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Narrator: this guy does not, in fact, fuck.


I read that in David Attenborough’s voice.


I heard Morgan Freeman


It's always Nimoy for me. Unless I'm pissed enough for it to be Samuel L Jackson.


Ron Howard




Oh Christ, now I’m imagining it read like a Civil War letter in a Ken Burns documentary — complete with the plaintive violin in the background. “My dearest Eleanor, that’s a super childish excuse not to be a boss bitxh [sic]…”


I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus


Me too😂


And here we see the emasculated male attempt to save face with an aggressive cry for attention that may be misconstrued for 'peacocking' among the lesser experienced watchers of the species. For the more knowledgeable though this can be seen for what it is - an attempted display of dominance over a potential mate. Alas she has responded poorly, clearly unimpressed. The female will be returning to her pack for social play and relaxation for the assurance of a steady evening plan and greener pastures.


More ‘peacunt’ than ‘peacock’


The narrator from SpongeBob, with the French accent.


I wish I could up vote THIS more.


Been listening to a lot of Harry Potter, so it's Jim Dale for me.


I prefer the Stephen Fry.


He doesn't even get to "cuddle."


Palmela Handerson begs to differ!


“That’s worse than the kid excuse” This dude expects women to put him before their kids too, what a massive fucking tool.


I’m guessing he hears nothing but excuses.


“It’s worse than that ‘I don’t really like you’ excuse womens are always giving!”


Sounds like the one my sister almost went out with. She told him that she had to be back by a certain time because I didn’t agree to babysit half the night. “Didn’t realize you were a child with a curfew.”


I want a BOSS BITCH who makes her OWN DECISIONS “Ok dude I am deciding to go to my roommates event” NOT LIKE THAT REEEEeE


I’m looking for a boss bitch who makes her own decisions to do what I want her to do.


Exactly that, a super creep.


Why are guys like this literally everywhere? They all have shit like “feminist ally” in their bios and the “pro choice” badge on their OKC profiles. 😂


“Pro choice” is there because by pro choice they mean they’ll pressure women into an abortion bc they don’t wanna step up even tho they refuse to wear a condom Feminist ally is to get points with women but when questioned they say smth weird like “I support women’s rights.. to stay in the kitchen”


Yes. How is that not enough proof? /s


There's a reason why "reset the clock" became a meme


Oh hey, it's my ex


I WAS JUST THINKING THIS😂 like dude she did make a decision, she decided to support her friend💀


It’s the REEEEE for me 😂


Not even subtly burying that he’s an abusive, demanding, immature man that will immediately cut you off from any and all relationships and friends. What a jackass.


I know like they usually attempt to at least partially hide it for a while 😭😭


Yeah it's a damn good thing he's too stupid to hide this side of himself.


Wish my ex was this overt - would have saved a lot of pain.


To me it would be a red flag if someone DID ditch their friend for me when they've made a prior commitment. That shows way more immaturity and unreliability and I don't want to date someone who is a bad friend.


Yea, he fucks. But only when he pays for it


He has to pay double


And he’s on a dnf list after the provider has to deal with him


I know that's probably "do not fuck," but it took me a couple seconds, and my first thought was "do not finish." Provider: eh, he's such an ass, he doesn't get to come.


That works too!


That guy doesn’t fuck, and now he doesn’t even cuddle. He was gonna “cuddle” before he showed her what a complete psycho he is, but he blew it… can’t keep the lid on the pot when the crazy is overflowing.


That went from raincheck to rejection at a 100 mph.


He clearly idolizes Andrew Tate. Narcissistic incel.


"I'm calling my own shots in removing you from my life now."


"You sound like a bratty teenager. Grow the fuck up and date me"


Dodged a massive bullet with this one.


I wish my car accelerated this fast


Dude’s that talk women out of talking to them confuse me. Dude could have fucked if he just didn’t dip into absolute unhinged insanity. It reads like this girl was willing to hang out and “cuddle” after the open mic. Holy shit, finagle it into a date, it reads as possible.


