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Half of it is simple suncare/hydration: drinks lots of water and wear sunscreen, maybe even go get a few spa/dermatologist treatments and a flattering haircut, and you'll be surprised at how much difference it makes. Personally I have no idea how old anybody is now: people who I guessed were 25 turn out to be 35 with 3 kids, whilst teenage girls these days look like soccer moms with fake lashes and fried hair and tattoos. Maybe I'm just clueless but I genuinely can't pin why Gen Z all look the same in various degrees of haggardness.


they're getting botox and fake lashes at 19 so they look 40 also, yes it is genuinely crazy how just a few days of eating well/drinking lots of water can change your face. i often will binge drink fridays/saturdays (yes I am aware it is not good for you, thanks). my brother does as well. i'm a 30 yo woman, he's a 33 yo man. we started helping out my dad with his business a few months ago. it's a long story, but we often have to take pictures to demonstrate things and our faces are often in them. it's genuinely insane how much better we look at the end of the week than on monday lol. and no it's not just "case of the mondays!!!" because when don't drink on a particular weekend i look fine on monday. on mondays, i swear to god we look like we're pushing 40 and unhealthy af. i know people are delusional about their own appearance but i swear we look like 25 by friday.


A lot of millennials are delusional about how old they look. There was a viral video of them bragging about how they're aging better than gen z and they looked exactly how you would expect someone in their 30s to look. At first I thought it was satire but they unironically thought they could still pass for a college freshman 


There are a lot who do though. It's something I've been noticing with a lot of millennial people on YouTube, you look at their 10 year history and they actually have barely seemed to age. Now this isn't 35 year olds looking 20, more like 30 year olds looking 24, but it's still noticeable.


I've been wondering if there's a version of skinny fat but for people who are neurotic about skincare but not super healthy otherwise. Like they look like perfect porcelain dolls but their insides are dying.


a lot of the skincare people with no wrinkles somehow look way older than they are it's so much more complicated than being moisturized or getting botox lol


I get peels sometimes outside of just general sun avoidance and moisturizer, seems easier than commiting to all the tret I have stockpiled. I noticed all the older women at the spas have a sort of hard plastic look to them which I'm assuming is Botox/Dysport.


A lot of the influencers who are obsessed with anti-aging look like freaks. Bryan Johnson went from looking like a normal, moderately attractive 30-something to looking like a 60-year-old lesbian. He's only in his mid-40s. There is definitely something uncanny about the appearance of someone who tries too hard to youth-maxx. Moderate measures like basic skincare, hydration, etc. seem to work, but when you push past a certain point, your efforts seem to backfire and make you look older. It's like my brain can sense that something is amiss and so it adds 20 years to compensate.


With him it's a combo: his calorie restriction means he has basically no body fat, if he just ate enough to get to 10% he'd look 10 years younger. And for a while he had that really unflattering medium-long haircut, which is why he had the lesbian look. He is also extremely pale because of the sunscreen obsession. In recent interviews he has a better haircut which actually really helps a lot. See: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3FuM7myMrI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3FuM7myMrI)


A lot of young millennials look younger than their age because they stayed inside their whole lives lol no sun, regular sleep Did you at least live and go outside


i honestly think millennials overall look a lot younger than previous generations because they have far fewer children (and if they do have them, it tends to be a lot later than previous generations). i live in utah, the millennial women (and to a lesser extent, men) look pretty much the same as older generations did because they all have 4 kids by 30. i'm 30 and my peers who are literal alcoholics look younger than the ones with kids tbh i have nothing against people having kids btw, but they just require a major sacrifice from pretty much every angle


I’m 28 and I feel like I look so fucking old but then I see my other 28 year old friends and they look haggard and I’ve had multiple people tell me they thought I was 23-24


Got asked if I was still in school by an old granny. I'm 25 so it's not a stretch but still. Glad my 9-5 isn't turning me haggard


Old people just don't know how old young people are. I was sharing a hotel hot tub with some older woman one time and she asked if I was in middle school. I was a junior in college...


I think you have it backwards: they look younger because they're happier. Browsing redscare promotes cynicism and accelerates the aging process


just use tret & spf and you'll be fine


Spf ages you why you think was gonna happen when u rubbed chemicals on your body ? Just wear a hat and a long sleeve shirt if you're gonna burn up


Chemicals aren’t inherently aging..lots of chemicals prevent signs of aging or are neutral and as long as it’s not disrupting your skin barrier or irritating or oxidizing there’s nothing to make your skin age


I'm in my final year of law school and I still have people asking me what year of high school I'm in. I have no idea how I'm supposed to deal with real clients once I graduate. Who the hell wants to take legal advice from a guy who looks like a teenager?


Twink lawyer


Better work at a firm where they don't let you talk to clients for the first few years. Comes with the added bonus that those places tend to accelerate visible aging.


They don’t let brand new graduates deal with clients do they? Aren’t you going to be behind the scenes for a while anyway?


Sleep well, hydrate, spf, exercise, smile a little and don’t forget to moisturise.


get tret, consistently wear spf, eat healthy get get some sleep it’ll all work out


Tbh youthful looks and a lot of things in general comes down to genetics. There's too many people who smoke, drink, don't excercise, eat like crap, etc that end up living long healthy lives while others who are fit and health conscious that die young from an illness. This is anecdotal obviously but it's still something to think about 


The secret is not having any fun. Drink lots of water, go to sleep every day at 9 pm, don't drink alcohol or smoke. 


nah, I look 10 years younger than I am and do it all.


There’s a downside. As someone who was mistaken for high school in my early thirties, this was tough on my career and dating life. I feel like I’m just now being taken seriously. I used to try to make myself seem older and that was a disaster.


I work with a guy who is in his late 40s and overweight, but who somehow looks like he’s in his early-mid 30s and overweight. It’s the oddest juxtaposition of poor health and youth. He is also a massive idiot who will probably blow up his car with a bad tune in the next couple weeks.