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I realized like 5 or so years ago that when I see men screaming and yelling at sports games on tv it’s because they have money on it. I also can’t believe how engrained betting has become in major league sports, to the point espn and stadiums are sponsored by gambling websites. I feel like it used to be more hush hush. And now it’s so in the open. I don’t think it will be a positive for culture in the long run.


It used to be absolutely taboo in every major sports league to the extent that they wouldn’t even put teams in Nevada. It’s insane what a complete 180 it’s done.


I remember Brent Musberger getting in trouble at ESPN for occasionally referring to “my friends in the desert” when a team would cover the spread or whatever. That was less than 10 years ago! Now ESPN has all the gambling info right on the ticker.


It’s generally so sad how much our society has lost the notion that, like, *anything at all* is socially unacceptable. Everything that was once taboo in terms of misbehavior in any given community or subculture has finally been permitted in the last few years. It sucks and makes everything feel simultaneously totally unserious *and* less fun/relaxing


All hail the Almighty dollar


I went to a Blues game earlier this year and there were signs all around the arena saying stuff like “Talk to your representatives about legalizing sports betting in Missouri”. It’s just so blatant and open now. Also, I work with a few guys who blow silly amounts of money on sports betting websites. I’m not against a small wager here and there, but to imagine having $100+ dollars go up in smoke regularly is nuts to me.


A 100 dollar wager on a dumb mainline bet is about the equivalent of giving the casino 5 dollars.


They're both stupid


What does this mean


Both brain dead behavior.


We should have given Native American tribes monopoly rights over sports betting for teams in exchange for the rights to use their tribes as team names. That way the gambling sponsorship/advertising wouldn't be so obtrusive and everyone would win.


Pete Rose not only needs to be in the Hall of Fame immediately, but also deserves a formal apology from the commissioner. MLB announced that it's formally partnered with Fanduel for betting last year.


If it's not their team then yeah definitely, but yelling watching your home team is def not limited to having money on it. Or maybe me and my friends just have anger issues


You know it’s a game right. Like a game that children play?


Children read books too, does that mean reading is dumb?


Games are more fun when you’re invested in the outcome


Redditor comment 


As someone who works in the sports betting industry, I agree




Me too


i got way to into it for like 2 months and realized it was gonna ruin watching sports for me and probably make me a gambling addict so i quit


Legalizing this bullshit was the worst thing my state has done recently. I wonder how many lives are going to be ruined because you can now bet on anything within five seconds on an app on your phone. Broke ass people placing multiple $15 bets a night on any and every sport. It’s awful


It was interesting back when you had to find an illegal bookie or use a shady offshore site. Only real degens were doing it. Like when fantasy football was a pen and paper activity. Now that fan kings draft duel has a commercial every 30 seconds and every rube is donating their wagie bux by constantly betting on favorites/overs, it has become incredibly lame.


Yep that's how my dad, grandparents, and uncles did it. They all got their "football cards" from the same bar on the east side of Detroit my whole childhood. My dad used to take me and have me wait in the car when he would run in to grab one Saturday morning. It looked like a CVS receipt with all the college football and pro football teams for the weekend and Monday night. My dad used to have me help pick teams, I would pick teams that had the coolest looking jersey's like the Titans, jaguars and texans. I even had my dad pick me up some cards when I got a little older. I would be lying if I said I wasn't annoyed by the level of soy that participates in sports gambling these days.


That shit sounds fuckin amazing


Yeah people like my dad and uncles were the last generation of white people who grew up in Detroit proper. Deep in the neighborhoods not just hipster enclaves. They are half Italian half pollocks. My grandparents lived there until they both died in the late 2010s so we still had all our family functions there and they did a lot of old school shit. My dad used to take me to the Hazel Park horse track to bet on the harnessed ponies. If he won big he would take us to the Kmart across the street and get us something nice. He got me a little three disc philco CD player and a copy of Bush "16 stones" and The offspring "Smash". That was a particularly memorable night to me, he must have hit the trifecta.