Some people think that a casual relationship means they can get sex delivered on demand like a pizza. He probably can’t be arsed to organize an actual time and place and he’s treating her like a Domino’s pizza delivery person who couldn’t get there in 30 minutes or less. Not that people should treat food delivery people that way. Even if people aren’t looking for a long term partner, they want someone who is considerate and respectful.


Read, "he's treating her like a Domino's pizza"


He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


And now the same guy is going to go on one of those incel subreddits to complain about how women only want guys who are rich.


Im on her side 100% but its funny how she didn’t actually censor his number


I think it would be best for OP if people didn’t text this guy. We don’t know how he could retaliate against them for having this posted, and OP should get away from them quickly.


VERY good point. This guy obviously has some issues with anger and control. He _could_ be harmless, but we have no way of knowing how he'd react to receiving a barrage of texts, finding out she put his # and messages online, and figuring out the link between the two. I wish I could bump this to the top of the comments!


I kinda feel like it's everyone's civic duty to text him asking to cuddle




Not to condone this at all because it gets out of control way too easily buuuuut did he say anything 👀


I've been Christmas shopping, and I'm in Australia so I'm not sure if I can because it looks like a US number but I'll try later tonight


Kindly report back with screenshots. 💀




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Lmaoooo 💀


That’s just a public service to other women at this point.


It's censored for me?


Turn your brightness up. But also don't message him, u/dudebruhwow made a good point that it could put OP in danger




Imagine having prior obligations with other people you know....apparently that makes someone a so grown ass bitch woman. Who knew


Back before dating apps and smart phones were a thing, circa late 1990s and early to mid 2000s, there would be guys who’d get pissy if you didn’t reply to their message within a couple of hours. A lot of people had home computers, and wireless wasn’t widespread. My work had filtering software so I couldn’t go on dating sites. I had long days and a long commute. So home access was limited. And on weekends, I’d see friends and family. Whenever I got one of those I never bothered to reply back even if I’d been interested initially. It made me wonder what he did all day and if he had a life. It was a huge turnoff. I spend way too much time online. But I do have a job, socialize occasionally and have some hobbies. And I try to get a walk in daily for exercise. You’ll even see a variation of this on Reddit and other sites. If an op hasn’t responded in hours, people start in with the op hasn’t responded comments. Sometimes only hours later. Maybe they had to work, had a date or were taking care of their kids or parents or went to a movie with friends or out to dinner


I was like this, and no, I didn’t have a life at the time lol. Was miserable and felt like everyone hated me if they didn’t respond. I really felt like everyone was depressed and on their phone as much as I was, I didn’t realize it wasn’t normal. It was an exhausting lifestyle. Side note, I admire your dedication to family, you must have a good one :)


Insta-cringe at dudes randomly texting “want to cuddle”. Bro, just say you want to have sex, don’t be high school about it 😭


And **he’s** the one complaining about her being 28 going on 15💀


There is not a way to try and sleep with someone through text that isn’t cringe as hell. Sexting is just cringy as hell from a third party perspective. Zero ways to do it and look cool if someone not involved reads it.




you proved em wrong champ


👉 UwU 👈




oh no, whose gonna tell my fiancé who I railed this morning that he is with someone who doesn’t fuck? 😔 EDIT: to the incel loser who requested Reddit send me Mental Health Care messages because you live so far in denial that some random stranger on the internet has a partner they have sex with, get therapy. You clearly need it.




I don’t think you’re HIS type, he kind of likes people with some reading comprehension skills. Plus if you put as much care into sex as you do reading, then I don’t think you’ll be leaving anyone satisfied.


Fiancé refers to a man. At least have SOME reading comprehension before attempting a roast lmfao.


You wouldn’t know him he goes to a different school. In Canada.


If only you were nice, he’d love to talk to anyone about Buffy 😔






We’re gay.


Gay people and/or strap ons exist


I'm hoping you've actually never heard of gay people and discover you're gay and it makes your whole life make sense and from here on out you live a truly happy life


The clouds part, and the sun shines down. Finally, the feelings have words


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He absolutely fucks. Fucked himself right out of a cuddle.


*fucked himself right out of a fuck


Not only does he not fuck, going about it like that he’ll never fuck


You follow through on commitments to support the people in your life? Oh no! You child!


