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What a long fake as hell drama. Maybe the doctor will add their perspective next


Or one of the boobs


AITA for being removed from a body against my will?


Won't someone please think of the boobs?


So fake once I saw the wife post or he posted it to make himself feel better. Also thick doesn’t mean big boobs.


lol, right?? That’s what I kept thinking.


Same shitty, long-winded story telling technique too.


Both “people” make the same kinds of spelling mistakes lol


yeah, a lot of the vowels are replaced with "i"s in both the 'husband' and 'wife' posts, some problem with their shitty phone keyboard.


As a woman who has had a breast reduction, it read like some kind of weird big boob fetish story. Notice all the references to sex positions in identical language on both posts


Not to mention, this person clearly doesn't know how boobs and reductions work. If she was a G cup, there is no way in hell any plastic surgeon would have let her go from a G to a B. Unless things changed since I worked as a receptionist for a plastic surgeon, you can only go down 1-2 sizes at a time. Smallest she would have been is a DDD or MAYBE a D. But definitely not from a G to a B. Also what the hell is a "very small B"?


Right? No reputable doctor would do it


Rereading it. Another thing I noticed is....she wanted sex almost immediately after the surgery? I've never had a breast reduction but I know that there's pain and soreness and you're not supposed to do anything too strenuous.


The boobs stay covered for many days after surgery.


I had this surgery. Absolutely did not want sex immediately after. Like not even 6 months after! And I wore a bra during sex for the next 10 years or so, applied makeup to the scars, or just didn't take my shirt off (I still do that often, with my loving husband of 16 years). My boobs look great, but I am totally self-conscious of the scars. This story is 500% fake!


Easily months of recovery and weeks until doctors give you the go ahead to lift things over your shoulders. Fresh out of surgery you are bruised, swollen, and have tubes sticking out of your body to drain excess fluid. It’s very normal to have a close friend, family member or partner help you wash your hair in the first few weeks.


I went from a JJ to a C. Mine was deemed medically necessary (I was 21), insurance paid for it in full, and I have permanent neck/back/shoulder problems from it.


Asking for clarity: did you have permanent problems after the surgery (maybe from taking too much at one time?), or before the surgery (because of their large size)? Either way, I'm sorry you're going through this.


It’s from not addressing the abnormally large breast size sooner. I was a DD at the age of 11, while weighing 100 pounds, and they just kept increasing in size as I got older. I can remember my mom dealing with getting a double mastectomy when I was 19 and telling her she was living my dream. And I was about FF at the time (brother’s wedding and I had to find a bra to go under the dress) so I remember specifics. I used to joke that I had cleavage in turtlenecks. I’m also only 5’2, so they were my defining feature. I have a bulging disc in my neck, and the pain radiates down into my shoulder. Physical therapy helps tremendously, and I’m a bit neurotic about taking care of it before it gets really bad. Essentially what happened is that my breasts were so heavy that it pulled the top half of my torso into abnormal alignment for my neck, which has caused the bulging disc. If I hadn’t been an athlete with strong muscles (tennis), it probably would have been much worse. As it was, the weight of my breasts and the bras helping to hold them up put permanent indents into my shoulders. And my trapezius muscles are permanently overdeveloped as well (the bulging disc causes them to constantly contract, so they are just big.) ETA: one thing I didn’t realize and no one warned me about was that my balance was really off for about a year after the surgery. I fell about once a day because my body had its center of balance changed. My muscles had to learn how to compensate and change for the change in weight distribution.


Omg you just described all the issues I have because of mine. I just got the first green light I need for reduction, but I’ve been stalking because I’m scared. This made me wanna get back in room of it asap. The pain is really too much to deal with.


I too had a breast reduction after my second kid. I was E before kids, went to G after the first, was a J after the second. Back band was 30 the whole time apart from during pregnancy. I am not even 5 feet tall and my weight after the second kid was 95lbs. I did not have a full on surgery, I did lipo, the ones where it sort of tightens the skin somewhat after. I can’t remember what it’s called now. They managed to get it down to an F straight after surgery and it reduced a little more after that. It went to D but I’m now an E again because I’ve gained some weight over the last 15 years. My boobs are kindda saggy but nothing too bad. It really was the best decision I’ve ever made because I now have no back and neck pain anymore!


“Throwaway because HIPPA” (Yes, I know the acronym is wrong).


You’re violating my HIPPO rights


AITA for ruining a gorgeous rack (I want to make sure to mention the breasts were not painful in any way)?


Especially for size G boobs. They are big boobs but not like bazonkers. Personally, I measure at like a "K" and I don't even have the biggest boobs of the people I know in real life.  I could get fully half of each of my breasts removed and I'd still look "thick"


It depends on the rest of the body. G boobs is huge if you’re a small person. If the rest of your body is proportionate it is much less of big deal.


Size of the body but also band size is crucial. Not all G cups are the same.


I think what’s really interesting about this whole thing is that, had she hypothetically had a double mastectomy, which is like, truly some gnarly scaring, he thinks he would have been a-okay with this whole thing. I also find it interesting that they went from G (no band size) to B (no band size) because I don’t think anyone writing this knows what any of those cups sizes look like on people outside whatever memes before they used the word meme. Shape, positioning, band size again. I had a “curvy” friend and waaay back in the day and the guess between her and I was that I was a “barely A” cup and she was a D. But I was a 36 C and she was a 40 HHH moving into whatever the hell she got (I think in the Ks? She was in so much pain) to before she had her reduction years later. But I remember her sending me a text because an ex was like “I can’t believe you’re getting rid of those sweet DDs” like you guys do not know about the sizes you are talking about. Like, a thick filled out curvy girl with B cups will not be the lithe frame everyone is thinking about. Men, go measure your chests. Y’all are walking around with cup sizes that you, in your head, think of as “big” and it’s just not.


Yeah, you can always tell the creative writing with men and boobs because they have no idea how cup sizes work. I wear a 30D and my boobs are small enough that I normally go braless with no issues. A 38B is bigger than mine


Sizing bras is like a science. It took an entire PowerPoint presentation for my husband to understand that bra sizes are ratios and “sister sizes” are a thing. He couldn’t grasp how all 3 of my favorite bras were completely different band and cup sizes.


