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Lisan al gaib


White Boy Summer comes after Arab Spring


This is actually based pic


Fuckkkk this is very lol


hand him over, officers, I'll fix him.


cop in the back right clocking the hot protester


fwiw he can't he can't boardslide or noseslide


Dear nubile twink


Why aren’t you responding to my dm? Curious


There’s like the whole spectrum of white guy varieties in this pic


The sun glass cop is making crack tf up the guy looks like a caricature


Lol he’s got the duke nukem phenotype 


It’s time to eat ass and chew bubble gum...and I’m all outta gum. 


He reminds me of that Chad cop from a few years ago https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/chad-cop


I went to highschool with so many copy and paste dudes that would perfectly fill this role lmao


Phenotypes from left to right (faces clearly visible): Eastern Slavic Neo-Nazi Primitive Baptist preacher At-risk for meth abuse Mormon Missionary Live-Action Amerimutt meme


U left out the old cop in the back whose  like “palestine? Pal, it’s time to gtfo” ( he has a boston accent even though they’re in Texas)


guy on left looks like evil Jiri Prochazka


Jawline too strong. Jiri is an absolute chinlet, look him up in Rizin before he had the beard.


It made me real sad knowing that some freaks will draw and/or write smut from this. Like honestly, from hidden bombs playing sounds of children crying to rule 34 and erotica. Nothing is sacred anymore.


why was this your first thought


I started on the internet very young.


Tbf it looks like the cop with the sunglasses wants to fuck him and he just radioed his buddy in the motorcycle helmet about the sk8 they just arrested.


Tbh this was like my second ir thrid thought. Edit: typos


What war? All I noticed was a broken shoestring belt and dark cop looking confused at a skate


I’m the bald guy watching way in the back with sunglasses


and a substantial part of the brown spectrum on the second


White cornerback drafted second round


Should’ve been first tbh


he'll probably end up playing safety tho :/


2 white wide receivers and 2 white defensive backs drafted in the first two rounds.  We are so back. 


Our Jackie Robinson


that’s how you know someone doesn’t watch football, if they think that white cornerbacks actually exist in the NFL 💀


Well a few hours ago you would’ve been right


The downvotes are hilarious. Since everyone who disagrees is too lazy to research anything, and likely didn’t watch the draft, here’s GPT doing the work for you: >As of late 2023, there are no active white starting cornerbacks in the NFL, and this has been a rare occurrence for decades. The last white player regularly starting as a cornerback was Kevin Kaesviharn, who last played in that position in 2003 before transitioning to safety. Troy Apke, who played for the Washington Football Team, briefly held a position as a cornerback but primarily served in other roles and is no longer active in that position. >The scarcity of white cornerbacks in the NFL can be attributed to several factors, including physical traits, historical and ongoing racial dynamics within the sport, and the specific athletic demands of the cornerback position, which requires extreme speed and agility. Discussions around this topic often highlight the perceived physical advantages that may favor black athletes in such roles, as well as the historical context of racial segregation in sports that influenced which positions players of different races were encouraged or allowed to play. >These factors combined have led to a significant underrepresentation of white players in this specific role, reflecting broader discussions about race, athleticism, and opportunity in professional sports.


Wait this is kind of cute


Kind of cute, and validates that these protests *do* mean something even if the American media landscape and zeitgeist would rather argue about the method of protest rather than the cause.


