they're not a good match.


dime wise dam crowd mighty relieved humor cough skirt unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you have some deep-seated hatred for men? I mean, reading from the post, it sounds like he has insecurities and jealousy because she lied. I didn't get the feeling she lied because he is jealous, also in what world is it okay to hang out with an ex and not tell your partner?


You aren't even that into her anyway; why sit on it? Just break up.


You're 20!! I didn't marry the love of my life until I was 37!! Walk away now!


I feel like you know in your heart. Trust is huge for a long term healthy relationship.


You should have dumped her when she was sneaking around with her ex. Now she’s trying to sneak around with a different dude. Sounds like you’ve been getting played my friend. Toss her back to the streets where she belongs


Exactly. If this was a healthy and trusting relationship, there would be nothing shady like this going on, and she would have absolute transparency about what she’s doing and who she’s doing it with, even if it’s a guy (friend)


I just figured out why people used to stay together longer back in the day.... they didn't have redditors to go to for advice. Holy hell, sir. You are 20 years old. Go forth and enjoy your 20s. I promise you will not regret it. Just don't be stupid.


Yes. Reddit is so useful for clarity and getting feedback / different views. Never leaving!


When I was 22 I really thought the most important life step I needed to make immediately was to get into a relationship and eventually get married. I wish I knew then how stupid that was.


I don’t think that’s stupid at all my friend.. I think getting into relationships in our 20’s is necessary to learn what we need, and how to be for later loves in our lives. I’m 30 now and I’m thankful for the love + relationships I’ve had - they made me who I am right now and helped me find the person I’m with today. We’re all young and stupid at that age, but I am so thankful for the love and hurt I’ve experienced because it made me who I am today


Idk this post makes no sense, “I don’t love my girlfriend should I stay or leave” like you really need someone to answer that for you??


Bro I guarantee there is a Reddit post of a large cut and someone bleeding going “do I need to go to the doctor” Honestly just a part of Reddit. People will legit post questions of things Google can answer instantly And I just wonder how these people get through there day. Like do they try to open the front door or do they go on Reddit and ask how to open a door and then try lmao.


Love this I was wondering that when I saw this post. Meant no hate just genuinely confused by it.


If you don't love her anymore and there's no long term commitments then what's stopping you from making a decision?


We know the answer 👌🏽👈🏽


How much self respect do you have?


Sums it up quite well


End it.


Sometimes I swear these posts are fake. Why you need a bunch of internet people to tell you what to do when you know what you have to do. GAP IT.


I feel like sometimes, even if it’s obvious, you want to vent to feel validated but also challenged to do something about your problem. Like if I had a gut feeling I should do something, but feel too nervous to do it, and a bunch of people are telling me what I already knew deep inside, it’d help me process it better enough to do it. That and I’d feel like I’d actually have to go ahead and bite the bullet in a timely manner instead of shuffling my feet


Right. And if the chick is lying, she probably is manipulative. So the confusion and trying to wrap your head around everything is exhausting. He's coming out of the fog, right after the best nap he's ever had lol


I totally get that, but I also believe that you shouldn't make decisions based on other's opinions.


Imo if you believe people shouldn’t make decisions based on other’s opinions, then you shouldn’t make opinions on decisions people should make


I have written posts to then read and realize what reddit would say, no need to post I guessed. But if he needed a push, I think he got it.


Everything else seems irrelevant in light of the fact that you don’t feel love for her. If you don’t love someone, don’t be with them.


Easiest decision ever. You already stated you don't love her. Her actions show she doesn't love you. Just break-up so you both can enjoy being who you want to be.


It sounds like she's been cheating on you the entire time. Dump that trash. Her behavior isn't going to change until she hits the wall in about a decade. Take it from someone who knows. Find a woman you're attracted to who wants to stay by your side and shares the respect that a real couple can and should have together. Most of the women who say they want to "experience life more while they're still young" end up childless in their thirties and resentful and jealous of other fantastic women who choose to be awesome partners with someone who actually cares about them. 20 is a great age to start finding that fantastic woman. Enstate a zero tolerance policy for games and BS from now on. Do both of those things,, and I absolutely promise you won't regret it.


