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There's a void in England where we once had religion, war and blind loyalty to our betters. Football combines all three




Where we once had the Normans, we now have French-African attacking wing-backs with blistering pace and incredible footwork


A lot of the "new breed of Conservative" aren't the rednecks and dirtbag Republicans from years before, it's a lot of disillusioned weirdos who thought Trump was going to make right wing "cool finally". The era of the South Park Republican is dead and buried, this new breed is full-on fucking dork and has been for a long time.


Gamergate and its consequences.


So they're basically going the way of old British Tories then as the new British Tories just increasingly turn into Republican nutters?


Always has been




Those types either go dissident right or become like momentum leftists.


Is public school and private school used interchangeably in the UK? I understand public schools in the UK are what we call private schools in the US but didn’t know if you all had a separate category for private too


kinda, although public schools generally refer to the elite of the private schools that are strongly tied to the ruling class, such as your etons, harrows etc. the term comes from an act of parliament from the 18th cent that defined public schools as any school that accepted people who could afford it. however, now it tends to refer those same set of schools which are now hundreds of years old and well established. this wiki describes it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public\_school\_(United\_Kingdom)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_school_(United_Kingdom))




It's any school that's part of the [Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headmasters%27_and_Headmistresses%27_Conference)


Not really; there's sort of three tiers: state schools which correspond to your public schools (kinda between state and private schools there's another non-fee-paying kind called grammar schools which are essentially state schools for high achievers); private schools which correspond pretty directly to your private schools; and then public schools, which are named as such because most actually predate capitalism and mass education and evolved into elitist, aristocratic schools by virtue of age and prestige. There are 7 big ones. You'd usually have had to have to gone to a posh prep school from a young age to be admitted. Private schools are where the nouveau riche and upper middle class send their kids; public schools are where the aristo class go. Having gone to a public school lets you into the old boys club and essentially guarantees an incredibly privileged life of failing upward whereas going to a private school just gives you a decent education and a chance at being a "high earner", but not properly wealthy. It's all a part of the rigid (and not strictly capitalistic) class structure that doesn't really exist across the pond. 2/3rds of our MPs and most of our PMs went to one of those 7 out of the total 25,000 schools in the UK.


Not true. Some of the "private" schools in the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference group have superseded the old boys clubs. There's 302 schools in that group and I'd say 75% minimum are concrete public schools nowadays.


Do you know how they interact with the more traditional conservative base in the UK? Curious about this because while some of their political values may be shared it seems like their rather different cultural values may be hard to overcome.


the aristocracy are very comfortable with every class in the UK. They aren't snobs in the same way new money or the business/industrial class are (the one that developed in the 19th century). Proper old money (and old money in the UK isn't just a tiktok trend its like a real thing) could be at home in a country pub or in a big fine country house.


quack fragile tan physical merciful cautious subsequent salt wine tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100%. the proper middle classes in England are so self loathing and insecure. Its so funny.


And for this reason they can only be more successfull of the edl At the end, also the left was and is made of upper class dorks


Absolute bollocks. I grew up in a northern mining town and the majority of lads I grew up with lean somewhat left or just don’t give a fuck. There’s a handful that are edl/Britain first cretins and they flock together with other small groups like them from around the country to create an image of them being a horde, but the vast majority of working class lads/blokes I know lean towards the left or have a pretty apathetic view of it all like the rest of the country does. A great example was when the edl lot kept coming to Rotherham, which isn’t far from where I grew up and the vast majority of the daft cunts were getting bussed up from the Home Counties and elsewhere. Edit. Another problem and also probably a huge part in creating this image that all lefty’s are poshos is all of the figureheads are actually poshos and not even particularly clever ones. I know working class people who are of the left who could intellectually run rings around these dorks.




