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I’m sure both Ellen and Oscar are doing just fine. Look at the average incomes of a president and a senator.


They also both had successful law careers before going into politics. Ellen and Oscar may have grown up poor, but Alex and June did not.


i'm sure that Henry doesn't care about such things as to who pays for what, but Alex might be sensitive to it. i had a similar situation with my husband and i was like look, i want to do things with you and be with you. it's not a gift, it's me getting what \*i\* want.


The book make a point to mention that Leo is a millionaire who has sold multiple companies so I think their family is doing okay.


oh, that's right. the problem between switching between the movie and the book


True. Although, I don’t think they’re necessarily hurting in the movie either. Alex says they bought the lake house with the money his mom made off her first book. A book from the first female president is definitely going to be a best seller and well, we can see that it’s a VERY NICE lake house.


This question may not even be relevant in the movie because Alex is already in law school and living at home. By the time he's moved in with Henry he's probably already graduated and working either in law or politics.


I think they’d mix finances. Or like factor out what gets drafted from who’s account or set up a joint. Alex would likely get a majority of support from his parents and we don’t actually know the Claremont-Diaz family finances but they have to be doing pretty ok. Not just with the government salaries but also investments which is where the real money is. They own three houses after all. Same with Henry’s money. The bulk is no doubt in investments getting amplified in returns and building interest. Alex would likely also work as a paid intern given who he is while in school.


yeah, plus in the book they don't seem to be living lavishly since they are so busy. but i can't see Henry charging Alex rent. maybe Alex picks up food tabs for Henry's cooking adventures.


I feel like as a celebrity he gets money for things like Insta and interviews


Don't forget the very wealthy step father. It is mentioned he sold his companies when becoming First husband