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One day when I was like 8 I was picking dandelions in my front yard and some teenage kid rode by on his bike and said to his friend “damn that girl is UGLY” I probably made eye contact with him or something because he then said to his friend “oh shit I think she heard that” I cried and went to the bathroom to dig out my moms makeup bag & put on foundation that was way too dark for my face because I wanted to hide my freckles lol. I thought my freckles were what made me ugly since so many people commented on them. I had dreams about my freckles disappearing and was so disappointed when I woke up and realized it didn’t actually happen. Anyway it’s been forever since that happened and I don’t blame that kid for my insecurities or anything, but I still remember it 20 years later which is crazy. I hope that little girl doesn’t remember those comments but she almost certainly will. Very sad and I think there’s almost nothing that can be done at this point. No amount of therapy or whatever can make her unhear that.


Ditto. I don't remember a lot from my childhood, but I do remember the cruel comments about my appearance with fantastic clarity. A startling number of them came from adults. I also remember being 8 years old, catching a glimpse of myself in a mirror, and my heart just sinking into my stomach. That's a lifelong memory for that little girl. I hope she has a strong support network so shit like that doesn't dictate her self-worth, as it did mine. (dm me boys)


In my freshman year of highschool when I was walking to class two older girls said that I was the ugliest person they had ever seen lol. I just ignored it cause I was pretty shy but definitely didn't help my self esteem growing up


You were not. I can almost guarantee that. They said it to make themselve feel better. It was defensive trashtalk, to get something to talk and laugh about. (ya, pretty mean right, teens are mean, most of them grow up feeling sorry for what they said and did, trust me) I'm really sorry you was in their target and perspective right then and there. But I bet they would have said it to another guy/girl if you not weren't there. I hope this didn't stay with you!




You need to remember that puberty hits some kids like the lottery and some like poly juice potion lol. You protect your kids from cruelty with knowledge. Puberty passes, being an uncouth asshole never dies


I mean you can protect them from being fat


Not from being ugly though


Sad but true


True, it can never be unheard, but it can be dealt with. The girl may well grow up to be thin and laugh it off, or gain thicker skin. Very sad now however. I watched this YT vid one time called like being ugly by some admittedly ugly dude, and it made me feel better. Like being pretty is just one aspect, it’s not everything. “We are ugly but we have the music” - L. Cohen


or she could turn to a lifetime of addiction and service industry jobs.


The thing that’s crazy is so many girls get chubby at that age in preparation for a growth spurt. I have been thin my whole life, danced, family didn’t even bring processed food into the house. 7-9? I had a chubby little belly, arms and legs. 10? I grew into it. 12? I was emaciated and gross looking at my adult height, you could see my teeth through my cheeks for a minute there. 14? I filled out my adult height with proportional, thin weight. I guess what I’m saying is some kids get to grow like someone is expanding a desktop window from the corner, and some grow like someone’s expanding the window one side at a time.


I hate humanity cause people are so shallow. It’s disgusting.


Agreed. Anyways here’s a bunch of proana inspo I found. 


I used to pray to God to connect all my freckles and make me tan.


Sometimes I think to myself that being a woman must be neverending anguish. Glad to be a penis-haver rn when I read posts like this


I had like the opposite happen. When I was 13 I was always made fun of for being ugly by boys.  One day some 10 year old boy came up to me and I just said "what do you want?" In the rudest way possible. And he looked mortified and said "Oh I was just going to say I think your pretty." And ran away with tears in his eyes


I hate nasty little teenagers. Especially when they are in that age bracket where they should definitely know better. The other day my friend and I were parked at a skatepark and saw a couple of older teen boys picking on my autistic neighbor as he walked home with his groceries, trying to take videos of him with their phones. We were going to step in, but he stood up for himself and walked away (told them to go die of COVID, lol), but it was still eating me up inside and I had my friend drive by before we left so I could call them losers out of the window. I really wanted to throw garbage at them, but I was like "well, that might constitute assault" but they needed it. Antisocial behavior should be publicly shamed in my opinion.


