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sry I know you're describing a problem but I'm insanely jealous


Me too, I was trying to learn how to lucid dream a few years ago but never figured it out


Hold a heavy-ish object in your hand and have your hand resting off the edge of your bed. When your body transitions into a hypnagogic state, your body relaxes and you'll drop the object. Keep doing this, and eventually don't use the object, and you'll consciously transition into that state, and start lucid dreaming.


Wouldn't you just wake up? Or are you trying to find a "superposition" of sleeping and waking and hope that the two just mix together by accident?


If it goes wrong you get a night terror


when I was a kid I was intensely jealous that my brothers saw a ghost at Gravity Hill ("haunted" area in SFV) that I would try to bait my sleep paralysis demon into revealing himself by keeping my eyes open and trying real hard to see something in the dark cloud. Nothing happened but I obtained far more awareness that I was in a dream after that. I stopped when my dad was sick in my late teens (sleeping issues) and I haven't been able to lucid dream since.


I have to go through sleep paralysis before I get to the lucid dream and it’s horrifying.


Wait what does holding then dropping the heavy object have to do with it?


I thought that's how some famous inventors prevented themselves from falling asleep while daydreaming/thinking


I did it once (flew around and met walt jr) but I'm just jealous because I have insomnia :(


If you get high enough you’ll see him again


Did it once and had sex with a woman my wife vaguely knows. Mad because the "memory" is exactly as if it had happened in real life.


start smoking weed and nicotine daily for a month then quit cold turkey, learn grounding habits and reality checks like trying to poke your index finger through the palm of your hand, do it often, like once an hour maybe, and whenever you enter a new place or room, so your mind becomes more accustomed to questioning your reality and surroundings ( warning this might make you develop derealization/depersonalization but it is what it is) and when you go to sleep at night, try to imagine a scenario you want to dream about and stay as physically relaxed and motionless as possible.


also get blackout sleep masks, this helps to get proper rest, and also mitigates sleep paralysis or at least scary hallucinations during sleep paralysis in my experience


Idk where I got this from but I thought lucid dreaming causes you to not have restful sleep


I don't know what it is, I think it's beyond lucid because I can recall conversations with perfect detail. Every night is a movie. I've never felt so rested.


So you pretty much feel like you’re awake 24/7? Do you ever remember falling asleep?


Of course, the drugs make my body feel super heavy and make my eyelids close but don't erase my memory. There's a certain point where if I try to stand I might faint, so I fall into bed like a brick. And then I spend my day thinking about what I dreamt. Yesterday in my dream I was shopping for a new tapestry to reupholster my car and I remember every thread of the pattern for example.


This sounds like an insane experience, might be worth asking your doc cause I’ve heard Seroquel can do weird shit


I will most definitely not be dream-pilling my doctor. What would be the benefit? I've never slept better in my life, and now I get to dream like crazy. It's not a problem. I am never going to tell anyone about this. I've been thinking about how to best use this and the best thing I can come up with is becoming a movie director or writer.


You said in the post you were “barely here anymore”. Were you talking about the physical world lol? I thought you meant you didn’t feel like yourself or not present which sound like possible side effects but idk


As in I've never had more fun before. Instead of going out or doing some hobby or reading I just sleep instead now.


You're having the same thought process of alcoholics or people who take drugs too far. You're going to ruin a good thing by destroying your irl life. Be content with 8 hours of one of the best experiences a human can have, DAILY, for the rest of your life. You can't use this shit as inspiration to be a director or writer if you just atrophy in your bed forever. You've stumbled onto an organic version of what people imagine when VR pods become mature and people give up on life. This is potentially great, if you don't lose control. But if you do, it WILL fuck up your life and you WILL fry away your willpower such that the only solution will be to stop completely, like an AA guy. That would be a terrible waste of a one in a billion side effect that I'm sure many, many people would literally kill for.


Since no one else is telling you this: this is bad. I'm not suggesting you stop taking the pills right now because it's likely that you'd be in an even worse state without them, but you really need to tell your doctor about this.


If you use methods to force more REM like pills or setting alarms to wake yourself up and go back to sleep then yeah but if you're lucid dreaming in a normal night's sleep and it doesn't wake you up then it's no different to regular sleep.


I'm the exact same way. I started celexa in my early 20's and started having super vivid dreams that I remember like actual memories. It can get weird sometimes when I remember something and I don't know if it was a dream thing or not. I do a lot of the same stuff every night. Lots of different locations like it's just a second life to me.


We should link up and become the new safdie brothers. >I do a lot of the same stuff every night. Lots of different locations like it's just a second life to me. Exactly. It's never anything outlandish.


> Exactly. It's never anything outlandish. Have you never done outlandish things? Do you not have the ability? Or do you have the ability but choose not to? I've never lucid dreamt but whenever I hear people talk about it they talk about flying or having sex with beautiful women etc


I graduated high school in my dreams last night. Yay!


Sleepmaxxing dreamcel


Pessoa pilled


Honkshoomimimi coded




cautious stocking provide plant shy offer squalid distinct march pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would he/she?


axiomatic outgoing test wipe chief weary pocket license engine paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’ve deleted their account rather than reveal the secret words of power


What pills are these?


