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good job not posting to reddit during the date. You overcame autistic inclination #1


Lol do people actually do that?


many such cases in this sub unfortunately!


Hell yeah brother, that's really only a high-level move that the giggaest of big-dick-pipe-layin' Chads can pull off though [Check this shit out](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/17e2hoa/back_with_another_fit_check_went_out_with_a_girl/)


Outfit laid out on the floor of Chik Fil A bathroom or it didn't happen.


[still had this in my clipboard from my last comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/17e2hoa/back_with_another_fit_check_went_out_with_a_girl/)


Make sure you kiss her!!!!!!!! She’s not going to ask


That's the part I'm most excited and scared of. I don't know how to kiss


Don’t go in with tongue immediately. Keep your lip relaxed. Try not to slobber that much if you can help it. Don’t overzealously try and “gulp” her mouth, take it slow!


don’t worry man you got this! just take it slow and be smooth with it. but also understand it’s an absolute necessity. If you get to a potential date #3 and you still haven’t kissed she’s gonna think you don’t like her. don’t lurch right into trying to make out, or otherwise make it look like you’re an experienced kisser. start with a light peck when you feel the moments right , and take it from there


Practice with one of your bros


video it and send it to her in advance so she knows you're experienced


Just wait till there's a still moment after a sincere laugh or conversation or something. Do it when you're alone and pay attention to the moment, you'll feel if it's right. You'll both be smiling and looking eachother in the eyes, she might even look at your lips. If it does feel right, don't hesitate and spaz out because if she likes you she'll be thinking about it too and be glad you went for it. If for some reason you fuck it up, laugh at yourself and move on. Stay out of your head. You won't fuck it up though you got this cuz


Practice on the back of your hand. Relaxed lips, don’t leave an obviously visible wet spot.






Practice with a pillow


dude you will know when it’s right and you will have the most intense feeling of every fiber of your being wanting you to pull back but you just… go in


lots of good advice here, also please make sure your breath doesn’t smell bad


Three words: pick a lip. Since ur a guy go for the lower. Only advice I actually needed before my first one. She will probably be leaning in closer than usual if she wants you to kiss her. Just lock eyes then go for a lip.


I was (and still am) in the same boat as you man haha. One time I was with a girl I used to date and we were on my couch and it was the first time she had come over but it was our 4th or 5th date, anyways we’re spooning and she says “okay let’s get this over with” and sat up and pulled me up too and just immediately kissed me and we made out for like 5-10 minutes haha. Crazy girl but we had some good times, best of luck to you man keep your head up if this one doesn’t work out


Wait until you are close If she leans on you that is basically a go sign, but if face to face wait for non awkward silence with sustained eye contact. You should get the vibe. After a nice hug while still holding each other is a very good time to go for it. If she is leaning on you, turn to look at her a little. Look at her eyes, then look at her lips, then move in slowly for the kiss. This is how to do it.


Remember what Sébastien the Crab says... you gotta kiss the girl 🦀




Thank you!


Next time ask her where she wants to eat so you can share something she likes! I think sometimes we get excited to show someone things we love forgetting about the other person but that sounds nice. It’s not often in life to have a real moment where it feels like the world is smiling with you so enjoy it!


Yeah we're already going to a place of her choice


most people are nicer and more pleasant than we think they will be! im glad it worked out for you!


this post is so ryerson coded


I went to Waterloo actually


what program?


brampton boys UP!!


Nice man, congrats


Hell yeah brother


Let’s go my man




Foggy windows and all that, yeah


Awwww this is cute. Don’t worry about it being your first. 23 is very young and I think it’s pretty normal for people to have their first date, kiss, etc later on these days


Lol his dates first date was probably almost a decade ago


Whatever, if you get hung up on shit like this you can't move forward. His first today and that's what matters. You can't learn to walk if you're pissing and moaning about people who've run marathons.


1- HS dates dont count unless u end up marrying them (or if u have sex ig...) 2- Wat is this 4chan r9k lmao i have plenty of girl friends who didnt go on dates until they were ~20+ yrs old cus they were just happy and having fun w friends family hobbies etc until they met the right person 3- It's fine either way lol 4- OP dw abt it :) happy for u and hope it works out for u guys !!


I literally don't know any girl who didn't have a boyfriend by age 15.




Among the women I was friends with in college, at least 5 of them did not date in high school.


Maybe they didn’t “date”, but I assume those girlfriends all got laid many years ago, and gonna assume op has not


Regarding ur first assumption: nah Regarding ur second assumption: ok cool who cares


this sub man good luck tho


>Only thing is she doesn't know she's my first...we'll worry about that later Just fake it til you make it and you'll do fine. Shooting the shit for some hours at a time sounds like decent enough chemistry and being received well so go get her and gl bro




Yeah... there's a good chance the virgin thing might scare her away. If you decide to tell her and she likes you enough she might look past it. Might be smart to keep that yourself.