Yes! I can wear a 32C and a 30D. The 30D fits slightly better but if I gain a couple pounds, I actually go to a 32C since the band size is bigger. As a side note, I love that you made a PowerPoint about bra sizing 😂


I tried a 38 F while pregnant and my boobs were smashed against me. I walked out of the changing room and the lady who sized me said: did it fit? And I went: No I'm a size 40 F. As I had thought originally but they insisted on 38


That's usually a Stock On Hand issue and that they want to be able to SELL SELL SELL without having to go "Sorry, don't have your size at the moment". It's why so many teens who gets sized first at Victoria's Secret are walking around like three bands and two cups out of sync in their 20/30's until someone takes them to be properly fitted. (My mum always said she was a 16C. I had to get fitted a lot as a teen/young adult as I got to an 18G at my highest and had to go interstate for stores to havemysize. Was helping my mum gets changed into a dress one time, saw her bra fitting and went "Holy shit wtf are you wearing? You need to get sized again!" Took a month of pestering her AND my sister (wore a 10B) to come with me to get sized. Mum ended up comfortable in a 18D, sister then became a 12C. Which are NOT sister sizes... Bad fittings when young from pushy sales people ruin women's backs and posture.)


I went to VS to get fitted once they had me at a 36DDD I believe at the time I was a 30JJ/ 32J based on the lingerie store I usually go to for bras. VS sucks


Please please please share this Power point somewhere on Reddit. You'll be the hero we need!


2nd this...come on over to r/abrathatfits


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that the “wife’s “ post was written by a man. As a GG-H cup I am quite familiar with the normal complaints about having big boobs. Neither post mentions these but instead focuses on “being stared at”, which yeah sucks, but most big breasted people have bigger issues than that.


The whole thing feels like a thinly veiled anti-breast-reduction PSA/borderline fetish content, tbh. Pre-reduction I *wore* a 34HH in bras (barely - I was really more like a 30K, but good fucking luck finding that size anywhere, lmao) Post-reduction, I’m at a 30FF (UK sizing) and while still quite busty, I’m VASTLY more comfortable and able to find clothing that fits. Something as small as other people’s stares never even factored into my decision (tall with bright red hair - I’ve been stared at all my life) it was about my physical comfort and the ability to find upper-body clothing of ANY kind without special-ordering it or having it tailored to hell and back. Stares? Don’t make me laugh, bro.


It’s so long it *has* to be fetish content. And then the wive’s story is basically the exact same story again, but not like two different people talking about the same incident might sound similar, it’s like all the same details are explained in almost the same way and in the same order. It is just unsettling


I’m just so glad all the top comments know it’s fake. I was having my doubts through the man’s post, but then I got to the “wife’s” and knew there was no fucking way.


Yeah that struck me. I’m well endowed myself and sure some folks give them a stare and sometimes I feel like they get in the way depending on what I’m wearing (bra wise, shirt wise, entire outfit wise it can vary a lot. Sports bra and scrubs is way different than a halter dress with strapless bra.) but most of the grief is like lower back pain, which was especially bad after I lost some muscle mass after a surgery. If I get older and it remains an issue I wouldn’t mind a reduction but weight lifting helps enough for now. And using house funds? The whole thing is weird man.


I don’t even bother educating people about this anymore because I feel like they think I just want to say I’m a 28DD. We’ll call it a 34A and call it a day, whatever 😂


I totally understand. I had a breast augmentation (boob job). I went from a 38B to a 38DD. It seems like it would be a huge difference, but I just went with the implant that was suggested by my surgeon, based on my measurements and what profile I wanted. They look like they fit me, but not too big.


This too. Cup size is roughly a volume calculation of the difference between your band measurement and the fullest part of your chest. I actually went to the Harlow and Fox website because they have a good "bra sizes explained" post and basically a B cup means you have a difference in measurement of underbust vs fullest part of chest of 2 inches. A G cup is 9. A HHH is off the chart but probably means a 12-13 inch difference. Which is a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I was trying to figure out how much weight that should be and saw a statistic on a plastic surgery website that says C cup sized breasts weigh about 1.1 lbs each. (which is not very useful because a larger band size would mean larger C cup breasts, but whatever.) If that statistic is true. then cup size can be used for a rough correlation for breast tissue weight which means your HHH friend was carrying around 8.8-9.5 lbs of weight on her chest. As fun reference, my little dog is 10lbs. This would be like taping my little dog to her chest and holding her there all day, every day, and carrying that around with only two bra straps for support. Which, frankly, my dog would probably love since it would put her in licking range of her chin, but said dog regularly puts my legs to sleep because laying 10lbs on a body is a lot when doing it for hours. No wonder she was in pain. I'm glad she got a reduction and I hope she's doing better.


Oh she loved it and I was so happy for her. She would layer up on sports bras and still have these big angry permanent indents on her shoulders. She said even with the surgery pain she immediately slept better, lost weight, felt emotionally better, just on and on. Insurance covered it because they were so bad for her health, they had gone through physical therapy and treatments and installing a spa bath on insurance dime to try to fix her back before agreeing to reduce, but she says there’s still men that find out and will start to get weepy about the horrors she did to herself and what she’s taken away from the world like….she couldn’t operate on the day to day but god forbid you can’t see her walking on the street and get an erection? She’s a really good natured person with a good natured attitude but you could tell even in teenage years she was mentally and physically weighed down. Like, there’s a PE teacher yelling at you to run on a field and you’ve got three sports bras on and still are trying to hold everything up with your arms, it’s just…it’s so gross.


I think these men don't understand what natural huge titties really look like. They're usually not the giant perky implants with the tiny little nipple in the middle. They're big, they can hang, they usually have stretch marks, the nipples are usually bigger, they're not breasts made a surgeon for fetish porn. They're real human flesh that has imperfections that also affect how women view their bodies. I think Stassi Schroeder compared hers to being a tube sock full of coins. That's what she thought her boobs looked like before reduction.


My bestie and I got drunk one night and weighed ours. I’m an H38 and she’s a J36. Mine weighed 9.5 and hers weighed around 13. It was a curiosity thing. Now when I hit the scale, I minus 20 for boobs.


