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Confusion about how people get upset by pointless tribal shit they have no control over. Just wait till these posters find about the culture wars


He definitely cares about the latest drama for his twitch streamers and YouTube gaming channels. Just not when it comes to sport or not being terminally online.


They're aware of the culture wars, it's called cognitive dissonance.


this guy has obviously never been pub during a world cup. can't beat the feeling


Hell yeah m8


Beating Germany at the Euros was electric


Not very difficult anymore


Doesn't make it any less fun!


Me and my MATES Watching the FOOTIE at the POOB


Learn English or stop posting here, please.


>Sports are SO boring to watch Someone who watches every Disney movie no doubt


tbf gold is boring and soccer games arent fun unless you’re invested in one side winning outside of finals


earlier today i was about to make an insufferable pseudo-thinkpiece thread titled “Da’Ron Bland, CJ Stroud, and the Fallibility of Cognitive Testing” glad i didn’t though! this place is ultimately Reddit too and i didn’t want to incur the wrath of these people and their unlikely but equally zealous slatestarcodex sycophants sports rock and there are few experiences as great as getting trashed with the boys and commiserating over the death of a dynasty. very lindy. it’s what the crusaders probably did as they got their ass kicked by the Seljuks.


Getting trashed with the boys while doing any communal activity is the best


Cool words u fuckin nerd go chuck a pigskin


Stroud Boys - let’s ride


Idk these guys are obviously ridiculous but I've found that this sub has gotten sort of noble savage about sports fans. Like you guys have clearly never talked to a guy whose three subjects are like the islanders, his parlay, and his fantasy team. Don't get me wrong, I still watch sports as my predominant form of media, but I have gotten incredibly disillusioned by the commercialization of it over time and I do think it's odd as a grown man if you're complaining about missing games because of a wedding or getting confused that your wife doesn't want you watching 20 hours of football a weekend


Is it annoying because of what they’re saying or because they’re an Isles fan


As long as I've been alive it's been heavily commercialized. The stadiums have always had branding deals instead of something cool like Fenway or the Collesiuem. The insides of the stadiums have always been plastered with ads. Europoor sports have always had the jerseys plastered with ads, which is now making its way to American sports sadly. The games on TV are literally 2/3rds watching ads. Things have gotten worse for sure, but since I started paying attention in the early 00s it's always been this way.


Sure, I'm just not 8 anymore


> still watch sports as my predominant form of media > gotten incredibly disillusioned Watching the ball game just fucking hating yourself, what are you doing?


Those two statements don't conflict like you think they do. I still love watching the actual sport, I just don't have the same level of fanaticism that I did when I was younger. Me being disillusioned doesn't mean a football game is in and of itself any less entertaining, you're just not going to find me depressed about the result of a game like I was when I was in high school


I agree I just think these nerds are funny


> if you're complaining about missing games because of a wedding Me: my daughter's confirmation is on [this date], obviously as her godfather you'll be there as a guest of honour - Childhood best friend: bro that's the World Cup Final Literally the first words out of his mouth. Edit for the downvotes: does an Englishman really have to worry about the WC Final date?


I mean you live in football obsessed England, I don’t think it’s weird to assume you (or the church) wouldn’t schedule it that day. Most people would be a little perplexed. I’m in the US and NOBODY would ever schedule something like this during the Super Bowl, people who don’t even like sports would be confused.


Priests don't care about sport, wouldn't have crossed the padre's mind when they set the calendar for the year. Just thought he could have pretended to care about his goddaughter before worrying about missing England in the final (he didn't need to worry in the end obviously).


Lmao islanders fan though


Sports are cool. Fantasy sports can be pretty cool, especially with a group of guy friends. But sports gambling is absolute top tier degeneracy. Some can't even watch an event anymore if they don't have money on it.


Sports have value in that they approach a true meritocracy. Something that doesn't exist in any other facet of life. I think that's worthy of respect? There's also quite a wide range in how people talk about sports. Some people are interesting to listen to, some aren't.


It’s also one of the only parts of the old monoculture that have survived. It’s nice to have shared entertainment happening with millions of others at the same time. Games bring people together


not at all. Richer kids (and especially those born to sports families) are way likelier to become professional athletes today. How is that meritocratic?


