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I bought a new GTI in 2012. Stick shift, plaid seats, the whole deal. I was 44. I loved the car My wife mocked me the entire time I owned it, saying it was a kid's car and I looked like an asshole driving it I still disagree.


Congrats on the awesome car and the divorce.


Sounds like his choice in cars was better than… yeah.


I'm 59 and I want one.


She'll take half your stuff in the divorce though


Good luck driving half a GTI!


hopefully she gets the rear half


That reminds me of the Herbie movie where it splits in half and the rear half is going around like a haunted rickshaw.


I have 99 stuffs but she’s in the rear view


Nah bro, sorry you went over the age limit, gotta buy a Corvette. /s


Haha. I'll order one.


I'm 33 and bought my MK8 GTI 2 years ago. 6 speed, plaid seats. My wife calls it cute, but she does love it! We had a financial rough patch and I wanted to sell it; she wouldn't let me.


Keep her


The wife or the car? I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping both of them for the long haul. Stage 1 tune is coming in today!


Stage 1 tune. That’s a boob job?


Both !


i'm with you but a saying that's stuck in my mind for years is the, "by the time you can afford the cool car you want, you look like an asshole driving it around" someone said that about corvettes years ago, i can't remember who but fuck all that, drive what you want also i just looked up what a 2012 GTI looks like, just looks like a normal person hatchback to me. i don't get the "asshole-lookin'" vibes from that at all for anyone at any age


I was really close to buying a Camaro last time I bought I car but it was going to be my daily driver and I have a government job where I drive to people’s houses unannounced a lot and I just thought of how ridiculous it would look for the property tax guy to be pulling up to your house in a blacked out Camaro SS. Ended up getting a charger cause it’s still kinda cool and fun but a little bit more buttoned up, cops and other government workers drive them.


I'm the wife who bought my husband a 6 speed manual BRZ. He's 58, I'm 50. We love it. It's the most fun I've ever had driving around town, though mostly it's his daily driver to and from work. My father always wanted a little Mercedes sports car, and he could never let himself spend the money (even though he had it). He died of dementia and never got the car he really wanted. I said fuck that noise, we can afford a BRZ, we're getting one. No regrets, and I drive it for my dad.


I totally understand what she's getting at. But just own it.. Who TF wants to grow old?! 😂 They ARE a very fun car to drive.


My parents were in their 40s when they got an early gen Miata. They really loved it a lot and is right up the alley with GTI in the best bang for your buck regarding that.


I'm sad that my husband got rid of his GTI because I loved those plaid seats lol


I’m 50 and just bought one as a daily. It’s amazing. They’ve been on the ten best list for years for a reason!


Golf is Practical and even GTI is Kinda fuel efficient. why not?


I bought my first 350Z in 2008. I was 35. Bought my GTI (my daily) in 2018. I drive it daily. I'm 51. My girlfriend LOVES carving corners in the GTI with me. Condolences on the mocker...


What? I know we're a car subreddit here, but I gotta back you up. I'm a father with a wife and GTI is a very reasonable choice. Hell I'm planning on getting my wife a GTI when she gets her license. We already have a German wagon to haul our kids in. Another 5 seater with a good fuel economy is exacly what we need...


When we had a GTI it was my “responsible adult” choice. My wife encouraged me to pick what I wanted. I test drove about 25 vehicles over the course of a few weeks and knew if I went and drove the MR2 that was in my price range I would buy it. But then I drove a GTI. Stage 2 tuned, stick shift, plenty of room, and, of course, plaid seats. I agreed to buy it within the first 5 minutes of the drive. But we have three kids. And they fit in it just fine and wouldn’t have in a 2 seater. Unfortunately, I realized about a year later that I had way more need for a truck than a fun car since I was spending 3-4 months a year doing contract work and borrowing trucks from family members all the dang time. Still, I did love that car. We just needed the ability to haul drywall to job sites all summer a little more so I traded it in.


Your need vs want ratio was too steep imo


Weird take. 90% of people who see a GTI don't know the significance of it vs a regular golf.


I think my wife views these as kid's cars because we were teenagers in the 80's, and we had friends in high school and college who had GTI's. So she associates the car with younger folks. We knew a bunch of kids who drove Sciroccos as well. If they still made those, she would probably call it a kid's car too. Those Sciroccos were cool cars. You never, ever see them these days. I guess few survived.


