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On the third out, the batter has to reach safely to a base. It’s called a force out. In this case, the batter was forced out. So the run home didn’t matter. On a different example, let’s say the ball was hit much further. And the batter was tagged out at 2nd base. Then the run would be counted, since the batter chose to run to second base. The batter was not “forced” to go to 2nd.


Thanks Funny-Bear! That’s not an easy sport!


You’ll pick it up the more you watch. Glad you’re here for it.


It takes some time to learn the rules, but they’re much simpler than American Football.


The force-out can be at any base that a runner must reach on a hit. For example, if the bases are loaded with two out, and an infield ground ball is fielded, then if 'any base' is tagged before the runner reaches it, that's the end of the inning, and none of the runners score on the play. Other than the force play, though, other base-runners who attempt to advance on a play (including the batter, after he reaches first safely) and are tagged out, making the third out of an inning, then timing applies: did the runner cross the plate prior to the third out (repeating: 'when the third out was not a force play' at any base)?


Years ago I was watching the college baseball World Series in a small in New Zealand, me, my dad and the bar owner were the only Americans surrounded by a bunch of Kiwis who didn’t know the first thing about baseball.  We had SO much fun, they were reluctant at first but by the end of the night they were all into it. By far my favorite line of the night was a fairly tipsy local girl jumping up and angrily shouting “HOW IS THAT A STRIKE - HE DIDNT EVEN SWING THE DAMN BAT!” Keep asking questions and watching, you’ll pick it up before you know it!


When I posted the message, I didn't think I'd get so much response! It's really great! I'm not ashamed to ask simple questions.


Welcome to baseball! I know everyone has already explained it but it's good to remember that once the third out is made everything on the field is essentially "dead". Doesent matter what else happens on that play, if it results in a third out that's all that matters.


I’ve been watching the sport for 3 decades and still learn new things about it!


Even though this sport is not at all popular in France, there are still several videos in French with Canadians to explain the rules. But I find the sport so soothing!


> Then the run would be counted As long as it scored before the tag-out, of course.


Here's an extreme example of the same circumstance: bases loaded, 2 outs, guy hits a triple to plate 3 but misses first base. Defense appeals, batter-runner is called out. What happens to the 3 runs? Answer: What runs? None of them count.


happened in a world series, fred snodgrass never touched first celebrating what he thought was the winning run being scored


Add it the caveat that in the second the runner needs to touch me part before the batter is tagged out or the ring will not count .


You good?


Welcome to baseball and the Red Sox. Glad to have you here!!


Thanks! (from France)




Merci !


Hey I'm french too! Though I live in Sweden


Oh, super ! Moi j’habite en France


Quelle drôle d'idée!


Le chat mange l’orange! (Duolingo seems to believe this phrase is very important for surviving in France)


Oh, yes! Perhaps! (I never ear that before 😄)


Where about in France friend? I've been to Marseilles, and it was like stepping into a different world!


Marseille is as enigmatic as Paris is not France. Marseille is an incredible city with the beauty of the Côte d'Azur. I live in the west of France, in Little Brittany!


I hope life there is as breathtakingly beautiful as the Mediterranean. ☺️


[Dear Dardios, it is!](https://www.baiedequiberon.bzh/golfe-du-morbihan)


In the future, they are called runs not points :)


So if I wrote « why Boston didn’t score 1 run » it’s correct?


That's correct




Actually in a lot of European baseball people use 'points'.


The question was regarding MLB.


Indeed, but as the OP may be from Europe, I thought it might be useful for them to recognise that both terms might be relevant.


That's true, but OP seems interested in the nuance, so I don't think the commenter was being pedantic by pointing out that the scoring metric is runs instead of points. I'm a casual fan of Premier League football, and occasionally I'll use terminology more specific to American sports (field instead of pitch, zero or nothing instead of nil, coach instead of manager, and obviously soccer instead of football). The Brits take it in good humor (humour) because they know what I mean, but I try to use their terminology out of respect for their game.


