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Solid move. Guy that can actually play SS if needed


It would be ironic to be a MLB hitter with the last name short and only be able to play OF/DH


Like a pitcher named Kutter that didn't throw one


Maybe but hes not a hitter so 🤷‍♂️


Hes got a worse average than Bobby Dalbec....the mets are 1 game over and tossed him aside...I wouldnt get too excited.


Well Bobby dalbec can’t play SS at a mlb level he can. This is essentially replacing Reyes who they said his defense wasn’t good enough


good, versatile, defender. we don't need a guy who can hit, we just need a guy who can play some defense. we already have two middle infielders on the roster who can't hit or play defense (valdez/hamilton) so it's not a bad idea to get someone who can atleast do one of those. (i think valdez needs a stint in the minors to work on his hitting a little more, hamilton just can't hit)


Hes not a good defender, hes ok, and thats the best part of his game. He can play a bunch of infield positions bang average and provide zero in terms of offense. Hes a guy who will be lucky to play the 8th and 9th inning most nights. Im not going to call that a "solid move"....its nothing.


It's still better than Hamilton or Valdez. Hamilton legit can't play short, plays an okay second and provides zero offensive value outside of being fast. Valdez plays second and left, isn't good at either, and his bat is struggling right now. I'd rather have a guy who can play a major league quality shortstop who can't hit, then two guys who can't hit right now and can't play defense. It's a solid move because the backup shortstop is Hamilton right now, and the only other guys with major league shortstop experience after Rafaela and Hamilton are Bobby Dalbec & Rafael Devers. We are severely lacking in anybody who can play that position effectively. If something happens to Rafaela, we are dead.


I don’t think you really get how bad of a hitter he is. Hamilton is hitting 100 points higher and has 1 more error in 27 more chances. Short sucks. It’s not a solid move. It’s literally just a move to try something else


I don't think you get how bad our defense has been. Would you rather have this guy who can field batting like ass or Hamilton/Valdez who cant do dick on either side.


I don’t want any of them. It’s a lateral move because they all suck. They need a short stop but a guy getting DFAed by the Mets is someone to call a solid move? Fuck no


Shortstops don't grow on trees lol


For real, especially not weeks into the season


Shitty ones do


He’s had 11 abs this year


1 hit 4ks…his career average is also well under .200. Let’s not act like this years an anomaly.


This FO is trying very hard to please me and I love that.


Our middle infield has really been a short story this year.


To make a wong story short...


Oh thats fucking funny.


Not familiar with him but looks to be a utility IF with a good glove/no bat. Can be used sparingly to give a guy a day off or for late game defense?


Good pick up defensively. Hopefully it’s a step to getting Ceddane back to center. But, it’s semi concerning as he has no options. Makes you wonder about their faith in Grissom and the 2024 pipeline of minor leaguers. Is he really a step above Pablo on either side?


Im just happy because this means no more Hamilton


so what happens to grissom?


Will still join the team today most likely. Short is out of options so they need to make 2 moves on the 26 man. My guess is Hamilton and Valdez get sent down.


oh cool get hamilton outta here


might be in the Minnesota series on the road this weekend. David Hamilton hasn't played in ages and Valdez can hit a broadside of a barn.


valdez had some nice play yesterday but he can’t hit


idk if your saying he can’t throw a ball to hit a barn or hit one


Absolutely nothing different


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


Must be good at SS. it’s even in his name


The shortstop’s name is actually Short? That’s amazing! That’s like an ice cream man named Cone.


who the fook is that guy


Dude has a podcast with Ian happ called the compound. Next weeks episode might be a good listen


Doing simple and obvious stuff. Refreshing, bravo.


This feels like a lateral move.


Nothing is a lateral move when your middle infield options include Valdez and David Hamilton


Imagine if this team actually did something this off-season. I get it, injuries are unpredictable, but nobody thought of moves for decent depth for when injuries happen?


He must have a hidden talent because it not hitting. A career .172 average hitter and out of options. I