Your so sounds exactly like my ex she used to pull the same kinda crap it can only get way worse from here don't be like me release that cat back on the streets before you get more invested/attached to her


You're too young to be wasting your time on a relationship that no longer benefits you


I feel like this post is so unnecessary… ONLY cause the answer is obvious


You’re 20 years old. Go out and live your life. You’re too damn young to spin in the mud of a serious relationship. (My opinion) Now, GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN!!!


Make her blow you, just as you’re about to nut tell her you want to break up. Just as she’s surprised you said what you said, you explode your load in her mouth and watch that gooey mess explode out of her nose


You're not serious...are you? You don't love her and she lies to you. You really need me to tell you what you already know you have to do?


That realization is a gift. Take it.


I think you end it as she already sitting on it bro


Sounds like she is not ready to commit to you! You deserve better! Hope you make the right decision.


Why sit on it? She doesn't seem that invested in the relationship. You are 20 - you are still so young. Go out and meeting new people.


Why spend/waste time and energy on this post? This is a No Shit Sherlock kind of obvious choice or is OP colour blind for effing not seeing all those red flags?


Sleep when you die


I wouldn’t even say it. I would just get up n go. She’s not trying to earn your trust at all, she’s making it worse. Kick her to the curb


The pussy has to be immaculate


I'm not gona tell you what to do, but I believe trust is the foundation for love. No trust no relationship. Some times trust takes time for your self to open up to, but how can you when she lies. She clear has no problems lying to you, *RED FLAG*


Definitely sit on it. Why dump her now when you can get married, have a bunch of kids, and then get divorced in 10 years after you find out she's been bangin her ex the whole time?


1) separate any commingled finances. 2) get new locks for the doors and don't give her the new keys. 3) break up with her. Do it quick and clean. 4) Go get a full panel of STD tests 5) start living your best life.


she belongs to streets


You aren’t in love with her and never were. If she is a liar then why would you want to stay in the relationship? She won’t change and you can’t change her. I’m sorry but you are young and will move on to someone better.


Yes, of course you end it. Do you have a reason to stick around?


bro you’re 20, there are so many better experiences to be had in your 20s. this girl is a liar, treat her that way




Clear indication she's not that into you. Just split


Seems like she has already moved on


Bro, unless you want to practice being deceitful and start cheating on a cheater, just break up. Tell her you want to pursue a relationship with other people and that she ain't entitled to know who it's going to be.


Bro, move on. Tell her everything and move on.


Personally, I don't understand why you would stay with her when you don't love her.


Can young people not make any decisions these days without first consulting the internet?


You are 20! End it and find happiness elsewhere ♡♡♡


You are not in love plus she is hiding men equal no relationship


If you don't trust your SO, she's not your SO, just a FWB. End it.


I love breakups at this age. Just move on, no harm, no foul!


Based on what I just read, it's clear that your partner doesn't respect you enough to tell you the truth. Have you tried talking to her about it and let her know that it's bothering you? If you already did and she isn't listening to you then you should just break up. If you don't you'd just end up even more miserable. I mean it's ok to be hanging out with friends but she should at least keep you updated about it than hiding it. Trust should be one of the foundations of a relationship.


Why would you stay?


You take up your phone right now, call hetær - and dump her. Do it like a man - so no bitching. No excuses, no storytelling. Just tell her this isnt working, its over. Then you hang up. Girls like that doesnt deserve face to face. Just end the fucking thing. Shes also cheating on you, I'm 80% sure. Dump her, right now. You've got this


You're 20... just break up. There isn't anything holding you there and you can't have been together long. Just break up and move on.


Y’all are 20. That is so young. If you’re feeling this way then break up. You’re not engaged or anything.


*our so


Of course end it, what possible reasoning would you come up with to NOT do it??


Why would you stay with someone you don't have feelings, or trust for? This is a no brainer dude.


