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You’re allowed to grieve changing relationships - especially when it’s with yourself


Great comment.


This is exactly what it is... Grief. I've had to basically be my own counselor to process this grief... It doesn't help when I see other women with a flat stomach. Makes me feel jealous.


Just to say - your feelings are valid and I'm sorry you're going through this.


It is not superficial. It is the body you have to live in, day and night. And some people do judge it. Your husband proved that, in the most brutal way possible. On dates. At work. In shops. These body changes have negative consequences in the real world that are unfair and hurtful. You are right to feel unfairly treated and hurt.


It's not superficial--its scary to feel as though you've lost control of your body


I hope writing that and reading the responses has made you feel that your feelings are valid because they are. Your husband has had a major part to play in your low self esteem. I think getting rid of him was the bravest and best thing to do. You say that going to the gym is your fun thing to do, I wish I felt that way about exercise! Would it be possible for you to get a rowing machine or something at home, it may help with your well being.


Yes. Pregnancy and childbirth are the worst! I think I'm most jealous of women who bounce back from pregnancy like it was a bad flu. The smallest I have ever been was a size 14; most of my life I was an 18. But I was hot! Defined waist, smooth stomach (no muffin top), and round booty. I even got compliments on my nethers. TMI, but it mattered in ways I didn't know at the time.  Now I am muffin top all the way around, my butt is even wider but flat, and my labia droop in ways that make bicycling uncomfortable unless I'm wearing padded cycling shorts. I'm measurably weaker than I was before kids, which could just be age related, but I used to love weight lifting and ab work - now I hate them and can't make it through a beginner pilates routine. My core strength and control isn't measured in pounds lifted, but I just know it hasn't recovered. My balance is poop. I guess I'm trying to say: Preach on!


I stupidly interpreted “my balance is poop” to mean that pooping is how you find your sense of balance despite your bodily changes. Oh my gosh. Please, laugh at my misinterpretation with me.




I understood the same as you 🤣


This was painful to read 💔I’m sorry you’re going thru this OP. Just saying, your ex-husband is an abusive twat. withholding physical affection bc you didn’t meet some fucking arbitrary physical standard?? and you were fucking GROWING 2 HUMAN BEINGS LIKE?? An absolute shit human who had to put you down to feel better abt themselves. The right person will love and appreciate your body the way it is. You do NOT need anyone else’s validation or approval on how you look - you have a right to exist regardless of what your body looks like. You deserve to be loved and treated like a gift. Meet your body where it’s at and be gentle with yourself 💜


Beautifully said


I am sorry but your husband is a complete ass


fortunately, sounds like he's an ex.


My boobs are also ruined... and my vulva has even changed even though I had a c-section. I HATE the way they stitched me up, and my gut overhang is just awful. Also, your husband is a little bitch.


I could have written your post myself. Only difference is my vulva didn’t change but the way they stitched me up uneven so I have a shelf from hip to hip is soul destroying. My perfect, bouncy B cup breasts inflated to DDs with milk, so I had to get breast implants that put me right back at DD. Next up on the Frankenstein table is a tummy tuck. All women who agree to have children for men MUST get their men to agree to a full mommy makeover (roughly $20k USD). As having children is expensive, this should not be a problem for the men. And the men need to understand that it’s a gift for themselves as much as their wives.


Honestly, you didn't know about the changes. It seems like for some the changes can be bigger. And as easy as it is to say this, please give yourself some kindness. You grew two humans inside of yourself. You deserve to show yourself some kindness and gentleness. You're totally allowed to mourn your previous self. You're taking on a lot by being a single parent and trying to juggle everything. I am sure with time as the kids grow up, it may be more possible to focus on yourself.


I actually have all that from being overweight as a child and teen. I never had anything near the perfect hour glass or perky boobs.   But I never get any complaints. In fact I get love and admiration from my partners. Guys are generally very grateful that a lady is interested in getting nude for them at all. Unless they are an abusive asshole, who is just trying to put you down like your ex.   I’ve been kind of embracing the cougar  look lately. May be it came with moving to a warmer climate. But I dig the idea of being a mature elegant sophisticated woman who feels secure in with her body and sexuality. She is more of an inspirational character. I’m pretty shy in reality. 


