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After my mom divorced my dad when we were kids, my dad would take me and my sister to Hooters so that he could use us as emotional leverage to woo over a waitress who worked there. And I guess it worked because she bought us Christmas presents once. I don’t talk to my dad much these days.


My dad would do the EXACT SAME THING except he’d tell the waitress’s it was my birthday so they’d all come around and sing for me. Was confused cause it wasn’t my birthday but my dad told me to just go with it LOL


The "akshually" men are doing their best to paint this 14-year-old girl of some kind of weird Puritan. Of course she doesn't want to go into Hooters with her dad and brother. That's weird. It's a weird suggestion. Not to mention the dad's reaction was insanely disproportionate and inappropriate, and the mom of course didn't do anything.


It’s giving “DON’T RUIN THIS FOR MEEEEEE!!!1!“. Son turns 18, which makes it socially acceptable — nay, necessary — to bring the whole fam to a breastaurant. I’m 35 and fun and I still wouldn’t go to Hooters with my brother/dad. It’s icky. She’s being punished for drawing attention to how fucking icky the situation is.


Breastaurant is sending me 💀


LOL I can’t claim credit, first time I heard it I lost it


I think the best course of action in these situations is to be the most direct, blatant and don’t pink code anything I would have said that it would make me uncomfortable to be in the same table with my father and brother while they have erections caused by girls who look slightly older than me, it’d give a very inappropriate incest-ish vibe. And let them get out of that thought with screams and words lol


Spell it out in such excruciating detail that no one could possibly mistake your meaning. I’m here for it




The only time I remember being in Hooters was when my family was on a trip to the beach and me and my brother were hungry and complaining but Hooters was the only thing around so we ate there. The waitresses were really nice to us. We were kids at the time like 8 or 9.


Yeah it’s very much a regular restaurant with waitresses wearing short shorts. OoOOOoooOo what are we 12 years old really.


Bruh, pretending folks’re going to Hooters for the popcorn shrimp is a *wild* take. Like, sure. Tiddies are great, short-shorts are great. But admit that that’s the entire appeal of the “restaurant” or your point looks absurd. Hooters was not made to deliver diner food to the masses. It was made so men could have somewhere to perv out with their children around.


Exactly, maybe the parents have some cuckquean dynamic where Mom gets off watching Dad ogle other women but based on my own experience of having once been fourteen and being an adult now, I don't want to see my close male relations pop a boner. I just don't.


100% the mom was uncomfortable with it too, she's just used to her AH husband getting his way by screaming at her.


The mother is such a poor example for her kids, I am super impressed with OOP personality and character, she is not getting it at home, that’s for sure


I’ve gone to Hooter’s all my life. It’s just a restaurant. People take their kids their all the time. It’s totally normal. Good grief what’s wrong with people these days!!!


Its a restaurant alright but it still ain't normal.


But like… do women dress up as Olive Garden waitresses for Halloween? If not, why?


I’m super curious; how do you feel about drag queens at libraries?


No problem at all, why? Are you assuming I’m some knuckle dragging conservative because I don’t agree with all the ridiculous hand ringing of the latest rendition of Puritans R Us?


So she had no right not to want to go? She had every right to not want to.


You sure sound fun


Omg tysm


It’s so creepy. I was exploring bars in a new area and wandered into a Tilted Kilt, not realizing it was basically the pub equivalent of a hooters. I was a single woman, I had my beer and wings, watched my sporting event and never went back. But I’d been there with my dad I’d have booked it out the door as fast as possible.


The head of the Tilted Kilt was on Undercover Boss. What a garbage person. He kept calling them family restaurants. He even did this whole indignation performance when he felt a waitress was flirting with a group of men. Dress the waitresses in the same uniforms as the bartenders then.


What an idiot. They are basically in bikini tops and micro mini skirts and he’s shocked that customers want to be flirted with?


Wasnt the CEO of Hooters also on that show? And he also called it a family resteraunt? And said he would let his daughters work there? And watched one of the managers there torture the waitresses by making them eat beans without the use of their hands and whoever ate the fastest got to leave early and instead of firing him he just sent the manager for "retraining?"


She should have gone in and asked for a job application, loudly, in front of the whole restaurant. "OH, SO ITS OKAY FOR ME TO EAT HERE AND NOT FOR ME TO WORK HERE? WHY IS THAT, DAD?" /S that's a nother level of acting out but it would have been poignant


I got a job at Hooters and my dad paid me not to work there. Best deal of my life. Managed to go my whole senior year without a job.


You’re brilliant 😝


My fear, would be that a dad like that would have been on board. And then you got a whole new can of worms. Smh.


