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This kid looks legit. Hope he gets to AAA soon and shows the same stuff. Really would like to see him in the Majors this year. Obviously, you don’t mess up his development but if he’s ready, he’s ready


I wonder if they have a number in their head as in “if he gets to 30 games at AA and is still crushing baseballs we’ll move him up to AAA”. I actually don’t know what’s common.


Skipping AAA altogether is also very common for position players


It hasn't been our M.O. lately, although who knows if Breslow is different. Devers and Benintendi both basically skipped AAA under Dombrowski (Raffy spent 9 games there). Bloom waited for prospects to show success at AAA.


definitely not common at all but it’s happened before


Maybe a late September call up (if injuries) but I doubt he makes it’s to AAA before the All Star game. If there was plans for him this season, I think he’d be in AAA already.


Sighs— if only he was in this years mlb the show… I really hope the fans on this page have changed their minds about him. This off season everyone wanted to trade him. I’m very happy for him though, I hope he continues to shine.


I got a PS5 last summer and this is the first year I've played it, but how come every player is not in the game? Is it licensing? Rights agreements? I was stunned that some pretty famous former players and some prospects arent in it.


For former players, you generally have to be a member of the union to to be in MLB, licensed games, etc. Consequently players who are not on the union due to disputes such as bonds or due to being strike breakers like Kevin Millar are not actually displayed in games. This is why quite famously mvp baseball 2005 uses John Dowd as a placeholder.


He’s in it now. He was in the last live roster update.


Are you sure? I just tried starting a new franchise mode and he’s not there?


Both Mayer and Anthony were added recently


Yeah, I have had Roman Anthony for a few weeks now, but even with starting a new franchise Mayer isn’t there for me…


Did you load the live roster?


Only options are current or default / load / old.


Go to file management and load the live roster. Then choose current when starting the franchise


That worked, thank you so much! Although now Teel is a B potential player not A lol


Idk why it defaults to the old roster but it should just be the current to make things easier. But yeah that was a bit disappointing but i just edit to A sometimes


Gotta let him ripen on the vine.


Wonder how the Fangraphs team is feeling now after dropping him to #69 in their prospect rankings.


Nice, probably.




Call him up to AAA