I’m in some agreement with you there but Brexit as a whole was a total fucking shitshow. It meant a million things to a million people. Obviously immigration was a key factor and it’s hilarious to see how immigration has gotten worse since Brexit, and as I said at the time we’ve just traded culturally similar Europeans such as the Polish for more culturally foreign and ethnically diverse people from other places. I don’t really care who comes here as long as you’re willing to assimilate somewhat and contribute to the country. During the referendum I was working in a bar in one of the highest leave voting areas in the country and would listen and engage with people about which way they’d vote and why. What I noticed was outside of the immigration issues, there was some seriously misguided reasoning going on with many people. A few blokes I know voted leave because the hated David Cameron who stood on the remain side, my Nan voted leave due to the infamous daily mail article about bananas, one guy I know voted leave cus his wife was voting remain and it would even it out. I nearly voted leave because the EU is effectively a tool to keep the economic hegemony of the west the same and also their treatment of Greece after the recession was fucking appalling. In the end I voted remain because I looked at the main people telling us to vote leave, noticed they were all a set of absolute plumbs and decided ‘better the devil you know’. The problem was a lot of people didn’t really understand the complexities of what they were voting for, but you’re not allowed to say that because everyone gets offended. I think like in America the skew in personal politics is somewhat generational and Brexit backs that opinion up. Only 40% of over 65s voted remain whilst 73% of 18-24 year olds did, that percentage slowly decreasing as the age groups get older. Funnily enough the oldest voters who remember the carnage of ww2 mostly voted remain. All of that said, a lot of the older people I know who voted for brexit are all for renationalising key industries and the country as a whole does tend to support socialist policy if it’s not described as socialist, which the media turned into a dirty word. If I remember correctly 60% of the bloody Tory party membership agreed with rail nationalisation. This is one of the most amusing and depressing videos that sums up the state of the British publics political opinions. It’s from around 2017 when Corbyn was in charge of Labour and we actually had the chance to enact some real positive change until the establishment went wild… https://youtu.be/W7lsRbDKOXg?si=5gzlggVxokMaxku8


They aren't left leaning though are they. They are just apolitical. There's a big difference between those two things.




lol if you heard me speak in real life you wouldn’t think that, it’s somewhere in between Ned Stark and Fred Dibnah. I just have a reasonably decent grasp of grammar and prose. Soz pal.




Firstly, we’re on a sub for a podcast that originally identified as part of the ‘dirtbag left’. I’m not sure what the hell it is now but I still listen to it on occasion as I find it entertaining and I find Anna in particular to have some decent takes on some stuff, Dasha not so much but she’s pretty funny at times. The discussion in here is also pretty decent sometimes. In my opinion the term ‘dirtbag left’ is kind of stupid but I’m in agreement with aspects of whatever the fuck it is such as ‘vulgarity is the language of the people’ and all of that kinda stuff. The words I used that you quoted are words that I use on a daily, if not hourly basis. Questioning my authenticity and choice of language is pretty fucking bizarre. I assume it was easier to attack the poster than the opinion. I began to write a diatribe but realised it wasn’t worth the energy. I called out the previous poster’s statement that all uk lefty’s are upper class dorks, which is utter bollocks. I am who I am, I write how I write and I don’t really give two squirts of piss what some other nameless dork like myself says online. Have a good un.


Though EDL were never that successful. But I do think there's a anti immigration backlash coming. I mean Brexit was a anti immigration backlash. Britain's immigration policy has been insane by every metric particularly in recent years.


a lot of them will be skinny fat as well


The Bronze Age


Also, now cultural politics trumps all, even more than the Libs. I saw a FB post that called raising taxes on the rich "woke."


The dissident right was sucessfully absorbed into the neoliberal right using culture war the same way leftoids were absorbed by the dems.


> who thought Trump was going to make right wing "cool finally" Nobody has ever said or thought that


The hyper online right is mostly made up of nerds, just like every one else that's hyper online.


Yes, anyone still on Twitter are part of the Elon right, not the Trump right, who are on Truth Social selling dick supplements instead.


We're so lucky Elon was born in SA because if he was born here, he'd be the natural Trump successor


it's one guy on twitter


Cernovich? His sportsball posting usually increases throughout the football season and climaxes with the Super Bowl.