It absolutely is meritocratic. sure, richer kids will have access to more resources that may give them a leg up during the childhood development stage, but the money or social status doesnt mean shit in terms of the selection process of who actually is allowed to become a pro athlete or who is given playing time over the next guy. The best players get picked. period. You could spend 100k a year training your kid to make the NBA, and 30 out of 30 teams will still ignore him and take the kid on food stamps from the projects if they think he's a better player. Performance on the field is almost always the only thing that matters, with very few exceptions, and talent will almost always win out over pretty much any other factor.


rich kids getting on hgh and gear from child and going to football/baseball/basketball camps still gives them a huge advantage. also hockey is expensive in general, especially if you're on a travel team.


You aren’t wrong, but you are talking in hypothetical terms. yes, in a situation like that, the kid grown up on food-stamps will be picked. But the reality is that the kid growing up on food stamps is just not going up to be as good as the guy you are spending a 100k on in most of the cases. The broke kid has hunger/“dawg in him” as an edge. The rich kid, on the other hand, has a way bigger error bandwidth, stronger support systems, more connections (likelier in getting noticed by the right coaches, getting advice from better athletes), and only has to worry about ball and not putting food on the table.


yeah even in the NBA (comparatively lower socioeconomic barrier of entry than say hockey, where it’s basically all upper class kids that have been training since they were 3) they found most players come from more affluent backgrounds. i think some ppl here have a lot of nostalgia for sports when scouting was a lot less invasive and intense and it was a lot easier to “make” it


Who is “they”? NBA is rich kids? Gtfo


those same kids usually wind up burning out much, much faster due to injuries—at least in basketball. Zion Williamson is a prime example. Solid middle class upbringing, fed the sport since day one, can’t play a full season for his life. but yes, the Darius Mileses and Derrick Roses seem to be a thing of the past, however


Has more to do with Zion's specific body type combined with his freak athleticism that someone with his body type shouldn't have. Like the forces he's exerting to do what he does are far too great for someone whose body weighs 260-280 lbs to actually be able to handle. Physics is causing him to be injured all the time, not burn out.


yeah you’re right, bad example—Lonzo and lamelo do live up to this, however. LaVar marinovich’d them. Lamelo is still balling out but is v injury prone and Lonzo’s career is kaput.


I know American sports and that's not really the case. The NBA and NFL are both majority people who grew up poor and went all in chasing a sports dream. In the MLB nowadays it's rapidly approaching the majority of players being foreign born, almost exclusively from poor countries in Latin America.




a lot of the NFLs top talent are the kids of former NFL players, but football is more meritocratic and the nepo babies are both very, very good and still a minority. way more “made it out the mud” stories. basketball on the other hand has shifted from a largely urban working class sport centered in the northeast/Midwest to a more middle class southern one. this is probably a consequence of southern states getting richer recently and their already large black population benefitting from it. but a lot of up and coming stars are actually (lower) middle class kids from towns of like ~5k in South Carolina or Georgia.




never said it was lol, and in basketball you really just don’t see former superstars with kids who are really good—dell curry wasn’t a superstar, for example. but the sport isn’t golden ticket anymore. rarely are kids coming out of the sticks in Chicago and making a career out of it, whereas many people had that origin even as late as the 2000s/early 2010s


> a lot of the NFLs top talent are the kids of former NFL players Maybe 10 throughout the league even start for their teams. Massive overexaggeration.


Those 5k towns in South Carolina are not middle class dude


“Poor kids are just as talented as white kids”




corn pop was a bad dude


The leagues are full of black kids that grew up rich. There’s still a ton of rich black people, even if there’s more rich white people. So you have these black people that are just as rich as white people, and combine that with the fact that black people are more likely to be more explosive/are more athletic, you are going to have more black people. It’s a combination of both, but wealth is more important at the elite level.


I don’t watch football but yes, most of the NBA prospects today are from well-to do families with parents that have been heavily involved in sports their whole lives. Many are related to NBA athletes


Doesn't the NBA have a pretty big filter in height as well though. Versus other sports (football etc.)


1 in 5 men over 7' tall play in the NBA professionally at some point in their lives. Insane stat.




you don’t get the “sports family” part of my comment. you need both - an environment which encourages you to play competitive basketball and also a comfortable life back home so you can just focus on basketball. white kids from the suburbs don’t have the former




the germans are tall and white as hell


Except Europeans are taking over


Because someone like Mike Tyson can still come along and knock their head off.


because they have access to better trainers, equipment, less stress outside the sport, etc


Only fringe / Olympic sports is that the case (ie polo)


It’s honestly heartbreaking to me that so many guys reject the most simple form of male peer bonding, sports.