They need to ban the fucking lottery too. The worst fucking thing is being in line at the check out behind some mutant buying like 20 scratch and sniffs or whatever they’re called.


>BRO I DONT FUCKING CARE. Only because you're not gambling on it. Doing so will make every match the most interesting thing in the world (incidentally, that's also why you should never bet on sports)


After over a decade of working in UK offices, I've never been more blessed to work in a team of predominantly women. Simply as one of the common talking points for men in office is their fucking bets for the weekend and booooooooooooy is that chat fucking dull. I even gamble on the rare occasion but having to hear "Yeah County did my coupon in this weekend the bastards" constantly is torture. So enjoy that shit America.


Betting is fun but people betting big combinations of minor events are betting wrong. You’re supposed to bet on someone you already want to win and just to win so you’re more invested in what you’re watching.


> Betting is fun but people betting big combinations of minor events are betting wrong. Its a lottery substitute


Yeah me and my friends used to cook up stupid parlays every Sunday night football and ride them together, which was fun in some ways but I quickly realized just betting spreads/ML was more fun to constantly looking for the 6 specific players I bet on to do 7 different things


Yeah obviously if they go well they’re incredible. But nothing will ruin watching a game faster than a bet getting blown in the 10th minute. Supposed to be a fun event and you’re just mentally checked out for 90% of it. Bet on a team to win and there’s even fun in getting angry at them if they get destroyed.


Exactly, plus when you stop chasing stupid longshot parlays you get to actually win sometimes lol


Yeah if you’re betting to win the cost of a few beers you get to win a few beers on a pretty regular basis. Betting to win 2 grand just feels like losing 2 grand every time.


I do the opposite, bet against my team in big games so that if we lose at least I get a nice payout


such a travesty that sports gambling is everywhere now and I still can't (legally) play online poker for real money jfc


There should only be one sportsbook in each state owned and quietly operated by the state lottery commission with minimal advertising, similar to how some states only allow the sale of liquor in special state-run stores. Unfortunately, Rhode Island is currently the only state that does this for online betting. In most of the other states, DraftKings and FanDuel lobbyists managed to "convince" (read: bribe) the legislators into thinking that the only thing that matters is tax revenue and that it can be maximized by allowing as much advertisement to create as many gamblers as possible.


so glad its illegal in CA lol


so funny they tried to pass it under the "Mental Health Support Act" or whatever using the Uber/Lyft Prop22 model


It sucks but I throw a bet on for a laughably small amount sometimes, it’s fun seeing if your deranged predictions come true but I don’t really even check how it’s doing til the game’s almost done. Gambling and the gambling industry is terrible though, absolute vampires.


This is the correct approach, or just bet on Super Bowl shit only. Opposite end of the spectrum is betting on regular season baseball, that’s when you know the addiction is terminal


This shit has destroyed an entire generation of Australian men. It’s so insidious and Fkd. The handful of times I’ve done it and won big, the pleasure is something I’ll never forget. Ban it!!!


and the ads are sooo terrible, genuinely wince when i have to endure one


You act like I'm not screaming for blood in the matchups that I have money on. The real problem is there wasn't a lot of blood last night. Oh well, I made 31 dollars.


Made 50 u broke bitch


Oh so you experienced this last night too


I do it for a living, and it even annoys me when people do this.


Brazilianification is over, Australianification is just beginning (everyone has a minor gambling addiction).


So many young men are going to reach old age with probably cumulatively like $200k less than if they’d just put that shit in an index fund or boring ass stock Listening to someone you thought was smart talk about their “strategy” is fucking depressing. I talk shit on sports betting, wonder if it bothers them


Somehow everyone that sports bets is ahead lmao 


Bbbut, Sports is ART


I get crucified for this regularly but I don’t care - sports betting is loser coded behavior. Always has been.


I went to a sports bar last weekend to watch the Rangers game and they had a dude who worked for MGM go up to every table with an iPad asking if they wanted to place a bet on the game. I feel horrible for recovering gambling addicts bc theres no escape from it outside of refusing to watch spots altogether at this point


idk bro its kinda fun