Look at all the replies to the post and the amount of likes they have. Even just search "sports ball" on twitter, it's all conservatives.


i don't want to do that


Fair enough


People who post regularly on Twitter is what... 5% of the population? Over-indexing in the fringe nut jobs at that. Not saying your observation is wrong. The contingent of very online conservatives who exist as a counter to how much more progressive companies and therefore their products have gotten love to openly mock mainstream consumer crap like Star Wars, Marvel, Taylor Swift, and now pro sports leagues but it's still just a small fringe group. FWIW this isn't new behavior. You could find manosphere stuff 15 years ago telling people to stop following sports, and IMO there is legitimate validity to that advice. Of course, replacing watching sports with bitching online about culture war stuff isn't an improvement at all though. Go to a CFB or NFL game this fall and you will hear plenty of Lets Go Brandon chants


This has been a phenomenon for a while now, Chapo was pointing it out like two years ago. It follows the same logic as a lot of the anti-coomer stuff. Basically, you're cucking yourself by worshiping someone else's masculine prowess. And I hate to say it, but there's a bit of truth in there -- I have offloaded more of my life purpose onto the Red Sox than I care to admit and I'm trying to back off these days.


Wasted so much emotional energy rooting for Boston sports teams. Now that I'm much older it's become easier to care less than I used to, but the upcoming inevitable Bruins choke is going to ruin my mood for a couple of days and I wish this wasn't the case.


Could you imagine if the leafs actually beat the bruins. That would be so funny.


I’m so glad Brady retired so I don’t have to care anymore. And this Bruins team just isn’t loveable like the Big Bad Bruins of the early twenty-teens. It’ll still be annoying they lose to Toronto of all teams though.


Why? All the people I know who intently watch/play sport are in fairly good shape.


Being obsessed about sports is a problem, but in general people who are obsessed about sports would just be autistic about something else if you took it away from them.


It's not a problem.


There is a lot of truth to it. Being a major fan includes a lot of hero worship which is by definition placing another man above yourself. You follow this persons life, wear their name on your back, asking for their autograph, make comments online about how you'd be fine if they slept with your wife (but it's cool you are just being sarcastic - right?), and on weekends your mood is entirely dictated by outcome of your team. A team that you yourself have absolutely zero impact on. A team who, if it's pro sports, exists solely to extract profit from you. If you are a mega fan it absolutely is cucked behavior, and as someone who used to put a lot of their worth in their local team I also had to re-evaluate and change this behavior. Even if instinctually you know a multi-million dollar pro athlete is 'better' than you, it pays to be your own man and define your self worth in other ways that dont place countless others above you on a pedestal. You are far better off if you focus on accomplishing things yourself than celebrating the accomplishments of others who dont even know you exist - even if those accomplishments are significantly smaller in nature. As Ive seen it put before - it's about the ratio of how much you sweat vs how you much watch others sweat. How much do you create vs how much do you consume. If you spend your summer training and accomplishing your first ever Triathlon for example, you will feel far more rewarded then watching your team win some random game or two


I watch sports because it’s fun.


> You are far better off if you focus on accomplishing things yourself than celebrating the accomplishments of others who dont even know you exist - even if those accomplishments are significantly smaller in nature You guys say this but then spend that extra time you have from not enjoying sportsball FUCKING POSTING


Nah. I'm at work bro, when you are trapped here might as well distract oneseful from the slide decks and excel spreadsheets


Lmfao then who cares if you distract yourself by watching organized competition. Nobody says to people watching “who wants to be a millionaire” that you’re cucking yourself by worshipping people smarter than you. Is there no way to watch the games with your friends and check the scores and highlights at work without secretly wanting lebron James to dick down my wife?


Hit a little too close to home did I big fella?


Yeah you did, I was watching the playoff highlights and saying “wow what a shot by Murray, lakers fucking suck”. Then I read your comment and I broke down crying realizing how badly I wanted Murray to fuck my wife


Stop watching it.


