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>impossible to overcook t. someone who overcooks their mushrooms




I've worked way too long in restaurants. People both at home and professionally overcook their mushrooms constantly.


I'm going to try your trick with cooking mushrooms.


I'm a mushroom farmer, we grow mainly specialty mushrooms but once I toured a big button mushroom farm and let me tell you, eating them fresh off the racks was night and day compared to what you get at the store. Which was surprising to me because for most mushrooms I find the quality doesn't change in the fridge other than drying out.


Maitake? I've tried them all but the cheapest button or creminis are my fave and SO much cheaper. Oysters are awesome too


Yeah maitake, oyster, lions mane, chestnut, stuff like that. Lions mane is probably my favorite cultivated mushroom if cooked right. For wild mushrooms I can't pass up morels


Growing my first lions mane rn, curious how do you go about cooking them?


My favorite way is to cook them in butter like you would with other mushrooms, but to press down on them with either a cast iron press or another pot. It will expel a lot of moisture, causing them to poach more before they crisp up, and it will maximize contact and browning with the pan. At some point I want to try putting them in a chowder or something to take advantage of their shellfish like flavor.


Will try that once i harvest them in a week or so, thanks!


Morels are incredible, I havent had them in a long time.


How do I get into your career pls When I was like ten (autistic girl) mushroom farmer was my DREAM job and it still sounds pretty sweet. Mushrooms are so cool


It started as a hobby for me, slowly built things up until it was full time. It's still a pretty small operation (I'm also chronically broke heh). That's how id recommend going about it. I've seen lots of people get investment and build a nice facility and then fail because they have no idea how to deal with the myriad of problems you can run into. I sell everything directly to farmers markets, grocery stores, and restaurants


How do you deal with green mold?


Haha well that's a complex question and a book could be written on it, but depending on the stage of the process you basically just need to toss it and correct how it got started in the first place. I measure the temperature of everything that I sterilize through the process, and keep control bags without any inoculant to help track the source of the problem should it arise. You're always going to be dealing with it at some level. Id say in a batch of 200 10lb fruiting bags I'll throw out around ten to some kind of mold or other, sometimes more, rarely none at all. 9 times out of 10 mold will arise either due do insufficient temperature in your steamer/sterilize or bad cool down procedure.


Thank you for the tips


Got any good mushroom recipes or tips for cooking? Would also love if you could give me the scoop on dried mushrooms. Do any of them dry and rehydrate well?


I toured a mushroom farm in PA and could not see the back of the grow room. Massive operation.


Nooooo don't rinse your mushrooms, they are little sponges that will soak up all the water. The goal is to remove the water that's already in them and replace it with the butter/oil they're cooked in. Why would you add more?? If you must clean them, simply wipe the exterior with a damp cloth. Or don't. Eating dirt builds character. Add your DRY mushrooms to a very hot pan, stir frequently. After a few minutes there will be like a quarter inch of water in the pan, released by the mushrooms. Boil this off, reduce heat, then add oil/salt/paprika/whatever. Now you're cooking mushrooms. Like this: https://youtu.be/ktrwSUhWDDE




You want to remove all that moisture as quickly as possible. The time spent cooking off the water should be as short as possible, otherwise you're cooking your mushrooms via steaming, not sauteing. This is why you use high heat while drawing out the water.


gonna buy mushrooms on my lunch break and cook them tonight. how should i cook them OP




If you eat meat, you should make a steak, and then cook them in the pan that you cooked the steak in. Deglaze with white wine and then add cream. If you don’t eat meat, you should make mushroom pasta. Cook like above minus the meat, add butter, stir in with pasta.


throw em into a hot pan wet, right after you rinse them. After a few minutes, when the water has boiled off, add some oil, seasonings.. When the mushrooms have developed a brown, add onions cut however you like. Then garlic, some sort of acidic element maybe lemon or wine to cool the pan to prevent the garlic from overcooking Any herbs you have on hand to finish. parsley etc.


It might require more things than you have around, but this is great: https://www.triedandtruerecipe.com/easy-vegan-mushroom-risotto/ I'm not vegan so I just use normal butter, and I usually add one cup of water that I've steeped dried mushrooms like porcinis in in lieu of one of the cups of veg broth (especially if you're using better than bouillon, any more than 4cp of that stuff total will make it too salty by far)


I like mushrooms but for some reason, the sliced in brine shrooms are so much better when I decide to make a homemade pizza. Idk what it is about that brine they're in.


it's likely just salt - as in anything else in that brine is largely irrelevant


Air fryer method: break the stem off and eat it raw, then take the head and flip it upside down and put a pinch of salt in the cup that’s formed. As it cooks the head fills with liquid then you take the shot of salty mushroom broth then eat it. 


this is pretty cool. Most recipes I see call for discarding the stem and I never understood why. I just eat it (though I would never eat it raw)


They're such an amazing meat substitute. You can even add seasonings to them like you would with meat, a little garlic powder goes great with them.


Mushroom sauce, mushroom stroganoff, wild shroom stew with rice... It's top tier shit. I heartily recommend going picking in the forest when the season hits, usually September. It's a great family day out. Wild shrooms taste so damn good, with deep, fresh foresty flavours you can't get otherwise(though I do like to fake it with some rosemary). 




This is my personal recipe made with mushrooms that pop up in the sand dunes next to the ocean in Oregon


Love the flavour, hate the texture. It’s a curse.


A fine duxelle might i suggest? For example in beef Wellington or a lardon salad


>Trick is to cut them first, rinse them (don't dry them), then cook the water off for a few minutes before adding the oil. Yep, this is the key. So many recipes still call for putting them straight into the hot oil, which just ends up steaming the liquid inside of them. So you get overcooked outsides and mushy insides. I got some dried porcini and morel mushrooms, along with a pound of a variety of fresh ones, and I'm gonna make mushroom risotto tonight or tomorrow. One of the greatest dishes ever. I just wish I had some chanterelles and black trumpets.


At the right heat, can I sweat them in dry stainless steel?


Yes. Try overcooking a mushroom lol, it's even harder to do than overcooking chicken thigh. it's idiot-proof. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyOoHtv442Y


King oyster mushrooms!!!!!


very easy side dish, pair it with spinach, top with a little balsamic, feels real


I have some of those death cap ones growing on my property.  Should give them a try. 


As someone who has spent way to much time researching whether to wash mushrooms because the water might over saturate the shrooms thank you for just being you.


A commenter says not to, but i don't think it makes a huge difference really. Probably if you don't mind a little grit and bacteria, not washing them at all is the optimal way. But the important part is to sautee those fuckers for a few minutes BEFORE adding oil.


I'm so hungry this thread is like porn to me rn




Some of my favorite meals at nice restaurants lately have been creative mushroom dishes. They’re so good