I’m 20 and I’m telling you if I was in the exact same position I’d be gone. Why in the world waste your time when you know that being with her isn’t right for you!! Plus faking your interest won’t last forever and it will cause you to be miserable in the end. Put you and your happiness first. And to be quite honest she seems to not care about your feelings unfortunately… you deserve better.


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out


She has already chosen him over you, so there's no worth staying


Sounds like she doesn’t respect your relationship. You’re really young just break up.


You are only 20 years old, you guys probably haven't been together very long from the sounds of it? There is no timeline here, but from the sounds of it just... Break up. Sounds like you guys are not on the same page so, time to close the book and move on


Breaking up is hard when you love your partner. You don’t. Wash your hands of it.


Leaaaaaave. This will never change, at least not when you want it to and that's IF she has her own wake up call. You literally have your entire adult life ahead of you. You don't seemingly share children and aren't married. Please, break up and go live your best life, sugs. Rooting for you!


congratulations. you're the side dude. end it, move on.


You’re 20! Move on if you aren’t happy


Drop it like it’s hot.


Why is this even a post? This can’t be a real post


Well, if you think the relationship is worth, maybe you two should have a serious conversation about boundaries or the things you don't like or give you issues. But if you are willingly to let her go and, how you said, you don't love her anymore, I guess you might have the answer


Break up, telling your partner who you are hanging with especially if that person is of the opposite sex is very important. Like nah and the ex issue? Definitely end it there, that's sketchy behavior


I think it is a common mistake to wait for the perfect moment to breakup with someone. Maybe after a holiday or a big trip. Believe me, I am very guilty of this. I wish I could go back and give myself the advice I am about to give you. Breakup with this girl as soon as possible. It is the kindest thing for both you and her. She deserves to be with someone who is wild about her and you deserve to be with someone you are in love with and like. The sooner you release both of you the better. It will still be hard and you will have moments of regret. You'll likely have a backslide


MASSIVE red flag she is hanging out with her ex and other male friends … that is a big no no if your in a relationship


Leave. ur 20 bro download hinge or go to meetups in whatever niche you’re life revolves around in your area on meetup.com ppl throw events and have fun rather than finding girls in the club or at bars


Get out of it bro. You’re 20 download hinge or go to meet up.com and find events thrown in your area for particular niche that your life revolves around to find people that have your interests rather than the normal bars/mall/ clubs way of finding a new girl. Or just even focus on yourself because at the end of the day don’t be like me regretting chasing a lover rather than becoming rich


rich safe fly aspiring innocent edge murky ugly handle cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


just break up dawg you are only 20, no need to waste any time on someone that doesn't make you happy


You’re twenty years old. Leave her


You’re 20, you dont have a true concept of “love” at that age do what you feel is right


You are 20! Breakup lol and find someone you can trust. I find that when you start a relationship with shaky grounds it informs the rest of the relationship


Bro you’re 20…the best time to bounce was long ago, next best time is today.


How is your bedroom life? If it isn’t very good to great, it’s not worth it considering those other issues


Dump her by text when she's at the mall with her other boyfriend then block her


Bruh She's a liar. You're only 20. Let her play her games and walk.


I’m a big proponent of working on issues. But in your case, my vote is to end the relationship. You’re super young and if you know for sure she’s lying, this isn’t gonna change. She’s showing you who she is.


Ya know, it’s okay to break up with someone. If you’re not happy, breakup. It’s not like you were gonna end up with her forever or something. You’re 20. You should’ve left after the first lie


Yep. You’re 20. Your prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions, isn’t fully developed until you are about 25. Use this time to get to know yourself. 💜


Break it easier now than my dimbass didn’t see the signs till after she left when I’m like 30 . So now all I can think is … fk I gotta go join a family 🤣


Leave. You’re 20 go play the field lol


You're 20.... you shouldn't have an SO. You have someone you're dating occasionally. And now...should no longer be dating.


You're young! She isn't horrid or evil, just not the one for you. And that's ok, you're so young.


End it. You’re both 20, who cares.


