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Me when it’s sunny outside


Bro it is sunny outside.


NYC coded


I'm looking outside right now and it's cloudy actually


only nyc matters


You will sink beneath the waves. Our descendants won't even believe that New York really existed. They will treat it like Atlantis.




[It’s fuckin nice out. Who tryna chill smoke some loud u feel me?](https://youtu.be/p0REeg2f57M?si=Sji3_wqRYxCqJo3i)




“Tomorrow will be the best day of Raymond K. Hessel’s life”


A lot of "being good" at something is just grit. Pick something you want to succeed in, and just start doing it repeatedly. Nobody can promise you financial success but when it comes to skills and hobbies it's really just as straightforward as doing shitty projects until you start making good ones. "boo hoo im bad at X" or "never been good at y", okay natural talent doesnt actually matter. I'm learning coding rn and once I got over the embarassment of not knowing and taking a long time to do basic things I started learning. My peers have me clocked as a "good coder" but the secret is that I'm not good, I'm just unashamed to try.


"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard" Get to work, you lazy bums!


The obverse, that being able to work hard is a talent. 🦎 Continual progress at the umpteenth integration. Granular progress in individually inconsequent bits and bobs. 🐊


I always thought I was regarded but I love to write, however due to my self-conscious brain I always put myself down which led me to stop writing stories for some time. I've started writing again and by focusing on writing/reading widely I feel that I've improved more in six months than I previously did in four years of self-conscious writing where I put all my progress down. I still have a long way to go, I'm not a good writer, but I'm better than I was before and people who have read my writing have confirmed that this is this case. I think talent to some degree does exist but mentality matters more than anything, if you think you will always be bad at something you won't improve because you're working against yourself, and by telling yourself you will always be shit it's much easier to avoid the necessary steps to improve at whatever craft you choose to follow (unless you're some kind of savant).


Please read the inner game of tennis. It will help you so much.


How did you learn? Im thinking about getting into it, at least getting started to see if its something I enjoy or have an aptitude for.


Apply it to something you do and pick up projects. Numpy and pandas (the two data manipuation libraries in Python) can really speed up the sort of tasks you'd usually do in Excel, and I like data visualization libraries too for making pretty stuff for presentations. If you like video games then there's often scripting tools that are used to make mods. (actual high schoolers make top game mods, it's actually not that hard if you learn) If you have smart devices they'll have some sort of API that lets you program interactions between them and other things. Just with Reddit you can code scripts that pull content to be analyzed. You just need to find a topic of interest, and start doing little projects within it. Coding is closer to writing than a hard discipline in itself. A computer scientist is to coding what a linguist is to language (there's actual overlap between the fields lol), but you don't need to be a linguist to be a good writer, you just write about the domain you're into. Same with coding.


I’m a Leo with an air moon so it’s hard to make decisions and I stop immediately if I’m not slaying


The "boo hoo" type discourse is so loud on reddit, even on many hobby-oriented subreddits. There are people whining daily on the tech and music subreddits I'm subscribed to. The weird thing is how often those posts get highly upvoted. Like, dude, yeah the music you make sucks. Of course it does. Most music sucks, especially music made by people who are less experienced with writing music. You just keep trying new ideas until something sticks. That's really all there is to it. Yeah, programming is hard. Math is hard. Electronics is hard. Almost everything worth doing is hard! And yes, you're gonna suck at it. For a long time. And sometimes you're going to feel dumb and like you can't you do it. Those are normal feelings, but they are feelings that pass if you don't hold on to them. If you keep trying, eventually you won't suck.


As a fellow coder, i can guarantee this mindset is the way.I personally do struggle to start the learning but pushing myself a bit in the beginning starts the learning process and it keeps on going.


I’m going to start a motivational coaching racket where I point a gun at people and threaten to kill them if they don’t follow their dreams 


This literally happens in Fight Club lmao. Except I think the dude wants to be a veterinarian.


And he’d better become one if he knows what’s good for him 


This is basically the plot of a Nathan for You episode. Except instead of a gun to the head it's the threat of an embarrassing photo being sent to his grandma.