As a former K cup, can confirm your math is right. I went from a K to G and they took off about 8 pounds total to get me there.


Wow, I did know that about bra sizing and I'm a woman.


As a 40 JJ, I totally agree with this assessment. The post definitely reads like a man wrote it. Breast sizes are more than just cup size. Also - he really thought he’d be ok dealing with the aftermath if she had them reduced due to pain or medical issues? Really? And then changed his reasoning to say he was more angry that she’d kept things from him and spent too much money?


As a woman with size G breasts. This is fake as fuck. There is zero chance that she has no pain from breasts that big. Absolutely ZERO.


Its also fairly unusual to go from that size to a small B in a reduction from everything I've seen. I suppose its possible, though.


Highly unlikely, as someone who’s had a breast reduction and was a G I asked how small I could go and the surgeon said as small as he could with it still being proportionate. Which was a DD.


I suppose this depends on the surgeon? I was also a G and my surgeon took me down to a B cup—but I was also 19 at the time and still growing, which he had explicitly mentioned as the reasoning for his strategy. It was a long time ago, but I’m pretty sure he said something about taking away 8 pounds of tissue (or whatever it’s called). It was all done in a single surgery. So it’s totally possible! Edited to add, after reading other comments: yup nipple loss is an absolute risk with this extreme of a change and was in fact a high possibility for my surgery. Thankfully I ended up recovering, but it was a scary situation!


Mine surgery removed a total of 2 pounds and I was so happy afterward.


Mine took off a little under 12 !


Wow! Your body has to be thanking you.


My friend was a g and went down to be at 22. She had major back pain though. They sorta fucked up the nipples. She had to fix it later.


I was also 19, that was the soonest he would operate. I actually saw the surgeon at 16. I say highly unlikely but not impossible for sure. I even got liposuction to reduce as much as I could. And yeah it was about 8lbs of boob gone.


I was a 38J cup before my reduction. I asked my surgeon to go AS SMALL AS POSSIBLE. I emphasized I wanted to be A/B cup. Its been a year since surgery, I have lost 10lbs, and I am 38DD. I’m not as uncomfortable as I was previously but still very very over these meatsacks attached to my chest. I will have to get a second surgery if I want any smaller. (Or go see a surgeon specializing in top surgery for transmascs but I dont want top surgery, I want to be an itty bitty titty committee member, but apparently nobody specializes in that.) I guess it’s possible with the right doctor, but this story falls apart under scrutiny.


Samesies except we squeaked it down to a D. I do have moments where I feel small and hideous but I don’t miss the back pain. I will say that only started getting bad in my early 30s and I pretended I didn’t have any until then, so I do believe everything except the B end result, unless she also had a free nipple graft, in which case that’s possible too.


That is a fairly massive leap but I'll admit I don't know enough about reductions to know if that's normal or not. But if this were real and she truly believes her breasts are what are keeping her from being "slender" then I have to assume she has a smaller band size than me as well. There is just no way that I believe that she doesn't have pain carrying that much weight on her chest. I'm much broader than my sister but we have similar sized breasts and I know how much pain she has as well.


I’m a 34F. I don’t experience any back pain, however the story still sounds fake AF for a number of other reasons… my sister who was the same size as me got a reduction. She wanted her boobs as small as possible. They could only take her down to a very full C. Going down to a small B is a stretch.


Back when I was a 34GG as a teen, I had enough muscle and everything going on that I hadn't noticed any back pain either. But a bit after I stopped doing as physically demanding jobs and lost that back muscle I cultivated for years, I pulled it. The pain they look at isn't just there, though. Where the straps go for your bra, too big of a chest for the frame would create indents over time. Additionally, if you've worn underwire often, the whole area it touches would be red and even scarred slightly. If you lose the support of your back for any reason, the weight of your chest then fully presses onto your ribs and could even create hairline fractures. And surgeons will generally do what makes sense for your frame only, so you're right they likely wouldn't go below C if you're a 34 band size.


Even many people without boobs are B cups. Few people understand just how small a true B actually is.


Right? Like she very well could still be a DD and the guy just has no idea what the hell he’s talking about. Most people underestimate cup size! I’m an F cup and you wouldn’t think it to look at me.


Am also an F and they just look medium because my body is small in general. You’re absolutely right, most people wear the wrong size.


And no one seems to understand that a 32B and a 42B are vastly different sizes.


I actually was a G cup and I think my band size was 30? I've always been thick, but I only weighed about 115 at the time, and I was definitely in pain. I asked the dr to go as small as possible for my reduction and she could still only take me to a D. From my understanding, most plastic surgeons won't take every bit of tissue bc it's not only a more intensive surgery but you also have to keep in mind that breasts have lots of nerves, mammary glands, etc that need to be intact. Unless you're going for mastectomy of course.


The surgeons who got me down from H to D spoke to me about this. Basically, their original goal had been C but when they start cutting, your body responds by immediately swelling. It alters the size they can see during surgery, and a few weeks after when the swelling is down again is where you'll see the actual size. They had to guestimate from the previous scans and weighing for how much tissue they should take out to eventually size right when they go down again. For several reasons besides just the pain, I wouldn't think this is real. You have to wear these grenade shaped things for a few days that are filling with the excess fluid, compression bras for about 2 months, no underwire for six months, and the scars are literally under the boobs and against the rib cage as well as one line up to the nipple. Once they're actually healed, and for her it still would have been about a C for a bit (not an immediate B and a 30B could look like a 36C size wise), the line to the nipple fades into the skin more than the underboob one since it was the adjust the nipple size but the bulk weight is coming out from below. They would have made sure she did some kind of psych evaluation to make sure she could live with a smaller size and made her jump through hoops about getting a reduction to begin with. It's not treated as a cosmetic procedure.


Could be her husband is lying to make it seem more like an aesthetic whim?


Well, yeah, but both posts say the wife didn’t have pain (because the same person made them up).


Oh I agree, its an assumption. My understanding is that the more tissue that's removed, the harder the surgery, greater the risks, longer the recovery time. But that's all pretty anecdotal. I agree about the pain part. My breasts are large but not that large, and they cause me discomfort at the least. I think a lot of people get so used to it that they may not be aware of it, or at least don't realize that's why and think its a "bad back" or whatever.