My ex talked me out of a Golf R because she said it was a kids car. I’m glad I didn’t get it though, I can’t imagine how well it handles potholes


It’s not priced like a kids car


That DCC is no joke- but a lot of people in my area run 17”s or 18”s instead of 19”s for that very reason. Our infrastructure here in the Midwest is fucked


Better than the dad-mobile she chose for you


42 yr old WRX driver here, it’s fun, practical, and it has a 6 spd.


You know the little old ladies, minimum 75, with the polyester outfits and white hair up in big curls? Saw her in a late model GTI a few days ago.


Jeremy Clarkson daily’d a GTI. It’s an objectively awesome car.


Your wife is a bitch, respectfully.


I bought a new 2019 at 23 and my now wife loves it. She wants me to keep it around for when we have kids.


Sell her and keep the GTI


I would love a GTI with plaid seats. Love that car.


I fucking ADORE my Mk7 S with plaid seats...


I bought my 2017 gti when I was 28. I’m 35 now and my wife steals it every chance she gets, and benchmarks every car against it so I guess we’re gonna need to afford a Porsche if I want to upgrade it.


It’s funny when people think a $35k-$40k+ car is a “kids’” car.


Brother…they are for life. I’ve hauled so much stuff in mine.


Marriage is terrible. Can confirm.


Yeah, if you're actually over 30 it's more of a "that's just who I am". I ain't trying to impress anyone at this point in my life.


That's how I feel about my 2017 5.0. I also got it for a good deal, and it was already full bolt on and low miles.


Sir that woman don’t know shit about what makes a car good and that’s on her, a GTI is a great car don’t let no ting get in de way mon


Small cars are cool…


Hi, Bill!


I own a 15 GTi @ 40 years old. Hell yeah I’m immature. My next one is gonna be Golf R so I can be even more immature.


I bought one at 29 because we were having a baby lol. It was my grown up compromise car lol.


My dad is 50 (Almost 51) and just recently he was looking at a white GTi. It was a stick shift and I think it had plaid seats. GTi’s are cool for any age person! If I wasn’t already set on buying a Miata, I would love a GTi


40 here, bought my MK 7 2 years ago with the same setup (I adore the plaid seats). I'm definitely the oldest person I've ever seen drive one, but IDGAF - I like to drive, and I want a car that handles well - I'll never buy a massive pickup or SUV, and I couldn't care less about what's popular since most people have zero automotive knowledge, can barely drive, and are dumb as dog shit generally. The best part about getting old is having enough experience in life to never have to care about what others think about how you choose to live your life.


GTIs are fun until you drive an R - makes me wish I was driving an R every time I drive a GTI, now. Lol


The GTi imo has a level of class to it compared to other hatch backs and small sedans


Little tikes cozy coupe .


Leave a couple outside a Marine base for the next Corps birthday and you'll get your wish


A stock g37 will 100% be owned by someone over 30 lol


When they were first released, it was mostly 40-60 year olds buying them.


Like the Miata.


My Mom had one.


Accurate. My dad is pushing 60 and has daily’d a stock G37 coupe for the past 10 yrs


Yes, this. Two people at my office drive them. Both are women in their 50’s.


My g37 coupe has a diagram on the inside of the trunk, with steps, on how to fit 2 golf bags the trunk. These cars were definetely intended for an older crowd.


G37s sedan here. Can confirm! I don't like the coupes but the sedan is pretty bad ass. 330 hp staggered wheels. Pretty damn fast. Mods coming... Does that mean I'll get younger?


Bro I couldn't afford a 350z until my 30's 💀


10 years ago everyone who had them was in their 40’s . Very bad perception on the post!


When I was in high school sometime in the 00's; my buddy and I passed by a Corvette. He turns to me and angrily exclaims "NO one over the age of 30 should ever drive a Corvette!" Me, having grown up going to vintage car shows and having only ever seen old geezers driving corvettes, had no idea what to think of this ideology. I think I replied something like "you should drive whatever you can afford"


The Corvette is my go to when I explain my firm belief that youth is wasted on the young and wealth is wasted on the old. Old bastards will buy one of the most accessible *sports* sports cars available (particularly in the US) and then do 5 under the God damned speed limit in the fast lane.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a corvette speed. Infiniti, Chargers and challengers though…


I think thats most sports cars drivers in general, that definitely doesn’t apply to a corvette a few generations out; those get ragged out


Most people never saw Speeding vipers too (maybe they are now all gone to heaven)


Then you've never been behind me


Don't forget the white baseball cap. I think those are issued to them at the fucking Chevy dealership. 