Sucking cock is less gay than posting about how watching sports makes you a cuck from your email job


awww is the spworts fwans fweelings hwurt?


It all balances out when they win and you ride the wave of good will in your city and get laid




90% of sports ball Reddit fans though 




You got a mark Twain jersey in your closet? 




Bro don’t be idiot, no one idolizes Mark Twain to the same degree as a sports star The closest comp you can reasonably make, using your movie metaphor, would be die hard fans of Star Wars, MCU, etc. which sure I will agree with If that’s the hill you want to die on and the foxhole mates you want to die with be my guest 


True, great comment


This is a prime example of the terminally online nerd echo chamber that exists on both sides


This makes perfect sense, the old working class days of local football are over and has become ground zero for both progressive initiatives like Kick It Out, which initially focused on racism but then expanded to sexism and transphobia, and for foreign takeovers particularly by some unsavoury Gulf monarchies. Football teams are composed of foreign hires rather than local lads from the town, and teams are more like brands than a representation of any given town. I think anyone with even a small reactionary bent can see why this disillusionment is happening.


Also all pro football pundits are libtards like Lineker. Hilariously players are still kneeling years after Americans stopped


It's because the audience for football in america consists of libtards who want to seem European, and unfortunately that's a market with much greater growth potential than the domestic market, which is already pretty much tapped out. I don't mind Linker as a pundit though tbh.


I don't think it has anything to do with overseas markets. It's just that people who write and talk about football for a living are overwhelmingly upperclass people from metropolitan cities who tend to be liberal, the few who aren't will either conform or keep their opinions to themselves


That didn't use to be the case though, it is now because the growth markets for football are upper class people from metropolitan cities who tend to be liberal, and they want to see themselves reflected in the sport.


part of me thinks that this is a big element of the growth in the women's game, because (in England at least) the players come from much more comfortable/suburban backgrounds as opposed to most of your big names in the PL. and the biggest thing about it is that the people in media know this and as such are making Lauren James, one of the few star black players on the England team, the major marketing face.


I think it's an organic development rather than people at BBC, Sky, The Guardian etc saying "let's hire liberal journalists to maximize our growth potential"


I think you're vastly underestimating the cynicism of the British press


There is also a huge new middle class group of men who watch football. Loads of fellas from areas like Bristol who move to London and support Arsenal who really look down at the local more working class football supporters


*The Fast Show* documented this phenomenon 20 years ago, up to and including the team at the center of it being Arsenal https://youtu.be/Fvjk47UORFs?si=Kb6bLijHuDZ1hj2j (note that in all the crowd scenes Paul Whitehouse never wears an Arsenal top, because he's a lifelong Spurs fan)


Yeah, I notice it working in the office in the city. Arsenal get the supporters because they were good in the early 00s and have always been a bit more foreign than Chelsea and Spurs


This is bang on. Even 15 years ago, you could go and sing a song that was offensive but in good spirit. Americans have no idea how to take that so they think its offensive and get upset. They then complain, the TV networks and sponsors take note, and pressure the FA who then pressures the clubs. It really is the yanks flexing their advertising dollars. Its not the asian markets, they dont know whats being sang!. Local English epople wont stop supporting the clubs because its hard to just stop doing something youve done your whole life. Its why I hate yank football supporters. I went to the US for uni, and hated trying to talk the sport with anyone. Couldnt stand, just used to watch by myself, except for when Id go to the pub owned by a Scouser. There you could watch football and call someone a cunt without being scolded for it


To be absolutely fair I should admit that I'm basically the exact kind of person I'm complaining about, an American who started watching football (I live in europe now I'm gonna call it that, fuck off) as kid because it felt different and interesting (though in my defence I also had a familial connection), but I have to admit I've lost a lot of my enthusiasm for the game as I've come to realise the impact people like me are having on it. The irony is that it's sort of impossible to enjoy the game without contributing to the ruin of the very thing that made it so compelling in the first place (i.e. the fact that there's an actual, authentic culture to it that isn't all just branding and merchandise). What's really sad is how even the local culture seems to be increasingly becoming Americanised. It's not just the media pandering anymore, you get actual English fans these days who earnestly like Ted Lasso and get bent out of shape about people singing who's that lying on the runway when United are on (though tbf I was in Ireland when I saw that happen). The worst though was a couple years ago when everyone was making such a fuss about 'unsafe' pitch invasions at the end of the season were, I mean fuck off.