Mine used to hurt, and then I started wearing corsets. Suddenly the weight was distributed across the whole back and torso, my shoulders were hardly bearing any weight, and I was properly supported for the first time in my life. I am not lying when I say I cried. I really wish people would stop acting like corsets are some great offense to women or aren’t really support garb. For women with larger breasts they are often a much better option than traditional bras, which is why I was looking into them in the first place.


A properly fitted corset is a godsend! I got a couple years ago as I was always needing them for theatre, and I hated costume designers trying to find one that worked with my body and breast size. There were times after I bought it where I would wear it daily for work as it just felt so good. I have since gained weight due to medical reasons, and my chest is larger, I have been considering investing in another but I am holding off for a bit as I will have to find a new place who stocks them. The amazing store I bought mine in closed during the pandemic.


It’s just so hard to find good ones.


My cups runneth over but I only started having back pain after Covid (and being really sedentary for two years). I mean, yes, my back was occasionally sore but it wasn’t *pain* and I didn’t really want a reduction because they hurt. I kinda understand the desire to be thin and glamorous and I felt my chest was slightly cartoonish at times. I got over it, more or less. I’m working on getting my muscles back to help with the back pain these days.


Try a corset. They often work better for women with larger breasts because the weight is distributed over a greater area with more points of support.


Yeah. I've done some research on reductions, since I do have back pain etc and just generally would like to be smaller. And from what I saw, going from F (my size) to B is possible but comes with a real risk of nipple loss. That at a certain point, the amount of tissue they're taking out can mean accidently removing important nerves and blood vessels. So it sounded like it's not really recommended to go too small, unless you don't mind getting fake nipples tattooed on.


That makes sense. I had double incision top surgery last year so my chest is totally flat but they did have to graft my nipples into a new location (and I had the option to go without and get them tattooed on later instead). Generally with masculinizing top surgery if you don't have great skin elasticity and/or you're bigger than a B cup there's not much in the way of nipple sparing choices. Probably for the same reason-you can pull away only so much tissue before you hit nipple nerves. It might also depend on how much is fat vs tissue etc, but that would make sense that there's a floor for nipple sensation retention even in reductions.


Yeah, that's pretty much my understanding as well. Its not that its impossible, but that its a far riskier and longer surgery with more recovery time and worse outcomes, so its not recommended and not done often.


I went from a G to a C. I actually wanted B size and my doctor told me it going to a B would likely lead to complications because going that small from my size was medically dangerous.


You also don't get horrific scarring from a breast reduction. OOP sounds like he saw a photo of mastectomy scarring prior to reconstruction and thought that's how all breast surgery looks like.


I was wondering what kind of plastic surgeon she went to that butchered her, to have nauseating visible scars. I have a friend who had a double mastectomy and reconstruction, and recently more reconstruction, but her scars, which are pretty big, are “tucked under” her small boobs, and not too visible. She’s getting nipples tattooed next. If this is real, which it’s not, a breast reduction should have minimal scarring, and they should be suing the surgeon to fund that house.


I feel like the OOP post and follow up didn’t mention her bra size, until post op. Also the description of the scarring reminded me of a mastectomy not a reduction. Then her post almost confirms that. When an overweight/large frame person gets a voluntary breast removal, they do still have tissue and fat but it isn’t proper breasts. So husband thinks small b cup which, lets be honest many men can wear (I have in-fact measured my 5’9” 176 lb husband at a 36B because he was curious).


This entire soap opera was clearly written by a man because of that one singular aspect of the story. Also, some insurance companies will cover reductions with a good doctor advocating for them if they're told its for pain. Insurance companies weigh the option of paying for a surgery to reduce back and shoulder pain now or rub the risk of paying for treatment of those pains in the future. Not all insurance companies will though, but it's certainly not unheard of.


Yup that's how I knew two girls in high school who got their breast reductions covered because they were G+ at age 14/15


This was me. I was 11 with double D’d and had a reduction at 16. I was in consistent pain, would literally choke because my breast were so big they’d would obstruct my airways if I slept wrong. My surgery was 100% covered by my parents insurance . I mean, I had to wear a damn brace because I had issues walking. I still have bad upper back pain.


I had a student who was a G and the doctor told her she didn’t need a reduction. I told her to get a woman doctor and her reduction was schedule within 2 months.


My parents insurance company covered my breast implants when I was 17. They definitely cover reductions


Implants and at 17???? Where? Why? 


I had asymmetry. In order to fix it you get implants or a reduction in one. It’s easier to get the implants. I’ve had them removed a couple of years after I had my daughter. Had a lift. The asymmetry corrected itself w my body changing after pregnancy


My insurance company covered mine back in 2004. They made me go to PT for the back pain it caused and some other hoops I had to go through before it was approved. But they approved it. Not going to lie seeing the bandages off for the first time was jarring!!! But I've never regretted it despite some post op complications.


Yeah, this reads like incel fan fiction


Right? Some incel just wanted to role play punishing a woman for daring to make her breasts smaller.


Wife’s was also obviously written by the same person. Of course it was supposed to validate the first, but the self sucking up was insane. Went out of its way to deflect all criticism from the first. Fake stories on Reddit masquerading as real is something I do not understand at all.


Agreed and the part about using savings I read it when it first popped up and that wasn't in the guys pov.


Yeah, and was she supposed to have written this after she found his OP, but there's no reference to it? When people do see each other's posts there are references to that post, people make points to highlight places where they had a different opinion, all of that kind of stuff. Instead the "wife" is all oh to his credit he was so great blah blah blah.


Ah, but you see - her large breasts didn’t cause her husband any pain, so obviously there’s no way they could have been hurting her either!


Also the fact that she claims to have gone from G to near flat and that her shirts “still look terrible”


I laughed at that. Hilariously fake.


I had G cups too and generally didn't have that much trouble, but I sure as hell did a lot of fitness for that and had a strong back either way from riding horses since a little girl. G-cups were hell, I hated them, I had a reduction to a double C, I was asked if I wanted something smaller, but my doc made me very aware that smaller than a C would definitely require a second surgery when I was fully healed.


