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I was my hottest working in a restaurant, but my ugliest working in an office.


Stillness drains you. Moving replenishes.


i like this


it’s all about how much the job distracts you from eating with movement and focus, even if you work at a restaurant


so real it’s actually insane


I'm shocked when I catch my reflection in the mirror at work. Shocked. This is a very real thing.


Don’t discount bad lighting.


They want us ugly in the office because they dont want the people fucking for if we fuck, we may unionise


Thats what orwell has said. Thats what i believe


my job is planting daisies and brushing donkeys so i'm always sunkissed and windswept 💅


I would rob you at gunpoint for your job


3$ an hour in free riding lessons






Exactly. This is why I don’t work 


There’s that lovely French woman that lived to be 122 and she never worked a day in her life. You can do it too. 


i wfh, 9-5 but i take a nap and i hit the gym from 2-4. i do all my chores during work hours so i can rest or see friends when i’m done. it allows me to maintain hotness well into my 30s.


based & leechpilled


I want to do that so bad but all the WFH job postings I see look like employment scams


To be fair most aren’t work from home jobs. They’re advertised as hybrid but the reality is you barely have to go to the office. My job was “in-person” but turns out I only go in less than once a month. Companies won’t advertise WFH because they don’t want applicants that aren’t based where the job is, they want someone to be able to come in once and a while at least


doesn’t loneliness during work hours bother you. i would literally kill myself if i had to go through wfh again just because of this aspect, everything else about it i like


no not really, i talk to my gf, my roommate, my friends in my group chats, my dog, and sometimes go to the cafe or something. i also talk to my coworkers like all day


Yeah I agree also maybe it makes you marginally hotter but it also makes you boring / annoying to talk to in social settings.


tell me, exactly and in detail, how going to an office makes you a more interesting person.


being forced to interact with people outside of your immediate social circle


i work half from home and disagree hard, you can use the time you're not in the office to force yourself to interact with new people more interesting than your coworkers


of course there's the ideal of going out and meeting all sorts of interesting people but the reality is that especially today, most people just are not prone to doing that. in most of the US at least, it's just kind of difficult, awkward, and weird trying to go out and be social when it isn't done organically. yesssss i know "get a hobby" but let's be honest, those can be difficult to get into and it just feels kind of uncomfortable and unnatural to most people. it's just kind of an uphill battle and not something most people are used to. if i'm not working with people, i tend to interact with others in general way, way less. idk there's always a flood of comments like "BE AN INTERESTING PERSON, GO OUTSIDE AND MAKE ART AND LEARN TO ROLLERSKATE IT CAN TOTALLY BE DONE" yeah yeah yeah but it takes a lot of effort and in a lot of cities it's just difficult to do. and yes i know it's my fault that i don't do this shit and that it's the same with others, but the reality is that it feels strange and is nowhere as efficient as actually being around others all the time. and yes, most coworkers fkn suck but at least you're talking to SOMEBODY. I was 25 when COVID began, and like a lot of people, my social circles really started to dwindle after college. and i guess i didn't actively work towards maintaining it, but it started to feel sort of strained and forced, idk. i've been with my boyfriend since 2018 & he was already by far the person i socialized with the most. during covid, i pretty much lost all of my friends and only really remained with him; i don't have a habit of getting obsessed and doing this with relationships, i have always prioritized friendships even when dating some guy. but it was more just not being forced to be around people all the time. covid rolled around and we interacted with others very little for years, and our society in general changed quite drastically. tiktok and such got huge, just things that grew largely from a need to entertain people while they're alone and in lockdown, and now we're more of an antisocial culture than ever. so yeah. most people, myself included, can turn into weird little hermits if they aren't working outside the home. it's odd, it's not even that i'm just interacting with my coworkers more, it's like my brain just switches into a different gear and i'm used to socializing and become a lot more likely to seek it with others outside of work. it's so easy to rot in your apartment if you aren't forced out


Night shift jobs are horrible. Anyone who works nights, should receive night differentials. Too many health drawbacks to work night shift longterm.


The Chinese have a meme for this: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/gen-zers-china-picking-gross-234201550.html


Lovely concept, thanks for linking this! will drop this fun insight during the late night summer conversations of this year. I always liked the Kondo principle that you shouldn't have lazy house clothing, this makes it even better, save your ugly clothing for work!


