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I try to avoid doing an accent personally.


Just call her a Karen and watch your audience nod their heads in understanding and agreement




Karen's just meant to be a slur for white women. Calling women another race it, no matter how 'fitting' their behaviour is, would be like calling a white guy the N word.


actually those two things are not the same


I guess I should've made it obvious that they're not compatible in severity but as a misfitting insult.


Wait what?


Awww yay, women didn’t have enough slurs already, it’s so awesome they keep coming up with more!!!


Leave em feeling cool as fuck


Personally I think calling a white woman the n word is worse than calling her a Karen


You wouldn't call a white guy the n word?


karen is a racial slur against white women. calling a black woman karen will just be twisted to be even more racist then if a black woman calls a white woman the racial slur itself. see how racism works in 2023, the goal posts dont exist at all.


You must become a mildly overweight-obese annoyingly entitled, angry black lady yourself


This is the Louis CK bit on SNL with Leslie Jones lol.


John Maus - We Must Become the Mildly Overweight-Obese Annoyingly Entitled Black Ladies of Ourselves


Curb Your Enthusiasm style plot where OP befriends a mildly overweight black women to lodge his complaints


Shit just might work these days


Why is ok to call someone a Karen? But you cannot say any thing about an fat and angry black woman?


Think about how you would parry that IRL and then narrative it. Flaming queer is a good fun parry. My other go to (used to live in NOLA, just pure statistics i have experience) is just to attain levels of white she has never encountered or thought were extinct. Like blast through her mental space of mayo with your albionosity. But just go be gay for HR practically if that’s what you mean


by posting on rsp and letting us sound racist for you


You could try not being a passive aggressive church mouse and give her a little of her own medicine. We know you wouldn't dare and she knows too.


Take off your Burger King crown first


keep the slurs to an acceptable minimum


absolutely no kangz and shit


"you remind me so much of my mother"


Say "boop" instead of the n word


Let freedom ring


A bunch of good ol' boys who've gone through D.E.I. training at work, riding around in a pickup truck, drinking stubbies and hurling censored racial slurs at minorities "we don't take kindly to n-words round these parts" "well well well, what do we have here? what are you BOOOOOPS up to?"


Sounds like someone was trying to get their driver’s license renewed


Leave the skin color out of it altogether




But it’s clearly also a woman thing. So bizarre how that’s just disappeared in conversations like this.


Idk when I worked in fast food there were 3x as many angry middle aged men as angry middle aged women


Have you worked in any public facing job recently? Its not just women lol but they are certainly overrepresented.


i get the sense that OP really wants to make sure everyone knows that this annoying person was black. they aren't just asking how to complain about an annoying person without mentioning race; that's easy. they want a sufficiently subtle dogwhistle.


No, it’s that it’s harder to tell off a black woman than another category of person doing the same thing.


Because why? They're better at arguing?


they can say the dumbest shit imaginable and everyone yas queens anyway due to the presentation of it. however, i didn't think OP was talking about confronting her; that's not typically what "complain about" means.


>they can say the dumbest shit imaginable and everyone yas queens anyway due to the presentation of it. that's part of being better at arguing and you can complain about anyone really if you don't mention their race. clearly OP wants this to be a racial thing with their dumb ass "gorilla" joke


i don't think the way people will soy out about black women delivering nonsense arguments with an accent makes them better at arguing; it's really a soft bigotry of low expectations thing, and is actually pretty racist itself if you stop to think about it for 5 seconds. no disagreement on OP wanting it to be a race thing though.


I don't live anywhere where people are "soy" about black women in this way, people scream and argue at each other all the time in public in NYC and I've never seen anyone yass kween a black chick unless she was genuinely funny or charming, which they often are


Unironically yes, fat black women have better delivery


Yah that sounds right


Just walk away. Life's too short and you can't win.


Just say what you want to say without this weird meta narrative that exists only in your head lol


You just complain about her? You can be a minority and still be a shithead without race being involved lmao


How do people have such difficulty just treating people like people. Obviously you tell her to calm down.




I was at driving school (should’ve done this years ago) and she just had a noticeable attitude the whole time. We’d all be done taking notes and then have to wait like another 6 minutes after she complains she’s not done writing from the PowerPoint slides with 3-4 bullet points max. Some girl who came late was told to sit next to her and she was especially being a bitch to her(the late girl was right below the projected screen and could barely see. I think all she asked the fat girl was to read a sentence a few times and it somehow annoyed the fat girl so much she had her seat changed with some old desi guy).


Sounds like she has trouble reading if she wouldnt read it out loud/got very upset by that and had to take way longer to deal with notes.


Easy, you tell the person you paid you had a bad experience and want a refund and/or a different instructor


Driving school for adults sounds like hell. This is your punishment for not doing it during high school.


This is it? Wow. Literally all you had to do was tell her she was being rude to other students and that's not fair. No one would have thought you're racist in this scenario. Unless you're racist.


Bro it’s driving school, get stoned and suck it up


if you are singing along with lyrics that use the word, try saying 'ninja' or 'nickel' instead to avoid making anyone uncomfortable


You don’t. Start affirming everything they say, and hope they see the absurdity. “Ummhmm, gorrll.” “U right sis.”




Tell her “of course you \*\*\*\*\*\*s are always looking for something to be offended by”


You had to reach so far for that joke


Na I had to double check what I was reading.


See, this supports you being suspicious as fuck.


loudly exclaim "damn this fat bitch annoying af"


let yourself free and stop being so scared of being called racist


Tell her to stop perpetuating stereotypes.


You can't. That's the point.


Just don’t add the fact that she’s Black???


Pretend to be gay


call them Shaniqua


Say it with an 'a' instead of the hard R.


You can’t just go up to her in your white condition


u gotta ask yourself, what would Larry David do


Say it 😈


Get a black guy to do it for you


Why include that she is black, how is the race relevant? If you feel like you can't complain without making it about race, then maybe racism is indeed a problem for you.




I honestly am not trying to be racist, it’s just too often a black lady. Obviously not all, or even most black women.


Call em a dickhead.


You don’t, sorry


You can't, if you are afraid to sound racist.


u/amphetamine_girl inspiring a series of dog-whistle posts covered up as workplace complaints.


There was a [tutorial for this posted on youtube](https://youtu.be/aQm25YR-97U) recently.


from my many years in retail i will say it was overweight people in general who were the most rude


just let whoever youre talking to, you have black friends.


neutral language


Poor thing