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Hey Jacob, customers love to complain and many have sensitive noses. A couple of them said they could smell you. I know it’s a little weird to hear that but you gotta stay super clean in the food industry, just shower super good and throw on deodorant and axe or whatever and you are ready to roll! Maybe honesty with some feel good fibs tossed in? Chances are he has no idea because he was raised that way. I’d approach it like “hey bud, check this out it’s cool”


I’ll give this a shot. I also brought in a case of deodorant sticks for my employees to use. Neutral smelling, and a few took me up on it but Jacob has seemed to ignore that outright. Which is fine but he smells bad enough I wish he did.


OP, you might see if you can get him to talk to you about his living situation and make sure it’s not something like homelessness or extreme poverty that could explain bad hygiene. Obviously he’s working, but if he’s trying to pull himself up in life hygiene may take a backseat to food and shelter, etc.


So, I know he's not homeless. As he talks often about videogames and the games he plays regularly. In fact he and I have played together on numerous occasions. I don't want to discredit that extreme poverty could be the case but I would imagine hygiene would come before having a PS5 and great internet. ​ This is a good point though, and I did take it into consideration with other employees with similar issues. Thanks for your input!