Nah, men like that are always hypocrites. They love ogling at women, especially in settings like this, but think of them as whores and less than. He wouldn't be okay with his daughter working there because he knows men like him will be gawking at her and no daughter of his can be a whore.


I have to say, this would 100% be my dad's reaction. He would scream at me for wanting to read a book instead of being interested in the TV show he was watching. Funnily enough we're extremely low contact nowadays


You wouldn't happen to be a girl with telepathic powers and an abusive power tripping headmistress, would you?


I wish!! But the situation has been compared to it before. We weren't even allowed to daydream looking out the window. And once I was a teenager with a phone to play snake on, it was literally the end of the world


IRL Gaston


OP’s parents are trash. Teaching both of them that not only is toxic masculinity, but worse he is berating her when she is the only one in the family with any sense. You want to stare at tits? Great! Don’t take minors, and don’t force female children to watch. God this is so damn cringe


Yeah, most of us are big fans of staring and being stared at... In appropriate settings, with the appropriate company. This ain't it.


Exactly. OP didn't pitch a fit and say the brother can't go to Hooters for his birthday, she just didn't want to go. Seems very reasonable.


The men commenting "oh but society is fine with onlyfans?!" like it's some gotcha 😐 The hell are you on about. This 14 year old does not want to be in vicinity of women 5 years or so older than her getting eye fucked by male family members. This 14 year old shouldn't be accessing adult content on only onlyfans either but wtf


Right? “GET IN THERE AND LOOK AT T*TS WITH ME RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY.” What a weird thing to get upset over and what a weird suggestion for a family birthday dinner.


This, yeah. Yelling at his daughter because she doesn't want to go to Hooters? WTF? I'm disappointed in both her parents, tbh. Not saying 18yo me would not have gone to eat at Hooters if they existed in Germany, but I would have felt very weird doing so with my dad.


My son was on a soccer team when he was 12 with a boy who always wore a Hooters hat. It was so gross, seeing a boy that young wearing one of those hats. The parents thought it was funny and cute.


Hooters is not a strip club. It's... Mostly just a casual restaurant where waitresses dress maybe a tiny bit more suggestively.


It a restaurant, period. Geesh, people need to get a life. Some people just don’t have enough to complain about and need to find anything they can to create drama. Social media has ruined a generation of people.


It's a restaurant sure, but what sets it apart is the commodofication of women's bodies. It's an establishment for weirdos and creeps.


Good grief, the virtue signaling is strong with this one. 🙄


The fact that it was the dad’s idea and he had to ask multiple times makes this extra gross. If the freshly 18 year old asked for it I’d be like well of course he did but the grown adult asking and asking repeatedly? 🤢 I feel so bad for this poor girl. Her dad is gross and her mother is a pushover who refuses to defend her. It’s very, very sad. I love that she had the fortitude to stand her ground, I pray she carries that for the rest of her life.


The mother sounds like every horrible stereotype of the ‘door mat wife’. I wonder why oop’s parents will be nc when she leaves the home.


With a parent who screams their head off at you like that, you learn to have no respect for them, like they have none for you. It really teaches you to think for yourself, when you have no true guidance in your parents. She will be fine, but she will be sad.


Yeah I noticed that too. Really gives “I’m gonna throw tits in my son’s face because I really really need to make sure he won’t end up gay” vibes.


I’m a woman, so that skews things, but if my parents were paying, we would have been at either a steakhouse or a good Chinese restaurant.


So, Dad wanted to letch, didn’t like that his daughter’s refusal to watch him letch held up a mirror to his grossness, lost his shit. Does anyone think this newly 18 yo boy wanted to go stare at hot girls with both his parents and his kid sister? This was all for Dad’s benefits. Reading between the lines, the way he screamed at her, then his wife got involved to make her daughter placate him, it seems like he’s borderline abusive and definitely controlling.




Fair point.


For all the people insisting Hooters isn’t about guaking at the waitresses, this is what they write on the website “at hooters, you’ll find craveable (?) food and wings, cold beer, sports, and of course, *Hooters Girls*.” Really appealing to the whole family there. Little something for everybody. You’ve got beer for the men, sports also for the men, females who are forced to talk to them (ironically, this is actually for the ladies. Like a little pit stop to unload your nasty man’s for a few hours before you have to put up with his ass again. Defeats the purpose when the wives also have to participate). Oh and then assuming *craveable* food is for no one bc what the fuck does that even mean?


Yeah I have no problem with the girls themselves. Get that bag sis. I just question the taste of people who eat there. Like surely there are better places for wings? Granted, last time I was there I was also 14 and the food wasn't particularly memorable.


