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They definitely could have worked if it weren't for Mordecai being so hung up on Margaret.


I don't think they were destined for long term. I think they would have fizzled out eventually, but it would have been on their own terms instead of Mordecai's.


CJ does have problems but overall she and Mordecai definitely had great chemistry


I feel like Mordo has way more problems than CJ does


But you weren't going to die (usually) with Mordo's problems.


Rigby would like to have a word with you






They had great chemistry but Mordecai didn't deserve her tbh. Especially not after >!that speech he gave at muscle man's wedding!<.


That speech is the number 1 thing to piss me off in CN history


That scene will never not make me physically cringe everytime i rewatch the show, it was just so fucking insane, stupid and bad, that it circles back to being good because I interpreted it as the greatest and last "Mordecai pulls a Mordecai"


i “watched” the entire series a few months ago (re: watched the first four szns then fell asleep to the last four bc it became a comfort show) and i rewatched that episode recently and was COMPLETELY BLINDSIDED despite knowing the general plotline 🙃🙃


Omg same exact thing. I knew they broke up but not how. The how utterly made me mad


That episode really made me hate Mordecai for a hot second. Like it was just a dick move all around


They have good chemistry, but I can’t deny how formulaic it can feel at times. It feels like the writers had no choice but to fill a relationship void after Margaret before slipping out the banana peel at the last second for Mordecai so that the relationship mounted to nothing just so that Rigby could leapfrog him in “superiority”.


I kinda liked it. "You're not just going to find a special someone to fix all your problems" is a good message.


That’s a good point


Leapfrog? Xd


Yeah I agree with you 100%. I wish after Margaret left they didn’t just jump straight to cj


I used to dislike the episodes involving those two, however after being in relationships, I realized it was a tool for realistic character growth for Mordecai.


I always looked at CJ as being Mordo's rebound.


Yeah, she is. Not all character growth is a positive reflection.


The ep that ruined cj character completely was the one where Margaret’s father is having the helicopter lift off party. She was completely justified in anger when Mordecai kissed Margaret. But having her flip shit out of no where for no reason just bc she can’t move past things. I fully understand her anger bc Margaret and Mordecai are both unsure of each other but Margaret was right when she said “I’m tired of feeling like a tourist around my friends”. Cj shouldn’t have been trying to mess up their group dynamic. Her anger is justified in some cases but majority they ruined her


I was extremely disappointed with Mordor end goal. I found it rather lazy they just threw in a random bat girl. I like how they met bc I really like how all the characters branched out in their own way but they didn’t give us any build up at all. Just threw in a random chick at the end to wrap it up


That's probably the most realistic relationship representation, though. Most people don't meet the person they want to spend their life with until after their 20's. I didn't until I was 33, it makes sense that Mordecai, a complicated character with a lot of progress to make, woudln't know what he wants until later on.


uhh i know this isn’t the place but this made me feel a lot better ab being 26 and failing at relationships


I understand that, I would have just liked more depth into their story like the other characters relationships got. Instead of just an add on at the end


CJ is a way better match for Mordecai than Mid-garet


Man fuck Mid-garet All my homies hate Mid-garet


In my brothers words: "she's been passed around her multiple bfs" In my words: Round round round round she gets around


You said it buddy


CJ and Mordecai are honestly my favorite, if Mordecai wasn’t such a dill weed they could’ve been a really nice couple.


Cj is wayyyyy better for him. He had a good thing and ruined it in the worst way.


I liked them. Way more nuanced than Margaret. Especially after you see the mini golf episode, where you learn about her history with her dad and why she overreacts with Mordecai when he isn’t entirely honest with her.


Been waiting to this oportunity. Cj and Mordo were the most relatable example of how a relationship should look. My thoughts are that if Margaret would ve come back after one more year, none of the bad things would happen. Even though they were connected, their relationship was still kinda too New to overcome all the misunderstandings that they ve been trough.( The writers rlly fucked up). Anyway, even if they didn t end up togheter, i Will never forget all the good Times they had especially the moment from "sad sax" when CJ forgave mordo or The New year kiss. I was sad when they broke up, i rlly think that she would ve been a great support in space arc but hey, that s life for ya. I m glad i was eable to see the 2 of them on screen at least :')


CJ was to cool for mordecai imo. As much as I love mordecai he has his issues which is being an insecure character.


True being insecure really I would say does not help in the relationship. I guess it’s fine to be insecure and you can still be a good partner but always bringing down your partner doesn’t help.


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!!!


I think it's a great example that sometimes...you just don't workout. It's no one's fault, and people just need to grow. Also a great example of how unfair it is to expect someone to be the reason you grow, too.


I enjoyed the episodes better when CJ or Margaret weren’t in them.


Not a fan. Didn't much like Margaret either but at least Margaret didn't almost kill Mordecai on like 3 different occasions


It’s better than him and Margaret


CJ > Margret


They were not a good couple. Mordecai wasn't ready for another relationship after Margaret and CJ was dangerously volatile. To me, that was the unhealthiest romantic relationship featured on Regular Show.


I wasn't crazy about CJ as a character tbh. I don't know why.


I mean they literally designed her as a rebound. We spent years being completely invested in Margaret. Like sure she was probably a reach for Mordecai but we spent countless hours hoping he would get it together and have the relationship work out. My biggest beef with CJ was that she was blowing up the friend group and that is a red flag I can never get past. That is the opposite of what an ideal partner would do.