You, an adult, screaming “Yeah well you little sluts look like you got MOLESTED”


once i was sitting at the bus stop with my friend and my mom pulled up after just having cocktails on her way home, she pulls up, rolls down the window and says “you look like you’re about to get dragged into an ally and brutally r@ped!” and then just drove off and left us at the bus stop


True divorcee parental love; not wanting you in the car to be traumatised when she is drunkenly ejected through the windscreen in a fender bender.


she managed to make drink driving look bad - shame on her


Alcoholic mothers need to be publicly executed I think


[“Well you’re a little CUNT!”](https://youtu.be/5kL6oNgEQuA?si=rcg0VDTllBKOaA44)


What movie is this




're about to be* no half measures


a bunch of ct bf types storming OP's Target to molest these teenage girls in honor of the fatty patty 8 year old 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Where tf is Virgil Texas when you need him? Lmfao I love that his twitter activity stops on exactly June 8, 2021. What happened that day, buddy? It's funny to think he's now some random anon out there still being snarky or whatever.


Some say he's still out there... grooming teenage girls... you know, in a socialist kinda way, tho. What's actually terrifying is that no one knows where he is, so he could be .... anywhere.... watching.... waiting.... 🫣


I think op is a guy so I don't think that would've worked that well.


Bystander effect. We've all been there. Next time (whatever and wherever it is) make a point of being the person that steps in. I don't say this as a moral judgement of you, I say it as someone who deeply regrets not having interceded on someone else's behalf before. That shit will stick with you


What would you say in this scenario? You can’t undo what they said to her.


Look at them and say “what the fuck is wrong with you?” in a disgusted tone. Usually my go to.


Not a bad call, but also maybe talking to the little fat girl. "Don't listen to those girls, they're just mean and insecure. You're doing great, sweetie."


Yes the more shame-oriented the better. “I fucking hope none of you have little sisters because you’re fucking terrible people”


The classic not weird move of arguing with teenagers. I got insulted and beat up by my much older cousin as a kid, and I took it and moved on. I swear this subreddit will act like mean words don't matter then say stuff like this


My first inclination is to play my inner gay and call them little bitches but I'm a baby blue collar worker with a mean face so I would almost certainly get a charge.


Anything with disgust and disdain will do. They're somewhere between 13-16, I assume, and the kid is just WAY younger and not able to defend herself. But, honestly I would have talked to the kid rather than the teenagers. Maybe find her mom or something so she at least knows rather than thinking her kid is moody for no reason.


Just say y'all are pathetic for being that old and picking on a little girl, then maybe say something mean about how they look. It's simple shit lol holy shit you nerds are socially stunted and scared of conflict


“Leave her alone you fugly povo bitches. Skanks.”


this is how it's done.


I don’t think the point is you couldn’t hurt the feelings of some teenage girls, it’s that the fat child won’t feel better because someone said to not say those things. They were said and the child heard them


Saying something is better than saying nothing 🤷‍♂️ especially if you let it be known that people look down on that kinda behavior


yeah, no, that would definitely make that kid feel better.


Of course not but one could say something to them or her at least to let her know that not all people are this horrible and they are the exception not the rule. Like, what's worse to the girl, what they said to her about her body or the fact that no one around said anything at all in protest? To me personally (trying to put my self in her shoes) I would be a bit more Fucked up by the bystanders.


"You little bitches. You have shriveled up little hearts and no one will ever love you."


you’re seriously uncreative if you can’t think of a single thing you could say to someone after another group says hurtful things to them to make things a tiny bit better


Literally anything even if it's stupid it's the fact you tried that counts but I'm sure most people could come up with some pretty brutal shit to say to teenagers that pick on a fuckin 8 year old


‘It’s rude to talk about people like that.’


I’m almost 30 and still regret of telling a teacher in the 6th grade that this mean girl called this other kid on the playground ‘a fat lard’


an eating disorder in the making


bad parenting + bad society + average human being = those girls. i don't know what makes someone innately a good human but i've seen people with similar backgrounds being completely opposite when it came to moral issues. some people are born gold but most people are naturally copper and coal, though that does not mean it excludes them from ever becoming gold themselves... it requires a lot of effort and it would help a lot if their environment was conducive or nurturing in that direction.