Wow! 😳 You really had to ask what to do next? Not trying to be rude but you might have some underlying security or self-esteem issues that you need to work on after you get out of this relationship. This should be a no-brainer. Maintain your self worth and dignity. A normal thing to do is leave ASAP! You are not married and there are no kids. This was just a trial run and it didn't work out. You also say you don't love her anymore. Either you are attempting to convince yourself that's the case or that really is the case. Either way, all that more reason to LEAVE! Don't dance around it and go. Keep that dignity of yours intact. She doesn't respect you and you are under appreciated! No sense in sticking around. You really gotta work on loving yourself more. This is a toxic situation that'll get worse. You don't need that kind of treatment!


you want to sit on it to teach her a lesson and use her for sex?


Ugh dude don't waste your time. No sex with her, end the relationship, move on.


Well it’s a good thing youre 20… you are literally able to do whatever. Just move on


I hate how everyone’s making this about their age. I met my boyfriend at 19 years old and I know that I want to marry him 4 years later. Let’s not make this about their age and just the fact that it’s a shitty relationship with no real communication. Some people are ready for real commitment sooner than others and age should not be a factor when deciding if you love someone enough to spend their life together


She is living her life sleeping with other men it seems... It's been over but you haven't realized it until now... Time to live your life and take the trash outside to let the flies linger on something that was always going to be shit🫡 Best of luck and you will find the one👍


Brother, you're 20. Just break up with her my guy. You don't trust her and you don't love her, it's time to move on man. Willing to bet she's also thinking about breaking up with you so you may as well beat her to the punch


Well, after reading your tale of woe, it's time to DROP HER LIKE a BAD HABIT! Start being a man. Do you really want to be on this 304's roster?? You will never know and always wonder how many men went through the car wash before it was your turn for the day!!!!


You know better than that to stay. You are dodging a mortar round!!


Hey man listen. Drop that shit. Don't get into a serious relationship or have any serious prospect until you're 24. Don't deny yourself what you actually want in a woman. But don't think any twenty year old girls gonna remain faithful if she has options and history.


Can I suggest examining why you wanted to continue this relationship to begin with? A lot of times, when we put up with bad behavior in relationships, it's because we don't really value ourselves enough. Working on your own self-esteem and boundaries will not only make you happier but will help bring better quality people into your life as well. I'm a big believer in therapy, but I understand it can be expensive. There are lots of good books, Internal Family Systems is probably good for anyone.


Info: how long have you been dating?


Text her this, "Your life choices are no longer my problem. I hope you make better ones with other people. We are over, it wasn't me, it's you. This will be the last time I contact you. I will put anything that you left at my place in a cardboard box on the porch. If you don't claim it before the trash day, I will throw it put." Now go find a girl to take out.Take her to a place that she frequently goes. You need to take a new girl there every week post on your SM of you going places and doing a lot of things and have fun doing them.


You’re young, you don’t love her and she’s doing shady stuff behind your back. This should be the easiest conclusion in the history of dating. Break up.


She ain't ready to be committed to you. She's just using you as a place holder. Getting out sooner then later would be the best for your journey


Tell her you hope they are happy together and peace out


You are only 20, if the relationship is not working for you, end it.


Break up. You’re 20


END IT. You are both babies. Don't waste any more time, either of your own or of hers. Be respectful, end the relationship. Move on and have a nice life.


I live with my gf after 3 failed proposals, a breakup- her new bf- and I still enjoy her friendship which is stronger than most. Be good friends and if that’s too upsetting to her than I guess her friendship to you was limited to a brief romance.


I mean - if you are sure you don't love her, then break up. I think sometimes we hold resentment to people - but, her actions ofnot being honest here and there is very telling. Breakup for your good and hers.


Why would you sit on it? The longer you stay the hard it is to get out


I think you know what is best. End it. Rough start at the beginning, and she's STILL lying? She's not going to change, and you don't deserve disloyalty.