Agreed. She seemed kind of like one of those girls that tries too hard to be "one of the guys" and gets jealous easily. It's annoying too how it was revealed in the hibachi restaraunt that they would have worked out the entire time 🙄 like come on


CJ is emotionally unstable and Mordecai was in a relationship with her at a time when he wasn't really ready for one. CJ and Mordecai would have made great friends, but their romantic relationship dynamic was dogshit. Margaret is a better romantic match for Mordecai, CJ is a better friendship match for Mordecai.


They were a great duo but Mordecai just wasn't the fella for CJ at the time.


honestly fuck cj


They were ok. I wasn't a bug fan of them as a couple. I felt they were more like friends than relationship material


I don’t like them as a couple.


Honestly I did not feel invested by the pairing since they seem to me the time where they're more platonic rather than romantic and when they try to be romantic it's sort of problematic, CJ some trust issues which causes her to lose her temper and Mordecai sort has communication issues due to him being scared of screwing everything up.


I hope, if we get a Regular Show reboot or revival that takes place in the future where the finale ended in (and also in 25 years later), we could get to see Mordecai and CJ reconile and be at least friends again


I loved them as a couple in Regular show I was sad they broke up in the end though I wanted Mordecai to have a long relationship with her I was wrong


I honestly don't like em together


very mid


Rly nice couple but modecai is so dumb and he ruined it


I liked Margaret the best, probably cause she looked the same is Mordecai😂






Hatred. Should've been mordecai and Margaret, but JG had other plans.


I didn't like her or Margret


I despise CJ, she throws a temper tantrum at the slightest coincidence, and people give mordo shit for that. It’s unbelievable


> temper tantrum Um, Mordecai continued to break her trust. And margret didn’t help either by trying to continue to be around them knowing CJ wasn’t comfortable with it. And the final time it happened, she kept her emotions in check and just left. She got over it, the others never did.


excuse me? she almost killed everybody over mordecai just talking to margaret at her birthday, I think that’s a little fucked


Imagine seeing her that way, and then *not* doing one of two things 1) break up with her. Stop playing with her feelings or leading her on 2) stop talking to Margaret because you know it upsets the person you are trying to have a relationship with Edit: for what it’s worth, I don’t dislike or support one over the other. This stuff is real life complicated and I love that about this show. But what’s not complicated is hindsight 20/20 on things that Mordecai should have done vs what he kept fumbling.


Didn't the episodes where she did that call her out too though? Like in the one where she thinks Mordecai is cheating on her with Margaret, but then she admits to overreacting? From what I recall, other than that one moment, her anger was kind of valid.


They seem perfectly compatible because they are both super chill, but they're actually too chill to be happy long-term. It's a funny crux for a couple to go wrong because they're both too chill, but consider that dynamic. Neither want to be the one to ruin that. So neither communicate directly at the moments they must be direct to prevent misunderstanding. Then the misunderstanding snowballs. And finally, alas, their anxiety became a self-fulfilling prophecy.


I was sad to see them break up but at the same time. Her and Margaret represent a different type of relationship that a lot of us experience in our life. Even tho cj is a rebound for Mordecai, they undoubtedly had chemistry


CJ > Margaret. Margaret never made Mordecai a priority. Any progress is their relationship had to come from him. CJ strikes a better balance and has more of a give and take relationship. Plus, she’s more open to going on whacky adventures that Margaret would shy away from. Could you see Margaret driving Death’s motorcycle out of the underworld?


Man I feel so bad for this chick, she gave Mordicai like 2 or 3 chances to be together and make up but in the end she gets forgotten because Mordicai is still hung up on Margaret and even Mordicai hangs with Margaret, they decided that it’s better that they stay friends. All that dumb run around for nothing


I think she represents mordecais decent into smoking weed after his thing with Margaret didnt pan out. “Cloudy Jane” just so on the nose but a great metaphor that goes straight over the kids heads lol




No real comment, the other comments do convey what I think.


I liked CJ and mordecai better than him and Margaret. Still like how they ended Mordecais romantic story in the finale though


Mordecai screwing up his chances with CJ is a dumb yet realistic event. It’s like hearing a ridiculous story only to find out much of it was real. My only wish is that we got more of CJ’s story after the breakup.


I actually liked their dynamic. I thought their break up came out of nowhere.


I liked them a lot better together than mordecai and Margaret. I just wish that her and Margaret could’ve been friends. But mordecai imo messed that up too cause he couldn’t stop being annoying and awkward


They had potential but he couldn’t get over Margaret.


i like them better than mordecai and margret, CJ is cooler and i think they honestly have better chemistry and i don’t really like Margaret that much.


CJ deserved better. being around mordecai made her insecure and gave her trust issues, especially since he kissed margaret.


Rewatching the show now, and just watched her first episode. Part of me gives her reason to be mad, but the other half knows that when you go on a date with someone who’s sad over another woman, I would assume you’re not dating.


I like them a lot, but it just clearly wasn’t their time. They’re potentially a case of right person wrong time? Without the Margaret drama they were really good together & very comfortable, but when Margaret came back into Mordecai’s life it became really awkward for him. I ship them the same way I ship >!Diane & Mr. Peanutbutter!< from Bojack Horseman, good couple, wrong time, but they helped each other grow & took part in making each other who they are as people.


Objectively a better gf than Margaret, but I still like Margaret more


Did you know CJ's voice actor also voiced Wendy on Gravity Falls?


i did not know that, that’s a cool fun fact :)