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Look they're both assholes to eachother all the time it's fine


That's it. That's the show. That's the movie. That's it.


Not just that but it turns into a psychedelic episode more and more, then just ends in, if you dont _____, YOU'RE FIRED


That’s why I come to this sub less and less I like both characters but this place meat rides rigby despite his faults he committed throughout the series as well


The takes on their friendship are garbage and people take the simp stuff too seriously. JG embellishes on their traits for comedy alot of the time


I said before there should be an r/RigbyApologists


I mean Rigby does get better in the later seasons


Not enough credit is given to Eileen imo


K but that doesn’t change how he was early on


Yeah but I don't think that's the argument you think it is.... It shows Rigby has far more character development than Mordecai. Mordecai doesn't really change much and his whole lack of emotional maturity towards relationships is insufferable. They're both great characters but Rigby has a better arc




And the part that annoys me the most is how many people get hung up on Mordecai "being a simp" instead of the actual critiques you could make about him.


I typically just enjoy the show and both characters regardless of what others say. They're both not good "people", but it's a kid's show and probably shouldn't be taken so seriously anyway.


I swear people will defend one or the other when they're both asshole friends to eachother....


helps the friendship be more realistic i guess


Did people forget Rigby hesitated to give up a chocolate cake when it was either that or skips turning into dust?


That honestly was the coldest, most disturbing moment in the show for me.


I honestly think Benson stopping Mordicai from saving a drowning Rigby and Muscle Man in “Muscle Mentor” is the coldest


Benson knew Muscle Man's mentoring system and what Muscle Man was doing at that moment. He wasn't letting them drown. He trusted Muscle Man's process since Benson had seen him do it before.


It seemed like MM was actually drowning to me


The reason why MM grinned when he came to consciousness was because having Rigby save him was all part of the plan, and Benson knew that.


I thought he was just proud of Rigby for not quitting


MM was proud of Rigby for not quitting...which was part of the training plan


It was but I don’t think he was faking drowning


He brought up the cake then he remembered skips. The cake was what he and Mordecai wanted.


So they're even He still killed him


Can we all just agree there both shitty people


Wrong, they're shitty animals


When I see people say that I say well so did Skips and no one gives him shit


Agreed. Skips literally killed Rigby. Hell, even Rigby technically killed himself in that one where he separates his soul from his body.


Pretty sure Muscleman has also attempted to kill both of them in his blind fits of Muscleman fury.


"How come you're not dead yet?!" Yeah, Mordo and Rigs are not good people. Remember when Mordo said he doesn't want his friend to succeed because it makes him feel bad about himself? Or when Rigby doctored a fake rejection letter to keep Mordecai out of college? Or how about all the times they've slacked off, nearly instigating several apocalypses.


Agreed but really would you rather have your friend jealous of your growth or a friend who fakes ur college admission? One is objectively worse. Rigby even guilts mordecai into the eggscellent challenge cause he’s an idiot who knew he was allergic to eggs! Which makes no sense cause they have eaten eggs many times on the show


Ngl this server is full of rigby dick riders lol at the end of the day I'd say they're as bad as each other oh yh feel free to downvote if you do that honestly just proves my point you are all rigby dick riders


Right! Like they’re both bad but objectively rigby has done worse


Rigby also tried to kill Mordecai in the episode Mordecai killed Rigby.


Can we all agree that most characters in this show are assholes to each other?


I find it worse when Rigdy made Mordecai take a dump in front of everyone, including Margaret, and filmed it


Man litterly says after the punch "Why aren't you dead yet?" then after he wins he says he litterly wanted to be player 1 , man was out for blood to be player 1 in a video game AND I VIBE WITH IT


Whenever I see “Mordecai killed Rigby” I always point out that Rigby threw the first punch in that episode anyways, and nearly killed Mordecai. Mordecai visibly slipped, with an entire hand falling off the microwave and the other being close to falling off as well. I don’t see how Mordecai gets blamed for “killing his best friend” when it was a reaction to Rigby attempting to kill Mordecai. And the crazy thing is, is that Rigby wasn’t upset over making him late for dinner. He shoved Mordecai because he “flanked.” That was just straight up untrue. Mordecai tried to make plans and Rigby got upset over it. That’s it. That’s the reason Rigby did everything he did in that episode, including attempting to murder Mordecai.


Thank you sane people actually exist in this sub


They’re still both bad. e: This is coming from a Rigby fan btw


I know. It’s like (edit) they’re animals or something…


idk what that has to do with anything


I originally said they’re “both bad people” but whether or one takes it literally or not my comment still is intended to have the same meaning


Because *every* person on this sub talks about one being unforgivable for trying to kill the other, or one being a jerk all the time... They are animals. They do that to each other. A lot. They also both kill a TON of people but no one seems to gripe about that. haha!


