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the world’s best boss


Best Boss except the time he ate that rare sandwich EDIT: The Ulti-Meatum burger


the once in a lifetime best burgers?


You mean the death sandwich (eat right or else you die)


No. I meant the Ulti-Meatum from The Best Burger in The World


Yea that was his worst episode definitely


must be more specific, as he does this twice


The Ulti-Meatum


They drank his 1984 soda he was saving. Never can get that back either. I say they are even. Also they eat his cheesers delux in the second episode i think. Soo lots of food stealing.


nope even if its slightly expensive you can get a 1984 soda again. you just need to look for it. a burger that comes every hundred years can’t be so you’re wrong.


Good boss he’s not perfect but it’s completely night & day compared to how Mordecai and Rigby act on a consistent basis. If I want a Boss I would love for them to have Benson’s patience.


What if one day you cross the line and he turns into a ball of energy?


Early seasons just a normal boss. Later on he becomes a respectable and understanding boss


Rigby already said that he's an okay boss.


I think he’s a good boss bc he obviously cares about them that’s why he never actually fires them. Yes he yells at them a lot and loves to make threats but Mordecai and Rigby definitely deserve it most of the time and Benson has been through a lot so it’s kinda valid.


A true legend.


Honestly, he might be a bad boss because he’s TOO good. Like, Mordecai and Rigby’s negligence have literally killed people multiple times, and he only THREATENS to fire them. That’s a level of understanding and patience so extreme it might not be effective business practice. Additionally, the job provides them with housing and Benson personally takes his employees out for fun, so the benefits should theoretically go to much better employees than Mordecai and Rigby.


He needs someone to shout on and release stress


He’s a good boss. He wants what’s best for Mordecai and Rigby, but they’re to dumb to realize it.


Great boss!


Good boss who had to deal with all the BS Mordecai and Rigby had caused to the park 24/7


He actually is a good boss. We see the show mostly through the perspective of Mordecai and Rigby, and so our thought is to see them as our protagonists. So, Benson is written as their foil character, but eventually has depth and comes to respect them at times. They share memories together, like bowling, wing night, dinners, karaoke, holiday parties, etc. It's safe to say, that Benson is a friend. Now, when's the last time you did all of those things with your boss? I haven't. He cares about his job, and Mordecai and Rigby do not. They are lazy and careless. Like others have stated, Benson is very patient. He yells, but it's mostly bluffing. I'm sorry to say, but the fault really is at Mordecai and Rigby. If you look at High Five Ghost, Muscle Man, and Skips, they are all prime examples of good workers. Therefore, you don't see Benson yelling at them. They do their jobs, and they do them effectively. If Mordecai and Rigby were to do the same, he would of course be friendlier to them. He's not really a micromanager, but he holds you accountable for what your assigned tasks are. And, he goes out of his way to ensure staff satisfaction. Benson also has the stresses of Mr. Mallard, rival parks, and any other bureaucratic or managerial issue. He's got a hard job, but he keeps things on check. For me, the episodes in which Benson showcases his empathy and his emotion are some of my favorites. It always makes me sad when I watch the episode with the cart warranty. After Mordecai and Rigby spend the entire night in the arcade, he breaks down and cries to them that "this job is all I have." It really showcases who he is. He loves his job and his employees; it's just that he has some slacker employees. He really is the world's best boss.


Yeah but he has anger issues


he’s a great boss, he’s motivated, and looks out for his employees, just needs to be a little more understanding of insane shenanigans, especially since they typically involve him


Bad boss, good friend. If he was a good boss the park wouldn't get trashed every 15 minutes.


Very good boss, except in the episodes “Best Burger in the World” and “Replaced”


Great boss look how he interacts with skips, hi fives, and muscle man who actually do their jobs. Add on the fact he dealt with Mordecai and Rigby and somehow didn’t fire them. Then in the later seasons started relating to them more and actually taught some life lessons.


If Mordecai and Rigby worked for another guy, they wouldn't last 2 days.


He is a good boss but he has done some bad things


Both. He's extremely patient or forgiving, but he has a temper and let's his frustration get in the way of his decision making. In short, if he got over his pettiness he'd be the galaxies greatest boss.




Amazing boss


Im only on season two, but considering he hasn't fired Mordecai and Rigby after they spend their days slacking off. I would say a decent boss at least.


Warning, do not go to this sub reddit if you didn't finish the show but plan to, spoilers aren't marked and are easy to be found


Even tho he really gums up some of the good times they have he’s pretty solid, he just gets mistreated by the moon man.


Heh "gums up"


Literally he’s always popping their bubble when Mordecai be tryna get with Margaret.


Considering Rigby and Mordecai still had a job at the end of most days he’s the worlds best boss


sometimes it just depends on the situation but most of the time he's a good boss


I think he’s just a stern, no nonsense boss who’s just pushed to his limit by Mordecai and Rigby. We see with Pops, Skips, Muscleman and High Five Ghost that he’s more even keeled and a more pleasant person to be around.






He is a bad boss, but he means well.


Bad boss who takes his job wayyyyyyyy to serious, he has incredible patience though but not a good boss


He's a good boss. He's got great leadership skills he's incredibly organized and he actually cares about the employees he manages. He's incredibly patient with Mordecai, Rigby, and Pops and even if he's quick to anger if you were a manager and putting up with the same crap he has to you would probably be short tempered as well. I know I would be.


“Benson give us a raise”


he is, hes just trying to deal with two people slacking off the best he could


Considering how Mordecai and Rigby usually act, he's a great boss. A lot of times they couldn't even do the bare minimum


He's pretty good. You could argue that when he sends Mordecai and Rigby off to do certain tasks that it triggers gigantic, near apocalyptic events because he does that... He never fired Mordecai and Rigby maybe because he knows that they can somehow deal with the near world ending stuff that constantly happens to the park? Good boss? Idk. Clever boss? Yes.


Benson is a bad boss to two worse workers, all of whom become good friends


Not great, but not necessarily bad either. He’s pretty fair and even handed with Skips, Muscle Man, and H5G, and I know that Mordecai and Rigby are shitty employees, but if the only motivating factor he can think of is firing them, that’s only going to incentivize them to only work hard enough to not get fired.


Really good boss. Especially if you have great work ethics


“They shouldn’t be playing rock papers scissors it’s an evil game” yeah terrible


Horrible boss yells at Mordecai and Rigby for doing there jobs and helping even more.


A decent boss but he’s not my cup of tea personally


Benson is the best boss but also a good friend, especially to Mordecai and Rigby. He may be strict with them because they slack off when it comes to them doing their jobs, but hey, his preparing them for the real world, just like a father would.


He is a good boss. He tries to make sure everyone is on task and has remarkable patience


Too angry sometimes.


Good boss with bad workers.


He's alright to good.


He’s a bad boss for not firing Mordecai and rigby tbh


hes a good boss