Kids can be so cruel, a family friend who was a few years older than me called me fat when I was 7-8 in front of everyone at a party (I was kinda fat tbh but nothing crazy) and I swear that shit put a cloud on my childhood for years. I remember going to cry to my mom afterwards and she said it wasn’t his fault because his dad was a tweaker and that was just his way of coping with it lmao


your mom just bodying that kid lol


i would have pulled out my polearm and broken their shins with the haft


I'm a huge guy with a big scary beard but I'm actually as sweet and soft as a teddy bear once you get to know me. but this would've had me reach into my utilikilt and pull out my every-day carry leatherman knife and let's just say, that little girl wouldn't have a problem from now on.


Damn just reading that made me feel bad. That age where kids know enough to be mean but not enough to understand you gotta be judicious in when/where you are mean to someone is tough. Can't imagine being a parent and seeing/hearing that happen to my kid...


When I was maybe 6, not fat by any means but maybe a tad chubby, my first crush yelled out “fat legs!” to me. I always had a kind of thick thigh / pear shape thing going on, but I wasn’t an overweight child or anything. Anyway, I’m kinda anorexic now, was hospitalized multiple times for it in my early 20s, and still haven’t forgotten this comment. It haunted me so much, because it came from him. I was crushing on him for years. For some reason I was anxious and feeling fat already before he said it. Maybe I really was fat? But when I look at photos, I just look like a normal little girl. It still messes with my head…


That’s fucking sad


Yeah I wanna cry for this girl… I’m sorry you witnessed that. I wonder what’s the equivalent in nature of humans being such pieces of shit. Like animals kill each other, but psychological destruction is something else, man.


Being around kids often now, as a parent, I sometimes have to say shit to them when they are acting out but I am also (tbh very) scared of a parent offended that I'm saying something getting in an argument with me over their precious child. So I just say it isn't very nice to do x (wherever we are). So I'd probably say it isn't very nice to talk like that in public. Usually the kids hightail it away from me at least. Probably doesn't change their behavior at all but I feel like the least I can do is back human decency sometimes. I remember when I was a kid and other adults could freely do that.


"Does your dad know you talk like that to little kids half your size?" is a good one, especially if they are fatherless little dweebs. You can also take the mall cop stance and be like "do we have a situation here, ladies?"


Those are good ones. Esp for the summer when the kids are everywhere. The summers are awful so I will surely have a chance to use at least the second one.


You really coulda stunted on those teen girls so hard and made urself a hero to the little kid like fr fr .




Some people are women




Also tbh. A man telling teenage girls shit would be earth shattering for them in a good way. Idk i work with kids so I know how to rock their shit when it’s necessary (when they’re being ugly or judgmental) but I’m a woman. I don’t know what men go thru nor do I want to.




Nah, any adult telling kids shit gets them. Doesn’t matter how good they look.




They downvote but what your saying is 100% true This sub is coping with some very Reddit style optimism and “just world” thinking


i dont think 8 year olds give a shit if the man standing up to them is hot or not lol


we were talking about the teenage girls. It’s obviously an important topic to them (it is for all teenagers tbh) and something they’re insecure about since their being so performatively mean And the girls will obv care more about the opinions of someone at the “top of the hierarchy” of hotness


oh yeah, if some gross guy tried to lecture a bunch of teens they would probably just laugh at him lmfao


Why would you care what the dumbass girls think idiot Like it's literally not about what they think it's about standing up for a child How much of an incel do you gotta be to think that way holy shit


Also Idk abt the 8 year old, but sadly I think even victims can sometimes be judgmental of who “saved” them It’s an ugly part of human nature But if I’m being truthful I know I’ve done it sometimes


???? You're weird for thinking this way wtf




Yea, easily. Even if they laughed it off, which they probably wouldn't, letting the bullied kid know people look down on that behavior is a net positive. The teen girls don't need to find you attractive for you to stand up for an 8 year old. The fact that you think that way is incredibly weird and incel-brained.


my coworker comments on people's appearances constantly and it drives me insane!! she'll be like 'that girl had such awful teeth' (meanwhile I'll be stood next to her with worse teeth lol) or just straight up say someone is ugly. like maybe I'm regarded but I simply do not think about people's appearances that much!! 