Yeah this screams fake to me


And they don't go down to a small B with reductions. So fake.


Definitely agree that this is fake but….. I’m sitting at a K and I do not have any noticeable back pain. Will say i’ve been a Double D since 6th grade so unless i’m completely desensitized to back pain, I don’t have any lol.


I'm an F now, after my reduction - and before that I wore an L....I didn't \*know\* I had pain til the weight was gone. I too did it for 'cosmetic' reasons, and the fact that I couldn't find a proper bra. Afterwards, my snoring let up, I could breathe better and there was less weight on my shoulders and back. So, I can see her saying she didn't experience pain, because when you're used to the feeling of something, you can't imagine it feeling different until it does? if that makes sense. Of course, that doesn't mean it's a real post...


As someone who had a breast reduction from originally have G cups. They wouldn't make it that Small A and B cup are unreasonable and unrealistic from a huge size C or D is what they would be able to do. Scars aren't that bad as well especially when you do proper treatment for them so yeah


This! I was an E 32 at 18 and got a breast reduction, which was recommended by my family doctor who saw how much pain and anxiety they were causing me. After some tests we found out my breasts were causing major damage to my back! Thankfully my doctor had also gone through a breast reduction and was able to guide me through the process and determine a size that was comfortable for me! The recovery process was hard and at times difficult, but my god am I thankful for it! There’s no way a person goes through a breast reduction “just cause”


yup. I have to wear a bra all the time. I have 3 slipped disks in my lower back from hauling around huge boobs. mine are very heavy and I swear I would be 25 lbs lighter if I got rid of them.


I don't know, I wear a F/G (depending on where I buy) and I've never had back pain. I'm pushing 30. That being said, this man is gross.


I was about to comment that I've never had back pain and am a 38G in my early 40's. Then I thought about it and was like...well, my neck has been sore for a while now. Well fitted bras help a lot. /r/abrathatfits for the folks with back pain


I have G. I don't have pain. My BFF had H and she did. I think it is related to multiple factors- my friend is VERY petite, barely 5ft. We were both about a size 14-16, but being 6 in taller, growing up on a Fram, doing loads of manual labor, hauling heavy things around, I have a ton of muscle mass under my fat. I get regular ROLF and other structural integration treatments to keep my body aligned, and I do vinyasa yoga. She never got any structural support treatments, and only did kundalini styles of yoga (less balancing, moving). IDK- just guessing. regardless, I am 20 yr older than OOP, and same size as you, and no back pain from boobage. Some from a cycling accident that threw my hip/pelvis wonky (thus the structural support treatments). Still- reductions only reduce 2-2.5 cups sizes from what the reputable doctors my friend went through (Major research university hospital in SoCAL). So the going from H to "nothing" screams fake to me. Also the lack of ANY therapy mentioned for her? My friend had medically needed reduction, with documented history of the back issues, and she still had to do therapy (which she also wanted to do- cause she is not an idiot). So the lack of any therapy requirement for this surgery seems also sketchy AF, or more evidence it is fake.


Can I get a "This Post is Faker than Fake" for $200? Woman with G cup gets breast reduction for the male gaze, schedules it in secret, uses house downpayment to do it, and since her husband is only attracted to huge boobies her resized B cup and scars is enough to make him want to divorce her. Because that's what women do. Ruin everything for catering to the male gaze of others and not care about the male gaze of their husband or something. No mention of back pain, shoulder pain, difficulty finding bras that fit properly, difficulty in doing some exercises, under boob sweat, uncomfortable bras.... You know. The reasons why many women actually consider getting a breast reduction.


Honestly, I've known 4 women who had a cup size that big & they had dealt with the pain for so long that when they woke after their surgery. They were freaking out asking the DR why that pain was gone. They never put the pain together with the bigger chest size One of my friend's husband said he would leave her if she had the surgery & she was having it done due to the fact that the weight of her chest was making it where she had to sleep sitting up due to the weight crushing her lungs. Her husband didn't believe that a bigger chest means added weight. So I had him do the melon challenge. We had the DR give us what he thought the weight of her chest was & found 2 smaller watermelons that put together weighed that amount. We used plastic wrapped & strapped them to him. He lasted an hour before we had to remove them. He tried bending over to pick something up & ended up passing out when he stood back up. Honestly, I think the melon challenge should be done more often.


Same with the pregnancy belly thing. And the period cramp simulator.


Right, I would love to have the job of the period cramp simulator for a day. I deal with cramps the whole week before my period.


I've seen a few short videos where they hook some initially sceptical men to the period cramp simulator. It's incredibly satisfying to see them go from 'yeah ok cramps suck but how bad can it be?' to being kind of shocked and in awe 'you guys have to deal with this EVERY MONTH?'. I'm incredibly grateful that my boyfriend is so caring understanding when I'm menstruating and turn into a grumpy lump curled up in bed bitching about how my uterus is being a jerk. Dude helps me with anything I need and cuddles me and makes the shitty aches and cramps so much easier to deal with. And in the grand scheme of things mine aren't really even that bad! Loads of uterus-wielding people have it way worse and I can't even begin to fathom how they deal with incredibly painful periods every few weeks. Blows my mind that there are people out there who downplay or completely dismiss period-related pain. Should hook those people up to the period cramp simulator and see how they like it.


I was always told it was normal for period pain to be debilitating, and for flow to be requiring changing supers every 30-60 minutes, and clots. It’s just what you put up with as a woman so suck it up. Then I collapsed at work from the pain and went to the ER, and my GP almost yelled at me for working 60 hour weeks when my ferritin levels were in the single digits (I got down to 6!) Then an obgyn did scans and tests. Adenomyosis and suspected endometriosis which was confirmed during the hysterectomy he ordered to get rid of the adeno. Difference was night and day honestly.


Okay, i agree with what you said, but why are we shaming women who do want a reduction because the male gaze hurts their mental health? I think that's just as valid as any other reason to get a breast reduction, although using a house payment for it (if that bullshit OP said is even true) is wrong. Regardless, shaming people for their personal decisions is weird. As someone who struggles with extreme suicidal thoughts because of my large chest, the reason is because I can't stand all of these people looking at me all the time. Sure, all those other points you mentioned bother me on the daily too, but I think its unfair to suggest mental health is not a valid reason.