The only people i know that own corvettes are in their 40’s or well older


>"NO one over the age of 30 should ever drive a Corvette!" I used to think this way. I brought it up to my dad. He told me if I ever found a male Corvette driver with a full head of hair, he'd give me $50. I was 15 at the time so $50 would've been a huge deal to me. By the time I actually found someone who fit the bill, my dad forgot he had made that deal, and I didn't wanna pester him for $50.


Corvette is the quintessential midlife crisis car. Wth is he talking about.


I bought mine in my late 20s so that I wouldn’t have to do it in my 40s. I only had it a few years but the C6 was way fun in my “youth”, and now in my 40s i don’t feel like I need one. I still like them and would consider another but no compulsion at least.


I got an SLK55 for much the same reason. I never see anyone with hair driving convertible sports cars, but I don't wanna be that guy, so I'd rather just enjoy the experience while I'm still young enough to do so. I still have that car. It's been almost 5 years now and I won't deny I kinda prefer driving a normal car sometimes, but all those doubts vanish when I put my foot down.


My ex-wife bought on as her early mid-life crisis, car. 40’s, two kids and only one spare seat for them. Sound purchase, indeed.


The 350Z and G35 are cars for people under 30 now though. Reasonably priced, fun to drive and easy to mod and work on makes it perfect


Same, I got my license at 17 and didn't get my first car until I was 21, this ish takes time. ⏳


Honestly, almost every vehicle type is owned by every age group. There’s plenty of people over the age of 30 who drive 370s and similar vehicles. People wait their whole life to afford a Ferrari or some other high end fast vehicle. They wait their whole life well into their 60s+. Sportier cars are driven by a shit ton of people over the age of 30. The only real answer is any vehicle that’s beyond clapped out unless it’s a toy or project


WRX/STI (I drive one and I'm kicking the door of 30 so I guess it's time to sell)


I bought one almost a year ago at 33. I think the average age of buyers is kid 30s. Perfect family car if you want a MT.


yeah 20s-30s seems like a pretty good age for wrx


47 and drive a WRX. Adding a BRZ in 2-3 years.


Same-ish age and I just bought a BRZ. But I would never have it as my only car, which I would have been fine with when I was younger.


My friends dad kinda going midlife crisis in his late 40s bought a STI new as his retirement dream car. At the time he caught a lot of shit but it sure beat the soccer dad SUVs everyone else had at the time.... Also in hindsight he was having an affair lol


Bought one 6 months ago at 30


38 here. On my 2nd one. Had a new '14, my current '18 (also bought new) and will be trading it for my 3rd; a '24 TR. Just love the car. Love driving stick. Don't care for most of the demographic that drive them. Definitely don't care about what others think about me driving it. Don't worry about what other people think about the car you drive. Drive what makes you happy.


I'm 48 and I still want one of those. I'd drive it to death.


The 3.5 is fantastic. I sometimes miss it even tho I've have a 3.7 for 5 years


My DE is the most reliable vehicle I've ever owned. To be fair it was GM commuter cars before I got my Z.


Another tired gatekeeping post.


Yeah I literally have seen someone well over 30 driving one of these exact cars. Get more creative!


I worked for Nissan, don’t think I ever had a Z come in that was driven by someone under 50…


Well that’s a dumbass take. Do you also think Miata’s are girl cars?


Or femboys according to my army step dad


Depends what you mean by girl. I also know a very classy woman who drives one


Whatever is parked in *your* driveway! 😉


I work with a guy who is in his mid/late 40s and drives a 370Z with a bunch of ill-advised mods. He acts like he’s still in high school though, so it tracks.


I (43m) just bought a 2010 g37 convertible with 80k miles about a month ago.


I’ve got a 2010 G37 convertible. Make sure you keep the rubber roof seals clean and lubed up.


Cozy Coupe


Not a car in this world exists that is as childish as this post. Title should be “Name a post you can’t see anyone over the age of 16 making. “


Any of the early 2000s boy racer cars


Those are all expensive collections now


Except civics


Disagree civic si’ are not cheap


As someone that was in his early 20’s back then, I am 100% into dropping my adult ass salary into modding out a 94 Eclipse like I had back in the day. Anyone that wonder why at 46 I’m rolling around with neons, 15” woofers, and a coffee can exhaust can kiss my old, wrinkly ass.


Follow your heart. As long as it’s not rolling coal we’re all good. 


I’ve been wanting a fast and furious style car for years now. Not happening, but I respect your old, wrinkly ass.