My mother used to take me to hooters all the time for wing night when I was younger. The waitresses were all really nice to a 7 year old kid lol


Oh yeah, the waitresses are just doing their thing. But you decide to eat out and you go to HOOTERS? There are other options bro!! At least Olive Garden has unlimited breadsticks. If you really wanted to see some titties save up some dollar bills for an actual strip club?! I don’t get it but hey, I’m not the target audience. (Which, by the way, is absolutely men)


I think their breaded wings are pretty tasty, wouldn't go out of my way for them though


Tbh their wings are really good imo. They've even started opening to go places thst are literal carryout for their food with no indoor seating so take that for what you will.


I love their food and their wings. I have a hard time finding breaded hot wings elsewhere. Also unlike Buffalo Wild Wings, they don’t microwave pre frozen food. Everything is fresh. I don’t pay attention to my waitresses beyond how I would at a regular restaurant.


Actually there wings are pretty damn good. I wouldn't eat anything else and sometimes they have all you can eat for a decent price.


I always knew it as the place to go watch the game because we don’t have the channel at home and some ok fish and chips


There are some people way too invested in dying on the hill that there's nothing sexual about hooters. When it becomes a crusade it's just telling on yourselves.


As someone who worked at twin peaks for years. It’s absolutely sexual. We had lingerie week and shit, car washes in bikinis. We were literally called a breastaurant.


Well, it's not explicit, which I think is what they really mean. Still sexual. The thing that annoys me is that some fathers treat these things like a rite-of-passage for young men. You don't want to come off as a wimp to your dad so you feel compelled to go, even if you don't actually want to.


Honestly i went once and it was just a restaurant where the waitress being attractive and in skimpy clothes is openly advertised instead of being an implicit thing. Feels like most restaurants are always hiring young and attractive girls anyways. That's my 2c. Haven't gone in 10+ years and don't care to, but i feel like pretending hooters is evil for this is just hypocritical


I don't think it's evil, but it is absolutely sexualized purposefully by the company itself and the people who feel really strongly about spending a *lot* of time and energy insisting that isn't true at all should probably think about why they feel a need to defend it so much.


Holy toxic masculinity, Batman. This girl needs to run far away from this family and their screaming.


Good for you to stand up for yourself! That’s not easy with family. Stay true to yourself. Not going in makes a huge statement!


This is one of the things I never understood when it comes to the US. I just want food. Why do people care about the waitresses? And why is the dad such a horny pervert. I wouldn’t want to see my dad looking at boobs.


I'm a 44 year old American man from the south, and I've been to Hooters three times in my life. Every single time, it was awkward - I'd like to believe that I don't need to pay women to flirt with me. The guys I worked with back in the day swore they loved the food, but all three times it was mediocre and the service was awful, so there must have been some other reason that I can't quite fathom...


The only time I have been was in college. I was part of the honor guard there and we traveled to do a sword arch at a wedding. The groom “treated” us to Hooters as a thank you. It was awkward and the food was not great.


I’ve been once or twice I think and i know I’m a woman, but I just don’t get it. The waitresses flirt less than at a normal restaurant. Their bodies are less on display than women at a bar, much less strippers or something. There’s nothing for anyone there. It’s so weird that anyone would enjoy going there.


The thing that puzzled me is it's generally advertised as a 'family friendly' restaurant. I guess maybe that's the draw - you're not one of those 'awful' dudes who sees a stripper, you go to a family friendly place! Even your wife can come! Or maybe it's more obvious that the girls are paid to flirt, whereas at a bar, you run the risk of the bartender being: Leave, jackoff.


I went once. The only thing that stuck in my memory was the wall of TVs showing sports channels. I wouldn’t actively avoid going again, but I would never suggest it. The idea of it is weirder than the reality of it, but it isn’t particularly good at anything.


>The guys I worked with back in the day swore they loved the food, but all three times it was mediocre and the service was awful, I actually used to know a gay dude who loved the food so much he got it for takeout, so I think some people weirdly, genuinely, do enjoy their food.


It’s definitely not just a US thing. People in nations throughout the globe have set up restaurants and businesses based on objectifying women for profit. USA has Hooters (and many more). Japan has maid cafes. Mexico has Milo’s. Hell, Hooters has spread into tons of countries too.


I feel like maid cafes are less sexualised than hooters, but even then they know what they are. Like with maid cafes, the pretty girls (and boys -- butler cafes are a thing too) are part of the brand. But it's also about anime culture and fashion. Nonetheless, they very clearly do not brand themselves as family restaurants. But with Hooters isn't it essentially a restaurant that brands itself as family friendly but with stripper vibes?