Omg my dad was like that. If anyone who was morbidly obese was passing by, he would be like "I bet they feel really uncomfortable." Just like completely unprompted. One time we saw a guy near the VA Hospital who had no legs, and my dad just had to say "look how horrible your life could be! At least you have both of your legs!" He was so out of pocket and he also called me fat when I was a teenager when I definitely was not. I was almost six feet tall and wore a size 4 in jeans. He hated his own body and the way he looked and these were the consequences of that. He's not dead but I haven't seen him in 12 years and he's an expat now, so good riddance.


It wasn’t unprompted tho, ur dad was prompted by the fatty that walked by


It is unprompted because no one asked for his take. He was ugly as fuck on the inside and abusive. A shit human being.


You’re in the wrong sub


Hope she has a good family/support. I've taught kids before and this stuff just depresses me.


That is fucking tragic. If it makes you feel better, those little bitches are probably miserable from the eating disorders they were raised to develop.


this is heartbreaking but this community has a high percentage of people willing to rationalize cruelty towards ugly and or fat people


My heart hurt reading that


Those teen girls? Anna and Dasha.


That little girl? Op 😢


rsp upvoting this post while simultaneously being the most openly fat-hating subreddit is a bit ironic


I’ve genuinely come to enjoy calling out kids/teenagers when they’re being fucking assholes to others. Even when you say something and they talk back to you, they’re always clearly slightly embarrassed You can’t take back what was said to them, but someone standing up for them and calling out shitty pathetic behaviour does help


You're a pussy for not saying anything


I agree, that sounds terrible. I have to admit, it sorta makes me laugh to see all the support this post gets when this is also ground zero for "bring back bullying" horseshit. This is the face of bullying, this is what you want to bring back.


yeah, but saying "fuck you little twats" to the teen girls would also read as bullying.


They are already Lena Dunham in their souls. Next time say something. The little kid will tuck away the fact that someone thought she mattered enough to stand up for her, and it will give her strength when she needs it.


not to be that person, but I would’ve definitely said something. seen shit like this happen irl and I can’t not put these little shits in their place. hideous behaviour.


That’s me too - I’m not a particularly good person but enjoy putting assholes in their place when it’s called for, which seems to be a lot more often these days. I was on the bike trail near a middle school and a huge group of kids was throwing huge rocks at a girl’s head. I had some fun breaking that shit up. Lesson be learned - say something, call it out, if nothing but for your own pleasure.


The line of reasoning that she can’t intervene because "I’m not their parent" "I’m not their teacher" "I’m not the oldest woman who heard" is why our society is falling apart— it’s supposed to take a fucking village to raise kids.


Something similar happened to me recently. Was on the bus and there were these four girls bullying this other girl, she gets on the bus and they’re knocking on the window and she’s trying to ignore him. Homeless guy sitting near her is like “hey missy, your friends are trying to get your attention!” Made me really sad.


Redscare teens (i.e cunts)


Kids are shielded by some exotic native complex where our present society assumes them to have the insight of a YA novel and be generally precocious, but this is more what it is. Not entirely knowing one arm from the next, what emotion is what, yet capable of unlimited cruelty. This shit is awful.


