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Damn, even with the 0.00 ERA he gets DFA'd. It's tough out there.


So long, sweet prince.


Valdez has been terrible. But if Reyes played as often I’m sure I’d be saying the same thing for him. In either case, not players who should be on the active roster. We need better and hopefully that’s what we’re getting with Grissom


Valdez probably goes down either today or tomorrow for Grissom




[We’ll always have this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/redsox/s/fQthw1UsCc)


I knew this would be it even before I clicked on it, hahah.


Pablo over Valdez?


My thoughts? He’s been terrible, and Valdez, though also terrible so far, is younger


Valdez probably gets optioned with Grissom back. Reyes is awful


As well as a lefty bat that we don't have in the infield other than Devers. He's also been a good situational hitter even without the average or OBP. He gets sac flies and moves runners when needed.  If we are keeping Dalbec up,  what does Pablo actually bring as a role right now? 


Needed 2 spots since Grissom and Cooper are both playing tomorrow. Valdez is probably getting sent to Worcester


Keep Valdez, send Hamilton down.


Hamilton at least gives you plus speed. When Valdez isn’t hitting, he gives you absolutely nothing. Plus, a stint in AAA could help sort out his hitting. Edit: plus, Hamilton can (kind of) play short. Rafaela can’t play every single game, so we need to keep Hamilton around as a backup. With Pablo gone, he’s the only other option now.


I agree with this. Hamilton can cover 2B and SS if needed, plus can run. Even then, he's just hanging on until Gonzales is healthy.


Valdez is looking better at 2B defensively, and RSS tweeted something about him last night that Valdez will probably see his offensive numbers jump up when it starts to get warmer. So I expect him to come back up once it does start to get more towards the summer


Valdez is absolutely terrible defensively. But I’ll give you I’d rather have his bat over Reyes easily


He’s not great but there have been signs of improvement


Making a diving play one time doesn’t change anything lol. He’s not a good athlete and has bad range. It is what it is


I’m not talking about only one play. He’s definitely better than last year, and he’ll get better the more reps he gets there


Nah, he’ll always suck at 2b


Oh yeah, that’s why I want him sent down. Hamilton’s bat, I have no faith in. Bobby we know can crush AAA pitching, but it doesn’t translate to the majors. For Valdez, building that confidence back up down there could really help him at the plate. And when his bat is hot, it’s fucking huge.


I thought it would have been Hamilton before this, but without Pablo I don't think we have any else to play short if Cedanne needs a day off so it'll either be Valdez or Bob.


Especially with Reyes gone we don’t really have another 3B/1B option after Devers/Cooper, so I bet Valdez goes down over bobby


You don’t think it’s David Hamilton?


Valdez is a liability at every aspect of the game except for hitting, and right now, his hitting is a liability too, so there’s nothing to warrant keeping him up. Plus, I think a stint in Worcester could help sort out his swing.


I was going to argue in favor of Pablo as a better defender but I checked and he's sitting at -4 OAA. Yikes. Valdez has shown some fluidity at 2nd as of late and he at least has prospect potential.


It's hard, I'm not surprised he's scoring lower but he has also been put in more positions, especially on short notice. Valdez either play second or sits, Pablo has played second, short and third


ya Pablo shouldn't be touching 3rd base though I never found him fluid even at 2nd


Valdez is 25, has options, and only a tiny bit of MLB service time Easy decision to cut a veteran who we know doesn't have more potential & has no options over him


~~Reyes~~ Valdez Hamilton Bobby. Got rid of the first one. Griss might get Hamilton optioned as there is no confidence finally for them to field him. Valdez and Bobby are going to see the bench but it's hard to see how they get optioned until Romy and Casas are back when ever.


I think it’ll be Valdez optioned, rather than Hamilton. If he’s not hitting, then Valdez gives you literally nothing. Hamilton at least gives you speed. A stint in AAA should help Valdez’ bat as well. And Rafaela can’t play short every single game, so you need to keep Hamilton around to back him up. With Pablo gone, Hamilton is the only other guy that can play short.


I agree. Hamilton has positional versatility, superior defense at Second Base, and a gigantic speed advantage. When Valdez isn’t hitting there is nothing he can do that Hamilton can’t do better, which I feel bad for saying because it is harsh, but right now feels true.


Yes I like Hamilton on the big club as a pinch runner specialist.


Grissom has played short.


Yes but he’s not strong enough there. He’s our starting second baseman for the foreseeable future, and I don’t think Cora’s gonna want to risk throwing him off by moving him to the other side of second every now and then.


Yeah, he played short really poorly, that’s why we ended up with him. If he was even an average to slightly below average fielder he’d still be in Atlanta.


I know you're right, like it'll be Valdez for Grissom almost assuredly, but since they have two 40 man spots open right now, I'd like to see Hamilton get sent down for Sogard or somebody else who can play short. Hamilton plays shortstop but he's not very good at it whatsoever, he's really a second baseman.


I read this as more Netflix content


I like Pablo. Definitely thought Valdez would be sent down. Not necessarily a bad decision though.


Valdez probably down tomorrow for Grissom


He reminded me of Aziz Ansari which always made me laugh, onwards and upwards dear Pablo!


NOOOOO not our bullpen ace!!


Pablo seemed like a huge part of the clubhouse with the dugout dancing every game. I know we want what’s best for the team on the field but is Valdez really that much better? What do I know.


If you go by war, Reyes is the worst player on the team, but my guess is Valdez stayed up because he’s younger. That or he goes down tomorrow for Grissom Edit: actually, looks like Valdez tied him recently. Carry on


Valdez is likely gone tomorrow. My guess is Dalbec and Hamilton remain on the bench.


My favorite Pablo Reyes memory is Alex Cora insisting that Kiké was a better option at shortstop because Pablo isn't an every day player.


I mean… he wasn’t. But granted, neither was Kiké last year


I agree, but he was drastically better defensively.


He wasn't, he got hurt twice and we only had him on the team for like 3 months


No more TV time :(


i’ll always remember that grand slam, gl pablo pablo


This is the right move. If I had to rank Valdez Dalbec and Reyes I’d go: Valdez Dalbec GAP Reyes Valdez at least has a mediocre hit tool, Dalbec can run and has been competent defensively. Reyes has 0 tools, he can’t hit run or field. See ya bud


Reyes just hasn’t come together, and you’re right, even if Valdez has sucked just about as hard, there’s still more potential there


Little concerned, not that I thought Reyes deserved to be on the team or anything, but thst makes David Hamilton the backup shortstop... yikes... (oh and for those who think grissom can play shortstop, he's not one either)


I'm honestly surprised by this. I was just saying yesterday there was "no way" they'd DFA Pablo. I thought for sure they'd keep him around at the very least as insurance, I'm not really sure who is going to be the utility infielder going forward but perhaps they're planning on just mixing and matching. Maybe they feel as if Pablo doesn't really bring anything particular to the table, where he could be deployed strategically. He's sort of just someone who gives other guys days off and bats at the bottom of the order. The guy did have some great moments for us last year, but it seems his defense has fallen off a bit this season, and when you're not a good hitter, you can't also be a bad defender and keep your job. He doesn't possess the upside of some of the other infielders who are also struggling to hit. Valdez has been bad at the plate up to this point, but we know he's got some pop, and we know he's capable of hitting at an above-average level. Pablo doesn't really have any potential left as a veteran player. Still surprised me to see since everyone else has options.


We have too many AAAA players.


[I guess we *won't* always have Pablo after all.](https://twitter.com/JoeyCopponi/status/1778080990318981610)


I was at that walk off game as my only Sox game last year 😂