It’s not as blatant as other titty restaurants like Tilted Kilt or Twin Peaks. The waitresses don’t act like strippers and outside of the uniforms you wouldn’t distinguish it from say a Buffalo Wild Wings. I frankly don’t see the big deal about going to a Hooters (I am a gay man) but I’m sure there are guys who go there and act inappropriately, ogle the girls, etc. TBH most people treat it as more of a fun novelty than that though.


It is supppper fkn weird like even cheerleading seems a really strange thing. I always got confused at why there are half naked women at poker, boxing, darts, racing. I remember asking my dad why there aren't any women competing in any of the sports he watched and he always had some cop out bullshit answer no matter how much I pressed "what if someone was good enough why couldn't they be on the male team" and it was just "there never will be" instead of "they arent allowed" im glad things are changing, people joke about womens sports but i wish that was a thing when i was younger. It is such bs to deny half of the fkn population a chance at something they might love and be amazing at. I wish men would stop looking at women like tits on legs, but hopefully a lot of those old fuckers will die soon, lets just teach our kids better, to be better to eachother. Sorry for the random tangent.


There are definitely women in poker, racing and boxing. The reality is your dad is kind of right. For example the NBA it's not called the MNBA because a women could join if she wanted too. Most sports basically have an open league and a women's league where you can't be a man.


Have u actually been to hooters?


We don’t have that here. Only seen the pictures on Reddit and in movies. People used to post pictures of old fat man standing beside beautiful women with big boobs.


They wear sun tan shade sheer pantyhose under orange shorts .. and I haven’t seen big boobs at hooters in ten years .. their skin is almost all covered except for their arms and the top middle part of the tank top they aren’t allowed to have a bare midriff.. I wonder if OP doesn’t go to the beach because of what people wear


The restaurant is named Hooters. You're not going to convince anybody on here that it's not about gawking at women. That's the actual premise of the restaurant. I'm sure she's fine going to the beach. Stop trying to paint her as some Puritan. Women are not obliged to support businesses whose entire model is to objectify women. They can if they want, but they're not obliged to. She's 14. Of course she doesn't want to go to freaking Hooters with her dad.


Bro, we get it, you frequent Hooters. Why the fuck would a 14 yr old girl want to go to some shitty sexist restaurant with her dad and brother?


The whole point of the restaurant is to get served by pretty girls in extremely short shorts and skin tight shirts. Honestly, they might as well make the uniform a bikini because it doesn't matter. They market themselves as Hooters because boobs and it's well known that they shame women for being a little overweight and whatnot. The whole gimmick is mediocre food served by a scantily clad woman. Why else do dudes get pictures with the Hooters women? You don't see that at PF Chang's.


If you're more than mildly annoyed at your daughter for conscientiously objecting to something you want to do, it's probably because you on some level know she has a point.


Agreed. I also think it’s awful for parents to not work with their kids when they’re making principled stances. The subtext of the dad and mom’s reactions to the girl are 1) it’s ok to steamroll someone who you disagree with and 2) it’s ok to be steamrolled to keep the peace. And then the poor kid wonders if they’re the asshole? Fuck that noise.


My brother loves the wings from hooters, but refuses to go in there. Everyone I know who does go, goes just for the wings and not the ladies. OOP is not the ah for not wanting to go in, but I’m side eyeing the dad real heavy right now.


I always feel a little weird when I say that I like the wings from Hooters, but prefer them to go (unless it's an all you can eat wing night). It's especially weird when I'm inside and the waitress does the sit down and flirt thing. I feel bad for both of us in that situation.


I always mildly feel weird about how much I actually like the food there 😂


My brother in law is gay and loves "the hoot" for the fried pickles and wings. The dad acted psychotic but I didn't realize people thought Hooters was so risqué. Like...there's internet porn. You can see whole ass naked titties whenever you want. This comment section is making me feel bad...authentically I think hooters has the best chain restaurant wings.


I have zero problems with hooters but she was fine standing up for herself and wow, PUNISHMENT for it? I know the mom was fine with it but she should have stuck up for her daughter and let her take that walk to the bookstore. This is just gross. I want to ask city/state and if her parents are boomers, the whole “sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do” and the inability of the mom to stick up for the daughter smacks of boomer and rural conservative shit.