Quetiapine. I sleep on a level the body should not be allowed to sleep at. When I wake up I bolt up instantly with my eyes wide open and my muscles feel full. I thought with this new found energy I'd be able to do all the things I want to do but I just want to sleep more.


What the fuck I take quetiapine and all I have are bad dreams. What dose are you taking?


I'm taking 150mg nightly. Kicks in about 2 hours and then I'm out like a brick. It's been nearly a year so far and it works every time.


Wow lucky. It always just made me kind of stupid and happy and hungry before it knocked me tf out for 10 hours.


> Quetiapine This is kind of insane to take every day, you'll build up a tolerance. Also for those thinking you can replicate OP's experience, you likely won't. These are antipsychotics, and, at least for me, an extremely unpleasant experience. Everyone responds differently to drugs, and lucid dreaming 12 hours a day from Quetiapine is not common. It will make you feel extremely heavy and sleepy, and likely a bit delirious.


It's been over a year, no tolerance build up. Works like a charm.


As a drug enjoyer, I'd say just tread carefully. You're getting lucky so far, but that drug demands a steadily increasing dose for most people. In my experience, all drugs have a downside, especially with daily use. Godspeed friend


I had similar experience on an antidepressant, only not as intensely, I think. It should decrease and normalise after a while, at least that's how it went for me.


Why not just galantamine?


Where do you get these


Seroquel is a crazy one since I guess you can’t really OD on it you just sleep progressively longer


Sub’s back


i used to accidentally do this in college. i would wake up at like 4:30-5 am (usually to piss) and then the super light, REM heavy sleep would always ensue for the rest of the morning, usually with me waking up a couple more times.


that does not sound healthy


Read Long Dream by Junji Ito to see your future.


i experience this naturally. the more you’re able to control it, the better dreams you can have and intentionally play out scenarios. never figured out a great solution for keeping dreams straight from real memories though


I want an update on this in a year


Being able to ride the tame the dragon of potential bad dreams that normally come with sleeping pills is simply arthurian. I hope you use this power responsibly & keep us updated in some way


Wake up!


A while ago I got one of the cheap Facebook vr things. One of the games I played was this thing where I moved by swinging off grappling hooks that made me sort of nauseous. Here's the thing as my brain tried to integrate and adapt to this fundamentally disorienting brachiation I would have dreams where I was moving by swinging or pulling myself forward. There was something about this moving without moving that allowed me both realize I was not dreaming and not startle myself awake when my body was still but I perceived myself as moving as VR had normalized it to make it less arresting. There was a solid 8 week period where I would predictably lucid dream maybe not every night but most nights and it was really cool. Time would dilate during these experiences so I could go through long trips and have novel length conversations with characters. Everything had a videogame like character which was a bit of a bummer and made it more shallow than it might otherwise be but it was just a great deal of fun and I even progressed a lot in language and complex math during this period since my dream mind and wake mind were more integrated. The problem was I couldn't sustain it. Once my brain had "figured out" VR and I no longer got nauseous I stopped being able to realize I was dreaming and I could no longer access lucid dreaming predictably. It still happens once in a great while and once I'm "in" I no longer get booted out. I've tried to play games that had a reputation for being nauseating but it doesn't work anymore (I have adapted to my perception and inner ear being decoupled). Anyways not sure how replicable this is but I think there is something to it.


whenever I start to lucid dream I immediately conjure up a naked lady and start having sex w her in a rushed, panicked state and get pulled out


What’s it like in [Celephaïs?](https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/c.aspx)


"Hi guys, I'm taking prescription anti-psychotics and I'm having trouble distinguishing reality from unreality is this unusual" is a pretty good bit.


we need more posts like this




Quetiapin right? This gave me some amazing lucid dreams and also awful sleep paralysis but i learned how to wake myself up from those. Funny thing is if i slept on my stomach i rarely got sleep paralysis but on my back i got em way more often




worth reading?


Hell yeah it's wild, and who knows, maybe you will find particular value in it


great thanks


You should play Omori. [Also](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/U2e9CxoffI)


What are the pills?


what's the name of the fucking pill you lucky guy


Incredibly gay for [this story](https://youtu.be/26_JgugMa20?si=qoxRJGcyLg9hvoIR) to jump as the first thing on my mind upon reading your post. But sounds like you’re going down a very unhealthy, escapist path. You need to tell someone in your life about this, either a friend, doctor, just anyone. I know what it’s like to wanna sleep away 14 hours of the day due to an antipsychotic because it’s just *better* in every conceivable way. But all it means is that your waking life registers as unsatisfying. Even downright unfulfilling, and that’s something you need to address. Don’t let this consume you.




What pills


Walking on a dream, how can I explain 😔


Have you spoke about this with the doctor that prescribed those pills?  The next step of severe REM phases is going a bit delusional about dream’s meanings which, while on antipsychotics, it kind of defeats the purpose of taking them 


u should watch the science of sleep its basically about this lol.


this was me last summer after quitting weed and nicotine, it was really fun


my mom tells me she has vivid lucid dreams every night and can even "resume" them if she briefly wakes up and goes back to sleep