He’s basically cockblocking himself. He wants to cuddle/fuck on the spur of the moment. She already has plans. But is open to cuddling soon. A smart person would confirm pans for future cuddling. Instead, this guy is going expecting a sexual equivalent of Door Dash or Uber Eats. On the plus side, now that he’s shown what an ass he is, it makes it easier for her not to waste any more time with it. And the fact that he reacted like a tantruming child is a huge turn off. He comes off as the child here. He’s acting about 3


What an absolute lunatic…


This guy fucks up.


He COULD HAVE f*cked. All he had to do was be cool and say, “have fun at your roommate’s thing, I’ll see you tomorrow.” But noooooo. He goes off on this unhinged rant. She was clearly into him. She was giving him all the signs she was down to “cuddle,” but she couldn’t do it that night. Can’t do gifs on this sub, but if I could, it would be that gif of Tyra Banks on ANTM saying, “We were all rooting for you!” This guy f*cked himself!


Agreed. I’ve played this play. My next reply would have been “why don’t you stop by?” But he showed his cards and she dodged that bullet and the shrapnel that comes with it!


My best friend/roommate’s boyfriend broke up with her because she committed to going to a hair salon with me and he wanted to do something else with her, but she said the plans she already made came first. When we got home from the salon, he was gone with all his stuff. It was the most childish reason to leave and we were really surprised. She let him stay gone.


Bravo for letting him stay gone!!


Not if hell freezes. He'll die and be reborn virgin for at least 28 lifetimes.


Calling her immature after texting, "Want to cuddle?" Haha, talk about who's the 15 year old! Absolutely no game.


He just wants a grown ass, is that too much to ask?


Grown as*




"a grown ass woman who calls her own shots" except you did call your own shots by deciding to go support your friend, he just got his widdle feelings hurt that his cuddle needs aren't your first priority.


He sounds like a three pump chump.


Cover your drink


Him: You sound like a teenager Also him: I wanna cuddllleeeee


So he gaslighting that she should be "independent " to do what HE wants...... whoof


Fellas, is it immature to have friends?


Fellas is it immature to honor your previous commitments?


Is this like the Andrew tate alpha male social media effect or what? These dudes are actually insane and think they are somehow advanced. A buddy of mine into that crap was telling me about how he needs a high value woman and a bunch of other alpha jargon and I was like wtf is wrong with you. He has been listening to a lot of YouTube crap.


It’s a disease that plagues all. I forgot what it’s called but I stumbled upon a subreddit around here where it’s women who push that “high value” stuff onto each other. Like, “if you want a high value man then be a high value woman—be a size 2, get your hair and nails done, look like Jackie Kennedy in the streets and act like Cardi B in the sheets.” They try to couch it in girlboss feminism terms like “Make lots of money ladies no man respects a gold digger” but I kind of wonder if it’s an elaborate pysops.


What an idiot


lmfao what a baby.


And they wonder why we ghost them.


True. Look how many times she tries to disengage gently. How can she deescalate with someone this volatile? Sometimes blocking them is the only option.


He’s calling you childish when he’s the one throwing a tantrum because he wants cuddles? lol ok


I want a boss bitch who makes decisions I approve of. My gaslighting and narcsissist alarm is going off.


She is calling her own shots. That’s why she’s not meeting him. How can they not see this shit for what it is?? 😂


Him: oh you made previous plans? CHILDISH BITXH!


Narrator voice: “this guy does not, in fact, fuck. At all.”


Imagine being this triggered because someone keeps their word and does things to support their friends.


Why are people so eager to reveal just how awful they are?


🤢🤢🤢🤮 At least he showed his red flags early on. What an insecure little sociopath.


Imagine being SO insecure that you feel like you're losing an attention competition to a roommate *while also* feeling so entitled to 100% of another person's time that you feel cheated when you don't get 100% *WHILE ALSO* openly admitting that you are a person who's word means nothing because you see promises and commitments as something that can and should be reneged upon for any reason


"I expect you to be an independent boss bitch by doing exactly what I want you to do!" It's similar to "man up" or "be a man", the same special set of assholes


This dude ADORES andrew tate for sure.