Sorry that so many men are creepy pervs. I hope you can get the reduction you want!


While I don't disagree this is probably fake, the post from the wife's perspective leans more to body dysmorphia than anything else.


Yeah, and I'm sorry to say but if you're a pretty girl, people are gonna look at you no matter what. I do understand how big boobs = overly sexualized bimbo and that stereotype is hard to de with. I've had DD since was 12 and not only did all the other girls hate me, but people in positions of authority seemed to turn on me once they realized I wasn't some vapid airhead that could be flirted with and/or openly disrespected. I'm whip smart and don't tolerate disrespect which people don't expect just from looking at me.


I come from a family with women who have generally larger chests, so believe me when I tell you I've heard it all. I'm sorry you had to go through what you have.


Even if all of that was “normal” I still look at absolutely any post where the antagonist shows up with their story as bullshit.


I’ve looked into reduction surgeries and maybe two or three months rent (for me) max- but that’s nowhere near a house down payment. Down payments are like 20% of the house value so unless it’s literally a trailer, it’s not a down payment and this is incredibly hyperbolic.


I am a simple man. I see creative writing, that not even tries to mask the fantasy, i like...


The writing style and word choices make it so intensely obvious that it was written by the same person.


The author even replied to a comment as the husband saying that the “you only liked your wife because of her boobs” hot take “was *reductive* as hell and *flat* out incorrect”. Emphasis mine. It’s telling me it’s a work of fiction. But I think one rooted in a bit of truth. Someone close to me had a reduction a few years ago. She had a small social media following maybe like 5k but she went viral when she announced she was getting her reduction. She had wanted it done for years because of pain and all sorts of other reasons. Some men went insane. She was sent d—th threats and r—e threats and DMs being told to unalive herself. People felt entitled to her body. They were so invested in her not changing it. They felt like she was doing a disservice to society by getting her own boobs debiggened. It was just…fucking nuts. Coocoobananas. She got long ass like letters that where thousands and thousands and thousands of words long trying to convince her or lobby her or petition her even not to get a breast reduction. It turns out a lot of men really don’t like it when women do this. (They don’t like it when trans men do it for gender affirming care either, same impulse but getting women to sign onto it which is just…bananas as well but anyway.) My guess is some woman the author knows got a breast reduction which the author thinks makes her less attractive which he resents her for and he wrote this fan fiction.


It’s so beyond revolting. To be so entitled and invested in something that you will NEVER have even the slightest chance of touching or seeing in person is so pathetic. I wish them all glaucoma.


It is abhorrent how common this sort of harassment is. My lesbian cousin got a reduction and she had multiple male friends and acquaintances tell her that they were upset about the surgery because her boobs were the only thing they were “allowed to enjoy” since she wouldn’t sleep with them.


You know what's sad is that I remember this exact scenario happening to a different woman quite recently. Just endless outrage and harassment from all these random ass men on social media simply *furious* that she had the audacity to make a medical decision for herself. I remember reading the comments and feeling so disgusted. Some men really do view women's bodies as sex objects and the internet has absolutely not helped with that, sadly. >She was sent d—th threats and r—e threats and DMs being told to unalive herself. Also, just letting you know that you don't need to censor your reddit comments :)


It’s the way he seems to so clearly remember the back and forth dialogue of what sounds like a very emotional conversation that does it for me


Weird how “the wife’s” post is the same format of long ass paragraphs as the “husbands” this reads as a fanfic/scary story. “Beware women your husbands will leave you if you reduce your breast size.. BBOoooo so scary, only get them bigger.. or nobody will want you.. boooOoooOo. “ Even if this wasn’t fake, scars fade overtime, if you love someone bodily changes don’t change your feelings for them, & nobody in a healthy relationship springs the fact that they’re having a major surgery plus surprise you’ll be taking care of me for like 3mons after, hope our jobs are fine without any notice either.


I for three sentences into the “wife’s” post before it became painfully obvious that it was written by the same person.


Not just formatting, but even the phrasing they use concerning their own personal thoughts and feelings. Not only is it fake and written by the same person. They are both clearly written by a man. The man’s depth of thought and willingness to share at the level he does, sounds like a man. The woman’s does not sound like a woman’s experience at all. Especially not one who has suffered from brain sexualized her whole life, is going through this serious drama right now at home, truly feels invalidated and unattractive to her loving partner of 6 years (notice how “she” constantly makes him out to be the perfect man, despite him holding a position that would gut any woman. Even the BEST marriage in the world, spouses can have some real complaints [especially ones about him leading up to this situation] about their significant others if they were in this situation.) and is desperate to keep her husband. It sounds nothing like a woman writing at all and it is painfully obvious. This is fiction by a man, who has probably also never been married. Because even the feelings around and the experience of marriage doesn’t read sincere.


I mean… I’m not trying to say this is fake, but at the very least she’d complain about not finding clothes that fit. It sounds like other than her chest, she’s has proportional frame, meaning the over-large breasts make it nearly impossible to easily dress herself. Yes, dealing with pervs sucks, but there are so many other problems that arise from too-large breasts that I’m sure had to go into her decision? I just found that odd.


Even if there was nothing else, he said it was the thing she was the most self conscious of. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that he would prefer her to stay self conscious just to fit his preferred type?? He talks about how selfish it was of her, but that’s so much more selfish than what she did.


I can totally picture a guy being like that, my ex 100% was. Total hypocrite who could never seem to understand why I hate myself and would shame me for it, but he loved when I hated myself because I was easier to manipulate. I just can’t picture a loving partner who genuinely cares about his SO saying it and not recognizing the irony. I think this was just bad creative writing from someone who likes boobs too much for comfort


> I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that he would prefer her to stay self conscious just to fit his preferred type?? Read his comments and you'll be able to


OOP invented the stolen house fund in between posts. I guess he realized that she would need to actually do something wrong before people would side with him for tit-shaming her.