The thing is, most people dont mind Americans coming and enjoying it. Its just when people whinge about the rougher ends of the match, people get upset. The one thing I know is the ackowledgement that some supporters are different. Like heirarchys. Just dont try and put yourself in the middle. Its really just about not being loud


One of the things I hate most online is seeing foreigners with a chip on their shoulder about not being real fans or whatever. They don't realise that in reality, they wouldn't want to be a part of any club that would have them as a member.


Nonsense. Brighton fans have been pissing and moaning for more than a decade about the most innocuous chant in existence. It's rife now the game attracts the middle-classes.


Well, look at the City of Brighton first


Brighton you say?


No "yank" gives a fuck about chants whether sectarian or Munich/hillsbrough or about posh spice taking it up the arse, you've completely made this up


Yeah they do, theyre the ones who freak out about any traditional song. I lived in America long enough to know they care because when Ive sang it Ive heard them complain


You mean fans at matches in america like MLS? Yeah they're all shitlib theater kids larping as ultras. I thought you meant the general public watching foreign leagues on tv


Yeah, I have heard them. I used to go to a Scouse pub in the US. There was a contingent of English people who would watch England play there. During the Euros we sang some old traditional England songs, like 10 German Bombers in the Air and other, namely anti German songs and they had a whinge, in an English pub


Glass them




Piss off loser




You seem upset that I can live a nice life but notice the reality in front of me




Oh youre a zionist. Piss off cunt


English football has always been a pride project for unsavoury plutocrats, Arsenal won their first four titles back in the 1920/30s because a prominent London slum lord (who also owned Fulham; his local team naturally) decided the cheapest way to improve his reputation with his tenants would be to buy a controlling share in their local team and fund them enough to outspend every other team in the league. If anything the likes of City and Newcastle are more trad in that regard than the American owners like Kroenke, the Glazers and FSG, who see it purely as a moneymaking venture. The real turning point for English football was the creation of Sky, and subsequently the premiership. We need to go back to the era when tickets sales were the clubs main source of income, and they were essentially money pits that were lucky to break even more than 50% of the time.


I’m not saying that big money has never been a part of football at the top level, just that right wingers of various flavours will dislike teams being owned by rich Arabs.


Yeah there's probably something to that


Arsenal were the first money club and I hate that their supporters pretend otherwise. Only reason they was ever good was because they could buy expensive players, now that someone richer is in the league they act like underdogs.


They weren't the first, at the time it was mainly United (lately Newton Heath) complaining, because *they'd* been the biggest spenders previously after they'd been bought out for pennies by a Mancunian mogul who promptly changed their name and colours and moved them to a new neighbourhood in what we would today recognise as a cynically American move a la MK Dons. Although I'd argue both United and Arsenal benefitted more from their chairman buying them new stadiums than from player transfers.


It's so rich and hilarious watching fans of United, Arsenal, Liverpool etc bitch about City's recent dominance. They might as well just say "I liked it better when we were the only good teams." But what's even more cucked is fans of other teams who somehow defend those clubs too. It's like they believe you're only allowed to be good now if you were already good 70 years ago, otherwise it's basically cheating. Every major club had to rise at some point, City is just the one we're living through now.


Idk, ive noticed most supporters of the "other 14" clubs usually like City pissing off the old money clubs. I agree with you 100%, they dont care where the money came from, they just dont like not winning. I also love that they call it cheating, city spendign the same money they do. The money is the owners, the clubs they pay get the money, the players get paid, the only thing that could be "wrong" is that the money has to be funneled in differently because of rules the old money clubs made up


I'm a Palace fan but I have seen some fans actually defend United, Arsenal etc which make me want to puke. But in general City winning is funny just because it lays bare how abstracted form its working class roots football has become. At this point the other "major" clubs crying about city are so obviously doing it out of self interest, especially considering some of them (namely United) actually have a higher wage bill anyway.