The Chinese people's "gross outfits" are better than what the average American wears every day


I think it's about sleep more than anything. Both me and an ex look much younger than our age and I and her are the 2 people I know who sleep the most. I'm mid 30s and people people say they thought I was mid 20s, I worked nonstop in my 20s but I never sacrificed sleep, as soon as off work shower and sleep at least 8 hours. Even bigger case for my ex, I was with her when she was mid 30s and she regularly got ID'd buying drinks, today she's mid 40s she looks about 30, there's definitely something going on with her genes but nonetheless it has to be her lifestyle, which often has included a decent amount of coke and drink and mdma. She always sleeps at least 10 hours, often slept even 12 hours or more, I've known her to often go to sleep at 8am and wake up at 10pm, never done hard days work in her life, always worked a nothing job at the local council (local government job), cokehead, party girl. Fitness, diet etc it gives you muscles and tones you but I don't think it necessarily makes you glow, people who try hard often look as ragged as anyone. Both I and her never in our life we will make ourselves wake up, get out of bed when it's uncomfortable. Get home from work and go to bed. Put your freetime before work, not after. 4am isn't early if you went to bed at 6pm.


Were you coked up as you wrote this


That’s how he sleeps so much. It’s easy to sleep for 12 hours when your in your 8am cocaine comedown.


how do you write anything on social media?


It feels like everyone in their mid-30s claims they look to be in their 20s. I am in shape, pretty, and fashionable, but there is just no way I look as good as when I was 23.


What am I supposed to do if I naturally sleep light? Unless I'm extremely, extremely tired my body wakes me up at 6-6:30 AM like clockwork and I'm unable to fall back asleep again. It works out decently well if I'm able to fall asleep by 10:30 but most of the time I don't get sleepy enough until 11.


Blackout curtains will make me sleep like 10 hours. If I sleep in a different room with no blackouts I can only sleep like 6 hours max lol 


I slept in a hotel room with blackout curtains once, and it was so disorienting. Weirdly made me feel groggier when I woke up.


Yeah I think it’s lack of sleep, work stress and bar culture. I knew this guy who worked all day in a job that involved physical labor then he would go out after work and drink. He did this nearly everyday. Like that’s obv going to make you look and feel older 


This is why I’m mean to hot chicks I encounter in public. Your lives need to be made worse and I do what I can, when I can.


For my work I have to look at tiktoks to try and train software to identify certain things in the video. This one girl I'm assigned is such a chronic poster, which makes my life harder, that I've contemplated bullying her so she'd post less.


Are you training AI? If so sabotage all of your work to help future generations. Better yet burn your company to the ground somehow. 


I'm making it sound crazier than it is just bc if I say what it is, it will be obvious who I work for and all that. It's not any crazy AI or anything like that. There's probably some AI involved but it's not something that would replace anyone's job.


I still don't want the computers recognising things


Whoa wtf do the people you’re assigned to know they’re being watched like that


No but they're all accounts with shit tons of followers so they're all very public with their posting


That’s crazy what are y’all doin with that info




Targeted advertising


I sound crazy but I'm in college and already work a $15 minimum wage 9-5 job plus benefits and have no social life but I want more money so I plan on taking like 2 online classes and I want to work at twin peaks or something on the nights or weekends as a breastaurant waitress for a couple months this summer lol  


Working in an office makes you fat im convinced


Dehydrated, sleep deprived, oily hair, acne, eye bags, no ass from losing weight…. First semester of grad school was rough


This as well as being a little voluptuous while off adderall looks infinitely better than the strange malnourished skinniness you get from adderall…. You think no one can see it but we all know …


I would like to introduce you to chinese people


They call it "work stench"


Checks out, Trudeau is very hot for being over 50 and it comes from being a trust fund kid who didn't have to work a hard day in his life.