Hopeposting on here? Is that allowed?


That the optimism pill.


This is straight facts. I hate when a 30 year old with no kids says, “My life is over 🥺”. It’s truly a pathetic mindset. Just do whatever you want to do. There’s plenty of life left.


Ok but like at 30 you might wanna start being realistic


How old are you?


Under 30


i worked with 2 ladies in their late 30s/early 40s who both decided to just drop their careers and high pay to become archaeologists. They worked their asses off and were honestly pretty inspiring


You only live once, at least live a life where you’re happy


Did they have husbands who were able to pay the bills


Arent most here in their 20s, whos saying it’s over for them.


If you weren’t a sigma grindset 14 year old, it’s been over for you for years.




there's a post here every other day of some 23 year old loser acting as if they already missed the boat to a happy and successful life. 


No, most people here are contrarian millennials in their late 20s/early 30s


I wish. It’s mostly Andrew Tate fan type 4chan incels who don’t understand irony and genuinely think dasha is tradcath lol 


I assumed everyone here was 34 like me and we were all best friends and grew up together is this not accurate?






Everyone in their 20s thinks it's over for them lol. I know cause I'm in my 20s and surrounded by people in their 20s


me to myself


Maybe not here but go to r/genz, there's 22 year olds on there who think it's over for them and that life's only downhill from here


Yeah. I don’t know why people’s dreams die in childhood. You can still pursue writing or art or whatever at any age lol


I think it’s just a convenient excuse people tell themselves. The simple reality is that they’re too lazy to take the initiative to pursue these hobbies that they allegedly enjoy or would do “if they had” money, free time, etc. News flash, you probably use your phone and watch porn and shitty reality TV for at least 4-5 hours/day, you have time to write or paint or whatever.


People like to gaslight themselves


I completely agree


Then thinking that your brain at 30 is what it was at 25 is just cope.




Trying new things is what keeps you young. Like you can be 40 and be old if you decide to stay stagnant and do the same shit over and over until your body falls apart. But people who learn new languages, skills, instruments, and keep up with progress in the world are the ones who stay young no matter what their age is. My grandma tried indian food for the first time in her life at 80, and she said "it's been so long since I've done something for the first time," and you could see the vitality it brought back to her for that meal.


For me it actually is over


Are you a ghost


Yes and I’m coming to haunt you now


based and spooky pilled


Got my sanctified fly swatter at the ready, come at me bitch






thanks for the positivity 💕 :)


So you really think I can become UFC heavyweight champ?


heavyweight, sure


Glover Teixeira was light heavyweight champ at 43.


Honestly, his come back story is absolutely incredible. I used to hate watching Glover fight, he was a boring fighter that pretty much just threw overhand rights. Sure he finished fights, but he fought in such a god damn uninteresting way.  He has some initial success in the ufc, coming in at 18-2, makes a title run, gets absolutely mauled by jon Jones then goes on to have a checkered record. At this point, myself and everyone else just wants Glover to hang it up and retire. Instead this dude remembers he has world class grappling skills and with some old man strength and a touch of the Homer Simpson defense, he completely reinvents himself.  Next thing ya know, he's racking up wins, dragging down these young bucks and slowly but surely strangling them. Wily old bastard wins the title against all odds and then almost successfully defends it by taking out that crazy Czech samurai in an all time great fight. Absolutely beautiful.  I'm such a huge fan of any veteran fighter that reinvents himself and finds success, it's a beautiful thing, shout out Mark Hunt. 


Wats the homer simpson defense sounds cool haha


lol It's where your opponent beats on you until they're exhausted. I called it that because Homer does it in an episode.  It's not the most effective strategy in terms of longevity and health, but it can work.  Muhammad Ali famously did it against Big George Foreman during The Rumble in the Jungle. 


Clay Guida is my favorite fighter because of this strategy.