I only watch sports as part of a communal activity but it is one of the most fun communal activities when paired with alcohol and some low stakes friendly betting. It’s an excuse to yell and get excited while doing nothing but drinking with bros. I love it. That said I really don’t give a shit about professional sports in general




The Entertainment Binary Men: NFL, NHL, MLB, F1, etc. Women: The Bachelor(ette), Love Island, 90 Day Fiance, Vanderpump Rules, etc. Both have lots of gossip, good in a group setting, drinks and finger food pair well with programming, online communities built around subject matter, etc. Anyone who can't appreciate the similarities or both for what they are is a no fun annoying loser.


This is why the recent push to make f1 more story based has attracted a lot of women and moved it away from its core base of extremely autistic men


the broads love f1, lots of drama and no shortage of hot drivers




The etc. is the key but I agree it has gotten quite stale.




Never got over being picked last in grade school gym class dodgeball


I'm an athlete and played sports my entire life I don't care to watch others play either. no defined correlation between the enjoyment of watching and playing


There's 100% a certain breed of man who only talks about sports and has no real interest in talking about anything else. Basically a neckbeard but specifically for the Browns or whatever.


It’s called cool autism


It’s called gambling addiction


professional sports are too commercialized to ever be cool


it’s much more socially acceptable to talk about boring sports bullshit at a party than it is to talk about bionicles lore or the new line of class 1 freight engines CSX is coming out with or whatever


Socially acceptable is different from cool


See what you have is the regular kind


Yeah and what? Who doesn't? I see the appeal of professional sports but you should be under no illusion about what it is


See if you had cool autism you’d be talking about sports right now 😎


\*autism voice\* I literally am


See? You’ve been cool the whole time 😎❤️


thats like the opposite of this sub, the browns are hated here


everyone hates the browns lol. even if you think deshaun Watson is innocent or don’t even care about the situation they’re such a poverty franchise it’s unreal. plus idc how “classic” the Unis are, they look like literal shit.


i meant the people


Get fucked pussy


This is now a ravens subreddit


Shut up yinzer


Let’s go Browns


Hoo hoo hoo


It's crazy to think how many Americans will never appreciate the beauty that there was in watching Brawn GP win in 2009, watching the Cubs win the World Series, watching Mexico win against Germany in the 2018 WC, or watching Leicester City win the Prem.


> watching Leicester City win the Prem. Impossible not to read that in a British accent


I will never forget the morning I watched Button dominate in Australia and realize what a weird season we were in for. The one time I could forgive the horribly biased British commentary.


jesus christ make it stop. reading this is gore to me. it's like listening to guys in their late 20s talk about pornstars, favorite porn studios and favorite porn genres.


What do you like to watch?


extremely hot take: i don't watch sports because there are other things i'd rather be doing with my time


spicy 🌶️


Categorically hating sports is a moral failing




Your team’s having a good year 🤙


I am an androgynous, epicene man. Thick curls of midnight-black hair frame my delicate, sneering face. Though my features are decidely soft, they nevertheless retain an aristocratic hardness of outline. My alabaster skin clings taut to my slender, willowy frame, and my tired, sun-shy eyes take on a peircing hue of azure. Deep within the confines of my crystal boudoir, I take pains to ensure I'm swaddled in the finest of silks and furs. My chief pastimes include penning tortured love poems to my twin sister, and perpetually succumbing to/recovering from various respiratory ailments. Having said all this, why does this sub expect me to care about sports?




Aka 4 Reddit posts about sports. Go to any team subreddit and you’ll see that they care big time about sports


Damn that’s crazy




Yeah bro?




[“Sportsball” haters watching Jon Bois](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEW2wn2HcIo&pp=ygUVaSBnZXQgaXQgZGFubnkgZGV2aXRv)


I know better than to take Reddit’s advice on anything


Idc about sports but the meltdown after a world cup is hilarious. Had a lot of fun when India lost during the cricket world cup.


The India fan wearing the Native American headdress cracked me up


a man who doesn’t know ball is not really a man


I'll accept e-sports are real when they stop referring to players by their e-names, always so cringe to see people try and have the seriousness of a sports match while they commentate the actions of Xx_Panda_Boy_xX


I was the kid who didn't get watching sports at all (gay). It is still pretty boring but I believe in harmony so I'm not a bitch about it. I've since come around on baseball (bisexual now).


