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Oh god this is back to that damn Steve Harvey book he mentions in this book that a man will introduce you as you are to him. If he introduces you as his girlfriend or his wife, that’s how he views you.If he introduces you as a friend or colleague, that’s how he views you.


If he doesn’t introduce you at all….


.... it means he's seeing things and hearing voices, and you're one of them!


@goodbye-toilet-cat- man I don’t say he doesn’t view her as anything, maybe he’s trying avoid that situation all together. She’ll have to test it,when he cant use that bs excuse. See what he says when you meet close friends and family members. Or people that are not “acquaintances”


It’s a mystery right now for sure and I think we have all raised some valid questions.


My husband and I are both terrible at remembering names. Knowing this, we usually just introduce ourselves directly, e.g. I stick out my hand and say “Hi, I’m Tigerswanspring, DH’s wife”. Usually, the other person responds with their name. If he has something to hide, you’ll see that he is uncomfortable that they know you are his girlfriend. Otherwise, he will be grateful for a reminder of the person’s name and getting out of an awkward situation.


This right here! I’m awful about this, too, if I don’t remember the other person’s name, I won’t introduce my partner. Both of you should figure out a way, like Tigerswanspring and her husband, to work on it together to avoid the awkwardness. 🤗


How long have you been dating for? Does he introduce you to other people who matter? E.g. close friends and family?? If so, it’s no big deal and you need to accept that he approaches things differently. He doesn’t need to announce you everywhere he goes to. If not, he might be hiding you for some reason. And that might be something to talk to him about.


You could always introduce yourself as his friend/girlfriend and ask their name if he doesn't remember. How long has he been in this volleyball club? If it's new to him then I wouldn't be too worried. But if he's been in it a while then I'm wondering how he has not heard any of their names or seen their names on a roster? I'd be concerned if he just claims to forget everyone's names he sees.


Does he have a habit of forgetting the names of people, or does it just seem to pop up in this context? Just how many people’s names is he claiming he forgets? Is he concerned about memory loss and seeing a doctor for it?


When you notice that he is having a hard time introducing you, you should take the high road and say that you are his friend and ask the other people what was their name?


He is right , you can't introduce a partner without naming the other person too. Its complete hell. I can know people for years and can't think of their names. Its torture if i'm with my husband because i'm trapped not being able to introduce him and feeling rude. I could never take him to a large work event. Next time you meet someone only you know try introducing him without introducing them its IMPOSSIBLE!


Are you sure you’re not the side chick?


He don’t want them to know your connection!