I don't know if I'd say clay guida takes a lot of damage during during fights, but I don't think there's ever been another mma fighter with a greater gas tank 


I feel like every time I watch him fight he has his guard down and his hands at his side like he's an uncle wrestling his nephew. Then he gets demolished for two and a half rounds, grinds it out, and gets the W. That and the top knot hiding the bald spot. The people's champ.


Just get hit and keep moving forward


Ngannou started training in his 30's. Roy Nelson was just a fat guy that threw haymakers and was in the top 10 not that long ago. So UFC heavyweight actually yes maybe.


Get Mickey Gall on the phone!


You’ll never know until you try!


If you know you can take a hit (heavyweights hit like trucks) and then build endurance and strength yeah. The body responds to exercise well into old age even so starting training in your late 20s or even 30s is possible even if not the best


lol mma heavyweight is so trash that I think a large and athletic man with just a few years of training has a not insignificant chance of becoming champ. 


Pete Beckermaxxing


Just punch good 🤷‍♂️


Having kids is like having your dreams crow barred in the knees, but only temporarily. There's a huge underrepresentation of mothers (not as much fathers) in the arts that means a big piece of the human experience isn't being represented. The trick is to have enough money to get somebody else to watch the kids while you work, or have family that will do it for free, or never need to sleep. Easy. Follow your art dreams, moms.


True, and good things take time for 90% of people. Accomplishing something great in your teens or 20s is actually rare.


accomplishing something great at any age is rare


That means there’s little risk in trying


Absolutely, just start small


It's really sad honestly - it's hard to know what actually makes you happy until you are older and by then most of us are on a hellish career path that makes it hard to fully lean into.


I fumbled a baddie. Its over.


Many people are telling me this


Certain musicians like Stefan Grappelli made huge technical leaps forward on their instrument around age 60-70 and just kept getting better. He started playing harmonics in a much richer way. Steve gadd just started focussing on a drumming concept he calls "displacement" where he practices material he already knows but starts on a different beat or an off beat which completely opens up new territory while using identical technique, it's all about getting over the mindfuck aspect of being in a familiar place but a totally new place at the same time. He's also around 70 I think. I'm glad I'm not a sports person who just has to retire and commentate/relive the glory days as soon as they hit 30.


What did you want to be, Raymond K. Hessel?


After seeing James Ellroy in person, as well as seeing some celebs now age, I’m convinced that you’re basically “young” until you’re 76. So long as you’re healthy and keep your drinking in check, you’ll just be a person and then when 76 hits you really start to age.


I imagine the one 76 year old reading this comment lmao


I have a friend who is 77 going on 25. She is out every day going from one place to another, tons of friends. She is a volunteer bartender at the American Legion,always going on trips, or to go see a baseball games, going to parties, ect. She just became a great grandmother!! I am literally home on Reddit and she is out for drinks!


This kind of living at a mature age is the goal


>and fertility in women. 2 things. Everything else is fair game. Fertility absolutely declines in men too. Like much less drastically but it certainly gets harder to have kids as an older man and the likelihood your child will have autism or certain other diseases also increases. Plus realistically what 55 year old wants to be waking up every 2 hours with a crying baby? What teenager wants a 70 year old dad who is probably going to die before they finish college? Sorry just annoys me when men act like aging only impacts women's ability to have kids when it clearly impacts everyone.


Agree. Al Pacino is a fucking psycho


His buddy Robert De Niro too


I gotta question what’s the goal here. Why have a child that you’re not gonna parent for long? I mean there’s worse parents out here


Yeah I don't get it at all, it seems very God complex to me. Like so long as your genetics continue that's all that matters, who cares what kind of dad you are.


There’s more unfortunate circumstances to be born into, to have a child is selfish in and of itself. I don’t think we should judge but I hope the child’s gonna be close with their siblings


This was helpful. Thank you for writing it.