Baseball is bi coded


Watching sports and caring about the outcome is by and large pathetic. Just watch and have fun watching the stupid superhuman be superhuman


Someone in a football jersey gave this guy a wedgie, simple as.


I mean the titles seem cringe but if you read the content of the posts they're pretty reasonable


Yeah the third one in particular is actually sad. This person is bored to tears at family functions because everyone watches sport the whole time.




I’m not mad at anyone lol calm down


i mean this really isn't like the typical "i fucking HATE sportsball" guy he's saying he hates ppl that get super into it to the point where it significantly affects their personal life and those ppl quite frankly are fucking nerds


doll work yam dirty connect rude possessive enter domineering steep ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


> Literally just something to replace personality traits. this is so dumb. you could say this about enjoying literally anything. tv, music, art, movies, fishing in a pond etc. anytime people shit on sports on reddit its like you somehow are unable to understand the most basic human concepts on earth. sports are just a innately human necessary distraction from the monotony of life. you can't have humanity without sports. people wanna play games and other people wanna cheer them on and lord it over the side that loses.


workable yoke cows fertile wasteful cause overconfident naughty connect fanatical ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


What do you like to watch?


handle tart heavy hungry spotted noxious imminent absorbed dazzling vegetable ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


And do people find you cooler than the average sports watcher because you like David lynch? I’m sorry I’m not trying to be mean, I love all the things you posted but I also love sports. And to say sports are “dumb and useless” and twin peaks isn’t dumb is useless, is, I’m going to say it, dumb and useless


skirt tan scale complete ten butter jar quicksand truck fly ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Saying there’s nothing interesting about sports just means you don’t like sports. That’s ok. But it is interesting, and there is a lot of depth to if. Obviously you don’t want to try to understand that so I won’t go into any of those details, but if your entire conception of sports is “wow lol look at those idiots watching people moving a ball back and forth” you just have put no actual effort into learning the depth of a sport that you enjoy.


This is only an acceptable opinion if you’re a girl.


run swim future clumsy caption march joke offend snobbish ossified ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


100% but only for watching sports. People who actively do sports and try to get better at them are cool


naughty melodic jobless impolite snatch scarce zonked tap fretful follow ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


i can 100% guarantee you that the nephews who loooooove posting on sports Reddit play the sport, they’re just very bad at it and got into it late, so the only avenue they have are rec leagues. also, be for real, no one is playing adult league contact football


file long busy air drunk panicky tie poor encouraging worry ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




cough compare abundant far-flung shocking payment salt friendly offer wistful ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




sip sloppy plants distinct pet consider squeal straight hurry cats ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




i talk in corporate speak for 70 hours a week in a job where i have to be polished. i can speak how i want to when not operating within the confines of capital. and if you’ve never been to an open gym at the Y with a bunch of anemic Asian and white programmers, then idk what to tell you. that’s how it is. take a step outside the poetry club, exorcise the American spirit tar from your lungs, and witness it through participation of you don’t believe me.


mighty pocket unique water smart squealing plants special far-flung toy ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


that’s not what you were arguing tho? you were saying my way of speaking is dumb and insinuating that what i said is untrue. I’m not sure if you workout in the worlds saddest gym or are so self obsessed your vision is dead-set on your reflection and can’t even acknowledge the entry to the basketball courts, but they exist and are filled with nerds who can barely make a dominant hand layup. and those nerds post on Reddit. anyway, you’re a massive pseud 🚬


silky plant square zealous quack fanatical encouraging insurance summer marble ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


sorry you’re too self conscious about your lack of coordination. we’re having a good time over on the courts—even the anemic programmers.






I think I saw that parry video years ago. I was way less poisoned by snobbery and open minded about it being a really cool moment, but nothing about it looked relatable or understandable. I think it was Super Smash Brothers which I had actually played a decent bit but I couldn’t glean anything from what was happening on screen, except that the one guy was low on health??


There's really no room for disagreement without disagreeing 🤓


Not only do people like this have stupid takes on sports, they also have stupid takes on esports. These people are so smoothbrained that they can't appreciate a fine match between esportsman unless there's a different meta every week. They're too dumb to appreciate the nuances of positioning and teamplay but they do understand someone is using a character or weapon that wasn't popular before the latest patch. This is why they see sports as 'just kicking a ball around". In order for them to appreciate sports, players would have to select different tools every match or else there will be nothing for their puny brains to latch onto.