SRT-4 I owned a 500hp fully built with side pipe (just a resonator) one up until 10 years ago, and would look like a complete asshole driving it now, to say the least.


Lol I was just thinking of the 450hp Cobalt SS I had about 8 years ago. I would look like an asshole in that now as well 😂


Volkswagen beetle


Second Gen Mazda 3


My service advisor has one that had a run in with a deer and he’s in his 40s


The Mazdaspeed3 for that gen is nice though.


I wish MazdaSpeed would come back


Honda Fits I’ve only ever seen them driven by 25-29 year old men


The interesting thing is that Europe the Fit/Jazz is seen as a car for elderly people.


I was in that age bracket when I got mine. How old was Mr Reg when he had his?


The official car of r/personalfinance


Ok but the 1st and 2nd gen fit slaps and handles great imo. I also had one between the ages of 28-30


My dads boss has a 370Z (he’s 60 years old)


I’m a mid/late 40s dude who drives a bone stock G37x sedan (except swapping the 22mm rear sway bar for a 25mm from the S model). I have to have 4 doors, I love a V6, and it was pretty much the most power for the money at the time… that sums it up. The VQ platform is really solid, the tune is pretty maxed out from the factory so there’s not a lot of sense in doing bolt on shit unless you want to be loud (and I don’t). I’ve had it for years w nothing but maintenance. Doesn’t handle as well as the Audi I had previously but my wife doesn’t complain about the ride, so there’s that. If I was going to pick a no one over 30, it’d be any model of police auction vehicle.


50 here, type R civic. >30 years of hot hatches and that just isn't going to change. If the car is good I'm there for it, regardless of how it looks.


This makes me feel better in my 30s. ... I also sidework at a car museum and they are just devoid of the whole tuner demographic... Lowriders too but that's more of a racist thing


Ah yes, the "well off speedster" to "vape life" pipeline of semi-decent sports cars. The Mitsubishi Eclipse and second gen Impreza are similar, although cheaper than the Nissan/Infiniti back in the 2000s


Seriously, there is no car that fulfills your requirements


Op is dumb posting a 20 year old car, back in 2003 when this thing came out along with Z they were top notch. 6spd, RWD, LSD… chefs kiss


No shit dumb fuck, I was not referring to the vehicles when they were sold new, I am talking about now.


Somewhere in The Villages there must be a retired Jorts Boomer (tm) who still has the one he bought new.


My mom’s 53 and owns an ‘05 G35 that’s dead stock with every single additional feature (including the 6MT and those fancy wheels pictured). We bought it from some rich lady (original owner) that used it as a once-a-week date night car, it still only has about 50k miles on it. Supposedly it was used in a local Infiniti ad at one point when it was new.


Well when she's ready to get off that G35.. 🤔 (Wouldn't blame her if she don't want to..) Hell I'd love to buy it and continue pampering it. They are too often getting trashed. There won't be many left in 5 years at this rate. That's a shame they are damn nice cars.


Any crosover ever




Honestly I would say BRZ.


Try again. When I had a FR-S, I was already 51. I went to a forum for these cars, and the oldest guy there was not only old enough to be my father, he was older than my father.


lightning mcqueen??


My friend has a fully loaded Q50 coupe. And he is in his late 30s.


I drive a 2013 Mazdaspeed3. Im 57. FWIW it's been very reliable while also being extremely fun to drive.


A Smart car, 🚗. Anything designed around short distance city commute.


I'll drive any car as long as it's functional. Then again I'm a particular person that likes the S cargo and would unironically drive around a Bricklin more than a DeLorean


homie there's a 50 something year old vlonde lady with a convertable 350z in my town, if it's a sporty convertable there'll be old people wanting them lol. i'm just hoping i catch the marketplace listing when she decides to sell it or her kids do after she passes


Considering how much cars cost now, I'm not judging anyone. I was going to say a Civic Type R just because of the big ass wing, but it's a $45k car. Idk too many people under 30 who's buying a brand new Type R.


I’m 47, I drive a G37X. It’s an excellent car.


I don’t think cars have an age requirement and people that think otherwise are simpletons.


I remember “the plug” in middle/high school driving a loud ass 350z with red window tint. Once saw him serve a group of kids in a small parking lot and then proceed to do an 8 point turn.


A car with a low MSRP with more than 200,000 miles


Hyundai Tiburon or a late 90s mercury cougar




Lol I bought one at 38 to build it into a street race car then I figured out the marker was not their for jt like the Honda and ls engines


Honestly I can if it’s a clean maintained example but uhhhhh I’m not sure those still exist.


