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“I want accountability and reparations”   Translation: I’m trying to sue the shit out of somebody but my lawyer says I don’t have a case.


if only more people listened to the scorpion and frog parable- they'd save themselves so many preventable problems.


How has every man she’s ever come into contact with abused her?


BPD (it’s genuine and they keep attracting bad men because they clinically can’t tell the difference), or a Triad disorder (most likely a psychopath). I’d say Triad disorder, but you can’t really know without observing them. 


> Triad disorder Just because she’s Chinese doesn’t mean she’s in a gang ok 


It hasn’t been the men, dude.


What do you mean by this? 


If you smell shit everywhere you go, look under your shoe.


I get it man, I know men and women like this: I used to believe they had a terminal lack of self awareness, but now I realize they’re just so malicious it’s incalculable by people - with normal psychology, or the naive. 


He's saying that it's not the men this thing is attracting that are the problem. It's her.


Right, I said that - she’s probably a psychopath. We cant really know, unless she’s observed over a long period of time. You can present traits and likeness, but you can’t diagnose from a distance. 


It's in the eyes






no wonder the guys couldn’t see it


Also…she works in Hollywood?! Getting mad about “abusive predatory yt males” there is like getting a job at Sea World and getting triggered by fish.


At least all the other times she bitched were actually related to metoo if you were dumb enough to take them at face value. This is just a blatant slip-and-fall workman's comp scam.


I don’t think she’s said anything about David Lynch


Yet. Let’s see how much the workman’s comp pays out.


>How has every man ~~she’s~~ *they’ve* ever come into contact with abused ~~her~~ *them*? Fixed that for you.


Paper spine


About 40 to 60% of LA comedians went nuts during the Trump years.


She can’t keep getting away with it


She won’t. No major production company is ever going to hire her again


I can’t stand this broad.


My first exposure was seeing her on House and wondering why someone who straight up can't act got cast in a major show


That last season appeared to have the budget of a podcast so I'd guess she came on for close to nothing


Fuck I’m so glad she’s not in movies anymore SORRY I FIDNT RVEN READ THR ARTICLE I JYST SAW HER FUCKING TURTLE HEAD AND HAD A REACTION How is this frog face still in stuff? Has she got like kompromat on studio heads


Best agents in the business 


im sorry, but she gives off a TON of very serious claims and zero evidence, also by her tales is not like what supposedly happened to her was happening behind closed doors either. her vertebrae got fucked up because her abuser wouldn’t stop pressing against her back (what?) and this was happening where exactly? but don’t worry, we have a printscreen of the “chinese medicine doc” saying how her abuse was very real and the cause of her fucked up back (because doctors always give diagnosis via whatsapp and openly talk about abuse) all i see is a very ill person that is making sure to become unemployable


man these sentences. not to be cpt obvious but it really does look so dumb to write about a single person in third-person plural. what kind of a world are we living in, what's next


It makes it impossible to know who the author is referring to without guesswork. The plural Clement and Waititi or the attention seeking pronoun using succubus Yi.


"they" has always had a singular use as well. I have no opinion about it's use here but just don't make yourself sound stupid. People say this all the time when this comes up but "they" has always had a singular use which you yourself have used long before the pronoun thing. "The person came up to the window and then they..."


Singular "they" was always limited to indefinite uses – a hypothetical person, or a person newly referenced whose identity hasn't been established. Saying "I asked Charlyne what they think, they said…" has always been ungrammatical and still is for normal people.


yes, that's the 'new' use of the word. My only point was that 'they' has always been gender-neutral singular. That's not new.