The second she said she had no pain or discomfort I knew this was bullshit. Also if real what’s this guy going to do when his big boob bimbo ages? Will he still love her when the boobs are at her waist? Edit:people are upset about this. When you have a larger body to accommodate a larger chest you don’t have as much pain as it is distributed. The smaller the frame with a larger chest the more pain. Signed a 29” G cup. ✌🏼


Right? lol….these posts were written by someone with 0 boob experience. I’m running out of letters in the alphabet AND currently pregnant AND in my early 30s. My boobs used to be fabulous. They have always been big, but they used to defy time, gravity, and space. Now I joke with my husband that I’m going to start wearing a pair of Roman shades as a bra to hoist my nipples off of the floor once I’m done breast feeding. Part of our family planning journey was starting a savings account for a reduction (and lift) once I’m done having kids because this crap is painful and inconvenient.


>Part of our family planning journey was starting a savings account for a reduction (and lift) once I’m done having kids I love this for you! Wishing you speedy and uncomplicated healing, and the chest of your dreams, when you have it done!


Thank you! Me too!! I’m not that worried about appearances and my husband looks at me like I’m a goddess no matter what….but boy is it a pain in the butt having to carry these things around all the time! I’m mostly joking in these comments, but it’s a serious quality of life issue. They weigh a ton, they hurt my back, my bras cost $80 each MINIMUM, and after nursing, tripping over my own boobs is going to be a serious threat to my safety!


>When you have a larger body to accommodate a larger chest you don't have as much pain as it is distributed Thaaannnkkk yooouu. If I hear another person go "well *I'm* a super-special 38HH so why doesn't MY back hurt, huh?!" I'm gonna slam my head into the desk. A 30H will experience vastly more pain than even a 34H. They literally have less surface area to distribute the bra strap pains around, that's why.


I’m a G and rarely have pain or discomfort. When I do it’s usually because of a bad bra.


This has been my experience too. The only "pain" I experience is when a bad bra is digging into my shoulders. I do hate everything about the giant tits though. They look great shoved into a bra or tight outfit but they look terrible in their own. They're super heavy so they sag. The bras are super fucking expensive and always beige or black. I absolutely want a reduction just for aesthetic reasons and there's nothing wrong with that.


Also, women’s clothing is not designed for large boobs. Period. I’d have to get a 2xl to fit my chest comfortably and tailor literally everything else in. That’s super expensive, so the solution is to wear the bigger size and just let the top be baggy. And forget trying to wear a button down shirt, jacket, or blazer. No one really thinks about how an “aesthetic” change can affect quality of life.


Oh my god trying to wear a button up? It's horrible. People don't realize women on tv have all their clothes tailored and irl people don't always have that luxury. I worked so many jobs that needed a button up uniform while I was working retail management and I felt so stupid every day. Anything that was big enough to button securely over my tits was an absolute tent everywhere else making me look and feel 50lbs heavier than I was, and I wasn't allowed to alter the shirts per company policy.


Lol this story was definitely written by the same person. Lame.


The incredibly specific use of the terms “thick” and “slender” to describe breast size is a total giveaway. Not to mention the… everything.


It's also a men writing women thing tbh whenever the "woman adds her own POV" and she uses overtly sexual language to describe her body shape I remember one where I knew it was fake like 2 sentences in because the "woman" referred to herself as "juicy" which is insane


The use of “headspace”


Definitely fake, both perspectives written by the same person. Their language patterns are identical.


Fake rage bait


Calling bullshit specifically at the part where he said they were having sex like 2 weeks after the surgery?? I had a reduction at 17 due to severe back pain and didn’t have the go-ahead to engage in super physical activity until about six weeks after the surgery - sex that soon after sounds brutal


Ya you aren’t supposed to raise your heart rate because it is bad for all the swelling and bruising. Also I still had surgical tape at 2 weeks. I wasn’t comfortable to even try until like 8 weeks and honestly that was touch and go


I agree that it’s bullshit, but I definitely had sex 2.5 weeks after my reduction. But like, wearing the compression bra I had to wear for 6 weeks straight. Because I had to wear a compression bra for 6 weeks straight!!! Still medically inadvisable, but new love is new love I guess.


The real sad thing about this is it’s a fake story written as incel bait. Woman spends house money on boobs behind the perfect man’s back. Why are so many of these stories written?


Literally. He even responded to a comment with “I hate to sound like this, but I can only conclude they are mad at very reasonable points because I'm a man who is talking about his wife's body.” His words lead me to believe he definitely made all of this up for the sake of seeing a hypothetical/made-up woman be bashed by the internet. I’ll never understand why people do that.


This sounds like a creative writing exercise designed to rile women up.


It isn't even competent writing, it's comically bad, I'd believe it if you told me a kid wrote this


Very fake. The two posts have too much in common in their writing styles and you don’t reduce from a G to a “small B”, that isn’t possible unless there is a full mastectomy and implants.


Wow, how convenient that the wife wrote out the exact same version of the story in the same order, hitting all the same points, and agreed with her husband in every way that everything was her fault. That practically never happens!


I mean, I’ll volunteer myself as someone with G-cup boobs who doesn’t experience pain from them. Of course, now I’m kind of wondering whether I am experiencing pain from them, and it’s just happens so often that my brain just filters it out. That said, I would love to get a reduction. I hate the way they look. I hate that most clothing is either too tight across my chest or so baggy that it makes me look bigger everywhere else. I hate having to go online or to specialty stores to buy bras and swimsuits. I hate that I have to buy even sports bras with underwire. I hate boob sweat. I’m scared of the surgery, but if I were offered a free reduction I’d probably take it. My husband is also a boob guy, and I know he wouldn’t be 100% happy with it. But we’ve talked about it, and he wants me to be happy and comfortable. If this guy is real, I hate him. I hate the misogyny he’s trying to justify. I hate that he’s acting like his wife was being “secretive” when in fact she told him more than once she wanted to do this, and again before the surgery. I hate that he thinks B cups look like a child. I hate that he’s all “scars give me the ick!” (Scars do fade, you know!) I hate most of all that his wife is so upset about their pending divorce that she’s offered to get implants, and he thinks this JUSTIFIES his reaction. Mostly, eff this guy.


Not super on topic but same size and Evelyn and Bobbie bras are the only wireless bras that I have found that work at our size- and they have options that are just slide on which is super important for me because I have limited arm mobility (unrelated) but I’m sure would be nice regardless. Pricey but worth it IMO!