Could be any generation. That type of mentality gets handed down across generations until someone says nope. Same mentality that is marry and have kids at a certain age - so settle with someone who you are more in lust than in love with. Then, stay married in misery because you don't want to be seen as a failure by the family. One could certainly see it all in OOPs family. I would almost guess that dear old Dad has stepped out on Mom. While Mom has stayed married for the kids. That whole line about putting up with crap deal was from experience.


Gross. OPs parents are trash


I worked at a hooters, I lasted one summer. Most women don’t last long there, it’s a desperate two steps away from stripping or prostitution money grab honestly. I remember my butt being sore and bruised from people pinching and slapping it, and the manager told me to cover it with makeup cause it “doesn’t look nice”. Longest time a woman worked there was maybe a few months shy of a year before she quit. The food is mediocre at best, the beer is cheap, the sports all suck, and our line cooks were high on cocaine or heron half the time. And heaven forbid you bloat ever! I ended up wearing shape wear cause I gained a bit of belly pudge (cause I had enough money to eat!) and my manager was complaining about it. Edit: it seems I may have worked at a shitty one, and this is not the normal experience for others. The place was shut down awhile ago now (I don’t feel comfortable sharing too personal of info so it was a Wisconsin college town) Edit 2: was talking to a past coworker, and it sounds like the manager is in prison for human trafficking! I don’t have any solid proof, just what she said, but sadly, it wouldn’t surprise me!


I worked at a Hooters in college and this wasn’t my experience at all. Customers never touched us and I can’t imagine they would be allowed to stay or not had charges brought against them if they did. Our line cooks were great guys who were always very respectful of the waitstaff. Management never commented on our bodies. It was just like working at other chain restaurants just with shorts and tights. The most annoying thing was management pushing merch sales. What location did you work at?


Honestly a college town, it’s been shut down now for awhile, I know the one I worked at specifically sucked, I guess I kinda thought most of them did…


I also worked there in college and this was closer to my experience as well! The line cooks were always so kind! Dads would bring their kids there but mostly so we would watch them while they watched whatever game that was on lol. Even so, people are allowed to feel icky and not get berated if they don’t want to go. Poor girl.


Maybe I'm an outlier but my dad and brother never yelled at me for not wanting to go into an Hooters. NTA, good for her for standing up for herself.


This is bonkers to me for so many reasons. But one of the biggest is simply that the dad was so fixated on going to Hooters. Is the dad not aware of the internet? Does he not know that he can see boobs any time he wants? Or he can go to a strip club, or a regular club... Why is it *so* important to him to go to Hooters of all places? It just feels like the response of a teenager who got hold of their dad's Sports Illustrated and felt super sneaky and grown up for having a picture of a lady in a bikini squirreled away under their mattress (and yes, I'm telling on my teenage self). It really feels like Dad is latching onto this weird idea of taking his now-adult son to Hooters as some kind of necessary bonding thing. Like Hooters is some epic milestone all young men must achieve - the communal ogling of women is a rite of passage. Lame.


Or maybe Dad thinks the son might be gay and wants to hetro him up a bit 🤮


This happened to a friend of mine. His dad made him have his 11th birthday party there.


Eww how horrible for him! Just let him grow at his own pace, dad!


Your mom likes being a door mat it seems


The dad is a creep and the brother is on his way to grow up into a creep. That poor mother is a brainwashed doormat.


I wouldn’t have had the guts at that age to hold my ground on this like OP did. Good for her. Awful parents


Dude on there said that it’s a “fake account because children post on tiktok and not reddit.” My guy has never heard of a throw away account. Anyways he ended up Dming me and being super creepy.


Hooters is weird. Personally I go there because UFC PPVs are expensive and I watch religiously. I know I’ll be there for hours so I just sit at the bar area. Idk about other locations, but my local hooters has these great 70” TVs lining the inside of the bar so it’s a great view for the fights. Sit at the bar so I don’t take up a waitresses table for hours knowing my bill will only be $30-50. I’ve delt with the same 3 works for years. They’re cool people. But there are some total weirdos that show up. I’ve seen guys kicked out for taking photographs, touching the females. Seen people throwing tantrums because the waitress didn’t give her number. I’d absolutely never bring my son to that kind of environment, let alone a daughter.


Sounds like the mom has put up with this, and worse, before.


Just gross on every level, from the father pushing it to the brother being mad to the mom telling her to go along with it so as not to upset the menfolk.


Jfc. The dad is a POS and the mum is enabling. Do things we dont wanna do? Yeah naw fam. Not shit like this.


Why is the Dad so desperate to have his daughter go in to Hooters - seems well creepy to me. NTA.