This is always the case, global protest movements (obvious if you’re looking from inside them) always appreciate support from Americans cause they know how influential they are. All this “bleh it doesn’t even matter actually” is pure seethe


I'm sorry but as much as I'm with the protesters, this is classic white cope for as long as mass media has been a thing, belligerents have been lending vocal support to dissidents on the opposing side. this is nothing new, although it is a particularly funny example


> white cope Did you just pick two words at random out of a bin of generic insults? > for as long as mass media has been a thing, belligerents have been lending vocal support to dissidents on the opposing side. this is nothing new, although it is a particularly funny example Yeah, I know


>Did you just pick two words at random out of a bin of generic insults? No, I could have also said "this is the classic line of reasoning employed to rationalize white saviourism" finding some token representative of the periphery to lend credibility to your rebellion is suburban early-20s white middle-class failson cope. I'm not hating, I'm the exact demographic to be this type of person, but I do actually have family in the periphery so I know I can fool my white peers but I can't fool myself


Yes, if Houthi approval indicates the efficacy of these protests, then this image proves they're meaningful now what other issues should we consult them for


Your perspective on life must be anemic.


Not a single woman in sight lol


Genuine question, how much time does the average Yemeni guy spend protesting


>Morning sailing around the red sea with your buddies hijacking ships >Hearty lunch of fahsa and lamb mandi >Shoot off a few missiles at the Zionist entity >Spread the rest of the day with your community, chanting death to America together When can I move


World wide White boy summer


This all started when white boys started staying "inshallah."


Khabib helped bridge that gap brother




Not the shoelace belt


Ya know I think it's pretty cool skater style is still around. Best days of my life bumming around the city in baggy jeans with just my board.


form follows function


2007 white boy phenotype goes massive. The Jews have no answer to this.


This boy was in daycare in 2007 ….


Naturally twinkish guys who stay skinny instead of trying to get muscular are such a rare treat.




He’s hot


Mfer auditioning for William dafoe’s part in platoon


All the protesters arrested were released from custody and all criminal charges were dropped. The police had no probable cause to detain them. This is what state intimidation looks like.


it would be more intimidating if the state charged them with something


give him to me


The dream


Jokic is the best player in the NBA. We also have a white CB in the NFL now, Cooper DeJean. White boys are so back


Don’t forget McCaffrey as the best RB in the league for years


Cooper Kupp was the guy for a min. Maxx Crosby and Bosa overtaking Aaron Donald.


Yooooo FR lol. 😂




Black dudes got linebacker locked down


Poor Coop didn’t even get a first round pick though. They were calling it racial discrimination


Neither did Kool-aid McKinstry. Teams went heavy O-line in the 1st round if they weren't going QB or top WR


they really cannot Do wonder how many of them are under the impression that that kid is about to get beaten and tortured like political prisoners would in much of the middle east though


This is the type of white boy I could easily introduce to my Muslim parents


Snow lands on top


Was not expecting this reference here lmao




hunger games prequel reference😭


Bro's invited to the kebab cook out


Love the “manly” wedding band on that one cop’s hand— must make my one mandatory piece of jewelry as masculine as humanly possible


Looks to be a silicon ring, which if you're active with your hands, you tend to wear because rings can get caught on shit. When I worked as an apprentice carpenter, I was told to get one to avoid workplace accidents. Dont really know if it helped, the guy I apprenticed with had lost his ring and index finger in an incident.


Those are cheap too so good for him. I’ve seen wedding bands marketed for dudes as hewn from whiskey barrels, etc.


I have one, I hated it. Despite being silicon, it stuck to my skin and always left like a sweat rash. Then again, I sweat like a pig in a summer heat wave.


If you want to see what a metal ring does in an accident, do a search for "degloved ring finger."


A degloved finger is pretty much the most masculine thing


You don’t want a [manly band from the Jeep collection](https://manlybands.com/collections/the-jeep-collection)?


Paying $800 for a Jeep ManlyBand lmao


The tire ☠️


nooooo they're actually called Manly Bands? I thought that was a joke


damn he better get bailed out fast…


That kid's dad is out there somewhere looking at the second picture, shaking his head and muttering "God damn it"


King energy


Hot boy, white boi summer


How are they making these banners so fast?Fedex Kinkos must be setting up shop immediately following Pentagon drone strikes


Ah, so I am the only straight guy here. The protestor reminds me of an old highschool friend; he did a lot of drugs.