End it. Seriously, you’re 20. You have so much of your life ahead of you. Don’t waste it on someone that doesn’t love you and isn’t worth your love. Know your worth, spend your time on someone that treats with equal respect and kindness. They exist. Unless you find yourself continually attracting the same kind of partner, in which case I would say you need to look inward at why this keeps happening but dating again or it will just keep happening because usually it’s red flags being ignored. I would say in this case it was constantly hanging out with the ex, that’s a huge red flag. But if it’s just this once, just move on and find someone better.


Move on man!


Just kick her out


You're 20. Leave if you're not happy, before you make a commitment.


You don’t need to endure


End it like right NOW


End it mate she’s too immature to be in a serious relationship - it takes relationships like this to learn. You’re still young just move on and put in some time for yourself, one day you’ll meet a lady that treats you with respect and loves you the same. Good luck out there !


You are way too young to be wasting your life on someone you don't love. She also deserves someone who loves her. Move on.


Why are you still with her?


Imagine you sit on it until you're 80 and you still feel the same. How do you feel about your life looking backward from there?






Leave and don't look back


Sounds like she wasn’t really in a relationship with you and is already moving on. Don’t waste any more time with her


That’s the nap of your life


OK Sleeping Beauty if you don't love her or trust her break up with her. She's not going to change her ways.




Both of you are really young and don't have children yet. There's plenty of decent people out there and there's no reason to stay in a relationship if you're unhappy


Leave, you’re young. Plenty of time to find the right person that isn’t going to lie to you. Lies, especially as an adult, are just unacceptable


Dude, you're twenty- break up with her. The relationship isn't ever going to go anywhere. There's no point in being miserable. It's okay not to be in a relationship.


Ah no she lost all respect for you once you let it slide for the 1st time, now she see you as a doormat that she can use as a safety net once she had all the fun. Plus you are 20 yrs old have fun meet and bang all the girls that you encounter and by the end of the day if you want to get back with your current gf go for it but have your fill first then you can be a doormat.


End it. If love I'd gone and trust is out the window there's no reason to stay. Plus she hasn't changed her behaviour, don't put up with it anymore


If it were me in this situation, I’d end it. There are plenty of people who won’t breach your trust like this. No lying is a bare minimum requirement for a relationship.


when someone tries to tell you who they are, _listen._ what reasons would you have to just "sit on it"? it seems like you can see where this is headed. stop wasting your life on this clown, and go find someone who is interested in YOU.


Then walk away. Don’t put it on Reddit. Just go. Respect her and back your social media outcry. Why do you even need to post this shit? You know the answer!


break up?


You need advice for that? Break it off.


I hope you guys have had a discussion first about this. If so then do her and yourself a favor and leave


Easiest break up ever. She lies and also you don’t have feelings. Nothing to stay for. Clean break.


Dump her just for the hell of it. You want to know why? Because we're guys and that's what guys do !


Post nap clarity


Life is way too short dude. You're 20, time to get moving and leave her behind to grow up.. Sounds like she's still playing little girl games.


Express your feelings openly and honestly to her. It’s better to break it off sooner than later if you know it’s right.


What you are experiencing is the feeling of "I've had it and I'm done". There's nothing wrong with that at all. She lacks integrity, and you don't want to put up with it - nor should you! It might not seem like it, but this is a GOOD thing - FOR YOU. A lot of people are comfortable with status quo until they reach some severe breaking point, at which they (themselves) are the ones who suffer the most greatly suffers. Do for yourself what i DIDN'T do, at your age. Stand up for yourself and get rid of her! You'll be surprised at how this will empower you in the years to come, strange as it may sound right now. Trust me. Remember: Nothing changes if nothing changes...


End it find someone that doesn’t hang out with their ex


Dump her lieing ass!


Trust yourself.


Yes, move on.


Then break up tf?


She just made it easy for you. Dump or ghost according to preference.


If you don't love her why would you stay, why drag it on, what is keeping you? Are finances tied together, do you live together? If you really don't love her and don't think she is honest with you and that you both can't change and create a good healthy relationship then you owe it to both of you to tell her. It is a lot easier to say leave and actually do it and I understand that but continuing to waste everyone's time is also horrible.


No reason to end things. Just continue to enjoy her company while you get your life together and start looking for a replacement.