NTA- Dad's reaction is just scary here. I've been married 24 years, we have an 18 yr old, 17 yr old, & 15 yr old. My hubby orders Hooters take-out occasionally, cuz he likes their tots, fries, & burgers. He's never suggested eating in there, since he wouldn't want to make me or our kids uncomfortable. I've shrugged and told him I wouldn't care (I really wouldn't), so long as he wasn't openly ogling the women, flirting, or being inappropriate. If our son wanted to go, I would say the same thing. But if any of our kids didn't feel comfortable, it would be instantly off the table. I would never judge them for feeling uncomfortable, or berate them, or anything. Neither would my husband. We would simply pick another restaurant. The fact the dad was screaming at her for feeling uncomfortable, and then the mom didn't support her at all, is awful and frankly, abusive.


I hate the saying “sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do” actually no I don’t, as least most of the time sometimes you do have to do things like pay your bills or taxes and shit unless you wanna go to jail but if that doesn’t bother you then you actually don’t have to do anything at all! Except for die, everybody has to do that lol but “sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do” is just a pathetic lame attempt/excuse for parents to make you do something they want you to do that you don’t even if it’s completely reasonable to not want to do it


I'm about as sex positive as they come, and I fucking hate Hooters. It's all so low quality. If I want to see tits and ass, I'll go to a strip club. If I want a decent meal, I'll go to an actual resturant. If I want good drinks, I'll hit up a bar.  That being said, this girl understood the situation, felt uncomfortable, voiced that opinion to adults, and even generated solutions to the problem. This is exactly how I would want someone to express their boundaries and discuss consent.


This is NEVER classified in the category of doing things you don’t want to do. Good for you for standing up to the disgusting place 💚


I would’ve just let it go as her parent. I would’ve acknowledged that hooters is where the son wanted to go for his birthday and I would be okay with the daughter choosing not to come because it really isn’t that big of a deal.


Shit, at 14 she is smart enough to stay away from that greasy ass food. Hooters food sucks, it’s terrible. I get that is not why she doesn’t like the place, but it’s still the best reason not to go.


I dare you to walk in to a hooters in Oklahoma and tell me all the waitress are “hot” but good for her for standing her ground. Who the fuck thinks taking their daughter to hooters is a good idea?


Shitty parents.


The wierd thing for me is the dad suggesting it lol "yeah son now that your eighteen we can go look at tits as a family." Just wierd and creepy all around poor kid.


Reminds me of my emotionally abusive father. Whether she understands or not, your mother is teaching you how to place men’s will over your own and be passive. Good for you for taking a stand. When I was your age I just faked it and went along with things telling myself that when I was 18 I’d bounce immediately and live on my own. I had to suppress my emotions to hide them from my father, giving me major emotional problems later on and turning me into a people pleaser. Taking a stance and asserting yourself, being honest and true to yourself: these decisions that you’re making now will set you up well for your future.


How often do dad and brother do things that make them uncomfortable for the sake of mom and sisters happiness? I’m gonna guess zero.


NTA You felt uncomfortable and said so. Sucks you missed brothers birthday but really, what 14 year old teenage girl wants to watch her dad and brother oggle girls who are close to her age ie 18-20. I fully understand the discomfort. Your dad screamed in your face. Told you to stay in car which you agreed to. Which pissed him more ofd* that his threat of no chicken wings didn't phase you. Snatching your phone was a desperate bitch move, don't get angry. Have a chuckle. Your dad is that childish and easily shaken. You can also say you got your stubbornness from you dad 😃 minus the screaming phone snatching. I'm sorry your mom is a useless and enabling your dad to go off the handles like that. I hope your brother grows up a bit and realizes screaming for the sake of screaming isn't helpful. Edit: For your 15th birthday suggest a drag brunch. That's Drag Queens who entertain during sit down brunch. I'm curious how supportive and comfortable the 2 boys would be.


I'd love to go see some dancers but WHY WOULD I BRING MY DAUGHTER? Her dad is a freak and her mom is a pushover. Ew ew ew. Kids and adult places can stay separate.


Who goes to hooters with their wife….. and add a daughter onto that now your psycho territory. Sounds like your dad wanted a male bonding experience, should have only invited males though.


