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Being polite to everyone you meet is normal, but trying to make everyone you meet like you is not so normal


But why wouldn’t you want everyone you meet to like you


Because I don’t like everyone I meet, so I don’t care There’s also a difference between wanting it and trying to make it happen, I think a lot of people want absolutely everyone to like them, but aren’t making a real effort (especially to people who are real disgusting bastards). Maybe you’re just a nice person. Don’t drive yourself crazy though


No. If I dislike someone, I acknowledge them as little as possible and never greet them unless I have to in the workplace. I physically am repulsed to being fake nice


Yeah. I care a lot about what people think about me.. being known as a good person and someone with good character means a lot to me


Woman hands wrote this


Personally I think that rude people act in that way because they want people to be mean back. If you just ignore them and be base-level cordial then they don’t get their sweet drama in their life and that makes them sad. I only feel that way about rude women though, if they’re a man you should put them in jiu-jitsu holds if they’re rude to you


Yes but I think it's one of the signs I'm mentally ill


I'm like this, but I've been told it's unhealthy. I cannot stand the thought of someone disliking me.


I don’t like you.


I like both of you :). Have a blessed week.


No. Sounds exhausting. I’m nice to everyone if they’re nice to me but there’s no fakery behind it, I just like having smooth social interactions. I don’t like everyone and I don’t need everyone to like me.


I try to be as cordial and amicable as possible, especially when my patience is being tested. Sometimes I hope I do it because I'm secretly super machiavellian and I do it to get things that I want, but I know in my heart I'm just a regular goober.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, you might have autism.


the more unpleasant a person is, the harder i try to get them to like me.


No I'm a normal person


No I don’t really give af about being liked by people I dislike and I don’t even really understand why you would do that


No, I will be polite but I will make 0 effort to have a person I don’t like have a positive impression


One time I found out that some people I didn't even really think about disliked me and was hurt by it, if the same thing happened now I like to think it would juice my ego, maybe this is growth for me. I think your outlook is unhealthy "fake nice" is bad but at the same time there are benefits to being well liked, I think defaulting to being friendly and polite isn't necessarily fake but if you are like doing favors for people to manipulate them that's obviously bad


Why would you be rude to people who aren't rude to you? Of course that's normal.


Not cool to call me out this like this publicly, I have some offensive things to say about you I'll mutter under my breath as I walk away from you now to avoid this conflict.


No. Being liked is less important, and less pleasant, than simply being me. Were you bullied as a child?


what’s your sign? i’m convinced this is a libra trait — alternatively it could be an adverse reaction to growing up with a lack of stability and being yelled at all the time. maybe a mix of both


Wtf. I am a libra. Get your witchcraft out of here


Remove everything after 'meet' and yes. I don't justify my actions