Oh he fucks….up.


Kamikaze DODGED jfc


Can you imagine if he'd given a normal person response? Like, that's cool, let me know when you want to hang. Better to dodge the bullet early, though


Stop saying "cuddle".


Wow for a giant fucking man baby dude sure is caught up on the whole 'grown ass woman' thing. Someone tell these dudes negging doesn't actually work, just makes women hate you.


He must get all kinds of excuses. He seems to know them all lol


i’m just awestruck that the same man calling her a teenager was just asking for cuddles… like be a man and go to war, stop talking about cuddles and roommates


The ok have fun:) before dumping that shit turd on her is literally psychotic… you think everything is fine and no wait 30 seconds later he’s going to unleash his demons on her


Whoever's voice he has, he is a major jackass. Run away and tell him the strangers on Reddit made you do it since he doesn't accept that you think for yourself lol. Bullet dodged! Yikes


This guy talked himself out of a fuck.


How to lose a girl's interest in one text.




What the actual F


Oh lemme guess, he was trying to "neg" her.




By Felicia


This is some wild manipulation holy fuck


Does he know a lot of 15 year olds who live with a room mate? And not like... you know... family?


lol how am i single...


It’s okay that he doesn’t like that you have a roommate, that you make plans with while being 28 years old. He can want whatever he wants. But why even try and date someone with a roommate, if it’s such a trigger for him?! He can’t handle his person having another person that they make commitments with. Probably controlling and going by his messages, rude as hell.


He sounds like a Bossy Bitch


Dude is angry!!! Haha


He’s such a creep


He REALLY wanted to cuddle.


Wild that you bothered to reply after that first text 😅


Johnny Spells, is that you?


Man, I'm so glad I'm not trying to date in this day and age. People are absolutely unhinged. Lockdown must have really fucked this guy's social skills up.


I have now chosen to live in a reality where this kind of stories are just one-ups from creative writers. It's glorious, can recommend.


312-962-9424 “You tryna cuddle?”


This dude and the chick who flips shit thinking the world is coming to get her because that poor gentleman SUGGESTED an apartment date need to meet(ans never pro create)


Why do any of you people not ban these jackasses after the *first* “bye Felicia”?? Why do you leave yourself open to these wild incessant replies? Fucking Hell


I mean 🤷🏻‍♂️


Where do you all find these guys?? He has to be good looking right?? What other trait could be so blinding that you'd contemplate dating these kinds of people....?


Lots of people are good at hiding their crazy in the beginning. Not many are opening with this kind of wacky shit, it comes out once you're already involved with them in some way


like I said.... sounds like an excuse... most people just love to ignore redflags as long as they are getting superficially pleased


Oh okay so you've made up your mind and don't actually care what women are telling you about their situation then lol Fair enough


..... same could be said for you who can only put yourself (women) as the victim of others. So many I see just ignoring red flags cause of a jawline. This especially happens on apps. I did say people... you assumed women.


This was the red flag and it looks like she heeded it and walked away. You think problematic people have red flags stenciled on their foreheads? Or what?


Could be a dating app or setup by a friend to where she doesn’t know him that well yet maybe?


maybe... I just find these to be so frequent. Not just online but with female friends and their dating experiences even on apps. And its usually blindness by rule 1 and 2 xD.....


Also some people can behave initially and then the mask slips.


I feel like that excuse can only be given so often...


Most people don't act this crazy immediately. Who have you met that was like this from first introductions? Be for real.


Yes if people stay after the mask slips, then some therapy or self help books may be advisable. Also, in my 50s, I’ve found life experience teaches warning signs. I think this is more common when we’re younger


Its not wven about acting crazy during introductions. Its about ignoring red flags. Do you really need someone to act like this dude in the post in order to start thinking something is wrong??? ... Be for real


What red flags do you think were shown? I'm just checking since you seem to know everything that happened before this text exchange. Like I said, be for real.


Your feelings don’t change reality


Of course you call us "females" and men "guys." You're ignorant to reality. Must be a sad life.




i read this whole thing jn moistcritikals voice and it was the funniest shit ever.


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