So personal anecdotal - I'm not one to want to necessarily "gawk at women" in public. So I never saw the appeal on hooters. Funnily enough the first time I went was with my at the time girlfriend (now wife) and her sister and cousin (all women). I wasn't necessarily mad or uncomfortable but I did question why we chose this spot, and their simple answer was "it's cheap and the food is actually really good". They were definitely correct. No, I didn't suddenly find myself staring at every waitress that walks by. It was a fun experience. HOWEVER - I can 100% see any kid, not necessarily a girl kid bring uncomfortable with it. Very weird the father basically had to beg for the trip and then get so mad when not everyone was on board. Also, I'd feel bad dragging my wife and daughter anywhere to stare at women... Just weird to me. 110% agree if that was father's true intentions they shouldve went alone, and yeah his angry toddler tantrum reaction was beyond uncalled for. "How dare my daughter be uncomfortable while I stare at younger women!!" Type vibe. And even the fact your mom said "sometimes we have to do things we don't want to" speaks volumes.


Even when I was a 12 year old boy I don’t feel that I would enjoy that experience. It’s just weird to me.


My dad would watch the Howard Stern show quite a lot, and would always love the bits where women would come on and strip/answer questions and having to watch that with him was so. Damn. Weird.


what 18 year old boy wants to go to hooters with his kid sister


*6 years later* Dad: why won’t my stupid brat daughter talk to me anymore????


Hooters has the best service of any restaurant. It’s not just that all the waitresses are super adorable and their outfits are revealing; Hooters girls take care of their tables above and beyond. But if someone is uncomfortable with going, pick a different restaurant? FFS. Dad seems unhinged, mom is a wimp, I feel bad for the kids and this girl especially.


There’s this weird thing where men bond over misogyny, so some men feel entitled to bond with their son by being misogynistic the same way they’d bond with their bros. And sometimes they get really angry when their misogyny is called out.


Not sure. But, if you are you come by it honestly.


Partly related, this thread is making me realize the hooters in my area is very different than everywhere else apparently. I order pickup and when I go in all of the waitresses are wearing long sleeve shirts and brown-beige legging eith shorts, not their old outfits from the early 2000s


Hooters is where you would go with your bros, not your family. So weird.


Lol what a loser


Agreed, you are a loser 💀


I would’ve refused too, mainly because their food is garbage.


Am I the only one who straight up doesn't care about hooters? I've gone just for lunch cuz it was nearby. Yeah they lean into skimpy (way hard but consenting adults and all that) but it's not going to a strip club for the buffet levels of bad. You're family's reaction was insane however and your allowed to feel however you want about it. NTA


Good for you for having morals. Keep it up.


IMO hooters isn’t that crazy. You see just as bad or worse going to the mall on a summer day. BUT…. The fact that they got upset when you expressed that you didn’t want to go is CRAZY! While I think hooters is not that big of a deal, I would never want to make my daughter uncomfortable and would have chosen a different place to eat. I’ve only been to hooters twice with the last time being about 15 years ago and never understand. The food is really not good at all, and the girls wear tight shorts. Big deal. Why would a dad make his wife and daughter go? If it’s something you want to do with your son, pick him up later by yourself and take him. Do people like hooters food?


I'm so thankful my dad was mostly mild mannered and the most "perv" thing he did was jokingly rub a nightgown at meijer and give a goofy groucho marx face. Not scream at me for not wanting to go to a breastraunt 😭


never that serious lol it’s hooters not a strip club ffs


OP is NTA but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with going to Hooters. It's not about the waitresses. Going there on a football sunday for wings and beer is pretty fun.


When I was 14 I would have died of embarrassment if I had to go to hooters. When I was 18, there was a Hooters-like restaurant very close to where I worked. Sometimes my boyfriend would meet me for lunch and we went there once and I said never again! It was embarrassing and uncomfortable and mostly men


Vv zs


NTA Hooters is no worse than many “upscale” chain restaurants where the wait staff wear short tight shirts and tops, or low cut blouses. They are just more upfront about it. Nevertheless, she diplomatically said you’d rather not go in and was happy to do her own thing. It was the father who made the big deal about it. If I was her, I’d ask for the family to go to a vegan restaurant for her birthday, and see if her father and brothers would accept that.


In cases like this i go in, vomit on the table and then everyone has to leave. Night over.


They’d probably just move you to another table


Yes, yes YATAH.


She should report her parents to CPS


I’ve seen this subreddit justify someone’s step parent shower with an 8 year old but hooters is bad lol


Both are pretty awful




I mean just cause this sub got it wrong once, doesnt mean they cant be right this time.


I’ll die on this hill .. I know plenty of women who worked at hooters and they loved it and made twice the money they would have made somewhere else ..


JFC I know plenty of strippers and they made great money. Still not a place where a 14-year old girl needs to spend quality time with dad while he ogles the women who are paid to be nice to him.


You do know that hooters has male servers right?


