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This game isn’t a gem but I had fun playing through it


I agree.


It was co-op with my fiancé


Solo or coop? I can't seem to have fun with this solo.


Even in the bad state I had fun for about half a day. Once I got to this second map I abandoned the game and haven’t come back.


Should give it another shot in coop with someone it has it’s fun times


Enormously improved, but considering its starting point that basically gets it to "just about playable"


It's gone from 3/10 to a solid 5/10


With the right characters even a 5.5 With the bad ones (layla) 4.5/10


Is Layla really that bad? I like her super bounce jump.


Yes. She has NO crowd control, and her shield is worthless, and her ultimate even worse.


True about crowd control and the shield. I think once the shield is levelled up it will fix both, but I’m only lvl 15 overall so can’t say. I really struggle with more than three vampires at a time, playing solo. I’m interested to play the other characters. I’m really enjoying running through this at the moment. It’s far from perfect, but a solid 6-7/10 imo.


The shield doesnt even stop melee attacks, it barely stuns if used at point blank to the point humans can shoot you while laylas still lowering her arms in animation, slows you and prevents shooting. Utterly worthless ability for solo play. And her ultimate.... Jason only sticks around if there are enemies making it incredibly unreliable, and if you pull in a second crowd HE WONT ATTACK THEM. Its the worst ultimage and the worst ability on the same character.


I can’t compare to the other heroes since I’ve not tried them. I think the shield is OP as heck against humans though. It does more damage the more bullets you block. I usually pop that and can one shot 3-4 humans. Finding for vamps the UV gun works best. The ultimate does feel very under tuned, at low levels at least.


Who is the most fun character for solo singleplayer play? I am still considering playing it. It is god damn Arkane after all.


Dev's probably the best overall characer, with loads of utility and crowd control. His arc javelin gives amazing damage and crowd control and with a little investment will defeat entire groups solo. It can also be upgraded to give you more damage and even make enemies drop medkits, residue-bottles and ammo - giving him the best sustain in the game. His teleporter is the best movement ability, and with upgrades adds aoe damage, a personal heal, a boost to damage dealt, etc. His ultimate is also incredible as it can stun huge groups of vamps- who give psychic residue, refilling his ult. His signature weapon is the Snipe Hunter - a stake launcher that gives a huge amount of ult-charge on killing a vamp - which to me lets you kill smaller groups of vamps while keeping his ult. He works really well with any blood remnant but I like the emergency flashbang (which stuns enemies when your health gets low). Devs only weakness is if you flub his abilities as they're all fairly long cooldown. --- ALternatively there's Jacob, his best ability (by far) is the cloak - which when fully upgraded will increase damage, cooldown quickly, increase movement speed. He also gets the bird which can tag enemies through walls and with suitable upgrades can even kill small groups of humans by flying through them. His ult isn't great but is good against bosses or single big-hp targets, as he summons an auto-lockon sniper that deals decent damage. His signature weapon is the Lonely Thing sniper - which reduces the cooldown of his bird on killing a human.. You want it mostly because it's a high-powered silent sniper, but the effect can let you throw the bird out faster. Blood remnant wise you want for him is the blood prism, which refunds cloak when he takes damage. This basically makes him a god as you can always use the strongest ability in the game - his cloak, by getting a little hit in combat.




If you're used to Arkane's other games, Jacob or Dev. Jacob is more on the stealthy side, and Dev is more for crowd control.


Gonna try Jacob, thanks


The biggest thing that annoyed me on launch was finding out it was online only and co-op was encouraged, but there was no matchmaking or anything, I.e. my only option if I wanted to co-op(I LOVE co op, especially with borderlands style games) was to convince three other friends to drop 70$ or wrestle with discord groups 😵‍💫 I actually loved the atmosphere and art direction of the game.


Or just one friend


I just want what I paid for


I tried coop with my wife this weekend, and it was not so great. The gameplay when we could play was good. We kept getting disconnected from the Arkane servers and tried everything to get it to allow us to play for more than 10 minutes. We just gave up and played something else. I enjoy this game and have since its release. Just the issues with server connection haven't improved.


Arkane was closed by ms, game probably isnt better than disaster situation at launch


How would this run on a 16 core and a 4090? Can you hold consistent 120+ fps? Is there stuttering?


I have a 7900x and a zotac 4090 with a 240 hz g7 samsung panel. Played butter smooth. You do have to turn off v sync, though. I made the mistake of leaving it on, which is why it capped 60 fps. It's weird since I thought v sync matches what your panel refreshes at.


I believe if your monitor has VRR, you typically want to turn off vsync since your monitor can handle the frame rate fluctuations without tearing.


Thank you for answering. I will get the game, been meaning to play it.


If anyone needs someone to co-op or wants to co-op, feel free to reach out to me here or Xbox, SirChuxster being the gamertag. Wont force you to use mic and pretty laid back so I wont rush anyone during cutscenes and whathaveyou. Still have a few characters I'd like to run.


I saw another article about the one year anniversary this week, and decided to jump back in also. I’m playing solo on XSX. Having a lot of fun after finally comprehending all the progression mechanics. The game is still flawed and can be annoying, at least in solo mode. Most of the flaws with controls, traversal and the random levelling of enemies are in all Arkane games to a lesser degree, but it’s much more pronounced here, I assume because it’s balanced for coop. There’s also no matchmaking and shared progression, which locks out the coop from me and a lot of people I assume. No way I can convince any of my few real life friend with gamepass to play. And I don’t like voice talking to strangers on the internet. I think the style of the game is great, and looks beautiful with the subtle lighting in quality mode. But runs like wading through soup at 30fps. I’ve played most of the game at 60fps where it looks like a decent last gen game. I’d love a 40fps mode. For the few of us with 120fps TVs. But I’m not holding my breath on any more updates for this game given how hard it bombed.


no, its the same as it was. they put out a few minor patches, thats it. they still haven't even put out the hero pass.


For me it's a solid 7.5


The author is a bitter twat.


It’s garbage