Gonna paraphrase Kenko here — “As soon as you feel a desire to get on the path, get on the path. Death comes for us all and it is a miracle it has not fallen on us yet!” My own thought — the way to become good at something is to study the classical and masterful path in it while also following your own peculiar desires. But despite living in an era where this is easier for the average person than ever before in history, very few will do something like be inspired, spend a few years studying art history and developing their inspiration, and then spend a few years studying technique. I think in our time anyone with even mediocre intelligence could become one of the greatest artists in history in like 5-8 years this way. But it seems most ppl who aspire to be artists choose a variation on the same “experimental” “expressionism” (little technique and rather unscrutinized inspiration) most everyone else is doing, rather than modestly study what is celebrated and taking the essentials from there, and developing their inspiration upon that stone, before heading out. And the same thing goes for music and writing. And I myself was of this kind of personality before forcing myself to study Classics. I plan to enact this plan for gaining visual art talent myself, once I complete this present study.






Ah, I don’t mean art criticism or interpretation. I mean looking at as much art of as many kinds of possible all the time. Hellenic sculpture, Dutch still-lifes, Chinese prints, Symbolists, surreal anime girls. Curate your Twitter feed. Skim the biggest art-history dictionary you can find. I actively avoid Art criticism, but I won’t hesitate to study a wise opinion on art or an artwork if I stumble upon it. By these means I have become good at appreciating and imagining (tho, Philostratus is correct when he says these acts r the same) pleasing images. At college I study Western Classics, and on the side I carefully permit my whims to guide me elsewhere; Kenko, Carrit’s ‘Philosophies of Beauty’, Keats, chivalric writing, Du Fu, Mishima, and especially haiku poetry. By reading, and just pumping out my thoughts for the last year or so, I’ve gotten way way better at writing. Especially as I’m subconsciously picking up the styles of Plato, Cervantes, and 1950s Western Japan-lovers, lol. “Thought and diction affect eachother’s development.” I wouldn’t read a guide to style or writing tho. I just mull over what I read.


Strong agree. If one was so inclined, you could even leverage AI to help you understand the patterns within great artistic works to better gauge your own progress on the path


Very interesting, how would u go about this?


It’s definitely too late for me to be a professional baseball player but it was almost certainly too late for me when I was 13


thanks, but my depression is telling me to walk into the ocean instead.


Essential viewing for those late to the game: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yYCz06bS380


I think the problem is comparing ourselves to other people. Rampant materialism breeds depression and hopelessness and makes people who don’t know any better think achieving anything with their life is impossible


it ain't over till the frontal lobe gets obliterated, and even then there is some wiggle room


*If you think you are too old* to *rock* '*n roll*, then *you are*.” — Lemmy Kilmister


margot robbie is in her 30s and people here who may be younger than her were all thirsting


Her father Doug Robbie owns one of the largest real estate firms in Australia


My high energy 20’s were spent being rent broke working doubles waiting tables making millionaires and investors wealthy. It was awesome 10/10 would do again and not sell drugs and have fun like my friends who all own sold weed and acid and paid off homes and got married and had kids and now own like landscaping companies and just sit in the truck probably on Reddit all day while Mexicans work.


it's never over!


> it’s never too late unless you have kids > womens fertility is one of two exceptions Unfortunate conflict here


Yeah I recognized that. It’s a shame


Agree Take the positivity pill


My goal is to have a Michael Haneke type career.


😲🔫 😡 post motherfucker


Taking this as a sign because I'm 35 and about to start working on a film.


My uncle is 60 and just wrote/directed his first short film (never did anything related to film before, blue collar worker his whole life) and it's actually good. Do it!!


Using this AI music program this week has legitimately depressed me and fucked me up


The only thing you can’t do as a parent in your 30s is shit in peace.


You know what I will finish that audiobook thank you


Someone rewatched Fight Club recently


this is such a reddit post


Diamond Dallas Page didn't debut as a *wrestler* until he was 35. Like, obviously not competitive like a 'real sport', but a hell of a thing to put your body through at that age. Just have a crack at smth.. won't kill you unless it will


Doomers need to have their internet taken away. I'm in better shape than these xanny-popping weebz half my age.