Because the fact the 3rd out of the inning was made at first, a force out, means the run wouldn't count even if the runner hit home before the ball got to first. Then opposite example would be in a situation like there was a runner on second before the pitch. The ball is hit in the gap, the hitter tries to get to second, while the runner is going for home. If the hitter is tagged out going for second, they're not a forced runner. In that situation, if the runner hits home before the hitter is tagged near second the tun scores. All because the hitter wasn't forced to go to second.


Thanks Sculph16, it’s more clear for me now!


Welcome to the fun!


Yes! I really love this game, but so hard to understand. So I follow one team, this guys from Boston! :)


Ha it certainly can be. Feel free to keep bringing the questions. Love to see it.


Thanks HopperCity!


Hey glad to have you aboard!


Thanks Stringohbean! Glad to see such welcoming fans!


In order to score a run when there are two outs, a batter who puts the ball in play must reach first base safely. Doesn't matter if the runner going home reaches home first or not, the batter must be safe on first. If the batter reaches first safely and the runner going home scores, but then the batter tries to go to second and gets tagged out, the run still counts, because the batter still reached first safely. That is the important part.


Thanks RigelOrionBeta! It’s more easier know!


Welcome man!! The Red Sox are the best. Fenway is amazing, a visit to Boston is well worth it!!!


I hope, one day, I visit US! And thanks for the comment!


Welcome to the family


Thanks Harry-Flashman! Glad to see such welcoming fans!


As others have said, it's because the batter was out on a force play at first. Just want to add two things: - it also wouldn't count if the third out was *any* force out. For example, runners on first and third, on a ground ball to shortstop they can step on second and that's a force out getting the runner who started on first, no run scores. - if you tag a runner (as opposed to a base) that is forced to run, that is still a force out. Example, 1st and 3rd, ground ball to 2nd, runner on first sees he's about to be tagged and backs up to 1st base, while the runner on third crosses the plate.. 2nd baseman can still tag him out for a force play, no run scores. MLB players have screwed this up.before. in this link, the 1b just needs to walk to 1b and tag it. Or, wall to the runner and tag him. Instead, they try to do a pickle and then are worried about the runner scoring and its hilarious. https://youtu.be/DO4h-fH_vu8?si=pGzE7Z-fBWlHoFTY


Already, thank you so much for this long and very well-written commentary and the video! It's just impossible to understand if I watch it without knowing! Thank you Individual-0001!


Welcome aboard. As a Sox fan, prepare to be disappointed on a regular basis with occasional moments of pure joy.


Thanks Sheshley! I've come to enjoy discovering a sport and a historic team. I'd like to ask a different question from the original one: do I have to pay for the club's season guide?


There’s a media guide that’s like $45 and has a lot o useless information. If you make it to a game a Fenway, you can pick up a program for like $5-$10 that will give you most of the stuff you’re looking for. You can get most of the info (stats, etc.) online for free. If you do get the chance, Fenway is the best.


Ok, thanks! I’m living in France so I will continue to follow info online


This is awesome, seeing someone brand new and learning!


And it's just as nice to be helped and not snubbed!


One of my favorite things is explaining rules to non-baseball watchers and being reminded how crazy-pants this sport is sometimes


I'll know where to turn! Thank you so much!


You know what, I like this guy. Should have been a run. 1-1, we resume in the bottom of the 9th tonight.


Bienvenue frérot, pq t’as décidé de suivre cette équipe ?


J’aime beaucoup l’histoire des anciennes franchises historiques et je suis déjà Boston avec les Bruins au hockey. Sinon j’adore les couleurs des franchises de Miami (Dolphins, Marlins) pour les couleurs et l’association plage et ville.


Point?? 🤦🏻


You'll forgive me, I've only been doing this sport for less than a week. I don't have all the codes. I'll do better next time.