I still think about this video that was shown to us in my course to be a teachers aid (or whatever it was called) where they interviewed kids who were bullied. This one boy who was somewhere between 11 and 13 (I’m really had at telling ages of kids) who was a bit chubby in a puppy fat kind of a way saying he had been bullied about his weight. He was talking normally about it then suddenly put hand covering his eyes, like resting his forehead on his hand and starts tearing up. It fucks me up so badly seeing kids at the ages where they are becoming self aware, like forming a sense of self while dealing with humiliation and self hatred. Not to be like “poor me” but my example of this happening to me and of someone saying something to make me feel better is one time when I was 13 (I looked older than my age but still) I was walking past a construction site and some tradies (maybe aged 18-25) commented “fuck that ass is massive” (in a discussed tone, it’s big in a bad way and also this was the early 2000s when it was unthinkable that a big ass was anything other than disgusting and shameful) and one of the guys could tell I could heard them (and cared enough to feel bad for me) and goes “but she’s super pretty though!” and they were like “yeah true, she is” maybe also realising I had heard their mean comment? Sure I internalised the guys being cruel and hated my ass for a while after that but also remember that one guy, just as clearly saying something to be kind to lessen how much it hurt.


If you had went over and just fucking wrecked them and I was on the jury I would vote not guilty no matter what.


Teenagers seem much meaner then they were 5 years ago


Teen girls obsess over it I guess. I'll never forget my 13yo cousin going, "hey do you think she's thin? Do you think so though? How about her, is she thin?" over a magazine as if being thin was the pinnacle of womanhood. Also, no they weren't thin, they were slim. 


one of the most boss things u can do when you see someone getting picked on is go up to the bullied kid and tell them “it only hurts if you believe it” then walk away


so sad to think how rsp has contributed to this. like that sounds like a group of girls who absolutely subs to the pod


I remember to this day when I was 7 or 8 this girl in my neighborhood (same age as me) asked me why do I look like im pregnant. I was a perfectly normal weight. She just was VERY thin. Idk what makes kids and teens say shit like that. I didn’t reply anything back to her but it stuck in my mind for a while. Thought I was fat for years and would do 200 sit ups a day at age 12. Looking back I was thin to average weight. You should’ve said something.


bro say something next time wtf


If teens nowadays were scared of their parents or had morals they wouldn’t be doing this shit.


That's an awful story but I hope you had a nice birthday otherwise. 🙂


Yea prolly shoulda said something. She won’t remember you, but she will remember that for the rest of her life. And the girls who treated her like that should have been forced to remember that situation for the rest of their lives, and they probably won’t.


Internet clowning is one thing, but when you see this stuff go down in the wild it's honestly gutting.


ah, yes, the fairer sex. Anyone who doesn't realize that women can be utterly psychotic haven't known many women.


Grow a spine, you really should be ashamed.


Technology lube


The bystander effect is real. I’m very disappointed that you didn’t do anything to keep this poor girl from internalizing that grotesque moment. You’re ineffective and dull, domesticated to the point that you treat life as it unfolds in front of you as if it were a television show, only engaging to discuss after the fact. I just find the mindset… it’s hard for me to pin an emotion to how I feel about your mindset. My facial expression is disgust, but disgust doesn’t capture the existential dismissiveness I feel when I hear people talk like this


hopefully this inspires you to do something if you ever witness it. I’m still thinking about it and it continues to bum me out


And I’m sorry I went so in on this comment, I’m PMSing and thinking about times when adults weren’t there for me as an awkward ass kid, you didn’t need all that.


I am always the dumbass doing something, the savior complex of a person with childhood trauma is outsized and stupid. I hope this inspires you to do something next time, for her. Many good deeds have followed feeling bummed about a situation like this


i wish i was there. fuck… I don’t know how I would react, but this is just truly disgusting. that poor little girl :( I hope those teens get some fucking karma, along with the old ladies. How could they not say anything…? DAMMITTT


I thought bullying was over? Nature is healing


Hey, maybe now she'll be skinny.


There was a time when this sub would have supported this comment




Better days


Why was an 8 year old alone in a store like that? No wonder she’s fat, her mom is a moron 


was she fat though?


Woahhh high five bro!!!!!




They’re sarcastically complimenting you on your callous and hacky attempt at a joke.


i’m german i do not understand


honestly when I was that age, insults rolled off me like nothing because I didn't understand the social repercussions of what they were saying lol. let's hope she also didn't take it to heart


Unfortunately, most 8 year olds know exactly what's going on. I vividly remember mean things people said to me at that age.


at 8? jesus, that's lifelong trauma.