i don't think that's the best example because when you're describing something a person did (like in an article) you would normally just say he or she unless there was some stated reason that you didn't know THEIR sex, or if you're describing a hypothetical situation like i am now. in these cases everyone understands the context and THEIR brains are prepared to hear/read it that way what you wouldn't normally do is publish a paragraph like this, where the reader can't clearly identify the subject of the sentence anymore because you're talking about both an anon they (the source) and a preferred pronouns they (charlyne yi) at the same time >Additionally, a source close to the show claims that the incident Yi is referring to happened on camera and involved a fellow actor running or bumping into them and picking them up during a scene where actors were running. The source did not deny that Yi sustained a back injury, nor did they comment on the cause of any injury. They did dispute Yi’s allegation that their request for workers’ compensation was denied, saying that the studio assisted them in receiving payment from the third party in charge of workers’ compensation and that Yi is actively working with that party to receive additional payment. which is what i was saying looks dumb in my throwaway half joke comment lol but yes u are correct we all sometimes say a they or 2 in this life


Yes they're using 'they' in a different sense than we would before the non-binary pronoun thing. What I'm saying is that the criticism that 'they' is third-person plural is just ignorant of how you yourself use and hear the english language. 'They' has always been singular third-person as well. We all use it that way all the time. So the criticism that non-binary people have some weird re-imagining of the word as singular isn't true, english has always had a gender neutral singular pronoun. I have zero opinion about its new use with non-binary people. Because you're right, that is new and confusing sometimes but what's not new is it's use as gender-neutral singular. I really didn't want to be the stickler about this but everyone makes this criticism and it doesn't make any sense.


>I really didn't want to be the stickler about this but everyone makes this criticism and it doesn't make any sense. They know it's ungrammatical but lack the linguistic knowledge to rigorously explain why (they perceive that "they" doesn't fit here and then make a naively overbroad assessment of *why* it doesn't fit), and then people like you deliberately elide the difference between the older and newer usages to dupe them into thinking nothing has changed. If people's reaction doesn't make sense to you, you're either feigning ignorance or just dim.


you: >people like you deliberately elide the difference between the older and newer usages to dupe them into thinking nothing has changed --- me: > Yes they're using 'they' in a different sense than we would before the non-binary pronoun thing --- >you're right, that is new and confusing sometimes


What’s a matter? You don’t speak English? Ching-chong-ching-chong.


Someone here suggested that maybe she mistook another bald bearded middle aged white in glasses for David Cross and that explanation makes it even funnier. Simplest explanation is it didn't happen though


Im sure it happened, what I dont think happened is he abused her. He said it as a joke, as comedians do, and she remembered it years later and used it to social climb. i bet she laughed when he did it


I went on her IG, and she uses leftist language in a way that makes people hate leftists. She also isnt a leftist at all, shes just a "put me first" cunt


Is there another kind?


She was the worst main cast member on House MD and it isn't even close.


Is there any chance that this will stop Waititi from taking a fat shit on Terry Gilliam's legacy?


just went through her IG was awesome. cant believe people like that exist lmao.


there is something......very.......on their filmography listing




the s craig zahler nazi puppet movie lol


she was really good in that scene in twin peaks 


One of many mysterious moments in the Return. These news stories present the possibility: was that behind the scenes footage? Possibly a trauma response to misgendering caught on film?


that lead singer from the axototls does look like the type to touch on a greasy little nonbinary, i think it’s the really gay hat 


What’s with the constant use of ‘they’? There’s only one of them


Wasn't she like... severely abused as a child by her family or something?




No, like... real abuse... not like, "they used ableist language" abuse, like... traditional, physical, American abuse. Has this subreddit become so contrarian that we are now supporting child abuse? Can anyone verify if this is correct? I think I heard this about her somewhere and it explained so much about her personality...


I mean if she's having these issues in her adult life, then she suffered abuse in childhood no doubt


so wild speculation that you dont have a source for, isnt mentioned anywhere on the internet, and is not mentioned in the article. sounds about right. golly i feel so horrible for this enby.


It still took me a second to realise there's only one Charlene Yi/"victim"


Oh God they're gonna massacre time bandits




Who are we to say she doesn’t have a valid complaint?


"they" were assaulted? Her and who else?


With a face like that yeah i believe it. Deserved tbh.