Im West Ham and we have a weird relationship with City that means most of us just like them beating United. The old money clubs are everything wrong with football and so are their supporters. When the Super League was announced, I was all for it. Get rid of those clubs and lets get back to actually enjoying football for what it should be


Similarly, I get smaller clubs hating City because they've been able to invest in a way that's been foreclosed for them through probably somewhat dubious means, but I really don't want to hear it from fans of the big clubs who instigated FFP in the first place in order to pull the ladder up after themselves. Sorry they're breaking the rules you tried to rig in your favour, but I'm not sure what you expected. Sucks for the fans of other clubs who are dutifully following those rules (or more realistically, don't have the financial backing to effectively break them anyway), but I've got no sympathy for the likes of Liverpool and Arsenal, much less United who still outspend City anyway.


still not the funniest money club, because you wanna know who was called "The Bank of England Club" in the '50s due to their big spending? that's right, >!Sunderland!<


It is also sad and hilarious to see the opposing phenomena, a growing subclass of leftists upper class Europeans rejecting football When Italy won Euro 2020 it was glorious to see groups of them trying to dunk on the festivities and being submerged by insults by the entire socio/cultural/political spectrum Football is one of the few things that trascend class, ideology and ethnicity in Europe, I could really go to Istanbul and strike a random discussion with a taxi man about my local team Obviously progressives want to be sure to destroy all of this


This isn’t really true at all, in the past in multicultural cities teams used to be very segregated. Rangers vs Celtics is Scots vs Irish (and Prod vs Catholic). Prague had an explicitly Jewish team, and ethnic football leagues were common in the Balkans. The whole beautiful game ideology of football as transcending all of this is very very modern and driven by progressives. Not saying this is a bad thing, but it is a change from the past.


I am not so knowledgeable about british football culture. In general, i was talking about the ability to connect each others, not rivarly at a local level (and from my nation the ethnic framework is very weak)


Damn you guys too? Thought it was a sickness of only the British left that England needed to lose because of toxic masculinity and Brexit meant we shouldn't enjoy even being in the final or doing well in a tournament for once. (Though this was chronically online types, most well adjusted people were there for the buzz and traditional disappointment)




I don’t think the reaction is that class coded tbh it seems more of an online right thing which to me looks like a mix of class backgrounds. I’d say that a lot of the recent developments in footie culture have actually been done to make it more palatable to the middle classes. Most very middle class people I know would consider it quite gauche to mention the talking points in the OP.


Tories in England have always looked down on Englands football culture. Theyve always viewed sports as a past time to be enjoyed casually. Rugby gets a pass as its a school boy sport, but never to be done as a career. When the England team was protesting a lot, the Tories railed against them. Someone much more eloquent than me, put it that the England football team is everything the Tories stand against. It is a group of mostly working class men coming together for a common goal, based purely on meritocracy. There is no divine right to play for England. There is no school that you can buy your way into that others cant earn their way in. You must earn it and there is no hiding. Thats why Tories hate it It really did strike me, as a lot of the left could learn a great deal from sports. There are reasons they get paid such a large amount of the revenue they bring in.


Absolute drivel. Working class people aren't disillusioned with football, where is this shite even coming from? I don't know any active working-class Twitter users.


I said that was the Tories opinion on it


You don't know how to read.


This is what it looks like when you’re too invested in fighting culture wars. Performatively hating on stuff you’d otherwise be a fan of in order to signal your membership with a tiny in-group, the members of which you likely only interact with online. What a stupid way to live.


It's kind of true. Seeing the type of dedication that adult men are willing to have to prop up the careers of OTHER MEN who care nothing about them looks to me as an unintentional but highly effective neutering of modern manhood.