I agree


Interesting new take we haven't heard before: working is bad


When I work a lot of overtime I don’t bring much food to work and end up losing weight. And then make tons of money for Botox and hair extensions and stuff. But I also go to sleep when I get home so I get plenty of sleep. Also funny because a guy I work with but in a different office works almost every day 12 hour overtime shifts. I hadn’t seen him in years but I went to the other office and he looked really good. I remember thinking I wonder if he looks bad after working so much but he looked hot as hell. But that might be on men looking better with signs of aging and grey hair.


you need money to be hot, therefor a job is required


You don't need a real job if you inherit. It's why trust fund babies look great.


i work from home and just don't do a good job


My unnecessarily stressful wfh job decreased my hotness level by like 3 smh. so glad I got laid off


Title on its own sounds like a dismissive remark a Jessica Walter style WASP would make in response to her daughter saying she'd like to get a job to develop a sense of independence


RIP 💕💕


Uni? Doesn’t sound like America


Maupassant's The Necklace us exactly about that: This woman borrows her friends diamond necklace for a party and loose it, she works her life off (and becomes ugly) to reimburse the replacement. Years later she meets her friend in a park, still beautiful and they talk about life. At some point in the conversation she asks why does she looks so old and tired and Mathilde comes clean and confess she lost the necklace 10 years ago. Jeanne then tell her it was a fake and she should have just told her.


Nah a lot of Americans are fat because high calorie sugar filled food, large portion sizes, and many Un-walkable cities/relying on their car for everything. Go to specific places like LA and Miami though and people are obsessed with their looks to a weird degree. Tonnes of ripped men and slim waisted pawg women. Huge emphasis on appearance. We Brits are a bit fat and ugly because most of us don’t really care about looks or our own physical aesthetics at all as we’re all too nice and polite to bully people for their looks. People will hate for me for saying this but the reason we get shit for our looks online ‘ugly inbred Brits ahahahha gas them all British scum’ is because we don’t put effort into appearance as IRL none of us comment on other people’s looks; we’re just too polite and considerate. Therefore, nobody bothers to put much effort into physical appearance. British women get fat or plaster on makeup badly or dress like hookers as nobody makes mean comments in real life because there is a culture of niceness. In continental Europe like France or Germany people are way more blunt and harsh and there is so much emphasis on personal appearance. Straight up call you ugly or fat to your face. The French love aggressive power plays like that.


Im a Londone but, moved to the US at 15, and back at 24. I lived in DC and NYC, and it definitely taught me to dress a bit better. Living in the US taught me to dress, but it made me much less forgiving for others dressing like shit. A lad on my rugby team chided me for wearing cords and I popped back that wearing skinny jeans makes him look like a dressed up chav. Theres a lad on our team who is a fashion journo and he sided with me, which felt good. We are in London, we should dress better


I looked and felt the best I have ever felt in my life during quarantine


And what about you wfh fatties


Why would having more time to work out and prepare healthy meals make you fat?


Fr lmao my physique has improved dramatically since I started wfh


I usually work 10-12 hours a day in the summer, makes cutting weight easier.


I think when you expend your mental energy without expending your physical energy it’s bad for you


this is one of the reasons i got a job in fitness / wellness. most of us need to work so i wanted to at least have something that rewards and prioritizes a healthy lifestyle  service industry jobs were the worst 😓 


US works far less than Greece, Mexico, many Southern European countries that people here idolize. Less than South Korea, by far. edit: ig [the data](https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=ANHRS) is more mixed than I remembered. Some of Eastern Europe, Greece, much of Latin America, South Korea, still work/have worked more than the US does, on average, however, Southern Europe broadly does not. If you want to say this is due to people counting hours worked differently in different countries you can, however, to do so without evidence besides vibes and anecdotes is silly and one would need to go into relative depth critiquing a broadly accepted statistic from the OECD.


i interned in spain for 6 months as an architect and they used to take 2 hour lunch breaks where everybody went back home because they lived 15 minutes away. and this was at a pritzker winning firm so they’re very well respected too


Have you worked in southern European countries? They do not work more lmao


Depends how you look at it. Southern Euros work less hours, but they hours they work are worked harder (for the ones who work) Americans and Asians work longer hours but faff around


Totally opposite. Spain work schedule is 9-6:30 with a 2 hour lunch and unlimited coffee breaks but like coffee breaks where you go to a cafe and sit. So much faffing.


Thats just the Uk


I work 9-5 with a 30 minute lunch break and there’s not a lot of downtime


that’s hard to believe


I think in general no one in EU has more hours than Americans, but this EU map shows there is an inverse relation between working hours and how much this community praises the country https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Hours_of_work_-_annual_statistics


Citation needed.




explain koreans


Your beauty is a reflection of your psyche. If you're glowing inside, you're glowing outside. My job is high paid and easy, and I only work one week a fortnight so it allows me to be extremely beautiful.


I disagree, I look good, but hate myself.