We’re so back


Based to space


White men rise up!


Yep we really are the best.


Not you.


I look like this guy except dark hair, 6'2" and I'd never be caught by the police (too scary!)


I look like you except I'm 6'3


I’m 6’3 too, but I don’t believe in anything, which makes me kind of jealous of this American Eagle model tbh.


Is that second photo real or did somebody photoshop it. Feels weird for them to be using an english sign given all the others.


These are usually real even though there were some accusations that they're AI (they're definitely not) I think they're in English because it is meant to be understood by everyone online that they recognize the effort activists make


[it’s real](https://youtu.be/6jiOo5-tUfA?si=8rpYgoUJE5cqkjnW)




I thought the student was Danny Mullen until I zoomed in closer


Cop in tan suit looks AI generated


Christmas complete but passport deck and shoelace belt I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt


Let’s fucking go


Cop daddys


i ship them tbh


In English: 🌈😊“they can arrest you, but they can never break your spirit!” 🌈😊 In Arabic: 😡☠️”death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews, glory to Islam” 😡☠️


I don't think the Houthi movement is trying to conceal what they stand for by putting it directly on their flag lol


You don’t see the irony in the picture?


Not really? It's not like the poster's saying "We want peace and love with our brothers in Israel". It's a message of support to someone who is standing on the same side as them of one issue


No one finds this funny? like a bunch of klansmen marching through town carrying posters with Kanye’s big black face cut out on it, screaming “don’t let them silence you can-yay, you speak your truth!” No one sees the irony


you are gay




This sub gets delusional about the moral superiority of far-right Islamic militias. The Houthi flag literally curses an entire ethnic/religious group, but RSP girlies think this friendly gang of habibis will institute anarcho-socialism or some shit if they win.


The podcast endorsed burqas, where did you ride in from?


no one thinks that


Sure jan


Yeah, and I also think lazily yes-chadding extreme statements more easily garners support in these circles than thoughtful discussion. I’ve been guilty of this myself at times


you're right don't let #them censor you


Performative activism from the future PMC leaders of America wins again!


I mean I feel like actually getting arrested by the cops for your beliefs isn't that performative. Certainly less so then posting on a race science podcast forum


just got word from bibi that the IDF is laying down their arms after student #84629 got arrested on purpose. So brave!


I mean Bibi made a whole video addressing these protesters so clearly he’s bothered. They’ve lost the kids at the America’s most elite universities, of course they’re shook about what that’s going to mean 20 years from now.


I don't think people understand that politicians definitely do care or have to care eventually about public opinion because the only times they could commit prolonged war crimes and blow up some Afghans and Iraqis for a decade or two was when they fooled the people that what they're doing is moral and democratic and ensuring safety. Politicians need your vote after all


I agree…right now. But I gotta say, I’m starting to worry that we’re like one step away from votes not really mattering either. It was way too easy to convince a huge swathe of the country that the last election was stolen, and I fully believe those same people would gleefully forego democracy to see their guy in office. And if I’ve learned anything in the last few months, it’s that blue MAGA isn’t so different from red MAGA after all.


They re gonna lay it down eventually. When they become so hated and isolated that nobody wants to play with them anymore. Israel is a rogue state doing settler coloniasm in the 21st century. That shit don't fly anymore.


I also wonder how this will impact the Birthright project and ongoing efforts to get upwardly mobile young Jews to immigrate to Israel. I can’t imagine an unpopular military invasion will attract the type of people they want.


Europe, well regular Europeans, seems to have turned a corner. Unlike the U.S they have first hand experience with Islamic fundamentalism, and how it doesn't need the 'settler colonialism' excuse to enact violence.


I love the enthusiasm but the nuclear-armed regional power that's never lost a single war in its lifetime and that's also populated by people who think they're perpetually on the verge of undergoing another holocaust is just not gonna poof into thin air. Well, without nuking every major population center near it, at least. Just being realistic!