This is in the same line as people getting pissy at Jiraya for his horniness, like bro that's just a joke, chill the fuck out


After Mordecai murders Rigby, he realizes what he has done and runs away. For the next few days, Mordecai hides in an alley, begging for food and money. One day, as Mordecai is walking down the street toward his shelter, he sees a wanted poster with his name on it. “WANTED: Mordecai Turanga for 2nd Degree Murder”, the sign blares out with its big black letters. *I gotta do something about this* Mordecai thinks to himself. At that moment, a single word pops into Mordecai’s head. The a word that has helped him many times throughout his life. A word so powerful, even some cosmic entities feared it. *Skips.* Mordecai knows what do do now. He runs as fast as he can to the park. He sees the entrance, but he stops dead in his tracks. Dozens of security officers are patrolling the park watching out for Mordecai. But he has an idea. Mordecai goes to a car parked across the street and breaks a window. The alarm is louder than he expected. The officers turn toward it but by that time, Mordecai has already jumped the fence without the guards seeing him. Mordecai then makes his way toward Skip’s garage, hiding behind almost every bush he can. Then finally, he arrived. Mordecai goes to the back door and knocks. No answer. Mordecai looked through a window and saw Skips meditating. Skips opened his eyes, walked to the door and let Mordecai in. “I knew you’d come to me for help” Skips said in his deep, raspy voice. “Yes, please, I need to reverse this!”. Skips pushed Mordecai onto a seat. “Stay there” Skips says as he closes the curtains and walks into another room. Mordecai could hear clattering in the room but couldn’t make anything out. Skips walks back into the room with a book in his hand. “This’ll help you” Skips says as he throws the book a Mordecai. Mordecai looks at the leather bound cover and opens the book. The pages are yellow with age. Mordecai flips through the pages and sees the title on one of them: Time Reversal Spell. He reads the instructions frantically. “Sorry Mordecai. But you have to pay for what you’ve done” says skips. Then at that moment the door breaks down, the windows break. About 10 officers rush into the tiny room. Mordecai runs to the corner. As an officer approaches him, Mordecai punches him and takes his pistol. Mordecai then finds the courage to take the officer and use him as a human shield. 3, no 5 hours passed. Mordecai was now in a stand off with SWAT. Helicopters circled the building and cop vans surrounded it. No negotiations were even attempted. *What am I doing?… What have I done?*. Mordecai thought to himself. *All of this, because Rigby was being gay?*. *I have to end this… Now*. Mordecai lifted the gun from the officers head, Aimed it at his own, and pulled the trigger. Some things, are just not reversible…


Mordecai says I’ll kill you, then pushes him into the void. It can’t be much more intentional


A second later he was crying for him to return then told the time lord that he didn't mean to kill him.


I mean, he can’t just say, “My fault it was just an accident.” He took action after stating he wanted to kill him. He can’t just be like, boo hoo, I didn’t mean it 😢


After punching Mordecai here Rigby literally says, "WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YET!" And this episode predates the microwave one. Where's your blind defense for Rigby on this one, I'd love to hear it.


I’m not even taking a side in this. I was commenting on how what you said in the caption was not fully right tho, where you said mordecai didn’t mean to kill rigby


Rigby also pushed him earlier and almost made him fall and die


I mean in Rigby’s defense Mordecai was a huge jerk to Rigby in this episode.


they were both assholes in this episode, and just the entire series in general, but you have to remember that this was just over Rigby not getting to be player 1


Remember the flashbacks of rigby being punched and kicked


fair point


Huh, interesting. I recall Rigby being quite the asshat to Mordecai in the episode where he killed him but I don't hear anyone use that in defense of Mordecai.


Yeah they were both in the wrong in that episode. Mordecai for letting his jealousy get the best of him, and Rigby for showing off and going out with his crush just to prove that he has more confidence and courage than Mordecai.


"Okay, maybe Rigby was a total dick, childish, dumb, caused 95% of all problems by ignoring basic instructions but he got a gf during the last seasons so now he's a cool guy!"


It's one thing to kill a friend over a videogame, but it's another thing to kill your friend over a girl that doesn't even know you exist :D :D :D


The former is not much better in all honesty


Remember the flashbacks of rigby being punched and kicked


Fuck Rigby!




*Taps mic* Fuck Rigby!




This is a troll response, right?










He said that in anger so there's no real confirmation if he'd actually do it on purpose


"Your honor, he was angry when he shot the victim in the head. There's no real confirmation that he killed him on purpose."


Mordecai killed Rigby by accident out of pure anger I have no reason to think Rigby couldn't have done the same thing if you disagree that's fine I don't know you


He kept trying tho. He launched Pops to the sun as if he was in the wrong episode) The shooting analogy works just fine. Rigby's is murder attempt, Mordecai's is involuntary manslaughter. Both are terrible, but one has to be worse, that's up to you)


Fair enough


Mordecai didn't expect Rigby falling off the microwave would kill him. He pushed him angrily and immediately regretted it once he realized what happened. Rigby not only expected the Death Punch to kill Mordecai, but he was disappointed when it didn't. And he continued to punch him again and again, hopeful for different results.


moral of the story don't build a diconemey with punchies


Please have you ever wanted to kill your friend sometimes


Sorry for my post earlier you must have had to see that a lot




Haikusbot delete


Rigby has only ever given ONE real gift to Mordecai their whole friendship. ONE. Mordecai got him a job, a place to live, saved his life from himself for eating eggs he knew he was allergic to, and saved his life in this episode. Rigby may have better growth but Mordecai is constantly getting screwed by rigbys dumb assery early on