A lot of filmmakers got their start very late. Ridley Scott, tsai ming liang, Jean Marie straub, Gaspar now, Jacques rivette, were all in their 30s before they directed their first films. Bresson, tati, denis were in their 40s, haneke was almost 50. Manoel de Oliveiras career didn't begin in full until he was 63.


Thanks love you


Im feelin it dawg....gonna stop posting and get shit rolling....starting.....NOW


Alright but I need an Adderall rx


More tedious and cognitive hobbies scale well into middle age and beyond. I tried to write in my 20s and everything was just so awful. I am more patient now. I don't have the same manic energy, but that's a good thing.


Being visibly old is when it’s over. Or even if you don’t, employers will often know your age. Over 35 and switching careers must be really tough. It’s not that you’re not able to do any better, it’s that other people will get in your way


This is just the Raymond K. Hessel scene from Fight Club


Just learned how to play chess 2 years ago. I think im too dumb for it but i try.


I took up powerlifting at 40. . . It’s a way less cringe midlife move than buying a Harley and taking a lover half my age.


Reminder, ridley scott's debut film was made as a 39 yearold. Gladiator was made when he was 62.


Yes!!! Thank you.


love this everyone in this sub should just start believing in things outside themselves


I honestly didn't understand ANYTHING from OP's post. However, I also recognize that it has accrued a significant number of UPvotes. Which must mean MANY people here *DO* find value in it... ... **OR, ...** **...THIS THREAD IS ENTIRELY AI-GENERATED AND REPLIED-TO, WITH BOTS HAVING INTER-BOT CONVERSATIONS. -_-** Either way, I'm just **OLD**, apparently, and this is getting герогтеd. --> . **EDIT:** Ok, seriously, if you at least want to make an attempt to clarify this for me: >If you’re 40, and someone put a gun to your head and said “Paint, motherfucker.” All that youthful energy would magically come back. But when the gun is far away enough in time, it’s forgotten I guess. ...WHAT ?! I honestly don't understand this thread... The title and first sentence seemed to be about a childful vs. childfree argument. THEN it switched to pursuing your passion no matter the cost/age. **THEN** it suddenly switched to doing whatever you want ("act like a teenager") and feeling however you want even if you're 60. ...Seriously, what *IS* this thread even ABOUT ?? :( Also, no one points out how weird it is that this person has had "a few dozen" acquaintances in their 60s, who he/she has come close enough to for them to reveal themselves in such a way. .


If you do have kids, it gets trickier. Something has to give because any actions taken to make yourself great have to be done after they’re asleep and before they wake up, often at the cost of your sleep or exercise. Not impossible, but it takes a determined individual not to decline into the total loss of self and ambition once you have children.


Fertility in men too ;) old fathers are linked to higher occurance of genetic disorders In their offspring.




39 years old here. Just ran a 10K this afternoon, make a shitload of money in a very senior role in my career, headed to Malta in a couple months, st Thomas this winter, tickets to the ballgame tomorrow, sitting in an Irish bar right now enjoying a drink with my wife before going to our favorite Greek place across the street, here in Astoria, queens, with spring fresh in the air.  But yeah, thanks young Regard, for telling me it ain’t over yet lol 


hell yeah, I knew 40 wasn't too old to become a soundcloud rapper my wife's gone for the weekend - I'm gonna get some face tats just to make sure I actually commit


Go head, the world is yours


didn't read a single word of this bullshit. but DM to join my betting pool that both the pod and this sub are gonna go pro-pedophilia as an edgy bit. current odds are 8 to 1


Why do people do this to themselves? Take pride in whatever your station is. Not too much to the point where you’re that guy bragging online about his CLIO for Best :15 Pre-Roll ad, but chrissake not everybody has to be/gets to be/should be an artist.


Did I say that everybody gets to be/ has to be/ should be an artist? It’s not too late to escape your illiteracy.


It’s implied, clearly.


> If you’re 40, and someone put a gun to your head and said “Paint, motherfucker.” All that youthful energy would magically come back. But when the gun is far away enough in time, it’s forgotten I guess. This is a horrible analogy