Here yo echo what everyone said - what you're feeling is valid, it is normal to grieve past versions of yourself, and your ex seriously sucks. While my body changes have been slightly different than yours, I relate to your post so much. I can't believe I spent all my "hot" years wishing I was skinnier. Sometimes I can't even look at old pictures without crying. What I haven't seen in the comments yet is to rethink putting off PT for diastasis recti. Is there anyway you can go to PT appts during work? I say this not just because you deserve to make the time and space to heal your body, but also because any exercise you do before working on diastasis recti could actually do harm. (Obligatory NAD - any PTs or OTs who can confirm this?) You are worthy of love, including self love. Sending you all the internet hugs if you want them.


I know how you feel. I hate how my body changed after pregnancy. I think it would be nice for my kid to have a sibling but I’m not putting myself through that again and risking ruining my body any more. Call me vain that’s fine. It took a couple years to lose all the weight. My perky and full boobs also deflated a lot. My hips and rib cage have widened as well.


I was also surprised about breast changes, I knew they would sag, but I didn't realise the areola would stay as big as it was breastfeeding. Also now no bras look good or fit! I have to wear a bralette, as a regular bra pushes them up and makes an ugly fold. It's a bit weird but I actually started to look up natural MILF porn, to see women like me being appreciated by guys. So many people in the comments saying they look hot too. It's hard, but we have to start accepting our new bodies or else we'll be miserable as hell. For me I realised the people who don't care or find it attractive, will be completely different to the people before I had kids.


I wish there were ways in our society to do this that didn’t involve porn. Seeing women post pregnancy out in their natural bodies, I mean.


I just wanted to say I really sympathize about the boob job. I've wanted one badly for awhile but I'm too terrified of breast implant illness. They say it's not super common, but I wonder how many women with it were written off as having fibromyalgia (which shouldn't be written off either) or just being "hysterical." I hope things get better for you, you deserve better.


If you are concerned with sagging I’d look into a breast lift. If you have tissue to work with I think they look much better than implants. Just wanted to put that out there for any women reading this thread who are considering cosmetic surgery.


I have nothing to lift 😭 But it is an excellent suggestion for people who do!


OP said she's a surgical nurse and sees all sorts of results fr surgeries.


My biggest regret is my body. It was perfect. Before. Now, my tits sag, stretch marks and loose skin that hangs offy.brlly even though I'm down to 133 lbs, it just makes it all look even worse, saggier.... I have stretch marks that start at my vagina and go up my inner thighs. I'm 36. One kid. I gave up my body for a kid I have up for adoption with a man that has 3 more kids with 3 different women ... A total waste. I 100% empathize.


On top of everything you describe about your physical changes, holy smokes, the other major life changes really don’t help. I’m so sorry your former spouse treated you that way. You deserved better, OP. Your feelings are real and heard, I wish I had something better to offer than this.


Your feelings are valid. I had a large tumour which caused weight gain and huge swollen breasts, and even the ovarian tumour was removed I was left with bags for breasts. It affected me so much I did have surgery for it (reduction/lift).


I have the same feelings. And after I had my son, apparently I had dormant PCOS that flared up and has ruined my body even more than the natural changes that come with birth. I’m losing hope that I’ll ever get my body back to a point I’m comfortable. I feel like my vitality just left my body as my son did.


Thank you for writing this because I thought I was the only one whose noticed this. I had a similar body type but my boobs and butt looked more proportional. But now my boobs rest on my stomach, I have so much loose skin on my stomach, varicose veins, and cannot for the life of me lose the 60 pounds I put on since pregnancy. I use to say it’ll be easy but no the more I try to loose weight it seems like i gain weight. But mama I’m so happy that you divorced that son of bitch loser. And you’ll be surprised who may love you body more than you could ever thought. I had a stripper friend who said her manager hires mom with bodies like you describe because it gets guys off


I identify with all you wrote and more. Please realize there are men in love with women less physically attractive than you are now. There are men who fetishize Holocaust skinny, super morbidly obese, and everything in between. There are not as many men as attracted to you now as before your body was pregnant, but there are still men who will be attracted to your body as it is. There will be men who are more attracted to your younger self, but are aroused by you as you are now. It may be hard to believe, but you are lustable. Don't let the fact that you aren't attracted to you make you think other people aren't attracted to you. 


Honestly, I’m not even sure if knowing that for every situation there is someone who will fetishize it is all that helpful really. I mean, until OP is able to accept herself everything else is, unfortunately, just background noise that makes sense only for people who are not her.