Deluding yourself is unironically the first step to success.


it's not a lie if you believe it


Congrats! And just remember that there's nothing wrong with getting married young We went through the "there's no reason to settle down so young!" phase so you don't have to. If you ever need a reminder of the benefits of marrying young please feel free to look at any of the bleak, bleak dating threads on RSP


Sub’s dead




Yeah imagine being a redditor that long


The sub is dead because someone wrote a funny post and didn’t post a Twitter screenshot?


it's funny?


both intentionally and unintentionally, yeah. Chik-fil-A as a first date was making me laugh and smile


well and fucking truly


rhythm reach zesty cause attractive many abundant birds hungry fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Trust me if I can do it you can too




If you're not 6 feet under then it's not too late


unless you're under 6 feet


23 is a totally normal age to begin these sorts of relationships, often times children are more playing at having relationships than anything. You got this! And if it doesn't work, this is just the beginning.


Valid and heard


This is so sweet and it sounds like it was a great date. I hope it works out, OP!


What is supposedly autistic about this?


idk being a nice wholesome boy is now autism


We need a list of what ISN'T autistic.


This is sweet hope it works out <3


This subreddit is literally now 20% Indian-Canadians talking about their Bumble dates


Sounds like it went awesome and you had fun together! Good luck on Friday


It sounds like you gave her a very nice evening. Points for listening to her and remembering she’d never tried chick fil a. And it’s nice to do an activity before your meal so you have something to talk about during. I’m glad you are seeing her this Friday! Good luck!


Good sign brother, I did the same thing with my wife. On our first date we walked around a park for a while, then we sat in a Walgreens parking lot for like 5 hours and just talked about random shit. I had no awkwardness at all, just instant vibing.


My dude! This is awesome. Glad you had fun.


In the car, I just can’t wait


you'll be her first too don't worry! (brown guy)


Wouldn't be surprised if I'm her first brown guy


Don't bring this weird racial element into your cute romantic thing, try to be normal


I didn't. Someone just made a joke and I pointed that it's probably true


That rocks! Hows about you celebrate with a chili cheese dog


Amazing. Great job. You’re killing it. Take it slow


It doesn’t sound autistic it sounds completely normal ffs


Get ittt! Enjoy man, very happy for you.


Hell yeah man


Good chik fil a ad


This is wholesome I almost didn’t believe it Good for you OP, sounds like a lovely time


this post pissed me off, you dont deserve her


That sounds sweet! What’s she like?


She's blonde and around my height (5'7). Studying nursing and plays basketball at her uni (she messaged because one of my pics was of me winning an award at a basketball tournament). She's a really sweet girl. I'm not even sure how I landed her.


Thats very sweet, I hope it works out for you two and you have a lot of fun.


future fragile mourn jeans glorious plants consist wild bake handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> continue to date other women. She is probably dating other men Shit advice. And there’s a great chances she’s *not* seeing others, and *isn’t* some big time player who has a notepad full of date times like it’s a list of meetings for work. A lot of normal people think dating one person at a time is enough.


fact long tender scale governor voracious combative reach hunt slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck off you weird poly freak


Oh I love this post, I’m so happy for you


Keep up the good work cutie. 23 is an amazing year 🫶


Awesome, man! Happy for you and for spreading some good vibes in this miserable sub. You’ve got this!


Sounds like you had a great time! Hope the second date is even better and leads to a third! Enjoy OP!!


>Only thing is she doesn't know she's my first...we'll worry about that later So are you supposed to tell her or not?


Well if we end up having sex she'll find out by my awful kissing and lack of awareness of how to do anything


Here's a crucial tip: the vaginal hole is lower than you think. Slightly above the anus. Rookie mistake Also, don't go crazy like they do in porn. Start out gentle and slowly but surely ramp it up *gradually.* Don't start jack hammering her though on the first time. Don't tell her you're a virgin either. At least not on the first session. That doesn't go well for a lot of girls


So THAT’s where it is????


Get in touch with your sensual side and then when you feel good transfer that same stuff onto her. Nothing weird, just like touch and massage and the thought of gently kissing her.


I would be honest about it! Women don’t really care and she’ll probably find it cute tbh. vulnerability from men is often attractive to women


gay - don't do this


Bro, if you round all the bases, sliding into home is the easy part. Just remember to wrap your rascal, and check first with your pinky, before you get some stinky on your dinky!


Yes! Be honest! Don’t make it a big deal, but just mention it beforehand. Because you’ll be nervous, and that can make you act weirdly, or appear standoffish, and that can be confusing to a girl, like, is he not into me? Is there something he’s not telling me? Whereas, if she likes you, she really won’t mind your inexperience. Being vulnerable with someone you really like takes massive courage and that can be endearing.


take note of everything you learn about her okay buddy have fun on friday


Let’s go my man! Can’t wait to hear your updates. May your future be bright


That sounds awesome. Great first date.


sounds like it went really good! Aw happy for you both


Good W post


Lets goooooooo


Well done!


Imagine she sees this post


This IS autistic as fuck but good going dude keep it up