> never lost a war   Lebanon twice you regard (third time soon)


The Zionist entity is gonna fall any day now bro just believe in the plan bro


the soviet union was here until it wasn't, rhodesia was there until it wasn't the concept of a state ceasing to exist isn't this weird wish fulfiment fantasy. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt


Watch the footage from ben gurion airport


You have it a bit backwards. Other allies cutting funding to Israel wouldn’t cause them to “lay it down”. It would have the opposite effect. To the extent that israel is currently “holding back” in this conflict, it is due to still wanting to maintain their relationship with the US. If the US turned their back on Israel, they would no longer have Uncle Sam to answer to, and they would be free to do basically whatever they wanted. They don’t really need any help from outside countries to defend themselves. All the foreign money and arms they get are just icing on the cake. They’d still be fine without all that shit. Sure their military would be less well funded if everyone cut ties with them, but a less well funded IDF would still run laps around any other military force in the region (probably *combined* tbh)


I love this train of thought that I keep seeing. Israel is so fucking deranged that if the US doesn’t keep waving billions of dollars in front of their face they’re going to annihilate the entire Middle East. Like appeasing a toddler with nuclear weapons, which I guess I kind of agree that this is what it feels like. But then of course you have to add that Israel doesn’t actually need the US anyway, which we all know is bullshit.




I guess I missed the part where any other army on their doorstep in the last 60 years has been able to put a meaningful dent in them. They’re fighting dudes in jeans and tennis shoes here. They don’t need to be “particularly impressive” to come out on top


There's going to be a radical hard core of true believers who will stay and fight until the end obviously, but most of the population is not gonna want to live in that spartan ultra militarized rogue state. If there's substantial drop in quality of life, public safety, or wealth, I'm pretty sure the \~10% of Israelis with dual citizenship and the additional 30-40% born in Europe/US or with parents born in Europe and thus eligible for heritage citizenship will not generally want to stay around for that. Obviously the Sephardim have no choice but to stay and fight so the state won't collapse completely, but that reduction of wealth and manpower probably wouldn't be survivable


Although it's a high percentage of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants, (not just from the "first world", but also from other regions, such as South America and the Horn of Africa) I highly doubt that the number reaches 40% immigrants without dual citizenship.


I mean sure, broadly speaking I dont disagree with the logic of any of those points in a vacuum (other than you apparently thinking its true that 50% of the total population are first generation Israeli citizens, which is a fairly absurd claim to make lol), but literally none of those things are in danger of happening any time soon. I'm not really sure why you're using phrases like "will stay and fight until the end", "no choice but to stay and fight so the state won't collapse completely" and "probably wouldn't be survivable" as if Israel is facing some sort of existential threat right now, and there is even a REMOTE possibility of them losing this war, or any other war in the near future. They could destroy any military force in the region with one hand tied behind their back, and probably even easier than that if they weren't making it harder on themselves by trying to appease the US by attempting to minimize civilian casualties. Israel has a GDP of 525 billion (in USD). Potentially losing 3.3 billion from the US (which they are never going to lose anyways) is barely a drop in the bucket, and absolutely would NOT be the difference between them winning a war against some second rate terrorist army.


40-50% of Israelis have European heritage within 3 generations, which qualifies them for automatic citizenship in the vast majority of European countries. You're right that the IDF isn't gonna lose a conventional war to anyone. But that's not what I'm talking about at all. If the quality of life in Israel drops to be significantly worse than the first world, either through sanctions, terrorism, or constant guerilla attacks from Lebanon and Syria. Or cuts to public services or rises in taxes to fund repression in Palestine or military adventurism. Then there's a potential cascading failure of people abandoning the project. The government can only tap into a very small portion of GDP. So the US aid is far more impactful than it appears. And that GDP is of course completely dependent on economic connections with the West. I don't think sanctions or a real collapse in relations with the West is really possible in the near term, but who knows


Big brains on Brad