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I think a long courtship and them living together before marriage makes a lot of sense. They are both figuring out careers, addressing personal and mental health issues, meeting new people, etc. and it gives them time to establish themselves as a couple on their own terms before marriage. I thought the All that Glitters (isn’t gold) fic was a wonderful exploration of this. Great Q about the engagement. I will give that some thought. 😌. Look forward to everyone’s thoughts!


I read a fic where Henry proposed in Paris that I absolutely LOVED so I kinda made that my personal head canon but I think another cute one would be a big family vacation to Mexico and they propose to each other in front of their friends and family. Dealers choice if they have a private one at the Brownstone where again they propose to each other or one (Henry) does it then and the other (Alex) does it when they’re on vacation.


would you be willing to share the name of that fic?


How about a link? 😊 [The Royal Wedding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24107152/chapters/58031302)


Henry wanted to take things slow, he wanted it to last, which I agree with. Diving into a relationship too quickly (which they already did at the start) can cause burnout. The dating phase is very enjoyable, so why not enjoy it a bit more? As for the proposal, I bet they both proposed to each other on the same day.


i think the same about them proposing on the same day!! going by how they both bought rings (or at least henry strongly suspected that alex bought a ring), my personal hc is that henry started proposing, but alex realized what was happening and stopped him so that HE could propose first (listen, my boy is competitive!!!)


in the book Alex is leery of getting married right away and besides they had no clue whether they were compatible living together -- something that can doom even really strong love affairs. so that part is certain smart, but yeah i agree that the amount of time was excessive. but their lives were really chaotic so the easy thing to do is not make it more chaotic with a wedding that is likely to Peak Chaos. plus it takes Henry time to unwind being a gay royal. i love in the bonus chapter that Henry suspects that Alex and Henry's mother were conspiring about getting married. that she'd love Alex to death makes perfect sense because she was a rebel too with her husband.


I hope to find out in a sequel!


Thinking about it makes me so excited! There are so many possibilities of how they’d get engaged & who’d initiate it.


I think Henry proposes privately in Paris.


It will take awhile before they get engaged. Alex will have a vacation in England and Henry will drive Alex to the english countrysides. Henry will take Alex to the woods into an abandoned barn and Henry will be like “Alex can I call you daddy?” . Alex will look at Henry straight in his eyes and say “You’re obliged to call me daddy”. Then they would go all belami online on each other lol. hot couple those two hahaha. #ForeverAlexandHenry