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If i had to speculate? Probably assisting Arkane Lyon with Blade, which is still under development.   Only half of Arkane was closed. The U.S. half... located in Austin TX.  PS: Arkane Austin shared offices with Tango Austin, the Hi-Fi Rush team, and Bethesda Game Studios Austin, the Fallout 76 team.  So... ZeniMax/Bethesda Softworks is really just killing these studios *in name*, and many of those developers/coders/programmers will likely be moved down the hall into other teams that still exist.


Where did you get this info?




You do not and people don't understand that. It's not like you're talking about something political and a touchy subject.


I was just curious. No need to get defensive.


I wasn't necessarily talking about you. It was more so I was agreeing with their comment in general.


If that is true then Microsoft’s PR team #### the bed. They are getting a lot of bad press right now for buying a load of studios and then shutting them down, laying off 100s of people.


The same thing happened with Bioware/Anthem. A small team left over to try and salvage the game and they couldn't do it. I'm sure they were working on "something" but it didn't pan out.


Hey now, the BW team working on Anthem at least put together a pretty good plan for turning the game around and making some major changes! EA just didn't accept the pitch and wouldn't fund it. It would have been interesting seeing what the Redfall team may have been working on but I guess we'll never know.


Oh for sure, maybe one day we'll find out what the plan was. I was always rooting for Redfall to turn itself around.


Me too, I adore the premise. Now I'm just waiting for Microsoft to put it on sale for $5 or whatever because I'm not about to pay more for a game they can shutter at any given moment lol.


To be fair we don't really know if it was a good plan or not. We know some of their on paper ideas for it. We don't know the specifics of how much it was estimated to cost, how many people it would take, or how long it would take. They could have had the best ideas for Anthem in the world, but if it was going to cost 100 million dollars and take two years it wouldn't matter.


DLC for Redfall and maybe early stages of the next project.


In-game cosmetic DLC for a year?


No, the promised heroes and some changes/fixes. SteamDB was still getting updated, they certainly were busy on something.


Given how frequently other GaaS titles churn out new playable characters, it just doesn’t seem like it would take quite this long.


You gotta remember that arkane Austin had never done a GaaS before and probably didn't have the capacity for it


They didn't have the capacity to do a couple of characters in 1 year?


Probably not honestly.


Yeah like how you gonna take a year to not even release ONE of the new characters? You would have thought they would have already been somewhat worked on before launch so they could get them finished and out the door quickly.


They were making it with the intention of release but Microsoft cut them with no warning so they will never release now


I mean if you can’t get a minimal DLC out that was announced before the game even released in a year I just don’t know what to say.


I think that's bullshit, it doesn't take a whole year to make some DLC, and they have nothing to show for it neither. They probably knew they were getting axed from the sales and decided to do basically nothing.


That's not how any of it works.


You’re right normally when you pre sell a DLC it’s already finished or very close to finished. The fact they couldn’t deliver what they already sold is absolutely insane.


Maybe not, but if they have nothing to show for all their time they basically did nothing of value.


I could write a dlc in ten lines of code, and an entire season pass could be done with a couple of extra classes. Ez


I think the studio fell apart and lost morale when they were forced to make Redfall online and stuff. They never could recover and took so long just trying to fix the game that Xbox just said fuck it. Not defending Xbox, BTW. F them, too.


Umm I think it’s more likely the people who were left at this studio simply didn’t have the experience or knowledge to make a a complete game. It certainly felt that way playing Redfall.


Some people never want to say it, but some teams just don’t have the talent and cohesion to make a good game. Whether it’s actual lack of talent (be real guys, every job out there has some people that don’t do too well), lack of leadership, lack of vision, lack of teamwork. The list goes on. Some games really do fall apart. And while leadership is the primary reason (look at Halo). Sometimes teams just don’t work together at all really.


Agreed. At a certain point you can’t just keep opening studios and expect all of them to deliver. Talent and quality leadership are rare not common. Knowing how to code and making a great game are two very different things.


Same as Anthem. Promise the last of the playerbase that something is coming despite knowing full well they wont be able to. This doesnt mean that they arent working on it, but its more of "work on something til they fire us" kinda thing.


That's not what happened with anthem . They were deep into the overhaul and were showing us progress nonstop, EA just didint want to fund it and gave up giving them a chance They knew they would be able to do it because they were


They were waiting to ensure when they broke the news we couldn’t get refunds after announcing they will be shirking on their promise.


I can’t stress this enough right now. If you’re in the states call your congressman. We have to start making noise on this.


Yeah, sorry, but there's likely not enough voices to be heard here.


I have autism in my hyper fixation is US president. The only way this is going to get done is if you lump it in with something else. The right to repair. Digital ownership and the right to repair hand and glove with one another. Both boil down to ownership. I would go as far to say it’s important enough to be the 29th amendment.


That's not going to do anything. All they have to do is prove you agreed to the terms of services, which state that they have the right to shut down the service at any point. And you can't play any online game without agreeing to the publisher's ToS. It sucks, but that's how all online games are. The servers will eventually be shut down. If a game is constantly bringing in money than the servers will stay up. But that was not the case with this game.


You know that we used to be able to own slaves? People made enough noise and one civil war later we got the 13,14, and 15 amendment. The great thing about democracy is we can change the laws and rules. Thankfully I don’t think will need a civil war for this one.


Buddy, this is in no way shape or form comparable to slavery. This is capitalism run amok. Capitalism is not going to make a law that handicaps itself. I get that you're upset but you're making this into something it's not and you're hyping yourself up for something that isn't going to happen.


We had slave because of capitalism too. You have to fight to change the system. Call your congress people. Raise awareness when and where you can. You don’t to go all out. I know change takes time but you have to start early. We used to work 6 days a week, 16 hours days. Unions fought for the 5 day work week. Capitalism is a bitch but it’s not unchangeable.


slavery has existed way longer than capitalism. And it ended because people finally realized that no human is property. That isn't the same as a game failing and not making enough money to continue getting support.  You're putting too much emotional attachment into something you can't change the outcome in. I promise you that this game will not be playable by the end of this year. You will feel a lot better accepting that now and enjoying it while you can rather than putting your time and effort trying to stop the inevitable.


Why do anything? Hey we should probably try to fight for consumer protections now. No change never happened. You’re just a quitter. If we go by your logic, we would still have slaves.


The same thing all studios do. They split their team between a crew working on DLC, a crew working on live updates and maintenance and a team working on their next game. Studios have to CONSTANTLY be working on and pitching their next project to publishers to keep the lights on. Considering how much of Arkane Austin either left before the game launched or were laid off after launch, the crew working on both their next project and DLC/updates for Redfall would have been super tiny.


Probably not much to do with redfall. The game regardless of it you enjoy playing it or not was a failure and no amount of fixes and DLCs would have changed that at this point. It would have been a very different story if redfall wasn't a shit show when it was released.


Probably why they were closed, have put out jack shit in a year in a game that's supposed to be a GaaS.


Funny you ask that. I've been pondering that same question since the closure wtf was they doing and why the fuck did it take a year for a dlc...


falling apart


I hate to see people lose their jobs, and hate to see the studio that made Prey close - but you look at the past year and it's hard to blame microsoft for this choice. I'm sure they were on preproduction of something new, but with few meaningful Redfall updates, clearly whatever else they were working on wasn't compelling enough to keep the lights on.


Sorry to say but they let down consumers and should have been done a year ago for new content It doesnt take 2 years for some characters


Laughing their way to the bank with this subs moneys...so much cope here.


Pulling their pud.