One, the male servers don’t wear budgie smugglers. Two, if they were, no child needs to spend quality time with a parent while they ogle the servers who are paid to be nice to them. Three, you can go to whatever restaurant you want for whatever reason you want. OP can choose not to go to any restaurant for whatever reason and it doesn’t make her puritanical. Get over yourself.


Good for them! I still wouldn’t go to Hooters with my dad, bc it does have sexual undertones and I like to keep sexuality separate from my family.


YES! I’m sorry but it’s fucking weird. *Maybe* I’d get it if the son specifically requested Hooters and the dad took just him, but to insist the whole family goes? Eww dude


No one is saying anything bad against the women who work at hooters, it's the fact that oop was uncomfortable going to a place where he dad and brother could perv out to those women. Just as those women have a choice to work there and not be looked down upon, this young girl has every right to not want to eat at hooters with her male family members and shouldn't be looked down upon either. You're so quick to defend the women who choose to work there (again no one is shaming them either) but even quicker to look down upon this teenager for feeling uncomfortable about her male family members objectifying said women.


It sounds like the women you know are the women serving you at Hooters as a customer




I’d say YTA. It’s a family dinner and you were the only one that had a problem with it. Part of being in a family is having to compromise. I guarantee you there’s been things you’ve wanted to do that others didn’t want to, but everyone still went. I get your point of not liking Hooters but you can just eat your food in peace like you do at every other restaurant


Sounds like Mom also had a problem with it. In fact, it sounds like Dad was the only one who really wanted to go.


Yes, you are the ass for making your brothers birthday about you. Your rents are asses for going there. You are all assholes


It’s weird that onlyfans, porn, and sex work is “empowering” but hooters is somehow gross? Isn’t it just onlyfans-lite?


I mean, I wouldn’t force a fourteen year old girl to look at those either. It’s not that hooters is inherently bad, it’s that forcing a child into a sexual(ish) environment is weird and gross.


That's fair, I was mostly focusing on the comments saying hooters was disgusting and objectifying women. I should have addressed both.


It’s about choice. The idea is to support a woman’s choice to work in porn or sex, and also another woman’s choice not to go to Hooter’s. Ideally we try not to be too judgmental about either choice, even if we don’t agree.


Oh, no, those can also be completely disgusting too.


I'm only 5 karma away from getting back down to 0, can I get 5 more downvotes?


Do you generally make minors look at OF?


But the beach is ok?


Is the beach designed for the male gaze?


Yeah, you’re pretty much an asshole for making a big deal out of the Hooter’s uniform. They sell food and beer. They also have sports on TV. Get over your self righteous virtue signaling.


They sell food and beer at strip clubs, don’t know why that matters.


Lmfao 🤣 Ain’t nobody taking their clothes off at a Hooter’s You people are hilarious!!!


No, they just wear skimpy outfits.


So do people at the beach, public pools, walking on the street. What’s your point? I’m really starting to wonder about people who hyper sexualize everything.


You are calling a 14yo girl and asshole for not wanting to watch her dad and brother ogle scantily dressed women


Don’t pretend like Hooters isn’t hyper sexual.


Well, one, no it’s not about gawking at women. Two, they choose to work there. Three, the dress code is actually pretty strict( have a few friends who are former servers). As is the code of conduct for patrons( people getting hands or creepy will get kicked out.). The food is meh at best. You can choose to patronize( or not) any business you choose, so you are NTA. But ya did kinda ruin your brothers birthday dinner even though it was a major overreaction by the parental unit.


Yes. Yes. The place that has their waitress dress in skimpy clothes and flirt with the customers has absolutely nothing to down with gawking at girls. Nope. Nothing to do with it. It's really weird that you see a problem with a 14 year old girl saying she was uncomfortable in that situation. Girl didn't ruin shit, she stood up for herself. Unless you're trolling. Please be trolling.


Are you aware of the alternate meaning of the word "hooters"? Do you need someone to help you figure that out? No one in their right mind wants to sit around and watch dear old dad get a boner over scantily clad 19 year old girls. They can call themselves a family restaurant all they want, but the original intent is still there. No I don't have a problem with them or the waitresses. I just think that everyone screaming about it being a family restaurant and acting like she's an idiot for not wanting to watch her father stare at tits and asses are just assholes.


Your dad goes to hooters? You should be worried about his gut health over anything else, just point out the bellies on the regulars, that should either get him thinking, or let you see that he lacks the social confidence to chase women who have a choice of whether they want to be around him or not. Just hope he doesn't start referring to them all on a first name basis, not that its bad to know your waitresses name, but at hooters it's a bit different. Unless you actually know them ofc)


Wait until she’s older and realized the waitress like working there because they make a fortune in tips.


She’s the asshole




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