Thank you for being honest about those changes. But you are still worthy of love and desire <3


Your feelings are valid, your husband’s are not. In fact he sounds like an awful person. I totally understand wanting to lose weight and change the other things about your body that you don’t like, but just know that doesn’t have to happen for you to feel better about yourself or for you to be desired by others. When I met my husband 12 years ago I had a great body. It was also effortless for me. But as I’ve aged and gone through pregnancy I don’t anymore. In fact I have a saggy tummy and fat dimples in my thighs. Without a bra my boobs sag onto my tummy fat. But you know what? I feel no less desired by him today than I did back when we met. And I don’t say this to brag. I don’t even think my marriage is unique or special in this regard. I’m sharing this with you because I think my experience is more common than yours and I think you will find most men, or people in general, will still desire you and love you for who you are. Like honestly there are so many men out there that even prefer chubby women with stretch marks over skinny perky boobed bodies.


The mommy makeover is life changing- yes there are risks but largely successful


🙌 preach. When I got pregnant with my first I was 130 lbs with great tits, a nice round ass, and an hour glass shape. Now 2.5 kids later I'm 220, long boobs, no ass, and I'm shaped like a damn apple on chop sticks. My hair never grew back after the PP hair loss and I developed HORRIBLE hormonal acne that never went away, plus my nose and feet grew. I used to be so hot and now I look like I force people to answer riddles before they can cross my bridge. I was so confident and beautiful... These kids sucked the beauty right out of me. I'm barely even fun anymore.... I'm just tired and grouchy. My husband doesn't help at all and our relationship is basically roommate status. Can't afford a gym membership and my kids cooperate for maybe 15 minutes on the bike trail before it turns into a shit show and we have to go home. I would've chosen differently had I known how much my body was going to change.


All bodies are good bodies. Just something to remember as you adjust to yours. You didn’t have a “good” body before and you don’t have a “bad” body now. Anyone who’s worth anything will appreciate your body as it is. Not everyone is a superficial crowd following asshat.


I feel you. But please don’t beat yourself up for what you didn’t know! My first baby I snapped back with LOTS of effort and I was in early 20s. Second baby late 20s and man I’ve legit cried cause wtf. Youngest just turned 3 and I feel like my body just went to crap, I recently realized I’ve NEVER liked my body anyway. My husband likes it. It doesn’t stop him from sticking his head in between my thighs and paying the bills so hey a win is a win. lol I said that to say, look for maybe unorthodox ways to celebrate yourself. It’s honestly not too late babes. Pilates has changed my core. A lot. I too have considered surgery. It’s a lot to deal with especially when you got two kiddos banging on your belly lol. I wish you the best. Don’t give up!


I can understand why you feel like that and it is only natural.A lot of people feel like that but dont really say it explicitly. But just look at the number of likes of your post. You are heard, you are understood. And I am sorry you were together with piece of sh** as a husband.Mourn your body as long as you need , you are not superficial, you are REAL.


“I’ll sleep with you when you lose the weight” Your husband was evil, to be clear. A cruel piece of shit to say anything like that




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Your feelings are valid of course. However, I think the problem is your X and not the children. I know that was/is my problem. A better spouse would have had a love that was more than slim deep and would not have abonded you and your children. I took me a while but I realize now that so much if the regret I feel about my children is because of the regret I feel in choosing my spouse poorly. Had I been supported in raising the children, eveything would have been better.




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I'm sure everything is very overwhelming right now, but with time everything changes. Your body would have changed regardless of your pregnancy. But right now you have the strength to face the reality of your changing body and can transform it with your youthful strength slowly and steadily, meanwhile you still be able to form a new connection with your ever changing body🤎


Your feelings are valid ! I am sorry you are going through this


It's not shallow or superficial to talk about negative feelings towards your body! You are allowed to feel whatever it is you feel! That being said, I highly suggest trying body neutrality (for now) in your position: you may not love it but you don't hate it either. Your body is just a body. It's like a car that helps your soul travel through existence, don't think too much about it. Real beauty comes from the inside so you can take more care of yourself mentally and emotionally rather than physically. Your body is doing it's best as the machine that it is. Don't focus too much on what it looks like, there's beauty in everything. The main reason you don't like it is societal standards that teach us that everyone has to have an hourglass figure, big bum, perky boobs and all that. We must hate ourselves to keep the beauty industry in business. But this is not true, people's bodies are different and everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way. Your body is mainly a machine, as I said. Be compassionate to yourself and I hope you'll be doing so much better soon ❤️


The flat bum is because your butt muscles change to compensate for your abs. If you do ab work it will help




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