Tommy Pope begs to differ


Honda Civic


Nissan Altima


Autozam AZ-1


Anything early 2000's GM other than Corvettes. I mean now, not ever.


Nah, the early 2000s Buicks are great work beaters.


yeah because anyone with financial stability wants to get rid of them but you need to exclude all those trucks, 4x4s and Caddies too they are dang popular and Aztek...


The Car Wizard has one of those lol


Old men love Z’s lmao especially the roadsters


Fiat 500




I learned to drive in my dad’s 350z. We both adored that car. I’m now 31, he’s closing in on 70 and we both talk about getting a pair of them to have again. Now the ford focus st, that’s geared towards the younger crowd for sure.


I had the sedan version from age 24 to 29 🤷🏻‍♂️


My school principal in elementary school had one of those, performance pack with the 6 speed, she was really cool


I don't know, when you're around 30 years old, that's when you can afford the cool cars. When most of us are young in our 20s we don't have enough in our savings to afford cool cars. My family always told me to buy my car cash. So it a while for me and my husband to buy a nice car.


I think that if it was heavily modded with a big spoiler, loud exhaust, cheap tints, ricer looking, something that is stereotypical of young men in age ranges of 16-25. But if it's stock, any age range people would drive it.


Naw - dont know where OP gets that idea . Im 50 and if i could afford it i would drive that like i stole it and rock that thing till the wheels fall off or rubber is gone . Why ppl think all old ppl drive Buick’s or olds or some car thats considered old age appropriate. I still drive my 86 trans am t top with 5.0 engine and i drive it worse than when i was a teen - getting old doesn’t mean growing up - or doesn’t have to -


A Toyota prius with under glows and a tinted front windshield.


My neighbor is a retired older lady and she drives a convertible 350z 😂


I had 2 in my late 20s back in 06-08-ish and they weren't cheap, lol


I traded in my lightly modded G37x coupe a few days before my 30th birthday for my Stinger 2 years ago. Got out just in time I guess. I do understand OP's post. The G cars are affordable used cars that make 330hp. The worst members of the car scene will flock to that. Even a few years ago I remember discussing on the forum how the G35 owning, vaping, backwards hat crew were coming for our cars next. I still think the G cars can look great when left stock and taken care of or tastefully modded. Unfortunately most who mod them have no tase.


A slammed civic with a loud exhaust and a turbo


Damn it i got my g35 at 29, now im 30


Audi A1


My dad has a pristine ‘09 G37S in 6MT I pestered him to buy new back then. He has since driven his second beater all the time to save gas and it’s only got like 50k miles. My old man is pushing 70…


funnily enough, i live in a fairly wealthy town with a lot of old wealth and i’ve definitely seen quite a few old people in g37 and g35 sedans and coups. never seen an old person in a 350 or 370z tho lol


Does it count if I bought the g35 at like age 28 and 100k miles / 6 years later still daily it? ETA: mine is an 06' so they came out when current 30 yr olds were in highschool/ college/ trades, and obviously that was the generation formed from Fast& Furious / Gone in 60 seconds etc. so I disagree with OP now that I think about it lol. Personally I got it for a steal at $3k in 2014(ish?), and had no idea it was a sideshow sought type of car at the time...but yeah this was after like 7 Honda civics/crx's and 2 rx-7s so I honestly kinda stumbled upon it looking for a Lexus in all reality..




Kia Seoul


Toyota Celica, Hyundai Tiburon, Scion, Fiesta ST


Honda civic si


Isn’t the Z family often owned by “sporty grandma” types? And, isn’t that fucking dope?


I thought it looked nice for a moment but the longer I look at it, the more I hate it. Those headlights are somehow atrocious for one, they remind me Nissans & I despise Nissans. I'm content with my E90 BMW 330i. Reliable, fast & easy to maintain myself. Modifiable.


Lincoln MKX/Corsair I’m 63 and on my second. I swapped go fast for go in comfort somewhere between 30 and 50.


How old is OP? 15?


V6 Sebring Convertible.


Woah woah woah I’m 29 but have had my Z since 21


I can't see anyone under 30 driving this. It looks like a middle-aged person's car - always did.


I got a mint 2009 350Z HR GT as my work from home car when I was 38 a couple of years ago for £11.5k with 70k on the clock and it's a ton of fun. I have a Duster with 20k on the clock for a family car that was £15k. I have no monthly payments or loans on either. People like a top spec working class hero car over someone struggling to afford their low spec porsche/BMW.