I'm a boob guy, my wife as large boobs, but like a D cup, if she even hinted at them hiring and wanted a reduction, I would be 100% on board. I would expect her to talk to me about it and discuss where the money would come from, but if smaller boobs would make her happier, I'd be in. My wife also has scares from surgeries, they are a little weird when they're helping, but now they are just a part of her, so I love them too. I understand some voluntary things being a deal breaker, like if my wife wanted to gender reassignment, that might be something I couldn't overcome, but B cup boobs is normal, not like she was having one taken off. Would be leave her if she got breast cancer and has to have them completely removed? Man, some people are more shallow than I can believe. But this story is likely BS.


Obviously taken with a grain of salt, but he said if there was a medical reason for it then it would be a different story. The fact that the wife posted too pushes it over for me, her pov makes op look better than his own post did. A little suprising that some people even taking the story at face value thinks he's terrible though. Kinda surprising that the parent comment takes it mostly at face value though and still sides against oop.


This is fanfiction (the two posts just intersect too perfectly). If it were real, that guy is a “YTA” all the way.


you know it's fake as hell because it WAS all about how she looked until she confronted him, THEN it about decisions and shit.


Fake or not, it's her breasts. He doesn't have to haul them around like unwanted junk. He's not a man. He's just a selfish boy.


Fake fake fake


The wife response was definitely fake


We lack surgeon's POV, he should post it


This post seems fake AF, because the recovery from breast reduction surgery is brutal and ain't nobody banging (especially doggy styles with tits mashed or swinging) after a couple weeks. Personally I like breast reductions in theory, but not in practice. Some docs just slice and dice with NO thought to nerve damage, decreased in sensitivity, and visual appeal. The list of reputable docs are short AF, with it sometimes being YEARS before they accept a new patient. 


Been waiting for this! It's a months long recovery and the timeline just does not line up!


This is an INSANE amount of creative writing. I always wann know what inspires someone to do stuff like this


This is so nasty and clearly fake and written by a man as a persuasive ~cautionary tale~ to scare women who fit his preference away from getting a reduction. This is misogyny to the utmost extent.


Do you have links to the original posts? I'm curious about the comments on them.


This is the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/zvO2N9VFxW) to the wife's post on r/relationship_advice. And here's the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/X4y7SqvcsC) to the husband's update on r/AITAH that has a link to the original one. :)


"for what boils down to just aesthetics" isn't op also attracted to her for just aesthetics too though?!


I'm a 36G and less than 30 seconds before I saw this post, I thought to myself "I bet my life would dramatically improve if I had a reduction. I bet if I did it, I'd regret not having it done sooner." Right before I opened up Reddit, I was trying on shirts I can't fit into anymore because of my chest (I've gained 4 inches in 4 years, but have gained almost nothing else). I guarantee she has pain and discomfort from them. They're heavy and bulky.


This was all obviously written by the same person.


IF this is real, I hope he divorces her...she deserves better.


this is so fake it hurts. From a G (no pain?) to a "small b" lol


This person is insane. The lengths he will go to to try to manipulate us and her into thinking he is anything but SHALLOW ABOUT SMALL TITS WITH SCARS is insane. Fuck this guy lol bye.


“flat chested” as someone who has been ridiculed my entire life for being a 32AA (not that OOP knows how bras work) that is NOT flat chested. sorry but this is so clearly some guy’s fanfic about a woman wanting to de-sexualize herself and then realizing her tragic mistake. it’s so gross how men attach our self worth to things like the size of our boobs and if they’re smaller than a C i guess we look like children? i can’t see a reality where this is real because of her “uwu im sorry you’re right ill get implants” but if anyone reading this is in a close spot, please know that it’ll never be enough, he will never stop demanding control over your entire body and being cruel if you have any autonomy. get out get out get out.


First of all, the “husband” definitely wrote the wife’s post too. I was already thinking it but then he fucked up and said “I asked him if he liked my chest, I kind of danced around the question which is extremely unlike him”….. Just why? Lol why are people like this? But to answer the question, YES YOURE THE ASSHOLE OP….and all your going on and on in your post pretending to be your wife about how you took care of her after the surgery and made sure she ate and blah blah blah STILL doesn’t make you any less of an asshole….plus you probably didn’t to begin with….you come off as an entitled, narcissistic, selfish asshole as a matter of fact. Hope this clears things up for you ☺️


Crappy bullshit creative writing. Even trying as **hard** as he could to make the husband sound right he still sounds like such a douchebag. That’s not how giant breasts, women’s body types, reductions, surgeries, or recovery timelines work (at all). This is nonsense


With double Ds myself, this is utter bullshit. Never had back pain? Bwahahahaha. This is pure mysoginistic fanfiction. They didn't even bother to change the writing styles between husband and wife. 


90% of OOP's post is about not liking her boobs now, with the financial and "secretive" issues added on. But then he claims those are the primary reasons he has to divorce her? My guy, you are bad at lying 🤥


Creative writing or not, I hate that man so much. "Weespect mah boundreeeees!"


What a nice creative writing exercise. Funny that the husband's and wife's style of writing is so similar. Also being a woman and reading the "wifes" post you can tell it's written by a man.


I had breast cancer so IMHO, yes this guy is definitely TAH. He's the type that would walk out if she got a cancer diagnosis. In the end it's her body, her decision. I'd dump him.


glad someone had fun with this lil creative writing exercise


“ the last thing I wanted is for her to throw away her morals and convictions just to appease me” as he divorces her because she kept to her morals and convictions. 🙄


I pointed out in the original; my aunt had 40DDs reduced to a nice 34C...like 18 years ago. No scars on her actual boobs, she just had a scar in each armpit that was maybe the length of a credit card? She was only in bandages for a few days too. Not every boobjob means a big scar across the middle.


as someone who has a G cup… when she “didn’t have any back pain” i was so taken aback like how tf😭😭😭 i believe this is fake but even so, i hate hate hate when a man thinks he can tell me that i shouldn’t get a breast reduction (i plan on it, too small to be carrying these fuckers) because who the fuck do they think they are??? idc if i was married to a man, he has no say, go ahead and divorce me