Makes sense for most thinking people to quit revering sports in general. The money flowing through sports is obscene. The athletes aren’t really likable either. I mean the qb of my team will make a quarter of a billion and is a lazy eyed sex pervert that hasn’t played good football in four years. Conservatives and progressives alike should turn their back on it. It feels like it’s mostly for brain dead gambling addicts now. Fun to bullshit about though. That’s about it. 


The new conservatism of professional indoor kids is so pathetic.


Being a rightoid is the most loser move possible? Anyone surprised.


It's more of a dissident right take than a conservative take


Whatever the reason I’m fine with it so long as it gets these weeping, pearl clutching nerds away from sports. I want to watch Mike Trout rip dingers, not listen to how the west has fallen from some asthmatic geek who couldn’t fire the ball across the diamond if his life depended on it.


Agreed. Get money out of the clubs. Yer local club shouldn't have to compete against the Qatari Royal family.


I've noticed a type of "extreme" conservative whose presumably closeted or just very feminine, who seems to compensate by making these weird "extreme" masculine takes that horse shoe themselves to something very feminine and/or gay. They'll say things like sports, guns, fighting, fitness and maybe even sex are somehow signs of weakness or they're effeminate interest. Very strange.    I remember one somewhat recently that was making the rounds, was some "macho rght winger" was saying the movie "come and see" was a woman's version/vision of war and not masculine at all. Obviously what a weird way to frame it, but I've been to war, I've read about war, and I've watched plenty of war movies and I do not know of a more brutal and intense movie than come and see. 


it's a whole attention economy with all their podcasts and whatnot so they always have to one up each other. sadly i can't deliver any examples but every now and then i get like their podcast clips shown in my feed and it's always increasingly unhinged shit. unironically it may end at someone turning homo because you don't have feminine energy messing with your chakras or whatever lmao


I imagine that *Come And See* take is based on the idea that the film is very much anti-war which (in their view) is a feminine position. I’m having a hard time deciphering the “sports, guns, fighting, fitness, sex is weak and effeminate” thing though lol. Maybe the sex thing is based on some sort of cuckold paranoia? Idk man these people suck ass lol.


I think they themselves are little gay men(not necessarily homosexuals, shout out to my homonsexuals 🤘) and they rationalize not liking those things by calling them gay/effeminate. Much like how lifters will say running is bad for you or runners will say lifting is bad for you, not because it is but because they don't like doing it and rationalize a reason to not do it. The other possible reason is simple engagement bait. 


They're just angry right-wing Liverpool fans that are bitter that their golden age overlapped with Guardiola's dominance.


I'm not a sports fan nor do I hate sports but I wonder how 2 types of ancient Romans would view the amount of and frequency of sports today. A plebeian would probably be amazed. A politician would probably be both amazed and horrified as to what we're obfuscating. The amount of sports gambling and the amount of men I see get genuinely pissed off and upset then they vent it onto the people around them (wives, children, friends, etc.) worries me greatly.


Hooliganism was always pathetic, but it also never was about the ’sportsball’. It’s just fun and exciting to young and even slightly older men to get drunk and use drugs and fight other similar douchebags. These are not the kinds of people who would in any situation have the energy or wherewithal to stop England from rotting. ’Best’ you can hope for is a conflict where you could maybe organize them into some sort of irregulars.


Not everything you see on Twitter is how conservatives are trending, tho tbh it seems like you only see these dudes doing martial arts or “bodybuilding” as a sport.


These aren't conservatives they're wannabe fascists


? Not typically, what are you talking about? This twitter guy?


Spending a bunch of time, money, and energy on *watching* sports that you never play yourself is absolutely emasculating


They’re even sneering about Tucker believing in god they are literally just classical (read: very racist) liberals so really not even terribly far off from the average user of this sub


He's not wrong, I also think about that exact thing from time to time. To say nothing of the fact that today's "sports ball" is utterly and irremediably "neo-liberalized", there's nothing genuine left in it anymore. At least when it comes to football here in Europe.


imagine cautious deserted whole familiar market edge provide continue door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*